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Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 07:12 PM

The Howse of Hoff! Jubilant Pokemans?
(Click here to go to our main thread!)

Hello and welcome to Howse of Hoff!

Howse of Hoff is a chat thread set up in the Menewsha Nation, where a group of friends goes to chat.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us. ^^
However, if you don't like Pokemon, you may not enjoy talking to us.... For some reason, almost every conversation we have ends up going to pokemon.

I'm afraid that we don't have any contests for this event, but we're setting up here to be in the middle of the action. To make it easier for our regulars to talk while still being part of the event, and maybe to get some new chatters.

All are welcome! Come on in!

HIM_ROCK 05-17-2008 07:20 PM

*charges in with a sign saying I ATE HOFF on it * Dramatic entrace over. Hello!

Poi 05-17-2008 07:23 PM

Is it bad that I saw the word "Pokemans" and came running? XD

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 07:24 PM

HIM - Hay! *waves*

Poi - Nah. XD We can be nerds together! :D
This thread has made me get more into pokemans. XD It's a fun game....

Poi 05-17-2008 07:27 PM

Woop! Yay for Pokemon nerdism then. <3
And yes, it really is a fun game. Full of awesome memories for me. XD

Many Masks 05-17-2008 07:28 PM

=O Pokeymans fans, on this Menesha? It's more likely the you think!

Wonderful to see some pokefans. :3

Cain 05-17-2008 07:30 PM

Is that a disembodied head in your banner? *looks concerned and considers leaving*

What is a "pokeman"? Sounds like a type of fish.

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 07:31 PM

Poi - Yeah. I recently dug out Crystal and have been playing it. Quite fun. :D

Masks - Yep, there's quite a few. ^^ I think there may be some hangouts more dedicated to it.
Howse of Hoff isn't a pokemans thread. We just end up talking about pokemans a lot. XD

EDIT: Cain - Oh, don't worry, they're masks. :D For decoration.
And yeah, some pokemans are fish!

Oh, and I'm loving your eyes. Very Bowie.

kickass, there's an npc in my thread.

Many Masks 05-17-2008 07:32 PM

Oooh, I'll have to hunt them down, maybe indulge in some wifi battles >3

Poi 05-17-2008 07:33 PM

Disembodied heads?! Where! It wasn't me this time, I swear. D:

EDIT: I love Crystal version. Unfortunately I let one of my friends borrow it and they lost it. >.<

HIM_ROCK 05-17-2008 07:33 PM

*points at Cain and screams* IT'S YOU!! I've lost my pokeman games :(

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 07:34 PM

Masks - I think some of our regs have DS and stuff. Maybe if they pop up you can get their codes or whatever. :D *doesn't have a DS*

Poi - The bannarz.

HIM - Noooooooo! DX
I bet you could find some used really cheap, though.

Cain 05-17-2008 07:34 PM

Bowie? *just assumes it's a compliment* Err, thanks.

So some are fish.. probably like the Bunnyfish I saw the other day.

Oh hey there, HIM.

a_shy_girl_1999 05-17-2008 07:35 PM

Um hello!!! Erika is here! Yay!! I missed out on the first item .. *sighs* ...

How is everyone doing?


Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK (Post 3152127)
*points at Cain and screams* IT'S YOU!! I've lost my pokeman games :(

You lost your games!! Thats no good! I lost my leafgreen version and it had a lot of my pikachus on it .. .I was sad .. I found out later that it was actually stolen and it made me sadder ....

I have D/P now too ^_^ Those are so much fun.

Poi 05-17-2008 07:37 PM

Cherry - Haha, I know. ;3 Just messin. xD

Cain - I guess you could sorta say they're like the Bunnyfish you saw.. except not exactly. Just depends. There's a lot of different kinds of Pokemon. <3

HIM_ROCK 05-17-2008 07:38 PM

Hello Cain *waves* you saw bunnyfish O.O I wanna see them! I've only seen breadfish!

Trinitydoll 05-17-2008 07:38 PM

did someone said pokemons? O_O

Many Masks 05-17-2008 07:40 PM

Some people said pokeymans o_o

Trinitydoll 05-17-2008 07:41 PM

O.o *loves pokemans*

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 07:41 PM

Cain - Yep! Big compliment. :D
He's an entertainer from another continent. He's not from Menewsha. But his eyes are different colors like yours.
Yeah, they are a bit like bunnyfish. They look strange like that.
So you seem a little unfamiliar with the area. Have you just moved to Menewsha?

shy girl - You didn't miss the first item. You can still get it. You can for the rest of the event.

Poi - Or maybe you DID have something to do with it! :O Maybe there's a REAL disembodied head! MURDER! MURDER!

Trinity - Yep! We liek pokeman.

HIM_ROCK 05-17-2008 07:41 PM

My Pokeman games are in their bag somewhere safe so safe even I don't remeber where they are.

TrueLight 05-17-2008 07:42 PM

*runs in looking for one more orchid*

Cherry I was wondering if you were gonna make a thread here.

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 07:42 PM

HIM - Ohhh.
Do you have an attic for storage? Or any other room meant for storage? They could be there.
Closet? Under your bed?

Roocee - Yep, I did. :D
I would have yesterday, but I was pretty busy, and Mene was laggy.

Poi 05-17-2008 07:43 PM

Cherry - SHHH. I'm not a murderer!! D: He was asking for it. >>; I mean- what? o.o *innocent look* <3

Trinity - Pokemanz are le awesomeness. ;3

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 07:44 PM

Poi - Well, I hope it was at least someone annoying. :P

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