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Tree Hugger 04-16-2008 09:38 PM

Embracing Nature

..................................Welcome to Menewsha's first Earth Day Event!

I hope everyone finds plenty to participate in. We tried to include something for everyone. For those into fashion, check out Going Natural, an avatar contest hosted by Melody Xyelle and ToriKat. For the photographers among us, try Picture It, Amari Tsuki and Intoxicating Envy's photography contest. If you're artistic, both Vadeil's Art Contest and x-cutie-x-pie-x's Pixel Contest could be up your alley. For those more inclined to writing, Ode to Nature, ToriKat's drabble contest, may be the perfect fit. Also, don't forget to add to Anthony Darkyn's quilt at Patches of Earth and post your tree hugging pictures right here. Whatever you participate in, you'll find yourself with tickets for my Tree Hugging Lottery, so even if you're not an artist, a writer, a photographer, or a designer, try a bit of everything.

Have fun!

Tree Hugger 04-16-2008 09:40 PM


.................................................. ...........................Earth Day History Earth Day was first recognized in 1970. It was created to put environmental issues on the national agenda. Earth Day is celebrated Worldwide, but on different dates for the northern hemisphere than for the southern hemisphere. In both locations, it's celebrated in Spring. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is most commonly celebrated April 22. Since it's creation, Earth Day has held a huge part in increasing environmental awareness, encouraging recycling, and pushing clean energy. Now, over 30 years after it's inception, over half a billion people in over 170 countries participate in Earth Day campaigns.

Tree Hugger 04-16-2008 09:40 PM


.................................................. ..........................................Factoids

In looking for facts about the Earth, I found many interesting tidbits about our daily affect. Below, I've listed some of the more interesting ones. For a full list of facts, follow the links at the bottom of this post. Each person throws away approximately four pounds of garbage every day. We each use about 12,000 gallons of water every year. About 1/3 of this is used to flush the toilet. The energy we save when we recycle one glass bottle is enough to light a traditional light bulb for four hours The amount of wood and paper we throw away is enough to heat 50 million homes for 20 years Earth is 2/3 water. but all the fresh water streams only represent one hundredth of one percent. 14 billion pounds of trash is dumped into the ocean every year It takes 90% less energy to recycle aluminum cans than to make new ones 84 percent of all household waste can be recycled. Every ton of recycled office paper saves 380 gallons of oil. Homeowners use up to 10 times more toxic chemicals per acre than farmers. By turning down your central heating thermostat one degree, fuel consumption is cut by as much as 10%. Every day 50 to 100 species of plants and animals become extinct as their habitat and human influences destroy them. Every year approximately four billion tons of carbon accumulates in the air each year, about 30% of this comes directly from the continued burning of the rainforests. Ceiling fans consume as little energy as a 60-watt bulb- which is about 98% less energy than most central air conditioners use. And ceiling fans can save energy in the winter as well as the summer. The secret: running their motors in reverse (there should be a switch on your fan). This pushes warm air caught near the ceiling down to where you can feel it.

Click on the images below and find out more information!

Tree Hugger 04-16-2008 09:42 PM


.................................................. ..............................Embrace Nature I want everyone to show me their love for nature. Take a picture of yourself hugging a tree or get someone to take a picture for you. Be creative! Group shots. Climb the tree first. In front of tree, behind tree, beside tree. However you want to show your love! But please, keep your love PG13. You also receive lottery tickets for posting pictures. You can post as many pictures as you want, but please make them all a little unique (not seven shots of you in the same pose). I'll be showing people's pictures in the next two posts. I probably won't copy all of them. If you only post one picture, it'll definitely make it into the posts. If you post ten, though, I'll just pick the top one or two.

I look forward to seeing your pictures!

Tree Hugger 04-16-2008 09:44 PM


.................................................. ........................................Pictures
Melody IS a crazy tree hugging Californian...that doesn't live in California.
and even little trees need love. O: Cami in a tree! cami is still in a tree! Shosho! Iiroko! Kale Dragonheart!
Knerd and her father considering hugging an adorable bush
MacSen191 showing the love

Tree Hugger 04-16-2008 09:46 PM


.................................................. .................................More Pictures

Tree Hugger 04-16-2008 09:46 PM


.................................................. ..................................Conclusion Have fun in all of the events, and remember: The earth is our friend. Have you hugged a tree today?


Tree Hugger 04-16-2008 09:47 PM

Another reserve just in case

sad_girlformat 04-19-2008 05:08 PM

Happy Earth Day!! XD

I should get my photo submitted~ ^-^

Guitar Hero 04-19-2008 05:18 PM

I hugged a tree today! Well... it was kinda by force, but that's another story for another time. ^^

nescia 04-19-2008 05:19 PM

I'll have to think about forcing my sister to take a picture of me hugging a tree later.

Melody 04-19-2008 05:20 PM

I'm still considering forcing scott to go outside wiht me and take a picture of me hugging a tree...but he doesn't want to be outside XD

sad_girlformat 04-19-2008 05:21 PM

First though. I must find a tree... :S

I have bananas trees around...
I wonder how I'm going to hug that... XDD;

nescia 04-19-2008 05:25 PM

My sister will definitely think that I'm nuts if I do this...
Oh, well.
I want lotto ticket! xD

Hugging a banana tree sounds cool.
We don't have those here.

sad_girlformat 04-19-2008 05:28 PM

Am I allow to post in here :S
I felt that there are mostly people with colored usernames in here.... DX

Yeah... I should get one with bananas too~ :lol:
that'll be hilarious~

and I'll have to put on my earth day T-shirt!!
I actually own one~

Melody 04-19-2008 05:28 PM

The tree I want to hug is currently buzzing with bees because it is in bloom. >.> maybe I will just hug the pretty non-buzzing plum tree? XD

sad_girlformat 04-19-2008 05:31 PM

I should find a normal tree to hug... :S
the banana trees.... stinks a bit.

nescia 04-19-2008 05:33 PM

I wish that I had an Earth Day shirt.
I don't know which tree to hug...

Guitar Hero 04-19-2008 05:33 PM

Normal tree? There are a lot to choose from! Oak trees, pine trees, elm trees...

sad_girlformat 04-19-2008 05:36 PM

GH... I live in china... XD;
In the industrial area too.

not much trees around.

`L 04-19-2008 05:36 PM

-huggles tree- Happy Eath Day~

Guitar Hero 04-19-2008 05:39 PM

Ohhh! That's flippin' sweet! China... lucky.

Melody 04-19-2008 05:41 PM

sad- my first thought was find a light post and say that it's the thought that counts XD but then people might thing you were crazy for hugging a light post >.>

sad_girlformat 04-19-2008 05:43 PM

:lol: I know!
and the nice looking trees I saw... well... it's near the light posts in the middle of the road.
I'll try to get one taken somehow.... > >;

Cami 04-19-2008 06:09 PM

XD You could draw a picture of a tree and hug it.

I want to actually climb a tree, but then I definitely need someone else to take the picture for me, meaning I need to find someone to accompany me on my trip through insanity.

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