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suppi 01-20-2008 08:22 PM

{ CHEESECAKE } -- event hangout && art freebs.

Hii everyone~ suppi is here. :] Happy Menewshaversary! x3 Um.. I felt left out that everyone had an event thread... sooo, I made my own. 8D I'll use this time to meet new people, practice my drawing skills, and yeah. xD

I'll be giving out art freebies to random people who stay and chat.. yeah. I get lonely, so you need to chat with me. xDD Tips are appreciated, but not necessary. :3

The title is really random.. well, not really. >> Events are all about cake, and my favorite type of cake is CHEESECAKE ftw! xD

Current status;

Going to/at school. d:

Art Samples;

[x] [x]

Art Pickup;

suppi 01-20-2008 08:24 PM


suppi 01-20-2008 08:36 PM

open! :]

hope 01-20-2008 08:37 PM

omg carmel cheesecake = <3333333

Dystopia 01-20-2008 08:38 PM

Hey Suppi. =D

xD Lol. I like Cheesecake. I say "For Cheesecake's Sake!" or "I Swear In The Name of Cheesecake!" a lot.

suppi 01-20-2008 08:39 PM

Yaay~ cheesecake lovers! 8D The cake looked a lot like cheesecake too. o:

dystpia; Haah~ that's funny. xDD

hope; Yuuummm~! <33

Dystopia 01-20-2008 08:39 PM

@ Suppi - xD I was trying to stop myself from using God's name in vain and all.

sayuri_nitta 01-20-2008 08:39 PM

Hiya Suppi *waves*

suppi 01-20-2008 08:41 PM

dystopia; Good job doing so. xD
Anyway, how are you? :3

sayuri; -waves back-
Hii sayuri. x33 How are you?

Facade 01-20-2008 08:42 PM

I love the title. ;D
I'll definitely hang out around here and chat, since I never seem to have a place to just... talk. x3

Dystopia 01-20-2008 08:42 PM

@ Suppi - pretty good, thanks. You?

sayuri_nitta 01-20-2008 08:44 PM

A little down, but it's not something I want to talk about ^_^;

suppi 01-20-2008 08:44 PM

facade; Yeah, same here. xD Which is also another reason I made my own. x3
So how are you? :]

dystopia; Same-ish. xD I've been wondering~ are you still anna? o:

sayuri; I see. Well, I hope you feel better. :] <33

Facade 01-20-2008 08:44 PM

-cattleprods Anna with his piece of magicallly appearing cheesecake-
. . . o 3o;

hope 01-20-2008 08:44 PM

damn @ suppi's booming thread. D:
i wish my threads got this much attention. xD
oh well~

yay for cheesecake. D:
omg i want a mocha frappuchino though.

Dystopia 01-20-2008 08:45 PM

@ Dystopia - Yeah, I'm still Anna. o.o Why do you ask?

Facade 01-20-2008 08:47 PM

@Suppi: I'm grrreat. ;D
And I'd probably ask the same of you, if only it weren't redundant. xP
@Hope: O: I'd looove this one latte I got like, two weeks ago. ;-;
It was good, whatever it was. Vanilla bean-ish, but with some other delicious flavor(s).

suppi 01-20-2008 08:47 PM

hope; Aww, well.. it's probably because I'm just giving out freebies and chatting..
People do like getting freebies more than buying or bidding on art.. o: But I'm sure lots of people will come to your thread soon. x33

So much sweet stuff. D: I haven't been able to eat them because I'm worried about my braces. ><;

dystopia; Lol, I was just kind of confused.. is it okay if I call you anna? Dystopia is too long for me to type. xDD

facade; That's good. x3 can ask me "what's up?" or something. xD It's different from "how are you"... o: xDD

sayuri_nitta 01-20-2008 08:48 PM

Thanks Suppi

Dystopia 01-20-2008 08:48 PM

@ Suppi - Yes, you can call me Anna.

suppi 01-20-2008 08:50 PM

sayuri; Yup. n-n
I was feeling kind of depressed a few days ago too.. but I got over the problem. ><

anna; Okay, thankss. :]

Facade 01-20-2008 08:51 PM

-munches on air-
I'm starving. ;-;

And I wouldn't be worried about your braces and sweet stuff if I were you. o 3o; I've got braces [in fact, I'm scheduled to get them off next month! x3], and they've never stopped me from devouring anything. x_x

Dystopia 01-20-2008 08:54 PM

@ Facade - >.> I never knew you leaned that way.

suppi 01-20-2008 08:54 PM

xDDD. Nothing much, just watching a video on Youtube. :]]
I just got them a week ago, so I couldn't really eat much.. and I can't stand not eating sweets for more than a week. D;
So lucky.. I don't want braces, but I really need them. ;[[

Facade 01-20-2008 08:59 PM

Ohhh, I see. o___o;
Just got 'em on, eh? Good luck! xD
It only truly hurts for the first month, possibly a little less... I've had mine since June of '05, and no, I don't feel like correctly measuring how long that's been. Figure it out for yourself. D':

@Anna: Which way did you never think I leaned...? o 3o;
-so confused-

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