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Velvet 09-11-2017 03:15 PM

Weight loss experiences?
Hey everyone.

So weight problems can be a touchy subject for many people and it isn't something I enjoy talking about either. But I am at the point in my life where I need to make a change and start losing weight again. Before I got married I was in decent shape, not overweight, but also not at a workout athletic type of weight either. I was okay with that. Then I got married and they say that a married life can cause weight gain.
But I picked up my husband's bad eating habits (eating and snacking right before bed, ect). He can eat anything at anytime and not gain an ounce. I, however, did.
Then I decided to finally start trying to take care of myself better and snack less and workout minimally. I lost a bit of weight and then found out I was pregnant.

This was over 3 years ago. I actually continued to lose weight (and yet gain normal pregnancy weight) throughout my pregnancy with my son. After having him, I gave up on trying to lose weight for the longest time because I was comfortable with myself. At that point I was on the overweight side, nothing too extreme - some pudge here and there..

But then, when my son was around 16-17 months old I decided to start trying to lose weight again because we were going on vacation to the beach soon. The first month, I lost around 10lbs and I felt fantastic! I lost around 15lbs before going on vacation and it was great! [sup]

But right after the vacation ended, I discovered I was pregnant again. The pregnancy with my daughter was incredibly different than one with my son. I gained and gained and gained weight. With my son I gained 17lbs throughout the entire pregnancy, but with my daughter I gained almost 50! [wha] And that weight didn't just melt away after I had her either.

She is now 4 months old and I am more overweight than I have ever been and feel miserable about myself, but I am lacking the motivation to lose weight. [blush] I know I can lose weight, I know I can do it because I have done it before. But I think I need a better game plan.

So, here I am.

I would love to hear about anyone else's experiences. I want to know what you did, what sort of diet you went on, ect.

I think that is my biggest weakness right now.

Does anyone have a diet plan that worked for them? What sort of motivation do/did you have?

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