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Flink 03-18-2013 02:36 AM

FRINKZIRRA! Current Prize: HISSY FIT, see first post for details.
There's a ravenous Frinkzirra loose in Menewsha. Come here to hide! Hopefully she won't smoosh us all!

Posts 100, 500, and 1000 get their choice of one of Flink's extras! Details on all of her extras to come later. Once she rouses her mule to see what all she has on him. Being on her laptop where she can see the names of items would help, too. Haha.

In the meantime... what would YOU do if FRINKZIRRA came stomping through Menewsha?

Contest One: Lucky Number 5
So, it's prize time. First person to roll a 5 gets a Hissy Fit! You may roll once for every five posts you make.

Which will probably happen before Flink remembers how to use BBCode. Haha


With no *

Nephila 03-18-2013 03:16 AM

Hmm I'm not sure what I would do. Probably go crazyy and act like nothing is happening and offer home baked cookies to the thing. XD

Flink 03-18-2013 03:27 AM

Flink knows for a fact that Frinkzirra loves cookies. Especially oatmeal cookies. You would definitely survive.

Nephila 03-18-2013 03:28 AM

Sweet! You see people crazy works. *nods*

Arriana 03-18-2013 03:36 AM

Oatmeal cookies are the best!

xD I love making the standard Quaker Oats recipe.. They always disappear.

Flink 03-18-2013 03:56 AM

Arriana: Frinkzirra likes them with raisins or dried cherries. She will accept either in exchange for not smooshing your homes. :)

Flink will need to look into that recipe...

Arriana 03-18-2013 04:18 AM

What about chocolate covered raisins?? >_>
I loooove using raisinets to make oatmeal cookies.

Now I wanna make cookies.

Flink 03-18-2013 04:37 AM

Arriana: Flink has to be in the mood for chocolate covered raisins. So probably not.

Arriana 03-18-2013 04:52 AM

That's okay!
Then I can eat all the candies and use regular raisins!

I love raisinets haha

Flink 03-18-2013 04:58 AM

Flink usually doesn't care for the taste of them. No clue why. She likes chocolate and raisins, just not together.

Then again, she dislikes Oreos and white chocolate, but the white fudge Oreos during the holiday? OM NOM NOM.

ClockReject 03-18-2013 05:07 AM

-swims around-

Flink 03-18-2013 05:10 AM

CLOCKY! Flink misses you. Come help her keep from tu-- Er, fend off Frinkzirra. :3

Nephila 03-18-2013 05:12 AM

Ooo chocolate covered Raisins. I haven't had those in ages.

ClockReject 03-18-2013 05:13 AM

-hugs the Flink- Clock misses you too!

Flink 03-18-2013 05:38 AM

-allows the hug, but squirms a lot- How've you been?

Nephila: They still taste bad. XD

Cherry Who? 03-18-2013 06:32 AM

I would gather chocolate and other tasty treats as a peace offering so Frinkzirra wouldn't stomp me and may let me ride around on her shoulder.

Flink 03-18-2013 06:36 AM

Cherry: You forgot to wrap it with a pretty pink bow. -nod-

Cherry Who? 03-18-2013 06:40 AM

*wraps it with five pink bows to try to make up for this grievous oversight* [gonk]

Flink 03-18-2013 07:02 AM

Ooh, five pink bows. Much better than the usual three!

Cherry Who? 03-18-2013 07:09 AM

One of them was sparkly, too. Is that acceptable, o great frink?

Nephila 03-18-2013 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by Flink (Post 1771721287)
-allows the hug, but squirms a lot- How've you been?

Nephila: They still taste bad. XD

Rofl good to hear without actually having to taste them myself. I prefer chocolate covered almonds.

Flink 03-18-2013 07:11 AM

You have please the Frinkzirra, young grasshopper.

Flink's newly single. She needs more company...

Chocolate covered sunflower seeds are good, too.

Cherry Who? 03-18-2013 07:18 AM

I've never been much of a fan of mixing sweet and savory things. I like chocolate with peanut butter or mint. Or cookies. [lol]

[hug] Are you doing okay? From what you told me about the guy, it sounds like you made the right choice and are better off without him. Of course that doesn't mean it doesn't suck, but now you're not going to be emotionally weighed down by someone who's not great to you. You're freeeee~!

I've got to head off to bed now because it's late and I've got class early tomorrow morning. But we'll chat more tomorrow. [hug] Night!

Nephila 03-18-2013 07:20 AM

I've never tried those. Sound interesting.

Flink 03-18-2013 07:48 AM

Flink loves to try new things. Which sadly, is hampered by her being diabetic. Stupid diabeetus. :|

Night, Cherry. :) Remember, homework kills!

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