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Car'a'Carn 03-27-2017 06:14 AM

\ Car'a'Carn's Memory .Jar / Open. Come in and Discuss!

Making pretty pictures...
Initializing post protocols...
Loading humor libraries...
Removing Herobrine... [stare]


Welcome to my Memory Jar! I have really been in a writing mood lately so I thought I would give this another go! I keep promising myself I'll make one of these and stick to it but I never do... well if at first you don't succeed, try try again!! This will be my 3rd attempt at keeping a memory Jar! Feel free to come in and read and comment!

Car'a'Carn 03-27-2017 06:19 AM

Monthly Challenge for July!




Car'a'Carn 03-27-2017 03:19 PM

Reserved for Stuff

Car'a'Carn 03-27-2017 03:36 PM

March 25, 2017
Well I guess I'll start here! Today was saturday! I spent a bit of time on SWTOR (Star Wars The Old Republic) this morning and even snuck on for a bit to play with my friend when the dark side was winning. I'm still having trouble getting dark side tokens... It's weird :/ After that I spent a lot of time cleaning! My friend kept playing and I was a little jealous cause she went on a flashpoint that sounded really fun! But I almost never make time to clean and so I really wanted to get something in that regard accomplished today. Which I did! And now my floor is once again picked up and vacuumed! I spent most of the afternoon cleaning and dusting so it was rather uneventful day. Later I got back on to play more SWTOR and go to the guild meeting. It was long, boring, and afterwards we were supposed to go on a World Boss hunt. We ended up only killing one and then went on a conquest mission that took the rest of the night. I had a good time but I would have rather I went with my friend to hunt datacrons. Oh well. Next time!

Waffle Time!
I love waffles! I like making different kinds and they are the best when extra butter gets caught in the little nooks XD

March 26, 2017
Not a lot happened today. I spent most of the day on Menewsha and SWTOR. I did a lot of crafting and crew skill missions. I think by tonight, I will have reached level 600 in all my crew skills! Super exciting! I also ended up writing some letters and putting some clothes away. It's been rainy and icky lately but especially today. I've been in a bit of a funk for a couple of months now and things go up and down. Lately I've been doing a lot better but today is feeling a bit meh. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!

Today is,
Today is... I dunno. What is today? Well it's Sunday. That's for sure. And it's quiet. Today is a day for introspection and focusing on positive things.

March 27, 2017
Today I didn't get much done on the work I need to do. I did end up doing a bunch of cleaning and vacuuming though upstairs since my nephews are coming over this weekend. They are always a big handful and always want to come and see my room lol XD Tonight was also the Concord meeting for my SWTOR guild. My friend finally got to come to their first ever meeting but it didn't end up going so well after that as we ended up getting into a fight. I'm still not sure what it was about exactly but I think we made up ok [yes]

Make up a holiday
Hmm... I suppose if i were to make up a holiday, it would be LEGO day. And everyone would give each other a present of legos! Then you would spend the whole day building random lego things [yes]

Car'a'Carn 03-31-2017 09:50 PM

March 25, 2017
Today was rather uneventful. My back has been hurting for a while and It's still not quite better so it was hard to get around and do things. Tomorrow I am supposed to go and play SWTOR with my friend and we are supposed to get our HK droid companions! We've been waiting for this for so long!! I can't believe it's here! I'm gonna spend a lot of time tonight making lots of Augment kit MK-10 and assorted augments too! We are gonna be all decked out to go on The Foundry Flashpoint!

"L" is for
Love! Love is all you need after all!

March 29, 2017
I have spent more time working on crew skills today on SWTOR than I should. But I really wanted to be ready to get our HK droids on SWTOR!!. We ended up getting on early to play and we spent some time figuring out the augments but it went really smoothly! Then we went over to the fleet, grabbed the story mode and went after the Flashpoint super fast! It was no time at all before we were at the end! With all our augments, it was a cake walk to get it done! We got the part and finished the quest back on Belsavis and BAM!!! HK-51 is now our companion!!! [squee]

Something about Mene
Hmmm what to say? There's so much about mene! Did you know you can change the theme background and color for mene at the bottom with the quick bar??

March 30, 2017
Bleh... Getting ready for parties or events around here is such a big deal >.< Today kinda sucked and was really quiet and filled with a lot of stress. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

And Apple a Day
Would probably be really yummy! I wish I could get back to a place where I replaced my lunch time meal with a smoothie! That was such a health year when I last did that!

Car'a'Carn 04-01-2017 03:30 AM

March 31, 2017
[shock] I always for get how much of a handful my nephews are! They are cute and fun but as they get older, they are harder to corral and don't listen as good as they used to. "Stop! Wait! NO! I said stop! Stop!!" *kid does it anyways* [headdesk] They can all three be really sweet but as is usual of siblings I guess, they can be total jerks to each other lol. Thank goodness it's almost time for bed for them! It's been a long day >.< I'm really looking forwards to the end of tomorrow when they go home [lol] And then I get to play SWTOR with my friends and guild XD I think tomorrow will be time to get back to the story line of the game! I think it's kinda silly how my friend and I are basically at end game activites and gathering the best armor and weapons and yet we are only on Chapter 2 of the story line and there's something like 19 chapters? I can't ever remember how many chapters there are lol. Anyways! Time for bed!

Scents of Spring
Man it's been a long winter... HOLY MONKEYS! So much snow for us this year! I really can't wait till spring kicks into full throttle around here!

April 1, 2017
Today I decided to hand out all of my items to random people and leave Menewsha. It's been grand Mene! You've treated me well and I love you for it! I've made so many friends here and have been welcomed in so many different threads! It's an experience I'll never forget [yes] I even stuck with you all when you changed the emote system to [] instead of ** Do you know how hard that was to switch that in my head??? [gonk] Luckily I'm a fast learner. Anyways... I'll catch you around my fellow Menewshans! Have a great life!


April 2, 2017
Well APRIL FOOLS of course! XD I couldn't resist! lolol!!
Well yesterday was alright. The nephews really wore me down and I was feeling pretty blah all morning cause I was waiting to hear from someone and they hadn't contacted me yet. I didn't know if something was going on with them but because of how things were, I had to leave it alone for a while. After that I ended up taking the kids home and then got back with some time to get a few things done then got on to play SWTOR! It started out pretty good but ended up my friend and I got into a pretty deep discussion so we basically ran around killing things for CXP while we talked some things out. It's nice cause the whole situation brought me to new realizations about my life and where I'm at and how I view my environment and relationships but it's also sad and scary too. It's made me realize just how many of the things around me are dead. Like my environment, the things I hold onto, the reason I hold onto certain relationships. I kind of feel like I've been playing with ghosts all these years thinking they are alive and kicking and only just now I'm realizing so much of what is around me is dead [:/] My friend had used the word "purge" last night. I feel like there are a lot of things in my life right now that quite ready to be purged.

As for today, I'm battling with a corrupted Windows OS on my work pc after it got shut down improperly due to a power outage. I'm pretty ticked cause i stupidly had put of backing up some files and programs. So while I can reinstall and keep my personal files, there are some things in programs that I'm not sure will be there after a refresh so i'm struggling to get the SFC to work in the recovery console [headdesk]


Car'a'Carn 04-18-2017 05:13 PM

I gotta catch up! These will probably be short cause I can't remember everything that happened lol.

April 3, 2017 - Monday

I continuted struggling with my PC and then I think I went to a meeting on SWTOR that night. I can't remember if my SWTOR friend came with me or not. I think she did but it was a rather uneventful night.

Organization idea
Hmm... I see ideas for organizing on Imgur all the time. It's crazy how some people devote so much time to coming up with ideas of how to use junk around their house to organize things!

April 4, 2017 - Tuesday

Don't really remember what happened today. Probably more pounding my head against the wall with my PC

M is for
MURDER!!! [:o] Like Dial "M" for Murder! I love that movie XD

April 5, 2017 - Wednesday

Eh today sucked I was all set to get on with my friend and play SWTOR after work and halfway though the day her boyfriends dog died and she ended up canceling on me to go and see him. We ended up having a bit of a fight as a result but after we said some stuff it cleared some things up for me. I ended up taking a late run today, first one in a long long time, and I found out I'm pretty out of shape [shock]

My Favorite Cup
Hmm... I'd say my favorite cup is a mug. It's a huge mug like probably 20 oz, and it has Finn and Jake on it from Adventure Time!!!

April 6, 2017 - Thursday

Today was super quiet. I didn't chat with my friends like I normally do today. It was quite a day for introspection and figuring stuff out.

What's New?
Not much. Not nearly enough XD

April 7, 2017 - Friday

Today was uneventful. I finally broke down and bought a new hard drive for my PC and i'm gonna salvage the files from the old drive and do a fresh reinstall on the new drive. It's a Western Digital SSD, first one I've gotten from WD, so I'm excited to see how it workds! I've had SSDs from Kingston, PNY, and Sony so far and they all work well but I have always loved WD products XD I played SWTOR Tonight as well and managed to finally level up my Gunslinger to 70!! WHOOO!!! That makes my 3rd character at level 70! I also watched Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them!! [boogie]

A loaded topic! XD I am a member of the democratic party but I try and lean to the center so that everyone can get what they want. That should tell you just about everything you need to know about my polotics XD

April 8, 2017 - Saturday

Can't remember what happened today but I did get to play SWTOR with my friend tonight. We talked a bit before hand and that took up a bit of our time and she was really tired so we went to Oricron I think? And played for a bit and then went to bed. It was shorter than I hoped but we had some fun. It seems like our usual gaming nights are becoming less of a thing and it's more of a random, Wanna game tonight? anymore lol.

My Room
Is bigger than a tiny house and has a loft in it where I sleep so I have lots of floor space. It's usually a bit messy in my room but I do clean every so often!

April 9, 2017 - Sunday

I took my second run in a while and did it with my friend! It's always more motivating when you have someone to run with. I made pretty good time too! I forget what else I did on this day but it must have been boring lol

Are we talking about the kind we get up on?

Get off your soapbox Mr. Thatch!
Or the kind you go to derbys for?? I remember soapbox derbies as a kid. there was a big ol' hill in Albuquerque NM that was near our house and they did Soapbox races there XD

April 10, 2017 - Monday

I took another run today! I'm on a roll! It was a short run but still worth it! I had a rather uneventful day and then later played SWTOR with my friend as it was the last night before update 5.2. We played with her Gunslinger and mine and got her leveled up a bit!

No more tears
It's ok to cry for a while. But mourn the thing you are crying about and then give it up to the universe and move on! You aren't gonna get anywhere by wallowing in your depression!

April 11, 2017 - Tuesday

Today I took another run and did pretty good! I went longer this time! I also went into town today and had to go to the dentist for x-rays to check on some teeth that were hurting. BUT I"M GOOD! No Cavities!! [boogie] I was so happy! Afterwards I had some shopping to do.

N is for
NONE OF YOUR GD BUSINESS!! [illgetu] ... [lol]
N is for... I really can't think of anything good... [stare]

April 12, 2017 - Wednesday

Today was a rest day, no jogging. I had to go back into town today but I forget what for, hah! Later I played on SWTOR and got to play with my Gunslinger again and my friends Gunslinger! We ran into a Dark Side boss and ended up not realizing it till after we attacked it and we totally got squashed >.<

Beauty go to's
Like what do I do for beauty stuff? Um... I shower and stuff. And i shave with a straight razor. In my opinion it gives the smoothest shave!

April 13, 2017 - Thursday

Today it was a little windy and icky out and hailed off and on. I was outside most of the day trying to get the ditch burned. I got a bit of it done but then quit due to wind kicking up. From there I did some chainsawing and brush clearing. There are a lot of overgrown parts of our irrigation ditch that I finally tried to clean up a bit. It’s a lot better now that I pulled out a lot of the debris!

That didn’t go as planned
Does anything ever go as planned? I feel like I’ve had a lot of days lately that this could apply to. I’ll start something feeling really good and come to it with the best of intentions and then it kinda blows up by the end of the night :/

April 14, 2017 - Firday 2017
Today wasn’t the best day. I had plans to do stuff with a friend but something came up last minute for them and we ended up canceling and it brought up some bad feelings for me. Most of the day I was out burning and wasn’t really able to deal with it how I would have liked but in the end I did my best to be ok with it cause it was an unavoidable sort of thing.
I did end up getting a lot of the ditch burned today though so that was good. I was pretty focused on getting it done.
It’s funny too though cause we still ended up being able to play online after they got back from their engagement. We were supposed to have a silly celebration while we gamed but it kind turned into a meh sort of evening because they ended up being so tired. We still got to have some fun but we ended up cutting our time short.

GEMSTONES! I love gemstones! They are so pretty and fun to collect! I have a more spiritual love for gemstones cuase I think, like all things, they are made of energy, and because they are a more pure concentration of a particular element, they have a more powerful vibration that can affect things around them. But that’s just me! XD

April 15, 2017 - Saturday
Well I got the rest of the ditch burned out today with the help of my sister! Thank goodness she was there or I probably wouldn’t have been able to get it all done! After a quick supper (which is like a late lunch for me) We went and she pulled in bushes from around the property and I tended the burn pile we started. While I did that, I was trying to help a friend with some problems they were having with the person they are dating. I ended up putting myself in a position though where I got hurt by something they said and it really got to me for the rest of the day. It’s one of those things that you spend a lot of time with someone you know and you develop a rapport with them and how you treat each other. In this case my friend treated the person they are dating in a way that left me feeling like, “why haven’t I ever gotten that from you?” After that I finished up my burn pile and went and played SWTOR by myself to try and feel a bit better. I played my Trooper class and tried to level up my character as much as possible with class quests!

Ohhh internet…
Why do you distract me when I need to get things done? Why do you keep me up late when I need to go to bed? You have some pretty wonderful things and information that are all at my disposal but I don’t take advantage of them nearly as much as I should! XD

April 16, 2017 - Sunday
It’s Easter! It’s been a really quiet day so far. I’m still upset with my friend from what happened yesterday but I’m trying to not let it bother me so much. I ended up spending the morning doing updates for Mene and the page challenge on the Charity thread! It was a lot of work but I had fun getting it all up to date and getting everyone pumped up again to post [yes]
After that, I finally got my mom and my sister to play Pokemon Monopoly with me! It was a lot of fun! We stopped in the middle to have a ham lunch/supper that was really yummy! I ended up beating their pants off in Monopoly XD
My friend finally got back to me in the afternoon today and I was trying not to be brisk with them and just trying to be ok with everything. We played SWTOR together tonight but it seemed really awkward and off… It doesn’t seem like things have been going well between us lately and I’m thinking we are probably gonna have to have a long talk to see if we can make things work out.

Nail art… yes/no?
I don’t personally paint my nails but I have seen some of my friends and family that paint theirs! Some of them can be quite fancy! I know Zigbigadorlube on Mene does a lot of nail painting! I’ve seen some of the things she’s done to her nails and she can be quite fancy about it!

April 17, 2017 - Monday
What a day… I at least got a run in this morning but I wasn’t really feeling it. So, you know when you are having a lot of problems with someone that is really close to you? And it just kinda takes your whole focus and you end up worrying about it and it consumes all your time? That’s what happened today with me. I tried really hard to get some stuff done but at the end of the day I feel like I didn’t get anything done. On top of that I ended up having some time to talk to my friend about how bad things have gotten between us. It’s still a very rocky situation and I’m not really sure where it’s going in the future still but we finally agreed to give each other some space and not be so intensely involved in each other’s lives for right now. I am hopeful that some time apart will help calm down emotions and help put things in perspective. Things between us have been rocky for a long time and I’ve been afraid that things that have happened will mean I might lose them as a close friend but I really don’t want that to happen. We both share and have a presence in a lot of places and I don’t want to have to see those shared things go away. So I am hoping we can figure things out. And too, you know what they say, Absence makes the heart grow fonder right? Maybe all this trouble is, is us getting in each other's way you know? Maybe with a step back we can both flow more freely and be happier with each other. That’s what I’m gonna hope for [yes] They are like my best friend after all and I’d really like to keep it that way! XD

Try Everything!
I love trying new things! I love cooking things a different way or adding a different thing to a meal. I love trying different things at restaurants! I… just realized that most of the things that I try to be flexible about are food related… [stare] Maybe I should branch out a bit eh? [sweat]

April 18, 2017 - Tuesday
Well today isn’t even over yet. Lol. But I’ll write some stuff down anyways! It’s almost noon after all so the day is about half over! Today marks the first day of space/silence with my friend and I miss them already. We established some times when we could say hey during the day just to keep in touch at least so I am looking forwards to that!
Besides that though, I have so far dealt with bugs, taxes, and a few other things that keep cropping up. The irrigation creek should be coming on later today or tomorrow. They let out the water on Monday but it usually takes a few days for the water to make it downstream this far. When it comes rolling down the ditch though, it catches a lot of debris so I have to go out and grab it all before it dams up and creates problems like over flowing O.O
The rest of today will probably be taken up by clean up around baseboards so we can have our bug guys come out in a couple of weeks to spray for carpenter ants. And also some work on my work PC. I’m having to teach myself about the DISM software that’s built into windows to try and fix the corrupted OS. I decided to give it one last go before I reinstall the whole thing. Tomorrow I have to take my mom to an appointment for her heart and then go shopping late in the afternoon/evening. Usually Wednesday evenings are for playing games but I will have to skip out on it tomorrow.

Educate yourself
Well look at that! I’m totally doing that already! XD Figuring out how to do things in the command prompt on a computer is a lot different than using it though the Windows Desktop. You have to remember all the different commands and what the global commands do and boy… it’s a lot of work but I find it kinda fun too. I’m getting fairly good at it too!

Car'a'Carn 04-20-2017 03:43 PM

April 19, 2017 - Wednesday
Today was...! It was pretty good. I ended up getting a lot of little details done over the course of the morning for taxes and some other business. After that since the creek came on this morning, I cleaned out all the debris that got caught in the stream. Even after burning it, there is a lot of crud left over and also when the water turns on it brings things down from upstream. So branches and junk gets caught in certain places and creates a dam! It bothered my back a lot since it hasn't been feeling good the past few days but at the same time it was good to work it out too lol. Oxymoron! Had supper after that and then took my mom to her doctors appointment. Right after I got there and was waiting in the waiting room, I got the most wonderful and exciting news!
After that I went shopping at Costco to replenish food stocks and then went home to feed the animals. Usually I play SWTOR on Wednesdays with my friend but we've agreed to have some space in that respect for a while. So besides the fact that I got home late, I decided not to get on tonight. Maybe I'll try and play a little tomorrow night though [yes]

Bunny Day
Bunny Day! I totally missed this one lol XD I had a good bunny day! I played pokemon monopoly and had a nice ham dinner!!

Car'a'Carn 04-25-2017 03:10 AM

April 20, 2017 - Thursday
I didn't get a whole lot done today. It wasn't a pleasant day to work outside so I tried to get some work done inside. I have a bunch of past tax documents and folders and such that I have to re organize because I did such a terrible job with it when I was learning how to do that stuff XD But it's so tedious! I haven't made much headway >.< Besides that it was a rather uneventful day. My back was still hurting quite a bit too so I didn't want to move much lol.

Today at Work
I didn't get much work done [sweat]

April 21, 2017 - Friday
It's Friday!! [boogie] Today I worked harder for sure! I really wanted to play SWTOR tonight so I tried to get all my stuff done on time. My friend and I have been on a scheduled time to talk thing to try and and make things easier on us. It's been working alright so far this week though I do miss being able to say something whenever I'd like to. Anyways, I offered to play tonight with me but they decided to do some other stuff. Though they did get on for a few minutes to send me back some items and credits and stuff. It would have been easier to just meet up and trade the items as we were both on at the same time but whatever, mail works too! [lol] After that I went to work on my trooper for a bit and then after that, I played with my gunslinger. there was a guy asking for help with a flashpoint on Makeb but it ended up being really weird and the guy ditched me after the first few minutes. So whatever! I quit after that and went and watched some TV with my mom and sister before going to bed.

O is for...
[mrgreen] ... AHEM! ... [stare]
O IS FOR ORICRON! I have been meaning to get back to Oricron and do some dailies on SWTOR but I haven't been since the last time I played with my friend. They've run it at least once since I have so I want to try and catch up a little! [lol]

April 22, 2017 - Saturday
Saturday! Today Is YARD WORK... blech >.< my sister and I were supposed to be doing a bunch of debris burning but it ended up being way to blustry and windy so we did a CRAP TON of raking instead. I gave up around supper time (pizza!) which was around 2 but then my sister went back out to keep going and I couldn't let her beat me! So instead I went and helped her finish the front area. We kicked ass and totally got it finished! And made a huge pile to boot! I also had a whole day of talking to my friend which was nice. It wasn't the smoothest of conversation but they were busy and I was busy and it's been a while since we've been in a normal place so it's understandable. We got to play SWTOR together for the first time in over a week. That was pretty cool! I enjoyed that we got to get back on and do stuff!

I'm reading
A bunch of books! I have to finish them up and just stick to a book or two at a time XD lately though i've been reading "An Ember in the Ashes" which is a book I got from one of my friends for Christmas. It's pretty good so far but I haven't gotten too far into it.
I'm excited to read more though!

Car'a'Carn 04-25-2017 03:30 AM

April 23, 2017 - Sunday
Well today I was so tuckered out from raking that I ended up sleeping in way late! Usually I've been getting up around 6:30 to 7:00 in the morning but I didn't get up today untill 8:30! It was a nice rest! I got a few things done this morning but mostly just relaxed and enjoyed myself. At noon my mom and sister and I drove into town to go shopping with my nephews and nieces. My nephew is going on a camping trip and so he needed some extra stuff and the other kids had all grown out of their shoes so we got them all new shoes too. It's crazy though with 5 kids running around XD even with 4 adults it's nearly impossible to wrangle them all! Lol! I was a little worried cause last minute, my friend and I decided to play SWTOR but I wasn't sure I was gonna be home intime. Luckily though, we didn't end up going to the last store we were gonna go to and so I was able to make it back with just enough time to spare. It was silly though, cause I made it back but then my friend needed some more time to finish things before we were able to play XD So while I waited, I updated some MENE stuff! :P After that we had just enough time to go and play on Oricron! It was fun to run around on that planet [yes] All in all, it was a pretty good day. First Sunday in in over 3 months that I didn't feel like we got mad at each other or that something happened. It was very nice and refreshing!

I haven't had homework in a long time! I do study things that interest me still though!

April 24, 2017 - Monday
Today was Monday! I was gonna get up and go jogging but I wasn't feeling very good when I got up so I skipped. Most of today was taken up by just doing a lot of small details. My truck hasn't been starting so I got an appointment to take that in, I need new glasses so I took some steps towards getting a check up. There was a bunch of other stuff too XD It was a pretty quick day and I was surprised by how fast the day went by! We had some crazy wind storms in the afternoon including ferocious rain for just a few seconds here and there. I got to go to my concord meeting on SWTOR tonight and after that I went to Hoth with my trooper and worked on his class quest. I leveled up almost twice! It was awesome! :P

My Mene Thread
Why it's the Moving Castle Thread of course!! [:P] Come by and check it out sometime!

Car'a'Carn 06-19-2017 05:41 PM

Man I've really abandoned this... [shock] I had no idea it'd been so long! The last couple of months haven't gone so well XD I doubt I'll be able to remember anything that happened so for now, I'm just gonna call it quits on catching up the last few months. To be honest, there's a lot of stuff in there that I just don't want to remember. Bad feelings, Upsetting situations, unhappy experiences, etc... Mostly very depressing things that make me feel pretty bad when I go back and think about all the stuff I've had to let go of through the last 4 months or so.

Things with my friend and I, we were never really able to patch things up and we ended up having a pretty big fight about a month back now and as a result, we've ended up drifting apart quite a bit. In the long run it's all for the best I suppose but it still makes me sad. Hopefully sometime soon we can try and reconnect on our common interest of SWTOR.
Then there was a lot of health issues with a family member that took a while to sort out. They are doing a lot better but it took a good month to get them back to a stable place where they are feeling better than before.
And now most recently, I nearly chopped my finger off! Thank goodness it was a relatively shallow laceration! It could have been a lot worse! But it's really slowing me down.

So yeah. That about bullet points my last couple of months. I may not have it as bad as some other people and for that I am grateful. It's one of the things I think about that helps me get a step out of the depression I've been in. It's lonely cause I don't have anyone to hang out on the weekends with anymore but at the same time that opens me up for new possibilities and new chances to get to know other people and engage in new activities with fun and positive people! XD So it's not all bad right?? I just gotta keep moving forwards and creating new opportunities for myself!

Some good things did happen in all that mess of unhappiness. I became a mod here on Mene! How exciting! It's a lot of work but I like doing it! It's fun to help out and make things work better! I got a nice new pair of gaming headphones that are super comfy! And I got new glasses finally! And lets not forget that I got some gardening done!

Now I'm working on changing my life circumstances and I've got some exciting avenues to explore right now! It's all about staying positive and moving forwards right? Can't go back and change things so you have to change how you do things for the future so you can do it better [yes]

So with that I'll start getting back to this a bit! (though I really should be working [stare])

June 18, 2017 - Sunday
Not much happened today. Since I chopped my finger It's been hard to do my chores. I did go and get one pair of my new glasses today though! They are so nice! I hadn't realized how bad much my eyesight had changed since my last pair! I also mowed the lawn for the first time in a month [stare] It was pretty tall lol. And then later on I played SWTOR! It was a lot of fun I got a group together with my guild and we went and did Alderann Heroics for Conquest week and kicked butt! It was cool cause we ran into a 4th guild member and were able to team up and help them finish their objectives too. Pretty sure our guild won the conquest this week [boogie]

In the Kitchen
I have to clean the kitchen today... [cry]

Car'a'Carn 06-22-2017 04:00 PM

June 19, 2017 - Monday
Today was pretty good. Mostly uneventful but I did get a lot of things cleaned up and did some planting that I've been trying to catch up on. My finger has prevented me from doing a lot of things I normally do so that kinda sucks. After that I got on SWTOR and went to the concord meeting where I got promoted! It was pretty awesome! I have 22 Concord points now which is pretty good! After that we went for a datacron hunt on rishi which I've already been to but my friend hadn't yet. After that my friend and I explored around the planet and it was pretty awesome! There were lots and LOTS of waterfalls which are really pretty! My friend likes to spliiisshhh in the water XD lolol!

In the Kitchen
I messed these up XD TODAY is in the kitchen but I answered it yesterday. XD I sill have to clean the kitchen [cry]

June 20, 2017 - Tuesday
More planting! More healing! XD So this afternoon, I decided I needed to get back to the project that nearly took my finger off O.O I pulled the table saw back out, put the blade guard on and started finishing my cutting! I had to take the blade guard off almost right away though cause I was making channel cuts and the blade guard won't let a piece of wood go though for just channel cuts lol I WAS SUUUUPPPERRRR careful though and managed to get it all done without chopping anymore bits of myself off! And the on the other plus side, my creation was totally successful! [boogie] I was really happy to see that it worked how it was supposed to XD lol!

I am not ready for swimsuit season. I really let myself go these past few years I'm ashamed to admit. I used to be able to pull 300+ haybales out of the field by myself in 2 days and I doubt I could do anywhere close to that right now. I'm making it a goal to take better care of myself after my finger heals up a bit more. Eat better, drink less, exercise more etc... I'm gonna get my beach bod back!

June 21, 2017 - Wednesday
Mostly just took care of detail work today. My bill paying station is a mess with unfiled papers and computer parts ( I sill haven't fixed my business computer >.< ) So That's been one of my focuses lately. The afternoon was taken up by an impromptu dr appointment for my mom. After I got home, I did my nightly chores and then jumped on SWTOR for a while. I didn't do much on there before a guild member asked for some help crafting stuff so I spent the rest of the night crafting 6 things for their weapons and then 14 different augments. It's a bit of work but I really like helping out the guild! Tonight also marks a week in the healing process of my finger! The stitches should be completely dissolved by now! I still have a huge scab but that will fall off eventually. I'm super careful of it because of how big a gash it was so I'm overly paranoid about doctoring it and changing bandages XD

All words beginning with W... ALL WORDS BEGINNING WITH W!!! ... XD lolol! Does anyone remember The Haunted Honeymoon? God that was a great movie XD Look it up if you haven't seen it!

Car'a'Carn 06-25-2017 02:15 AM

June 22, 2017 - Thursday
This morning I woke up early to take my moms car in for a recall. It took a while so I brought my laptop with me and did lots of Mene stuff XD I was gonna be all mody and do some things but I ended up not having enough time and just replied to RPs and such. XD The appointment was actually over really quick! After that, I went and picked up my new spa cover as ours had gotten so waterlogged it was unmovable O.O After that I headed into town with my mom to grab our new glasses and do some shopping. Once we got back it was chores and organizing stuff. Not super eventful.

Cool Shades
I just got a new pair of cool shades! I'm pretty excited about them! They look really cool and old school :P

June 23, 2017 - Friday
This morning I finally went and picked up my last pair of glasses! I recently got my eyes checked and had to fork out a lot fo rnew glasses but the upside is they will be with me for another 4 years or so and I can see things much more clearly! The ones I picked up were for up close work but not like readers. After that, I came home and worked on some things outside. new mounts for the spa cover, tiding up the barn etc... After that I went and played on SWTOR. That was quite a bit of fun! The guild did a ops on the new badie Tyth which was pretty cool! I got to help out one of my fellow guild members too and craft her some things for armor which us always fun for me! XD I also started a new healer character that is a scoundrel and that's pretty interesting to see the differences in the healing compared to my sage character.

Current Favorite Drink
Does it have alcohol in it? ... Yes? ... Then it's my favorite drink XD

June 24, 2017 - Saturday
Today started with going to a gem show with my family. It was pretty fun but I was really disappointed with the rocks and gems that were on display. I didn't get anything this time though last time I went to one in a different city, I got a new set of ammonites. They are quite pretty with crystals in the chambers of the shell [yes] After the rock show we drove home (it was a long drive) And then I went and waited in the drive through line at taco bell for 20 minutes for lunch XD after that I played with the kiddos for a while before playing Minecraft on the xbox with the nephews. It was quite a bit of fun though the older one does terrorize the younger ones sometimes XD They can be such punks! So greedy with the things they make! One of the kids was dying from lack of food and another one I later found out had over 10 pieces of 3 different kinds of meet he could of offered his bro. WTF dude? XD After that I came home and went directly to SWTOR for the guild meeting! I dunno what happened though. Poor organization tonight. I missed out on the WB hunt which really sucked but later on after I get the animals put away I will see about getting some fellow guild members together for some conquest stuff!

I'm excited for...
I'm excited for later this summer when I've gotten rid of a lot of crap around here and have figured out where I'm headed from here!

Car'a'Carn 06-28-2017 05:16 PM

June 25, 2017 - Sunday
Today was pretty chill. I did a lot of mod work this morning and then did some outside work this afternoon. I stopped around lunch time to watch an episode of Doc Martin with my sister and mom over pizza XD After that my sister went home and I played SWTOR for the rest of the evening. It was fun!

I was just...
Thinking how long it's been since I went out. It's been a long time! I've been working on getting out more socially since I've been so cloistered the past few years.

June 26, 2017 - Monday
Today! I got a lot done today. I am having the nephews over for the weekend for a sleep over and the patio is a mess XD I tried repairing the pressure washer over the weekend but I ended up buying a new gun and hose for it lol. Hopefully that will do it! I also spent all morning fertilizing all the flower beds and planters and in the afternoon I planted some Virginia creepers on the fence.

Anyways, I did a lot of cleaning and then went on for my Concord meeting. We did a lot of cool World bosses and then afterwards I did some warzones but my partner ditched me because of a hiccup in the game [lol] around that time my friend got on and I went and played some slots with them for the night life event [yes] It was pretty fun! :P

Summer Vacation
I can't remember the last time I did something for Summer Vacation. It's pretty sad when I think about how much I love summer and how much I have let my past summers slip through my fingers. Not this year though I'm gonna do something fun and find someone fun to do it with ! [boogie]

June 27, 2017 - Tuesday
Today Was pretty sweet. I got a lot done! I did a lot of cleaning inside this morning (and a lot of Mene stuff too >.>) and then afte supper I had to adjust a bunch of the sprinkler heads on the the grass which meant digging out some of the heads to unscrew and adjust where they were pointing. That took up a lot of time surprisingly! After that I spent the afternoon taking care of some detail work around the animal pens and cleaning up little stuff/ getting out the new/old container for the chicken feed XD

Today I...
That's normally how I start my posts! lol! Go back and read it to find out what I did! [illgetu]

June 28, 2017 - Wednesday
Today Isn't even over yet! I've been busting out the work though as I'm gonna be busy most afternoon and evening. I am in the process of selling a my old hay so i need to finish getting an ad up for that. and the pressure washer part is coming today so i'm trying to move everything off the patio so I can go to town cleaning it. This afternoon I have to go into town to my moms doc appointment and then do some grocery shopping. After that I'm going out!! I've got a date to go to dinner! [boogie] It's been so long since I've been on a date [shock] This should be interesting [sweat]

X is for
Kisses [mrgreen] XD And X marks the spot! And X-Ray! And a bunch of other things [lol]

hummy 06-28-2017 10:07 PM

breath mints are your friends [mrgreen] have fun and good luck!

Car'a'Carn 07-06-2017 05:20 AM

Haha! lol hummy! XD I made sure to take some with me ;) and thanks!!

June 29, 2017 - Thursday
Well last night was fun! It's been so long since I've been on an actual date XD I've until earlier this year I was in a long distance relationship and that had been going on for just under 2 years. So it was nice to get out and see someone in person you know? We went to dinner at Applebees! It was a lot of fun XD I always like eating there :P After that I drove us to a place called the Old Mill District. It's basically a place on the river where the city created a huge commercial district with a movie theater and R.E.I. at it's center in an old brick wood mill building that they refurbished. It's super pretty there and perfect for long walks while talking and such ;) ANYWAYS... we walked around the foot paths there for a while and spent some time on the bridges over the river looking at the water and the sunset. We got even got some ben and jerry's :P After that I drove her back to her place and stayed for a bit to watch some netflix! I had a really good time! Hopefully I'll get to do it again soon :P

And as for today [rofl] I did a bunch of cleaning getting ready for the kiddos to come for their sleepover!

Cute Kitties!
I have a cute kittie! Well... ok.. XD she's actually like 7 years old now but she's my kitty and I love her very much :-3

June 30, 2017 - Friday
Jeeeeeeez... The month is over already! :O Can you believe it?? I'm pretty sure today is the day that I spent all day pressure washing the patio. That could have been yestday but I'm not sure XD lol! It was a whirlwind of activity last week! ANYWAYS... I did a bunch more prep for the kids coming over to have their party/sleepover! We had to go and get them in the afternoon (So I guess I did pressure wash on Thursday [rofl]) ANYWAYS AGAIN... We picked them up in the afternoon and then we had a bunch of outside fun with them all evening. I stayed up with my oldest nephew and watched spongebob while I put up the admins pick! It was pretty fun though they can be quite a handful lol

Summer School
I've taken summer school before. I didn't much like it XD The art class I took though was quite a bit of fun! It was very condensed and ended up being like 4 hour classes 4 days a week for something like 4 weeks I think? It was a lot of work but I had a ton of fun and befriended the son of the resident O-Chem Prof XD He was cool :P

July 1, 2017 - Saturday
Oh man... Those kids... I swear they push you to the edge XD lol! We ended up playing a bunch of Smash bros on the wii u and they are getting really good! Pretty soon I won't be able to beat them! :o We also had them go outside and have a bit waterballoon fight XD I was the water balloon filler though so I didn't get as much action as they did XD during that their mom came to get them and we all had lunch and then cleaned up and got them ready to go. It was a load off XD

After that I went to the guild meeting! [squee] We had quite a bit of fun doing PVP Warzones and cool guildmate gave me a bunch of pointers on being a tank in a PVP match. I even got to get on Discord with them and talk to a bunch of people that I had only ever seen in the guild chat. It was fun to put voices to the names XD Mostly I played with a guy named Fid and a girl named Alorod. They were a crack up XD


July 2, 2017 - Sunday
Today I spent mostly doing birthday stuff for my sister and nephew. We went to my other sister's house and we did a big birthday party for him and I set up his knew cell phone and got to play some minecraft on the xbox with them XD it was a lot of fun! Took up most of the day though. After that I went home and played some more on SWTOR and did a lot of Nar Shaddaa night life event stuff. It was a good night! I got a bunch of golden tickets to get some fancy items with later!

July 3, 2017 - Monday
Monday! Monday was filled with a lot of me moving pipes off the field. I'm getting my hay cut on Friday! It's gonna be a busy weekend XD I was also trying to get my newphews computers ready for Wednesday when I'm supposed to take them over to their house. I am taking a SMP world that my oldest nephew made and putting it on my server so that they can play with some more robust tools online! And so I can play with them too XD I also did some yard work today and cleaned up some stuff from the party.

After that I went to the concord meeting on the guild! We went datacron hunting afterwards on Quesh! I left most of the datacrons for later though since I promised to do them with a friend of mine later on. After that, we all went to Nar Shaddaa to have the birthday party for the guild! It was the one year anniversary and it was a crap ton of fun! We all partied and had contests for fashion, a race, dueling and a hide and seek XD It was a really good night and lasted for quite a while!


July 4, 2017 - Tuesday
Happy forth! It was a long day of...! Cleaning XD and more computer building and OS reinstalling and laundry and veggie chopping XD lolol I did a lot of stuff today. I was running all over swapping laundry loads, saving some bellpepers that were going bad and juggling my nephews computers XD It was a lot of work but I had fun doing in and felt really accomplished getting so much done [yes] I also worked a lot on getting my old minecraft server up again and cleaned up. I backed up and deleted and removed a lot of old worlds that I don't use anymore. I even found one from way back when I was was trying to get a girlfriend to play. I had totally forgotten about it but it was nice to get the server files all in order!

Car'a'Carn 07-15-2017 05:55 AM

Shoots! I forget what happend last week XD

General notes for cleaning up later.
Don't remember wednesday
Thur was moving hay I think
Friday was moving more hay and playing SWTOR and doing a bunch of PVP
Saturday was a fun guild event run on battlemasters accidentally aggroed a walker that I wasn't supposed to have.
Sunday was late night fun with the guild to make my conquest just before the end.
Monday was a blast with a 4 world boss hunt after concord. They didn't have a tank so for the first time I was the main tank for the hunt! Super cool!
Tuesday was hay baling and I spent all day trying to get my atv back in shape but ended up buggering up the valve clearance >.<
wednsday was basically all days at the nephews setting up their refurbished computers which was a ton of fun. I got them back on my Minecraft server but they weren't as excited as I was hoping XD lol
thursday was a lot of details and cleaning that I had gotten behind on. Also got on SWTOR and they did another impromptu World Boss hunt. I also got promoted to an officer rank! [squee]
Friday was fertilizing the pasture, setting up pipes, digging a hole and putting in a tetherball pole, other late evening chores then getting on swtor for a few minutes to read some officer stuff and mostly to send messages and stuff and then I watched TV for a bit XD The owls were out tonight too so I went and listened to them for a bit with my sister.

Car'a'Carn 09-27-2017 08:04 PM

Wow... Been a while!

Monthly Challenge 27: Sport Hunting.
I haven't really done "Sport" Hunting. When I was a kid, I used to hunt Brown Headed Cowbirds and Starlings with my brother. We had pump BB guns. When I was older, we had a gigantic population of Gophers in our field and I spent a lot of time a few springs in a row getting rid of them. Our goats would step in their holes and hurt their legs so there wasn't much else to do about it but get rid of the critters. Eventually I upgraded to a breakbarrel air rifle. it's much more accurate and powerful. Nowadays it's rats. But since I've done a lot of growing between then and now, I generally don't like killing things and will try and go out of my way to save things if I can. Things like rodents is another story as they can get so out of hand so quickly. But yeah. That about covers it lol.

Car'a'Carn 09-29-2017 04:58 AM

My kitty has a cold. I have to take her in to the doctors tomorrow. It was also unseasonably hot today. I wish my hay had been cut last week and baled this week. It was such a rush earlier in the month.

Monthly Challenge 28: Freedom of Press
I'm not much in a political mood right now but I'll just say that I think the press gets a bad rap sometimes when they are otherwise keeping citizens informed of things they might not otherwise know about if it weren't for the press.

Car'a'Carn 09-30-2017 04:47 PM

My kitty is ok. I think it was just a cold and the docs thought it might be asthma and gave her a shot of steroids too. Such a busy day today! I barely had time to do anything besides clean and take my kitty to the doc!

Monthly Challenge 29: What's Brewing
I am starting the process of rebuilding an old PC. It was amazing when I built it 7 years ago but I never unlocked it's full potential so I'm gonna put it back together with a better watercooling system and overclock it! It's funny, when I bought ram for it back in the day, I got some expensive stuff, 4 sticks of 2GB G.Skill Pi. That is in a different system now so I've gotten a new set of Corsair Vengence that is better for overclocking. 4 sticks of 8GB and it's cheaper than the old stuff I got XD lolol!

Car'a'Carn 10-06-2017 05:51 AM

October 5th 2017

Monthly challenge
In my fridge...
There is food. What did you expect? A body? does this look like a crime drama to you?!?! XD LOLOL XD I'm not sure what to say about this one XD I've got lots of veggies and meats and cheeses and what not. Farm grown eggs etc... I'm fully stocked!

P.S. Have you ever watched Steven Universe? No? Well you should cause guess what. It's flipping amazing!

Car'a'Carn 11-11-2017 07:37 AM

November 10th: Holidays and Dieting...

HAHAHAHA! Dieting XD Hilarious :) I probably should. I'm not in as good a shape as I used to bed. But it's next to impossible during the holidays. I like to make lots of cookies to send to friends and I end up eating a lot of said cookies. Plus, my mom is always getting bad for you things and I have no willpower when it comes to yummy treats. Holidays though. Man I can't believe they are here again so soon! I feel like the entirety of my spring and summer just blew past in no time! The holidays and winter are always what seems to take the longest for me. I had a pretty crappy spring and summer though so next year will be different I'm sure as my circumstances are different. Rather looking forwards to what it will bring :)

In other news, I finally made Chancellor of the guild I'm in on SWTOR! Our guild is so big, we had to make two new alt guilds and I was put in charge of one. It's a lot of responsibility but it's also a lot of fun. And I get to decorate the whole place :P I finally finished Chapter 3 in my Jedi Knight story too. It's been over 2 and a half years since I started that character. And it's taken me that long to get to the storyline. When I used to play with my friend, we were almost never in sync with the story and so we'd often have to go back to places we'd already been so I could catch up and sometimes we would ditch the storyline in favor of other things entirely, lol I'm finally getting back to them now though and it feels good to have finished one of the original storylines of the game finally! 1 down, 7 more to go!

Winter just showed up out of nowhere this year. It was warm and sunny all the way though October and then all of a sudden, Beginning of November and BAM! Rain, snow, freezing rain, sub zero temps. It sucks. I'm cool with it though cause I got a lot of pre winter prep done already this fall. I still need to bring in some of my irrigation and button up my chicken coop house but that can be done in the cold no problem XD honestly though... If they froze it wouldn't matter, they aren't laying right now anyways XD.

Other than that, not too much else to catch up on for right now!

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