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Cora 12-20-2013 01:44 AM

Insert Title Here - VOTING TIME!

Remember that contest that Knerd started up not too long ago to gather story pieces for a tabloid magazine? (Located here for all of you that do not remember: Well somewhere along the way we seem to have misplaced the title of the Tabloid! (Oh no what are we gonna do!)

Seeing as this is a Tabloid is written by the users for the users, we're asking you guys for help. We want to implore your help to name this Tabloid!(Yay! User Participation!) So get on your thinking caps and start suggesting names already!

Knerd 12-20-2013 06:06 PM

The first half of this contest will run until Saturday, December 28th
Done! No more titles will be accepted from this point on.

----> The second Half of this Contest will run from Saturday, December 28 until the end of the event <----

This second half is the fun part: Voting! You the users will determine which of the suggested Titles will become the actual new title of Menewsha's Tabloid.

Knerd has edited down your entries and listed the Top 8 for you to choose from: Each user gets to vote for two titles. So pick out your two favorite suggestions and send your votes to Knerd in a PM. The title that gets the most votes will win!

- Each user may only vote on one account, so no using your mule.
- Yes, you may vote for your own entry.
- Not everyone's title made it through to the final round, so please be good sports about the Top 8.

Cora 12-20-2013 06:17 PM

  • Mules can play too, so please don’t abuse this.
  • Keep your title suggestions within Menewsha's PG-13 guidelines.
  • Be Respectful of others! Not everyone has the same tastes as you do.
  • We will be allowing 2 title suggestions per account. This gives you a total of 4 suggestions if you use a mule account. Anything over this limit will be ignored.
  • You may make changes to a currently existing entry any time BEFORE voting starts. Once voting has started you may no longer change your entry.

Knerd 12-20-2013 06:41 PM

I know this is the part you all are really looking forward to, the announcing of the prizes!

For every entry that's deemed worthy enough to be voted on, you'll receive 1k.
[The number of people who win this prize will depend on the quality of entries and Cora+Knerd's discrection.]

The Top Three most voted for entries will all receive their very own:

Ink Blott!

And of course, the grand prize winner who receives the most votes will have their title chosen
as the new name of Menewsha's very own Tabloid!

Cora 12-20-2013 09:58 PM

We're ready to start voting!
These are the Top 8 titles that made it to the final round. Each user gets to vote for two titles from the following list. So pick out your two favorite suggestions and send your votes to Knerd in a PM. The title that gets the most votes will win!

The Menewshan Minute
The Hyperbolic Blogger
The Menewshan Scoop
The New Yan Times
Paw Print Gazette
TAB! You're It!
Something for Yumeh to Shred
The Menewsha Minutia

Thank you for everyone who sent in a suggestion! Not every title made it through to the final round, so click on the spoiler bar to see all of the submitted titles:


The Warbling Minstrels
The Menewshan Minute
The Menewsha Post
Tip Top Tabloid
The Hyperbolic Blogger
The Menewshan Scoop
Yumeh's CatTales
Isle Idol
The New Yan Times
The Mene Express
Daily Menewshan Digest
Yumeh's Menewshan News
Paw Print Gazette
Menewshan Enquirer
Menewshan Gossip
A very good newspaper to read. Seriously, read it. It's free.
Me News...Ha!
The Menewshan Wish of Iris
Menewshan Buzz
Yumeh like it
Peeblo's hunting Grounds
The Menewshan Observer
TAB! You're It!
Something for Yumeh to Shred
Mene Express!
Tatsu's Tales
Yumeh's Poop Scoop: Bringing you the scoop on all the straight poop in Menewsha.
The Menewsha Minutia
Menewsha Gossip Times
Mene's Amusing Gossip
The gossip goldmine

sadrain 12-23-2013 11:19 PM

Cora, you look amazing and although I forgot about the writing tabloid, I'll try this!

Ascadellia 12-23-2013 11:28 PM

Hello there cora. Owo

PrincessKasumi 12-23-2013 11:47 PM

Oooh time to think up names xD

PrincessKasumi 12-24-2013 12:16 AM

You need to PM it to Knerd, silly xD

BrotherOfDarkness 12-24-2013 12:23 AM

I think,I need to have some more caffeine, that's two mistakes I've made in ten minutes! Omg

---------- Post added 12-24-2013 at 12:24 AM ----------

*removes oneself from the world and all existence with embarrassment!*

Knerd 12-24-2013 12:38 AM

No harm done! In order to protect anonymity and keep the contest fair, I've just deleted your post. Now other users won't know which submission was your's. [yes]

BrotherOfDarkness 12-24-2013 12:46 AM

Oh yes that's best, people may play favourites, never thought of that, I don't mind not being in the competition if there is any problems, I know it wasn't up for long, but it was one of the first posts?

Cora 12-24-2013 12:51 AM

You're alright really ^.^

It was an honest mistake, no need to.....remove oneself from existance

@Saddie- hello ma dear ^.^

@Ascadellia- hi hi!

Nephila 12-24-2013 12:54 AM

I almost did the same thing 10 seconds ago. XD

Cora 12-24-2013 12:58 AM

Lol, now you would get a nice boot home (jk, you know I love ya)

Nephila 12-24-2013 01:09 AM

lol I doubt it but It's the holidays so yay! XD

Cora 12-24-2013 01:10 AM

Holidays are always fun ^.^

Yumeh 12-24-2013 06:13 AM

Extra Extra! I have a title suggestion!

Username: Meow!

Title Suggestion: MEEEOOOWWWWW Meow meow!

BrotherOfDarkness 12-24-2013 10:03 AM

I think Yumeh is going to stalk in every thread! *picks up shredded decorations*

---------- Post added 12-24-2013 at 10:04 AM ----------

I'm voting for MEOW meow meow...

Alexstrasza 12-24-2013 10:19 AM

*Helps BrotherOfDarkness pick up decorations*

sadrain 12-24-2013 12:39 PM

He has become more vicious over the years. Maybe he is lonely in his cat-dominated world where it's only him. ... Or he would tear every other cat apart, who knows.

Cora 12-24-2013 01:32 PM

You were supposed to send that to Knerd to keep amenity

I'm going to delete that and put it up though.

BrotherOfDarkness 12-24-2013 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Cora (Post 1772331110)
You were supposed to send that to Knerd to keep amenity

I'm going to delete that and put it up though.

Glad I'm not the only one!

Cora 12-24-2013 02:14 PM

Lol, you are not alone!


Cora 12-24-2013 02:42 PM

Ugh, guys you need to remember to PM these to knerd!

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