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Kitty Paine 06-09-2014 08:17 PM

Treatment for Sunburn
Any good treatments for sunburn? I didn't put enough sunblock on when I went to the beach... It's concentrated mostly on my right arm. When I rub again a blanket it feels like I'm rubbing sandpaper on my arm. An ice pack cools the skin and provides temporary relief. I know anything with aloe vera is supposed to help, I have some After Sun Vitamin E gel which helped a bit.

Pistachio_Moustache 06-10-2014 01:51 PM

I used this:

It helps a lot.
I bought it while on a cruise back in 2008, I believe. It still works.
It's a wonder.
I got sunburned recently by accident, because I didn't put on sunscreen whilst working outside. It was overcast, then it poured, then it was super sunny.
The sunburn faded a few days later. I started peeling a week after I got burned! Good thing I have bangs.

zigbigadorlube 06-13-2014 02:47 PM

I hear Solarcaine is very good.

Bartuc 07-13-2014 10:32 PM

What I do when I get burned is I run a cold shower. The cold water pulls and extracts all the heat from your body. Depending on how burned you are depends on how long you would spend in the cold shower. I know it is not a pleasant idea but it has helped with the heat from it. Then I would apply lotion afterward for the healing effect.

jupiter 07-20-2014 10:01 PM

Sugar draws out heat, but using a sugar scrub is going to feel like you're a cast member on Hostel. Using cold water or an ice pack can feel great, but be weary if you ever burn yourself too badly; the temperature change can blister your skin and make it feel worse afterwards.

Ultimately, you're going to want to be careful about beforehand prevention. Keep moisturized so that you don't peel; something with a lot of oil and moisturizing components can be a lifesaver, and keep re-applying throughout the day. One of the users above suggested a cooling gel with aloe, and this has also been marvelous whenever I've burned. I got the back of both legs once (fml for ever being so careless) and I used a similar product with aloe and gel. It moisturizes and cools your skin, although it kind of makes you feel like something out of a swamp because it's so shiny.

Take care, and good luck.

Karastorm 08-29-2014 03:57 PM

Yeah anything with Aloe is great for sunburn specially if cooled down in the fridge before use. If you have any good moisturiser or anything with coconut milk in it apply it to the affected area to try and get moisture back into the skin.

sjacklene 08-30-2014 05:46 PM

I LOVE Trader Joe's Aloe Vera. It is the best I have used. But if you have an aloe plant that is even better

ISOS Duke 09-09-2014 12:12 AM

I'm kind of glad I looked in here before running off to try my own thing...

I went to an air show on Saturday and decided to not put on sunscreen as the weather was calling for rain. It didn't though and it was SUNNY. I'm VERY fair skinned so being out for 7 to 8 hours in the sun with no sunscreen has done me in. I'm pretty sure I've gotten at least a mild case of sun poisoning with how my right eye has partially swelled due to the burn on my forehead.

I've gotten anti-inflamtories to help with that, have been drinking lots of fluid and putting on aloe when I get up and get home from work. I'm just trying to find other ideas/ways to get rid of this horrid burn faster @.@

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