Menewsha Avatar Community

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fongmingyun 03-10-2007 05:56 PM

Iakushen - Flatsale over, congrats Jitsumi!

Welcome to the realm of the Iakushen. Feel free to wander around. Be careful where you step, though. It?s eight years bad luck to break a mask.

New News!

04/15/07 - Flatsale! See page 4. Ends 04/22/07.
03/10/07 - Setting up.

fongmingyun 03-10-2007 11:47 PM


You wander around the streets of Menewsha, and buried in the back of the Art District is a tiny little antique shop. In the window are masks, lots of them, but you can't tell waht they're made of. There seems to be something interesting past those bone-white faces with no noses or mouths. You go inside to take a closer look...

Fill out the form below, and make sure you've got a creative idea. We will be selling a maximum of two pets this time around.

Each pet costs 2,000g. I know it's expensive, but this is a lot of effort for me. Please pay in full upon receiving your Masa. You may

Flatsale ends Friday, March 23, 2007 at 11:59 PST.


Originally Posted by Form
Menewsha Name:
A Little About Yourself (IC):
A Little About Yourself (OOC):
Iakushen's Name:
Iakushen's Physical Description while Living:
Iakushen's Death (will be used as RP sample):

fongmingyun 03-10-2007 11:48 PM

Where do you go when you die? The Dreaming is a dark world filled with monsters ready to swallow unsuspecting souls. Luckily, there are the Iakushen to guide them to reincarnation.

Iakushen are special souls, selected by the death god, Kaji, to aid their peers. They die in various ways, but are given strong, youthful, spiritual forms for their new lives. However, each Iakushen must wear heavy robes and a mask of bone to hide his, so that his charges may not see who he was or what scars he bears from his former existence.

They say that, if an Iakushen removes his mask and lets you see his face, you are forever protected from death so long as your guardian remains on the plane of the Dreaming.


Once upon a time...

fongmingyun 03-10-2007 11:54 PM

1. Be nice, follow Menewsha T.o.S. Duh.
2. Be literate. For gods? sakes, be literate. I don't care if English is your first language, but all RP will be in English, and illiterate people cannot own pets.
3. No god-modding. If you do something out of character, I will tell you.
4. Ming can be pretty bitchy sometimes. Don't piss him off. He's also very busy a lot, so don't pester him about that.
5. Do not PM either FongMingYun asking stupid things or asking for things you cannot have.
6. The point of this is to have fun. Drama is okay in an RP, but not in the thread, please.
7. Ming reserves the right to take away your Iakushen and to not use any concepts he doesn't like.


Who is MingYun? Who is Wyne?
MingYun is the little loser who runs the Iakushen shop (and draws pets). Wyne is MingYun's Iakushen. For unknown reasons, he has special access to Kaji's archives on who lives and dies. He is the one who procures masks for Iaku owners. Ming has no bloody idea how he does this, and he won't tell him.

Who is Kaji?
Kaji is the god of death who lives in a black stone castle in the Dreaming. He's moody and does not make common appearances. Rumor has is that once, he was a great mortal warrior, born of the gods of fire and earth. He originally sacrificed his immortality for the love of a woman. However, on his wedding night, his father turned him into a monster, to prove that his new bride loved him not of himself but for the power he carried. In exchange, now, for immortality again, he paid with his eyesight. However, his fathers took pity on him - replacing one eye with an amethyst - and let him see into the past, future, and human souls.

What is the Dreaming?
It's a barren, astral, otherworld plane. The ground is grey, and the sky is always twilight. Life doesn't survive here for long, so all the plant life is gnarled and twisted. Souls must be escorted by Iakushen across this plane for three days and three nights before they can reincarnate.

What are Abilities? And which can I have?
Each Iakushen has a limited number of Abilities than can be used on the Dreaming and/or in the Living World. Some are stronger than others, some are non-combat, some enhance natural abilities, etc. Nogai are limited to three abilities. Ofisa can have five. Although the possibilities of what kind of abilities you have are only limited by what Kaji and Wyne allow you to have (see no-god-modding rule), you are limited by the number you can have at a time.

Do I have to RP?
Yes. However, if you're just looking for Iakushen-styles art, please buy a real-money commission.

How do you RP?
Please place group RP in the shop and individual "journals" in your special thread in the RP forum. Please keep in mind that Ogisa and Inamortis only remove their masks in the presence of other Iakushen and Iakushen owners. Masa and Nogai can't remove thier masks at all.

How often do I need to RP?
Once a week or every two weeks is preferable. The bare minimum is one "journal" entry or group RP every three weeks. If you do not post at all, without any warning as to where you are going or when you will be back, your Iaku will be taken away from you. Don't worry. I am lenient so long as you tell me ahead of time.

How much control do I have over my Iakushen's artistic outcome?
I guess, about 50%. You get to totally dictate who they were before they died, and they can come from any time period. Personality traits and such will carry over as MingYun sees fit, depending on how the RP goes. Auctioned Iakushen, however, you can almost dictate completely down to the color of their underwear.

Can Iakushen breed?
No. This is a final answer - I mean, they're dead! However, if you continue role-playing them after they are reborn as mortals, they can.

I don't want my Iakushen anymore, what do I do?
You have two options - you may give it to a friend, or you can give it back to the shop for resale. If you give it to a friend, your friend must give MingYun an RP sample. However, all Ofisa-or-higher staged Iaku will be reincarnated because they cannot adapt to a change of owner.

Will you do pet trades?
No, not at the moment. Too busy. Y_Y;

Will you have guest auctions/guest artists?
Depends. I may have guest colorists, but I am very picky over my lineart because it is my concept. If you would like to do guest work, I will either PM you, or you can ask me and not get your hopes up.

Is it true that you made up these questions and nobody really asked them?
... shut up.

fongmingyun 03-10-2007 11:55 PM

Please note that there are no time requirements on these pets, but MingYun will still take the time he needs to make these look good. However, there are heavy RP requirements. There are also two optional "portrait" stages that can be purchased from the Item Shop.

Masa and Pendu - You have received a painted mask and an accompanying pendant. Eventually, these will grow to be your Iakushen and its weapon. To make your Nogai materialize, you must RP your finding/purchase of the mask.

Nogai and Wodai - (unique weapon!) Your Iaku cannot remember where he came from, but it has a solid form. Also, the Pendu has turned into an object, a Wodai, used to aid its ventures across the Dreaming. Commonly, they are weapons, but sometimes, they can be more special and be things like craft items. However, in order to become fully adept, the Iakushen must come to terms with its death, fight off a monster in the Dreaming, and also guide another soul to reincarnation (not necessarily in that order).

Ofisa and Wodai - (unique stage!) Your Iaku trusts you now, and the mask has come off. Most Iakushen remain at this stage until reincarnation, but some, after a lot of hard work, choose the path of eternal service and receive the Blessing of Kaji, to become...

Inamortis - (unique stage!) Little is known about this stage. However, it seems like Iaku have become demi-gods and may never reincarnate.

fongmingyun 03-10-2007 11:57 PM

Flatsales - All Iakushen are somewhat custom. With flatsale Iakushen, you will have control over their appearance and personality in their past life, and some of these traits will carry over to their Ofisa incarnation.
Flatsales take place every so often, and each Iakushen costs 2k or its equivalent in items. They are expensive because I work really hard on them, and I have very little time on my hands. No questions asked. Flatsales are sort of like contests. You submit a form with your basic statistics (for contact) as well as an RP samples stating who your Iaku was in life how he or she died.


Originally Posted by Form
Menewsha Name:
A Little About Yourself (IC):
A Little About Yourself (OC):
Iakushen's Name:
Iakushen's Physical Description while Living:
Iakushen's Death (will be used as RP sample):

Auctions - Auctioned Iaku have more custom traits. You will be able to pick their Pendu color and form from the very beginning as well as dictate any details you desperately want in their Ofisa forms.
Auctions happen, again, every so often. Whoever has the highest end bid submits a form with the contact stats as well as an RP sample stating who your Iaku was in life how he or she died. If the sample is bad and refused, the Iaku will go to the next-highest bidder, and so forth if that sample is bad.


Originally Posted by Form
Menewsha Name:
A Little About Yourself (IC):
A Little About Yourself (OC):
Iakushen's Name:
Iakushen's Physical Description while Living:
Iakushen's Physical Description as Ofisa:
Iakushen's Death (will be used as RP sample):

fongmingyun 03-11-2007 12:00 AM

Life Portrait - Wonder who your Iakushen used to be before he died? MingYun can speak with Wyne and draw you a portrait based on his archives.
Cost: 300g for grayscale, 500g for color.

Rebirth Portrait - When an Iakushen choses to go back to the world of the living, he or she will be reincarnated. If you still want to RP them, or just want to see where they went, you can ask Wyne to do a little research, and MingYun will draw you a portrait.
Cost: 300g for grayscale, 500g for color.

Change of Color - Changing the color of a Pendu or Wodai will affect the Alignment and appearance (and maybe personality!) of your final Iakushen as well as the special abilities of the item. Iakushen are naturally not very welcome to change and cannot switch Alignment after they go to Ofisa-or-higher stage. If you purchase a Change of Color, you must RP how your Iaku deals with this new weapon.
Cost: 150g for Masa, 300g for Nogai.

Change of Style - Changing the type of item your Wodai is will also affect your Iakushen's Alignment. It also affects what that item can do. Again, Iakushen cannot adapt well to new fighting styles, so Wodai Style cannot be changed in Ofisa-or-higher stage.
Cost: 300g for Nogai.

Change of Ability - You are limited to thee abilities as a Nogai, and five as an Ofisa. However, you may see Wyne, and he'll look in the archives to find you new ones if you are unhappy with yours. Remember that an Iaku with a fire alignment will not be adept at ice spells. Wyne is an emissary for Kaji, and he has the right to prevent your Iaku from learning a certain spell if he belives you do not deserve it or it is too powerful.
Cost: 300g for Nogai, 100g for Ofisa.

Old Pendu and Wodai - Here are the weapons of Iakushen who have passed on. If you want your Iaku to pick up some of their traits, buy their weaponry. These can only be purchase for Masa and Nogai.
Cost: 300g for Masa, 500g for Nogai. None available at the moment

fongmingyun 03-11-2007 12:46 AM

None Yet

Latest to Grow:
None Yet

fongmingyun 03-11-2007 12:47 AM

MingYun Fong
Job: Artist, Shopkeeper, RP Master, Freelance Loser.
Age: 18.
Location: Eastern Standard Time.
Looks: Asian.
Likes: Nice people, food, sleep, doodling.
Dislikes: Hard work, angry people.

Wyne Accipitas
Job: Store Iakushen
Age: Iakushen, duh. Died at 28.
Location: Iakushen Shop, the Dreaming
Looks: Wild.
Likes: Being left alone, working, birds.
Dislikes: Stupid people, bright lights, losing.

Job: God of Death
Age: Immortal.
Location: The Dreaming
Looks: Evil.
Likes: Dark places, intellectuals, killing.
Dislikes: Working, talking, candy.

fongmingyun 03-11-2007 12:50 AM

Just on a note, I (MingYun) do real life commissions for US currency. You may not buy an Iakushen for real money, but if you have a character you'd like drawn in Iakushen style, I can do that. PM me if initerested.

If you want art for Menewsha gold, you ought to have a lot. I also like doing lineart for art auctions so long as I don't have to set up the thread.

Banners are (c) Renault

fongmingyun 03-11-2007 12:51 AM

White List:
No one.

Grey List: (three times and you get blacklisted/banned from the thread)
No one, let's keep it that way.

Black List:
No one, let's keep it that way.

fongmingyun 03-11-2007 12:52 AM


fongmingyun 03-11-2007 12:53 AM


fongmingyun 03-11-2007 12:53 AM


fongmingyun 03-11-2007 12:54 AM

Link to us?
(Small Banner)
(Large Banner)

fongmingyun 03-11-2007 12:55 AM


fongmingyun 03-11-2007 12:55 AM

All right, it's okay to post now.

fongmingyun 03-11-2007 01:04 AM



light 03-11-2007 02:10 AM

WOE BREEDABLEEESSS!!!!! *runs amok in great delight*

fongmingyun 03-11-2007 02:20 AM

Lol. Hey, Raito. Trying to plan a date for a flatsale. And I need to do stages and stuff.

luciole 03-11-2007 05:02 AM

omgggggggg! *____*

Lilithia 03-11-2007 05:36 AM

Very awesome. Cannot wait. :D

Navi 03-11-2007 06:16 AM

Ohhhh, Ming breedables, they sound so interesting too! *saves up* >_>

light 03-11-2007 08:16 AM

is very exciting... <3333

Sizzla 03-11-2007 08:37 PM

Oh, I am SO here. :D

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