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fairywaif 10-07-2010 12:47 PM

Timetravel Academy (Open and accepting!) (started but still welcoming more!)
Welcome to Chronos Academy!

This brand new facility has the very latest in time travel equipment. There are simulation rooms, classrooms for theory and of course the area housing the machines themselves. There are a couple of rules posted, however, which change due to circumstances.


Always travel with at least one other person.
No visiting times where you still live
No junior students may visit alternate time lines
No going into Red Level times unless accompanied by a senior member, or are a senior member
The OOC thread.

fairywaif 10-07-2010 12:49 PM


Really simple.

* Obey Mene TOS

* No godmodding

* Obey the school rules (unless something drastic comes up)

That's it! If I need to add something though, I will.

fairywaif 10-07-2010 12:55 PM

Profiles- I ask that you PM all profiles

I ask that you also fill out this user profile. If you don't know what to do for a character profile, you can fill this out first. This will be used when making partners.

User Profile
How often I can be post (estimate):
My characters are looking for (romance/friendship/neither/both):
Special Requests for Partners:

You can have more than one character. Please use different colored text for each, though.

Character Profile
Character name:
Appearance: (either pictures or description or both works)
Level: (Junior or senior or instructor)
Favorite time period(s): (optional)

User Profiles

Username: Soturo Ayami
How often I can be post (estimate): Unless stated other wise mostly all day. (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)
My characters are looking for: Well, I want her to have romance.
Special Request: Ashila seems to want to answer. Preferably not arrogant and computer literate.

Username: Fate's Pearl
How often I can be post (estimate): at least once a night
My characters are looking for (romance/friendship/neither/both): both
Special Requests for Partners: that they are at least semi-literate.

Username:Graxdon (For Braig)
How often I can be post (estimate): daily
My characters are looking for (romance/friendship/neither/both): isn't looking, but will accept if it happens
Special Requests for Partners: none really

(For Sylvia)
My characters are looking for (romance/friendship/neither/both): Both
Special Requests for Partners: Braig

Username: piptik
How often I can be post (estimate): Once or twice a day
My characters are looking for (romance/friendship/neither/both): Romance, thank you kindly ;D
Special Requests for Partners: Well, I'd like the person I'm RPing with to be completely literate, if that isn't too much to ask.

How often I can be post (estimate): I am on Pacific time (West coast u.s.) and can be one for at least an hour monday-friday. Tues and Thurs i am on a lot longer, so mostly those days. I will not be on on weekends due to internet lackage...
My characters are looking for (romance/friendship/neither/both): Romance for sure but friendship also.
Special Requests for Partners: perhaps somebody who likes to fight O.o
Character Profiles
User: fairywaif
Character name:
Age: 34
Personality: She is brusque, but she sees her students as the future. And the past, really. She is very hopeful for them, and loves teaching.
Level: Instructor (head)
Favorite time period(s): She loves all of time, so she has no real favorite.


User: Soturo Ayami
Character name: Ashila Fawn
Age: 18
Personality: Quirky, intelligent, inquisitive, overly-friendly, kind and if it weren't for her breast size you would think she was a middle-schooler. She works well with computers and sees any opportunity to work with them a blessing. Despite first impressions of her she is actually quite hot-headed and flirty and very observant.
Appearance: Ashila
Level: senior
Favorite time period(s): Feudal Japan, Renaissance Era Italy, Medieval Ireland and England, India (pre-euro occupation)

User: Fate's Pearl
Character name: Livianna Rain Blackski
Age: 17
Personality: She's like a parasitic bug really. Quiet, observant when you first get to know her, very harmless. Then she becomes loud, and in her excitement or anger can cause lots of damage. She is fun loving, fast paced, girl who likes to live a life to match. She's very social and will wither with out friends. A major flirt sometimes with an attitude of a know it all. She doesn't look like much but she's a firey spirited girl who loves to get what she wants.
Level: Junior
Favorite time period(s): Feudal Japan, Renaissance Era (anywhere in Europe), The time of the Black Plague (Just when it ran through Europe.), Medieval Ireland, Feudal Korea and China

User: Smores
Character name: Hunter Akuna ((Ah-Koo-Nay))
Age: 17
Personality: Hunter is very open to other people, and quick to introduce himself. Over friendly, and someone times oblivious, Hunter gets into trouble most often. Never been in a relationship, as it has never really come up. Hunter makes it a goal of sorts to seek out those who are quite, and open them up. He enjoys laughing with friends and having a good time. Can be serious when it calls for it but is generally friendly, outgoing and relaxed. A big fault socially would be embarrassment. Romantically he is hopeless, he has the best of intentions but usually embarrassment leads him to be silent, a rare thing indeed.
Level: Junior
Favorite time period(s): Middle Ages ((Very broad - but its all very interesting to him))

User: Graxdon
Character name: Sylvia Corner
Age: 17
Personality: Can be really kind, but is also very ditzy at times. She's also suffers from clumsiness and forgetfulness but refuses to keep that from helping people (regardless of whether or not they want it her help).
Appearance: (either pictures or description or both works) shoulder length purple hair and dark brown eyes. wears this except in dark blue and purple stripes instead of red
Level: (Junior or senior or instructor) Junior
Favorite time period(s): (optional) the 70's and 50's
Character Profile

User: Graxdon
Character name: Braig Porter
Age: 20
Personality: Cold, serious, blunt to the point of rudeness except with his friends.
Appearance: (either pictures or description or both works) short maroon hair, vibrant silver hair, (male uniform... of course) Seed final fantasy 8 image by PDestrucity on Photobucket
Level: (Junior or senior or instructor) Instructor
Favorite time period(s): (optional) Wild West, Dark Ages of Europe, and WW2

User: piptik
Character name: Arnold ("Arns" for short)
Age: 15
Personality: Straightforward and painfully blunt. If he dislikes you you'll know immediately. Goofy otherwise, with a gentle temperament and friendly disposition. Arns is a bit slow at times but compensates by studying often and giving his undivided attention to every task he does. Consequently, he's single minded.
Appearance: Gaunt with glasses and shaggy hair that can't seem to stay a single color. One day it'll be a mousy brown, the other a dark red, and the next a dirty blond. Tall for his age, Arns is often mistaken for being several years older than what he actually is. Deeply tanned skin seems odd when held in contrast to his sharp facial features and vivid green eyes, none the less he strikes most as hansom, or at least decent.
Level: Junior
Favorite time period(s): Colonial America and the Renaissance.

Character name: Somila Hawkwing
Age: 17
Personality: quirky and bubbly, She's usually a little ditzy but she sure can fight. And if you get her boy, stay away from her. I mean seriously.... Anyway, she tends to get into trouble though not on purpose. And here's a is her passion and part of her life...nice calming effect too ;)
Level: Junior
Favorite time period(s): Medieval and Renaissance Europe, Japan before white man conquest, South American Amazon before the conquistadors.

User: LoonLight
Character Name: Kiya Cobb
Age: 16-17?
Personality: Determined and sweet, ready for the battle if the need ever arises.
Rank: Junior

User: kionaredhawk
Character name: Airn Baske
Age: 18
Personality: Grumpy is a very good way to describe him. He's nice, at the beginning but can be a real jackass, pardon the term. Most of the time, it takes a lot to gain his trust, depending on his first impression of you. Tough and grumpy.
Level: Senior
Favorite time period(s): Feudal Japan, the 70's and 80's America, before the ice age

fairywaif 10-07-2010 12:56 PM

Red Level Times

fairywaif 10-08-2010 04:34 PM

Partners (Can be changed if formal request given)

fairywaif 10-08-2010 04:40 PM

Time Lines Effected and Dispatches (Coming soon!)

fairywaif 10-08-2010 04:46 PM

Reserved (Just in case!)

fairywaif 10-11-2010 08:12 PM

Open! Once profiles are accepted you can start posting!

fairywaif 10-27-2010 12:47 PM

Looking for at least 5 more people, although I can play one of the partners, if need be. I want at least three pairs before we begin though.

fairywaif 10-30-2010 09:00 PM

Okay! We have enough people so we can begin! If anyone else wants to join they can though, since I haven't officially drawn up partners yet. And if anyone wants to join after that they will just have to wait until another partner is found. I want to let everyone meet each other first, and get through basic training. This is taking place in a giant auditorium, but you all ended up near each other, so you can interact.

Oh, and how this is going to work is that there's going to be missions every now and then, but at least right now there will always be at least a few people still at the school. Also, if there's conflict between partners (Which you can have if you want) then they may get broken up, so you may have the chance to role play with different people, especially if new people come in.

Soturo Ayami 10-30-2010 09:38 PM

((Then we can't start posting? ^^))

Ashila clicked away at her small notebook computer. She was walking with out paying attention to where she was walking. She might not have looked it but she was a bit nervous. Her partner, who had been a year ahead of her, had graduated. they had chemistry, so to say and she was not feeling a new partner; not at all. What she was feeling was absolutely frustrated. Completely ignoring the nerves. She was working through a program that she might be able to take with her, just had to get it cleared with an instructor. It was only half way finished so there was no doing right now. She frowned into the blackened screen as she restarted the program to run it again. There were still things she had to figure out. Small tidbit of code needed to make sure, absolutely sure, she had what she needed.

She stepped around a door into the auditorium. It was just beginning of the year drawl. She would find out her partner and then leave right away. She had little time to introduce freshman, nor to entertain them. Ashla supposed it was necessary since they felt the need to do this every year. She wondered briefly if they were getting any new freshies. And by that she meant juniors. It would make for an interesting day. A new junior would make a perfect dummy.

She spied an empty seat and sat down eyes still glued to the screen.

Fate's Pearl 10-31-2010 04:05 AM

A pale haired girl in a black and white dress stalked the halls for the few minutes she had before she had to enter the auditorium. Blinking some she thought for a few minutes on how this was going to go, it was the same every year she was sure. She would have the same partner as before but she had worn her last one out. Apparently her sudden mood change had driven the pore girl nuts. She vaguely recalled the break down. It happened when Livianna had got into one of her excited hyped stages and accidentally dropped a cup of hot tea on the floor. As she'd skipped to get a mop she forgot to warn her partner that there was a puddle on the floor. The other girl slipped down a set of stairs breaking some sort of important school project, she stood up with something sticking out of her shoulder like possessed demon. She screamed and shouted out of anger not pain, and stomped out of the hall. It hadn't ended well...

Livianna shook off the flashback and walked forward darting carefully into the auditorium with a sigh. SO this year she got someone new, a new victim to drive nuts. Run around talking a million miles pure hour and doing seemingly harmless tasks to drive them up the wall. Her best thoughts came in the form of sugar highs and random thoughts no one else understood. Sitting down she looked around, there was some girl with a laptop in her arms, looking serious, the crowds were gathering slowly. Her eyes darted around despite her massive flaws she was extremely observant, which didn't go with her almost A.D.H.D attitude and presentation around people who knew her at least.

kionaredhawk 11-01-2010 06:36 PM

Somila bounded into the auditorium while simultaneously pulling her hair back out of her face, the ribbon almost the same the shade as her too long hair. She was nervous, sure but she was looking forward to this new opportunity. She couldn't wait to start. She saw a lot of faces already there and sitting. She wondered who she was going to partner with. She made a face that involved sticking her tongue out and closing one eye. She didn't like the idea of having to work with somebody but she supposed she would have to make due.
She found a spot and plopped down, her bright eyes looking around. She wasn't the most skilled person in the world at technology, preferring old weapons and things such as that, but she was smart enough to learn what she had too. So far, its gotten her through things. She did end up at this place, after all.

Graxdon 11-01-2010 10:30 PM

Stepping into the auditorium came Instructor Braig and Sylvia. Everyone else there caught the tail end of a one-sided conversation as they hear Sylvia rapidly go on and on about something involving cake, katanas, and giant monsters while Braig simply nodded. He looked at the other students and said, "Sylvia, give it a rest and take a seat please." Sylvia looked behind here and went, "Oh, hey! There's other students! Talk to you later Braig, err, I mean Mr. Porter." Bouncing over to Livianna, Sylvia took a seat and whispered, "Heya, my name's Sylvia, what's yours?" with a big, sun-shiney face. Braig sighed and went to sit at a chair by the auditorium's stage (is it that type of auditorium? I'm assuming that's where he'd sit since he's an instructor). Looking up at Sylvia talking to the girl and the other students he thought to himself, <Geez, its weird sitting up here instead of there with the others. Hope I don't screw up my first day on the job.>

Soturo Ayami 11-01-2010 10:50 PM

Ashila glanced up from her computer as people were filing in. She only glanced around briefly as she turned her eyes back to the computer. There were new instructors this year. She was not very accepting of the mew ones. Only because she hasn't seen them in action. Her eyes rolled over the screen as she pulled up more screens and I.D.'s of the instructors that had been hired. There were a few that caught her eye but nothing special. She just wanted to get this done and over with so she could get her missions and get to work. She felt more useful with something to do, not sit around and brief the newbies. She noticed that one of the instructors, wearing some sort of uniform, (uniforms were not required for school but to each his or her own), she was talking to some of the other girls. Ashila shrugged. She didn't look that much older then her but looks could be deceiving.

Her eyes trailed back down to the computer as she continued to type.

((who is she talking to?))

Graxdon 11-01-2010 11:14 PM

(pearl's character)

Smores 11-02-2010 12:58 AM

Hunter walked into the large auditorium, it was crammed full of people. Walking through the crowds he could feel their breathe on himself, it was kind of sickening. That heat radiating from their bodies was enough - no additions required. Pulling up a sturdy silver seat he snuggled himself in for a long wait.

Pulling a large black blanket out of his backpack he wrapped it around himself, it was nearly yanked away as it got easily caught on other peoples bags. Hunter turned his attention to a few boys who seemed rather scarcely dressed, not surprisingly the girls behind them were dressed no better.

Hunter let out a small yawn and closed his eyes, preparing for a short cat nap. Moments before he could enter his R.E.M cycle, the deepest part of sleep, the chair was knocked over by some guy playing football with a few friends. "You neanderthal!" Hunter yelled angrily, clenching his teeth and closing his hands to a seeming death grip on his now dirty blanket. Tucking it back into the bag he stood up and dusted himself off. Looking around their was quite a few quite people.

Hunter spotted a girl with her nose in a book, well - a computer. Hunter did not know her, or even her name, but she seemed so overwhelmed or at least really bored. He made his way threw the large crowd and placed his hand on the top of the computer screen, pushing it down so he could see her face clearly. "Hey, I am Hunter." Out stretching his hand he let on a warm smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

((The final paragraph is aimed towards Ashila.))

Fate's Pearl 11-02-2010 02:04 AM

Livianna looked over with bright eyes. She had seen this coming more or less. This girl was hyper looking, Sweet! Someone who's a hyper psycho like me!, blinking lightly Livianna just smiled. "Livianna, but you can call me Liv." She whispered back softly. "I-its a pleasure to meet you Sylvia." She added with a warm smile. She couldn't match the sun shine glow or energy this new person radiated off herself like a rare biochemical. But it was contagious, like the common cold, one was either instantly annoyed or quickly placed in a better mood when in the presence of Sylvia. Livianna was affected in the better way and seemed to get happier and more excited by the moment. "Are you excited?" She asked in a slightly raised voice from her earlier whisper.

Graxdon 11-02-2010 02:13 AM

Sylvia did an arm pump quickly saying, "Hell yeah, amiga! I can't wait! My friend, Braig went here and graduated two years ago and is already an instructor. He's told me stuff about what he's done even though I don't think he's supposed to, but I know his weakness so I can get him to tell me anything I want him to. Oh man! I can't wait to travel in time and fight bad guys or whatever it is we do. I don't really care since its awesome enough that we're traveling in time!"

Soturo Ayami 11-02-2010 02:14 AM

Ashila raised an eyebrow when the boy approached and sat down. She gave him a slightly scathing look before just dropping to a bored and flat expression. "Well hunter, nice to meet you. I am Ashila. You have thirteen seconds to explain why you're talking to me." She mutters a hand still clicking away at the computer like she hadn't even looked away. She gives him a slightly curious stare. Guess it wasn't the best time to say she hadn't slept very well. She had gotten a total of thirty minutes before her alarm went off warning her of a virus. Armatures.

Her alias was 'Sting'. If she didn't want you there you weren't, well on the net anyway. She didn't think it was very cleaver, but then again they also thought her a man. Common misconception. Only a few knew who and what she was so it didn't really matter. Needless to say after the warning she hadn't gotten any sleep. Otherwise this would be extremely odd behavior. Sighing she ran a hand through her hair. "I'm sorry." She mutters pinching the bridge of her nose. "Nice to meet you."

Fate's Pearl 11-02-2010 02:20 AM

Livianna laughed softly. "That's very true, it is exciting to go through time. Though only senior class can go alone. I can't wait till I'm a senior then I won't need an escort." She said smiling some before nodding. "Its interesting how you use their weakness to your advantage, it was often what helped people win wars, I wonder is it hard to find ones weakness?" She questioned aloud tapping her finger on her chin while looking at the ceiling in thought. If she could find a fail proof way to exploit the weaknesses of others, while avoiding detection from the teachers then she would definitely have something to brag about. Right now her only brag worthy efforts would be how many partners she could go through in a year. This wasn't something to be proud of either so she didn't count it. Though her standing total was...four. One for each quarter of the school year. Again not something to be proud of.

Graxdon 11-02-2010 01:47 PM

Sylvia shrugged saying, "I wouldn't mind having an escort, especially if it was Braig *lovestruck sigh*. He's so strong, but at the same time he can be really gentle. What was I saying? Oh yeah, I wouldn't mind having an escort because why go traveling through time if you can't enjoy the scenery with someone, ya know?"

Fate's Pearl 11-02-2010 09:10 PM

Livianna laughed some and shook her head. "I see what you mean. That's a very good point." She stated softly with a nod. "You have a thing for Braig?" She questioned with an elegant tilt of her head. Her eyes bright with interest. Now this was note worthy. Even if the girl didn't admit it Livianna had caught just enough of the proof. The corners of her mouth turned up showing her teeth as a grin played her features.

Smores 11-03-2010 12:38 AM

Hunter let out a small chuckle, "Well Ashila, I don't think I could properly introduce myself in only thirteen seconds." Hunter laughed again and patted her arm gently. "So you are a computer wiz of sorts I presume? Well it is quite obvious." Hunter leaned back into his chair. "Cold and calculated - or is it an off day?" Hunter looked around at the strange crowds. "Not your scene either? I personally think its much better in a more intimate setting. Some strangers tend to un-nerve me."

((So sorry for a small post - NanoWrimo and homework are making it hard to be imaginative, well - mostly I am pressed for time. Sorry!))

Graxdon 11-03-2010 01:12 AM

Sylvia gave a nod and a lovestruck glance in Braig's direction saying, "Yeah, I've had a thing for him since we were kids. He saved my life you know. The two of us and a bunch of other neighborhood kids were playing at a construction site and I fell through a pane of glass on accident while we were playing. I went through and fell a couple of feet when the glass fell on me. Most of it didn't do anything more than give me a few cuts, but there was a big one that got me in the side really bad. The rest of the kids went running and screaming their heads off, except Braig. He jumped down and put pressure on the wound, he learned that in health class. The paramedics said that if he hadn't done that, they wouldn't have arrived in time."

All times are GMT. The time now is 12:16 PM.