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King Usbeorn 10-22-2011 05:36 AM

░▒▓ ╚══════╬ The Daily Chatter! A Hangout For All! ╬══════╝ ▓▒░

This is just a small hangout for anyone,
and any topic. Feel free to post whenever,
just respect the rules!
Follow the TOS
Be nice and friendly.
If there is drama sort it out, don't go crazy.
Feel free to post what ever you want, just make it appropriate.
Be nice to the founder, King Usbeorn!
For he is your King and you shall respect his authoritah!
Also be nice to Kia_ for she is my queen.
And King's mule Usbeorn! :hug:
Thats about it haha, have fun ^^!
Anyone who disobeys the rules will be destroyed.

Usbeorn 10-22-2011 07:21 AM


tenchibaka 10-22-2011 08:01 AM

and i am the official cherry-picker of the thread <v<

King Usbeorn 10-22-2011 08:49 AM

Omg your naked! Whoa buddy, too much drinking tonight?

King Usbeorn 10-22-2011 03:43 PM

Morning everyone :XD

Maroon Surreal 10-22-2011 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by King Usbeorn (Post 1769991470)
Anyone who disobeys the rules will be destroyed.

Yes, my majesty :D




I hope more Menewshans will hangout here :eager: :yes:

King Usbeorn 10-22-2011 06:08 PM

Hehe I hope so to :XD

Maroon Surreal 10-22-2011 06:10 PM

Maybe we should chat more so that more Menewshans will notice this hangout :yes:

King Usbeorn 10-22-2011 06:11 PM

Hmm, that is a plan destined to work.

What should we chat today about?

Maroon Surreal 10-22-2011 06:13 PM

[/COLOR]Hehehehe. *yays!*

Halloween is just right around the corner so I guess...Halloween? :XD

King Usbeorn 10-22-2011 06:14 PM

Oo yes, I am going to pass out candy this year and perhaps scare a ton of kids.
You going to dress up or see any horror films?


Last year we had a fog machine and we would hide in the fog and pop out. No one came around our house since then. MUAHAHA XD

Maroon Surreal 10-22-2011 06:15 PM

I don't know if I'll dress up. That would cost me money but I'll be watching horror films!

And, oh I'll be sending creepy messages to my friends. :XD

King Usbeorn 10-22-2011 06:18 PM

I don't think I'll dress up either, I always have this hate for the smell of costumes... Idk, I'm weird like that.

Haven't seen any new horror film previews yet... Hopefully there is going to be at least one good one.
Don't care for that paranormal stuff, I wanna see a bloody psycho killer like Jason but actually he dies this time?lol XD.

Maroon Surreal 10-22-2011 06:19 PM

:sweat: :gonk:

D'oh. Im'ma go for now!

Goodnight/good day to you King Usbeorn!

See ya tomorrow! :yes:

King Usbeorn 10-22-2011 06:19 PM

Cya tomorrow!

Whimsical Sadist 10-22-2011 06:24 PM

Hello there your majesty.
I am Whimsical Sadist and it's my honor to be in your presence :XD

King Usbeorn 10-22-2011 06:26 PM

Rise, Whimsical Sadist. Welcome!
And how are you doing today XD?

Whimsical Sadist 10-22-2011 06:28 PM

*rises from bow*
Thank you your grace :lol:

Well I'm doing great; happy to be back on Menewsha :boogie:
And you dear King?

King Usbeorn 10-22-2011 06:29 PM

I am just fine, and rather going to enjoy this sammich I just made.


Whimsical Sadist 10-22-2011 06:32 PM

Ha ha sammiches are very delicious :drool:
Well depends on the kind...speaking of which I should probably make one once I get home.
I'm hungry :(

King Usbeorn 10-22-2011 06:33 PM

Mine was a chicken patty, yum yum yum. *rubs belly*

Whimsical Sadist 10-22-2011 06:35 PM

Those sammiches are great. Chicken itself is great :heart:

King Usbeorn 10-22-2011 06:37 PM

Chicken is awesome, but smoked stake is da BOMB.


Whaahh brb, cat is being bad, going to knock meh drink over no!! %^& he did. This is the second time gawd!
Bad kitty!


Haha, nice quote.

Whimsical Sadist 10-22-2011 06:44 PM

Steak? Well I'm more of a chicken and/or turkey person. For some reason I don't really like, that much, anything of a cow or pig ...

You have a bad kitty too? Oh I know what you're going through. My cat sometimes seriously acts demon-like, I even call him Demon Cookie (his name is Oreo). He's cute and soft but knows how to test me and get me angry :gonk:

Ha ha thanks. Perfect way to scare anyone naive enough to get me angry :lol:

King Usbeorn 10-22-2011 06:49 PM

Mine is big, fat, and thinks that he can walk through anything. Just had clean up the powerade AGAIN.
My other cat is the real demon. She actually hides and attacks me. One time I just passed her, she was on the window ledge, and she just clawed my face, like a cat version of a bitch slap.

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