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Estrella 10-31-2010 01:06 AM

Champagne Supernova - Giving away a light spell, event items and jelly squids.

Hi there! Welcome to the Champagne Supernova Charity event thread. If you don't know what that is well, then, POO ON YOU! I'm going to be holding some contents for prizes and some sort of contests for prizes. I'll keep 'em simple though 'cause I'm sure y'all want to get your hands into the NPC games! So here's what I'll be doing:

1. You have to use the item described and it has to be recognizable
2. DAC is allowed.
3. Let me know which category you want to be in & post your submission.
4. I'll choose winners myself.

Category 1 - Fiery layer skirt
Participant 1: Linnea
Participant 2: OPEN

Category 2 - Halloween Goodie Bag Blue
Participant 1: Lilith W
Participant 2: monstahh`

Category 3 - Dryad's Hallow
Participant 1: Seridano
Participant 2: OPEN

Each category = 250g
Best overall = 500g

Fauxreal 10-31-2010 03:24 AM

*cough* Are we allowed to post?

Estrella 10-31-2010 03:28 AM

Yes m'am. Surely are.

Vanellope 10-31-2010 03:34 AM

many generous people on this event!!

Liztress 10-31-2010 03:36 AM

*leaves a bag of... candy on Estrella's doorstep*

Broseph 10-31-2010 03:36 AM

I think Estrella wanted to do a writing contest for the light spell but since Lise is doing one she decided against it.
I have no idea what she'll be doing otherwise though.

Liz - I once left a burning bag of dog poo on a man's porch.

*Please note that there is some swearing in that video.

Liztress 10-31-2010 03:53 AM

Broseph, I always figured you were the sort to do a prank like that. :lol:

Hmm... I wish I could offer an idea for her but I'm all out of ideas.

Fauxreal 10-31-2010 04:01 AM

oh! I want to win a squid! *woot woot*

Estrella 10-31-2010 04:01 AM

Yeah, I'm pretty idealess myself.
Maybe I'll just do a haiku contest again. xD

Dystopia 10-31-2010 04:02 AM

:D Thanks for the stuff, Est.

Liztress 10-31-2010 04:28 AM

Haiku's are good. :)

Fauxreal 10-31-2010 04:33 AM

*hum* I can't think of a good contest. But I do want some candy - which I shouldn't be eating at almost midnight. *O.O*

Kaema 10-31-2010 04:47 AM

Hello! :)
A haiku contest sounds nice. Would there be a Halloween theme? :)

Linnea 10-31-2010 08:40 AM

estrelly has an event thread!?

The_Crow 10-31-2010 09:25 AM

Best of luck with your event thread, Estrella-sama. Ne, am I allowed to shout my greetings to Broseph: from over here, too?

Kultura 10-31-2010 12:13 PM

Hurray :D

Estrella 10-31-2010 02:52 PM

Crow - Yes sirmam, you're welcome to do it from here.

Okay, guys, I'm gonna' go ahead and get everything updated within the hour provided my child isn't a stinky one. x3

Dottie Mae Evans 10-31-2010 03:15 PM

I didn't know it was safe to post yesterday or I would had been the first post. :P Oh well. ^_^;

Seridano 10-31-2010 03:18 PM

Good morning me lovelies.

Estrella 10-31-2010 03:21 PM

Haha, sorry Lizzy. x3

It's all be updated guys. Go check it out.
Lemme know if anything is confusing. My daughter woke me up EARLY today so I'm kind of sluggish this morning.

dragoness129 10-31-2010 03:23 PM

-waves- Hello everyone! ^_^

Estrella 10-31-2010 03:24 PM

Hey dragoness, how are you?

dragoness129 10-31-2010 03:26 PM

I am doing pretty good, trying to think of what to have for lunch.
How are you?

Estrella 10-31-2010 03:27 PM

I'm tired and grouchy and I'm just gonna' go lay down somewhere.
I'll be back later.

Seridano 10-31-2010 03:28 PM

Here's number 2!

That is one unamused looking baby o.O

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