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serena yuy 04-15-2013 07:52 PM

[NOW OPEN! :)] Uni Student's Library- I guess we can has party?
Uni Student's Library

Really? Why?!

*goes and hides in a corner crying*[cry]

serena yuy 04-15-2013 08:04 PM


This is the event thread for the Uni Student's Library.
'Tis nearing the end of the Spring Semester for most of us here, and with that it means finals, many a night hiding away in the library we call home, and even our own rooms. Not seeing sunlight for days, or even having any social interaction for as many days.
Since we're unable to leave the library, why not have the party here in the library. Come join us in our celebration of the Phoenix Jubilee.
What's better than getting a bunch of socially awkward students together in a place they have to live in during the last few weeks of the semester? Involve food, and they will come [yes]
There will be snacks. Just be sure to keep the snack crumbs off the books and computers, and to not spill your energy drinks. ^_^

serena yuy 04-15-2013 08:12 PM


This list contains those who are regulars to the Uni Student's Library Main page

Bound Birdie:
admonished nonsense:

If there are more and I forgot you, I'm sorry. I've been kind of missing from the internet and social interactions for awhile :/

Links out

serena yuy 04-15-2013 08:20 PM

General Information

This is a mature gathering for the Menewshans out there who are Uni age, in University (or college) looking for a place to gather with others who know and share the same pain. Anyone is welcome to come and share their past University/College stories. But, please note that this is a mature gathering, so some language may be used in moderation. Figured I'd warn now. [:)]


No Flaming
Be respectful. Or actions will be taken.
No trolling
No Assholery
Do not make me create a black list. I really don't want to

Follow these rules, and we'll all have a fun time.

serena yuy 04-15-2013 08:28 PM

Possibly nice looking avatars.

serena yuy 04-15-2013 08:28 PM

In case I think of something or there has to be something here.

serena yuy 04-15-2013 08:38 PM

Now Open!!!

Post away my pretties [:)]

ElysiumFate 04-15-2013 08:55 PM

Lol, the intro meme made me snort.

serena yuy 04-15-2013 09:02 PM

I saw it when I did some searches and I just had to use it :D I changed my profile pic to it right now. The one I used last I'll use at the end of the semester (the original that is. I added the almost in GIMP)

ElysiumFate 04-15-2013 09:47 PM

Oh gawd. The second meme. >.> What are people. What is sun? Tell me, I forgots amongst all the trying to understand the base nucleotides of DNA and RNA. >.>

Bound Birdie 04-15-2013 09:57 PM

I am subed! I will see you guys after work XP

serena yuy 04-15-2013 10:00 PM

@Ely: Exactly. What is sun? Today I learned it's the bright shiny thing that comes through in the sky and warms up me bed so I had a warm spot to nap in earlier. What is words? I forgets how to use them from all my trying to type like big smart person.

@Birdie: Sounds good. I might be on. Work tomorrow :/

ljosberinn 04-15-2013 10:00 PM

I'm not in uni right now but I applied for some random courses for next semester. Mostly to have something to do and get my parents/extended family off my back.. but well, after a year of working I decided I'd really rather go back to uni! While you're working on a degree you think 'I'm never doing this again!' but then as soon as you finish you cannot for the life of you remember why you ever thought that in the first place....

spicedroses 04-15-2013 10:01 PM

sneaking in and taking a look around. so what are you all up to

ElysiumFate 04-15-2013 10:08 PM

Trying to remember what it's like to have functioning brain cells. >.>

Yeah, I know I'll miss uni, I'm sure, but when you've been in school for over...15 16 years kinda lose it at some point.

ljosberinn 04-15-2013 10:11 PM

ElysiumFate, I know what it's like.. I did 18 years straight and I had so had enough xD But it's been two years now almost since I finished uni and I just wanna go back.. working life is so depressing. Especially with the unemployment rate.

Bound Birdie 04-15-2013 10:12 PM

lol Ely XD

I am grabbing a few tokens while getting ready
but there's so much gold again

why does mene hate silver and a proper purple now? It's the same colors as the last event.

ElysiumFate 04-15-2013 10:15 PM

There is some lavender Birdie. :)

I'm gaining tokens pretty easy this round. Hopefully it stays that way because I can't post much this week.

@ljos: Yeah, I feel that. I'm not looking forward to the unemployment rates and the high competition.

Bound Birdie 04-15-2013 10:18 PM

I know I do prefer a grape though XD so picky I know, I will probably by the lavender and the minty green fluffy stuff but I am really kind of upset that there are so many items that I would like if there wasn't gold all over them, not even in a way I can layer it out. Plus there was some complaint last event from all the gold (lol not even by me XD) so I was hoping there would be a change but :( Oh well more for rares I guess.

serena yuy 04-15-2013 10:22 PM

I'm with Birdie, I would like a darker purple. :)

I'm kind of just hoping I can finish this event with all of the event items again. :/

I'm at the point Ely is at. I've been in some form of school since 1992 when I turned 5. so for over 20 years I've been in school. It's annoying. I'm sick of it, I'm getting sick of the bullcrap I have to deal with. I love learning, I'm just burnt out from the stress and everything that has been placed on me upon entering :(

Bound Birdie 04-15-2013 10:27 PM

I am really glad I took time off to figure out what I really wanted. I hadn't a clue coming out of high school and it would have been a waste of money to try to go to school with no major.

Well I had a few left over enough to get the two items I wanted most. Hopefully the rares aren't to much and I can help you guys out.

serena yuy 04-15-2013 10:30 PM

I knew what I wanted to do when I finished my bachelor's. I just wish I had taken my own advice and taken more time off to get myself figured out and figure out how I would have done it. Better prepare for it than I did. But, I moved too quick, took on tooo much and am now facing the consequences.

---------- Post added 04-15-2013 at 06:35 PM ----------

Oh, and I forgot to mention, that it also took me until my last semester as an undergrad to fully realise how I wanted to do it though. Like if I wanted to go after I graduated from Fredonia or wait. I gave into the pressures and went in this past Fall. I graduated from Fredonia Dec 2011, and went into grad school exactly a year later. -.-

Bound Birdie 04-15-2013 10:57 PM

lol I probably am taking a lot more time then I should though, I mean I am almost 30 and a barely have a certificate so XP but on the other hand it seems like that career won't really have a huge market after a while so XP maybe it's a good thing and I should start trying to think of something else?

anyways I'm off to work see you guys soon!

ljosberinn 04-15-2013 11:03 PM

Bye Birdie!
Education in Sweden is free, so I'm just gonna take some random courses and see where it goes. Hopefully can find a job that I can do while studying - never worked out well before. But we'll see. If I can get part time uni and part time work it should be enough to keep me floating. :)

serena yuy 04-15-2013 11:28 PM

Yeah, sadly in the US we have to either pay for our education, or get loans to pay for them now and then 6 months after we graduate, we have to start paying them all back. I did my Political Science Senior project researching the Finnish education system, and ended up learning a lot about that one and most of the other European systems. Which are very similar.

I hate how we're told to go do something, go to school to get the job and such. But, at the same time, our federal government here makes us have to pay so much we can't afford it without putting ourselves in 10s of thousands of dollars in debt. If I continued the way I was originally, my boyfriend and I would have had over $60k (over 385,000 krona) in debt to pay off just from my education alone. Even with me coming home and doing it from home, we'll still have to pay off almost that amount.
Now with me going home and living with my dad while I finish my Master's (till I move out), I will be saving almost $10,000 (over 64,000 Krona) just from housing alone.
The tuition is $10,000 each semester alone at this school.

Oh note: I'm going for my Graduate degree. I already have my bachelor's, but still.

It doesn't help that I'm also working almost 15hr a week and was pulling a full courseload. I'm still working almost as much, but got so far behind in my classes, I'm at the point where I don't know how/if I'll be able to catch up and not completely fail. And then waste more money.

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