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TaiyoTsuki 08-18-2017 08:42 PM

The Warlock's Attic--Celes Paradi is here!
The Warlock's Attic
(A Celes Paradi art shop)

There's an event on, and you know what that means; the return of The Warlock's Attic! Feel free to come in, order some arts, or just chat! And of course, enjoy the event [cool].


I'll do avatar art and OC artwork. If it's an OC, some sort of reference would be helpful; whether it's a ref that's already been drawn or a dream avatar pic doesn't matter, as long as I've got something to go on [:3]. If it's avatar art, specify if it's your current avatar or a dream avatar so I can save a pic of it to use as a reference!

For what sort of art to expect, here's what I've done for previous events:
Halloween 2016
Menewshan Summer Games 2016


-Headshot (lineart): ~200g OR 5 tokens
-Headshot (full color): ~250g OR 6 tokens

-Waist-up (lineart): ~300g OR 7 tokens
-Waist-up (full color): ~350g OR 8 tokens

-Chibi (lineart): ~150g OR 3 tokens
-Chibi (full color): ~175g OR 4 tokens

-Add people: Add 100g OR 2 tokens per person.

-SKETCHES! These are a deal I'm starting for this event; they're just pencil sketches, starting at 50g OR 1 token per sketch. For sketches that have more than one subject, it's the same rule as above.

Also don't be afraid to haggle! Do my prices seem a little high or low? I'm not against haggling for the best price, and as I've got no idea how to price my art, the feedback would be a HUGE help!

REGARDING CHARITIES: If you're buying art for/on behalf of a charity, I'm willing to either give you a discount or for no price whatsoever. However, you must provide me with a link to the charity you're buying the art for, so I know that it's not a scam.

I'll accept payments by trade or donation, it doesn't matter to me.

To place an art order, just use this form here (minus the spaces):


@ TaiyoTsuki ;

[ B ]Username:[/B]

[ B ]Headshot, wasit-up, or chibi:[/B]

[ B ]What do you want drawn?[/B]

[ B ]References (if needed): [/B]

[ B ]Any other stuff I missed in the form goes here:[ / B ]


Just as with previous event art shops I've opened, everyone who buys an art (lineart, sketch, chibi, dosen't matter) gets ONE entry into an art raffle! At the end of the event I'll do a drawing, and whoever's username comes up will win a free full-body, full-color commision of your choice. Just keep in mind that whatever you wish drawn cannot violate Menewsha's ToS.

~Other Stuff That Should Be Mentioned~
-Follow Menewsha's ToS
-Feel free to chat~
-By default, I'll be putting all the drawings I do during the event up in a montage on deviantART. If you don't want your pic in the montage, let me know!

hummy 08-18-2017 08:43 PM

shimmie shakes all over the place

TaiyoTsuki 08-18-2017 08:47 PM

Hi Hummy! ^^

hummy 08-18-2017 08:52 PM

how's my favorite TT doing?

TaiyoTsuki 08-18-2017 09:16 PM

Good. Got a bunch of stuff done today...still gonna have a few things to do tomorrow though XP

hummy 08-18-2017 09:20 PM

I have to get groceries...on a Saturday

TaiyoTsuki 08-18-2017 10:16 PM


Well, if you do it right, you might be able to avoid the big crowds. It's why I usually go super late at night after work, when the grocery store's almost deserted X'D.

Course, having it be 24 hrs (not Walmart, thank gods) helps [XD]

hummy 08-18-2017 10:19 PM

why not wal*mart? I love the people of wal*mart videos

TaiyoTsuki 08-18-2017 10:26 PM

I don't trust their groceries. I've only gone there to get things a few times, but every stinkin' time it's either already opened, past the expiration date, stale even though it's not past the expiration date, or just plain rotten. Canned stuff isn't so bad, but the produce has always been rotten and moldy by the time we get home from the store. So I just don't go to Walmart for groceries.

That, and the grocery store I go to is closer anyway XP

hummy 08-18-2017 10:29 PM

bad stockers. report that

TaiyoTsuki 08-18-2017 10:34 PM

I've tried. Makes no difference.

I've no idea if this is representative of the entire company or not, as there's only the one Walmart close to where I live, so it's the only one I have any experience with.

hummy 08-18-2017 10:50 PM

we get fired if you do not rotate stock.
especially perishable foods!

TaiyoTsuki 08-19-2017 05:22 AM

Apparently that does not happen at my local Walfart.

hummy 08-19-2017 05:29 AM

that is a shame

TaiyoTsuki 08-19-2017 05:48 AM

Li'l bit....

Hence why I say I don't know if it's a company thing or a just-my-store thing. That, and the motto of my town seems to be "why do something competently when you can do it half-assed?"

Amane 08-19-2017 11:56 AM

I didn't care about warlocks until I learned they were mages.

Shadami 08-19-2017 01:48 PM

Well we can't trade time tokens. but if i get the chance maybe i can order something :]

hummy 08-19-2017 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by TaiyoTsuki (Post 1773943882)
Li'l bit....

Hence why I say I don't know if it's a company thing or a just-my-store thing. That, and the motto of my town seems to be "why do something competently when you can do it half-assed?"

*spits tea* now that's. a motto~

Shadami 08-19-2017 04:27 PM

That is definitely some motto

hummy 08-19-2017 04:36 PM

I know, right?

Shadami 08-19-2017 09:01 PM

My ex boyfriend used to say there was no point doing a long winded way when there was a short way that could be done lazily in little time at all and still have the same result.

TaiyoTsuki 08-19-2017 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1773944940)

*spits tea* now that's. a motto~

Yeah...and it's not meant as a compliment, either.

Amane 08-20-2017 03:04 PM

I love that revealing bad things about something or someone is now called "spilling tea."

Shadami 08-20-2017 03:13 PM

well doesn't have to be bad things. and its spitting tea. like a spit take. surprising things or funny things that were unexpected to be said. ^^ spit takes are the best.

hummy 08-20-2017 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by TaiyoTsuki (Post 1773945758)
Yeah...and it's not meant as a compliment, either.

that's pricelewss

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