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Underwater Terrarium 01-11-2018 03:50 AM

[Community Hangout]Underwater Terrarium

Welcome to the Underwater Terrarium in future Menewsha!

During the Festival of Winter Nights, Cecilia and Boq Boq went to check out "The last of the Great-land plants" display at the local museum in future Menewsha. Now you can explore it to your hearts content and chat with the other museum goers.

So come on in, take a look around and appreciate the display of flowers and trees that have been collected from present day Menewsha for the Menewshans of the future to appreciate, and as the plaque says:


"These trees are a sad reminder and testament to the surface world we lost. By our gills, let us never forget. Blessed is the Blue."
The museum will be open for posting until the lovely event we have in February. As a sign of that love for everyone, if you have purchased a ticket to explore the museum (posted in this thread at least once.) You will be entered to win all of the gold that the museum has collected from now until we give it away to a lucky patron!

Happy posting!

Kory 01-12-2018 01:38 AM


I want to go to the museum!

Shadami 01-12-2018 01:45 AM

Me to, its been way to long since I've been to a museum!

Kory 01-12-2018 01:45 AM

I hope they have fun things in the museum! :D
Like a wind tunnel!

Kay 01-12-2018 03:29 PM

Ooh. A new hangout thread. Neat [:D]

Velvet 01-12-2018 04:09 PM

Awesome. I would love to visit an underwater terrarium.

Tom Hiddleston 01-12-2018 05:04 PM

I can imagine Ava crying in a wind tunnel

onsenmark 01-13-2018 01:06 AM

I bet there are trees, but not a lot of them. [:(]

Facade 01-13-2018 09:14 AM

Ooh, water is so... wet. [drool]

I'd love to squelch in an underwater terrarium! Especially after the average temperature on the planet rises by a good 10 degrees Celsius, the oceans rise (ideally) a few thousand feet, and all life as we know it is wiped from existence. [insane]

-sips tea with the fishes-

Kory 01-13-2018 03:46 PM

I wanna go underwater! :D
Hopefully we can all swim!

Shadami 01-14-2018 02:28 AM

i sink actually. xD i'm really bad at floating.

Kory 01-14-2018 02:52 AM

That's alright, Shadami.
I can float, but that's about the only thing I know how to do.

I can doggy paddle too.

Facade 01-14-2018 06:51 AM

Yeah, I can doggy paddle and pretend to swim like a real human if I really, really try. [lol]

Let's all get some inflatable rafts/chairs and just lounge about with tropical drinks. [cool] Ooh, and seaweed snacks!

...I love, love, love seaweed. [drool]

hummy 01-14-2018 12:50 PM

Huzzah Facade I love your signature

Inzanebraned 01-14-2018 04:51 PM

I float okay...but I totally suck at swimming!
*grabs inflatable raft and water wings for extra measure*

Kory 01-14-2018 05:34 PM

I want those arm floaties. :D

Facade 01-14-2018 07:22 PM

-leaves a pair of arm floaties next Ava's spleen after a minor surgical procedure- [ninja]

@Humz: I do too! Thanks to you and Ghosty for it. [mrgreen] Heehee.

Kory 01-15-2018 12:29 AM

Don't take my spleen! *sob*

Facade 01-15-2018 02:40 AM

Well, good news! I left your spleen in your body... but the arm floaties you requested are now inside you too, right next to your spleen. D:

I wonder if they'll let you float in this shiny underwater terrarium?

Kory 01-15-2018 02:56 AM

Does this mean that I am bloated now? D:

Facade 01-15-2018 02:58 AM

I hope so! [eager]

-pokes the floatie innards-

Teehee, they're squishy! [:B]

Kory 01-16-2018 12:30 AM

*pukes out the floaties and all of her insides*

hummy 01-16-2018 01:52 PM

*turns teal and runs out*

Kay 01-16-2018 04:03 PM

Good morning everyone. How's everyone's day going?

hummy 01-16-2018 05:12 PM

So far so good today hope your day stays good, too, Kay

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