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Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 01-23-2012 09:48 PM

Humans Are Slaves to Vampires
There was a war between humans and vampires. Vampires won. Now humans are slaves.

Follow all Mene rules
PM me your profile

master profile skelly:
age turned at:
powers (not too many):
bio (optional):
how do you treat your slaves:
what do you think of the humans:

slave profile:
bio (optional):
how are you treated:
what do you think of the vampires:

Link to profile page:

Jonathan Sparks
Marcellus Adonius Keller
Noelle Snow
Jared Marcus Wolfe
Aaron Stone
Vincent Rutherford
Madelyn Auriella Black
Lilith Brenna Darke

Luna Olivia Black
Finx Sunfara
Yuki Naio
Pandora Night
Adelaide Rose Johnson
Abigail Riley
Flora Lore
Clarissa Elizabeth Birch
Janie Ariana Brown
Megan Rose Oak

Losali 01-26-2012 05:18 AM

Sounds fun, I'm new here so I'm not quite sure how this RP will play out. Is this a one on one or a group? Im down if you are. But I will commit only to posting 3 times a week posts of 3 paragraphs. Let me know.

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 01-26-2012 05:12 PM

It's a group.

Losali 02-05-2012 04:49 AM

What does that mean? (I'm really new here) Are you waiting for more people because it has been a week or so and no one else has posted. I'm down if you are ready.

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 02-05-2012 02:35 PM

You need to send me a profile, there actually are to other members now, one joined a few days ago and the other just joined

finx15 02-21-2012 04:37 PM

Finx couldn't believe that she had been taken captive by the vampires granted it was mostly her own fault but she still couldn't believe it. The vampires who had caught her hadn't been gentle in handling her they had been thrilled to catch a hunter expecially one that normal could evade them easily but know here she was in a slave shop. ((going to say thats were they buy the humans.))

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 02-24-2012 04:31 PM

((yeah it'dbe something like that))

Jonathan walked through the slave shop, frowning at the cages. He stopped at Finx's cage, "Hello" His voice was gentle, soft and kind, trying not to frighten the girl.

finx15 02-24-2012 07:32 PM

"Get away from me demon." Finx spat at him angrily. "I would sy go to heck but even heck is to good for youre kind."

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 02-24-2012 08:02 PM

"I'm not going to hurt you" Jonathan said, gently "and don't you think that's kind of harsh? I'm not a demon, child, I'm person too, I'm just a bit different form you that's all"

finx15 03-01-2012 04:38 AM

"you're not human you're filth just like they rest of youre kind."finx spat giving him a dirty look.

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 03-01-2012 05:16 PM

"I used to be human" Jnathan countered, "And how is you judging me for the ctrimes of my kind any different from the vampires locking you up because you're human? Doesn't that make you just like them?" His voice is still gentle,but very serious, "I can see why you hate vampires, of course, but we aren't all like them" he waves his hand at the slave sellers.

SpiritTaker 03-01-2012 06:00 PM

Pandora sat in her cage, eyes closed. A soft yawn escaped from her mouth, but she wasn't tired. When she heard footsteps near her cage, she opened her eyes and glanced around. A male had come in, stopping at Finx's cage. She frowned when she heard everything that Finx had said, obvious disgust towards the girls attitude showing in her eyes. "Just because they are different doesn't mean they should be treated differently," she said, "The same goes for us humans. They were human once, so they shouldn't be called a demon or filth. How would you like it if you were in their position? Would you enjoy being called a demon?" She shifted slightly to where she was sitting on her knees instead of leaning against the back of the cage, her piercing blue eyes now locked on Finx. "You should take the feeling of others into account, whether they be human or vampire, before you say stuff like that," she said, "Because you never know what would happen or who you're dealing with."

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 03-01-2012 09:32 PM

Luna looked over at Pandora hearing what she said, "They scare me" she whispered.

SpiritTaker 03-01-2012 09:36 PM

Pandora turned her gaze from Finx when she heard Luna speak. "It's normal to be scared," she said, "Even I'm scared. Not because they're vampires, though."

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 03-01-2012 09:50 PM

"What's your name?" asked Luna, "I'm Luna Black"


((Could one of you mae a master character to buy Luna? Spirit, Jonathan is buying Finx but he could also buy Pandora or Marcellus could buy her))

SpiritTaker 03-01-2012 10:45 PM

[[It doesn't matter which buys Pandora.
I'll make a master to buy Luna when I have the time, okies? :3]]
"Pandora Night," she said, "Nice to meet you Luna."

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 03-02-2012 04:13 PM

((I think I'll have Marcellus buy her,thank you!))

"Nice to meet you to" said Luna softly.
Marcellus walked into the slave market.

SpiritTaker 03-02-2012 04:27 PM

[[Welkies. <3]]
Pandora smiled softly at the girl. "I hope someone nice buys you," she said, "You seem as if you're fragile. No offense if you're not like that at all, but it's what I'm getting from just now meeting you..."

Noelle walked into the slave market, looking at the different cages. She stood completely still as she observed the humans, figuring out which one she would get.

finx15 03-02-2012 07:50 PM

((i'll make a master if you need one))
Finx snarled "i would kill myself if I was a vampire. Vampires are all the same killers, demons, and bloodthristy beasts. Thats all they are just like humans are selfish to kind and meals. Hunters don't befriend vampires are job is to protect people from them fat lot of good I'm doing still like to know how the caught me." finx sighed "Now leave me be vampire I would rather die in this cage then be bought by the likes of you."

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 03-02-2012 08:01 PM

"Sure" said Jonathan "its easy to say that you yourself would rather die but what if, I don't know if you have a little sister or anything, but if you did and they got turned into a vampire would you see them as a monster? Don't get me wrong, I've seen vampires do terrible things but I've also seen your hunters murder an innocent little girl just because she was a vampire, she was about six years old, so who were the real monsters there, child?" His voice isn't as if he's judging her, it's just sad.
"You could put it that way" Luna shrugged, "I've always been shy and not particularly very brave"

((spirit mad eone but you can make one if you want finx))

SpiritTaker 03-03-2012 02:47 AM

"I see..." Pandora said with a small nod, "I've been more of the caring type of person. I don't like violence..."

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 03-04-2012 04:06 AM

Luna nodded, "I don't like violence either...'

SpiritTaker 03-04-2012 04:43 AM

"I wish you luck then~" Pandora said with a smile before leaning back against a side of her cage, closing her eyes.

Noelle continued to look over the slaves, her gaze soon landing on Luna. She watched her for a moment, a small smile forming at her lips before she headed over to the cage.

Annabeth Rowanna Cullen 03-04-2012 05:03 AM

Luna tried to make herself as small as possible when Noelle came over to her cage.

SpiritTaker 03-04-2012 03:19 PM

[[You could have posted as Marcellus.... .-. Kinda why I had Pandora end the conversation...]]

Noelle stopped at Luna's cage, smiling softly at the girl. "Hello," she said, her voice gentle, "What's your name? I'm Noelle~"

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