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Miiyako 09-24-2017 06:17 AM

[ miiyako ] [ purplebox ] skyrim rp
Will edit post later!

PurpleBox 09-27-2017 05:41 AM

Here are my two Breton's.

Name: Corroc the Silent
Age: about 24-25
Small Bio: Born in Falkreath, raised by a priestess of Mara in Cyrodill after his father died. Came back to Skyrim when he turned 16 to try and find some of his mothers family, no luck with that,so he ended up joining the Thieves Guild. Feel's more at home with the Guild then he had his whole childhood with either his father or the priestess. Only two of the Guild members know where he disappears to every few weeks for a few days. He has a small cabin in the woods outside of Riften, a hovel really but it is his escape, he loves to be in nature's embrace rather then confined to the stone walls of a city.
Weapon/s of Choice: Daggers, Bow and Arrows.
Magic/s of Choice: Conjouration
Appearance:Ref Corroc has thick black hair that he hangs over his left eye, his left eye is unnaturally red and has been since he was born. His skin is pale and he has old scars across his throat and through his right eye. Normally wears his Guild leathers, simple tunic and pants, or a worn set of hide armor. Both of his ears are pierced multiple times and the bridge of his nose is pierced aswell.
Name: Ophelia 'Luna' Grant
Age: 23
Small Bio: Grew up taking care of her twin brother and her 4 younger siblings while her parents where busy with the daily life of High Rock court. She and her twin brother longed for adventure and to leave the 'cage' their parents were content to live in. Had an arranged marriage sometime before her brother went off on his own adventure to avoid the same fate, left her a letter saying he was going off to Skyrim to become a adventurer. Exchanged letter with her twin for a few years till they trickled off, promoting her to go and look for him, leaving behind a man she did not want to marry to look for her twin. Joined the Companions in Whiterun to train herself up a bit and bring herself in some gold to fund her search for her brother.
Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrows, Short Swords
Magic of Choice: N/A
Appearance:Ref Long and wavy ginger hair with freckles to match. Ophelia has spring green eyes and slightly tanned skin from the past few years travailing outside in the elements. Her ears are pierced and she wears earrings made out of the fangs of the first wolf she killed in Skyrim, she has a few scars across her lower back left behind by the same wolf. She normally wears either studded or hide armor, though she will wear a light iron armor when travailing for more then a few days. She paints two pale blue streaks on each of her cheeks as homage to her brother as he did the same when they were kids.

ooc: I hope this is ok >c< wasn't sure if i should do a opening post but i will try to get something in tomorrow >C<

Miiyako 09-29-2017 07:30 PM

Race: Bosmer
Age: 24
Class: thief/archer
Bio: Spencer was born in a small little campsite just outside Rorikstead. He grew up learning how to fend for himself. This self reliance extended into thievery in order to survive, and Spencer quickly picked up archery in his teens. He doesn't know what happened to his parents, but ever since he left to survive on his own, he's lost contact with them. They're probably still in Skyrim somewhere, or maybe they moved on to a better place to get out of the hellhole Skyrim can be.

He's become pretty skilled, and even studying up on the Daedric Prince Nocturnal. Spencer wound up worshipping her because of what she offers to her followers. He's not part of the thieves guild, but he'd like to think that he can end up in her realm anyway after passing.

Race: Dunmer
Age: 23
Class: Mage/Fighter
Small Bio: Born in Windhelm, Phil hated growing up there. He was always bullied and teased, and he especially hated the harsh weather. He left the city the second he was old enough to fend for himself, and ended up studying at the college of Winterhold for a little while. Phil didn't stick there long, since he wasn't interested in learning much of anything besides setting things on fire.

He picked up one-handed weapons somewhere along the way, teaching himself how to fight using trees. Phil isn't as big on being a sneakthief, but he's not opposed to stealing things, either. He's always been attracted to 'shiny' things, such as money, nice new weapons, or even jewelry. What he takes, he fences off for more money.

Phil and Spencer tend to work together a lot of the time. They like to think they make a great pair, but they're not ALWAYS together. They're more than happy to separate for days/weeks and run into each other again after a break.

References to come later

PurpleBox 10-21-2017 09:20 PM

Skyrim was a harsh land, many of the province’s holds where in perpetual winter and cold, even in the warmer months. Ophelia had been here for two years. Looking for her brother and escaping her family’s plans to marry her off just to expand their influence. Two years ago the Breton with hair like orange fire had been a skinny toothpick who could barely lift a sword properly to defend herself, now after having joined the Companions of Whiterun the Breton was adept in the use of Bow’s and her short sword, both weapons strapped to some part of her body.

At the moment Ophelia had finished up a job of clearing out some wolves for a local farmer who had lost some of his stock to the animals. It was a good hunt, though for Ophelia a little bitter sweet considering the pack she had killed reminded her in a way of her new family among the Companions. “Alea would have enjoyed this hunt.” The orange haired Breton sighed to herself as she got closer to the small village of Helgen. She could sell the pelts she’d striped from the wolves for some extra gold at their inn or shops.

As she come into Helgen the orange haired Breton had noticed the long detail of Imperials and carts of prisoners… all in the colors of the Stormcloaks apparently...That set her on edge but she kept her lips sealed tightly as she kept out of their way.
In the shadows behind the Inn inside of Helgen sat a silent thief who was counting the gold he’d managed to pick pocket today. As well as some ingots he’s managed to swipe from the local trader shop, all in all a good haul for the mute thief. ‘Corroc my man you have done well. This should be enough for my share of the haul back in the Ratway… I can’t wait to get back home.’ Corroc The Silent thought with a grin on his pale face.

The black haired thief was not called The Silent for his ability to move undetected, it was because he didn’t speak. Many in the Guild thought he just chose to let his actions speak for him, but Brynolf knew better, after wrestling the tale of the scar across Crorroc’s neck out of the dark haired Breton thief. As Corroc moved his head to the side his earrings clinked together making the thief let out a soundless chuckle. Most of his hair covered his left eye and let he’d never missed a shot with his bow or hsi daggers.

As he pocketed his loot and headed out of the shadows he noticed a long convoy coming into Helgen. ‘Dam imperials… looks like i should have left sooner… now I’ll have to wait till they leave…’ he thought bitterly as he leaned himself up against the side of the Inn. Looking like any other local. His Guild leathers buried deep in his pack for safe keeping and anonymity.


Miiyako 10-23-2017 08:02 PM

Phil wasn’t entirely sure why he’d been asked to stay outside of Helgen. He knew Spencer was the better thief of the two and could easily pull off the spy act, while Phil was the brute here. Still, it confused him as to why he had to stay here, as opposed to going inside the military town as backup. He knew Spencer was sly and could handle himself in a pinch, but he was also alone, and there was a chance that he could slip up.

Currently, Phil was pacing back and forth, muttering to himself. It wasn’t like there was much of anything TO steal here, but Spencer had insisted, and Phil was always game for something new to do. Especially if that something new involved anything shiny. He looked up midst-mutter, noting that he wasn’t alone. There was a woman standing not too far off from where he was. She wasn’t looking at HIM though, she was staring at something past him. With a frown, he turned to follow her gaze, only to casually move off the road. He didn’t want to get run over by a bunch of Imperials with carts. It’d be even worse if said Imperials actually decided he was suspicious enough to arrest him. He hoped that wasn’t the case.

“Morning,” Phil said with a nod. He backed up a few more steps, again casting his glance toward the Breton woman. There was something about her that stood out, and he couldn’t quite place it.


Spencer sat inside the inn. He wasn’t in a dark corner, he was out in the open, encouraging the bard to sing while Spencer drank mead. He was eyeballing the location, trying to keep a mental note of where everything was, so he could come back later this evening and perhaps find where the inkeeper stored the lock box. That’s what Spencer REALLY wanted. He’d heard that since Helgen was an Imperial town, a lot of money would be stored there. Enough to set him and Phil up for quite a few months, at least. They’d be able to settle in Whiterun and live comfortably there.

However, it wasn’t until he noticed movement coming from some dimly lit corner that Spencer set his flask down. He tuned out the bard as he studied this -- man? Yeah, it had to be man, because he was entering the more brightly lit area of the inn. Spencer couldn’t tell what this man was doing, but the rest of the patrons were acting off too. The barkeep was no longer serving drinks, patrons were gathering up their belongings and heading for the main door.

Spencer got up to follow them, wanting to know what the fuss was about. He followed one patron outside while still trying to keep an eye on this particular man. He couldn’t watch for long, because Spencer was now aware that a couple of carts full of Stormclloak prisoners were arriving, and now his thoughts were of Phil. He’d stupidly left Phil outside, and there was no way Spencer could know that it was probably asking for trouble.

He began pushing his way out of the inn and toward the front gate, where HOPEFULLY, Phil was still waiting. They didn’t need to be at Helgen anyway.

PurpleBox 10-23-2017 09:02 PM

"Morning....." Ophelia eyed the elf that had greeted her just outside the walls of Helgen for a moment, the elf looked shifty... bu then again who didnt look shifty when a Imperial caravan as coming through... Ophelia herself could have been mistaken for a bandit if it wasnt for her more well kept armor and hair. Looking back towards the village she saw peopel exiting the Inn to watch teh group that the Imperials where bringing.

It made her feel sick, though the antics of her birth land where no better when it came to fighting or dealing with 'traitors'. Even though she was a Breton, Ophelia believed in all 9 of the gods...more so because Arkay was said to have been mortal why couldn't another mortal ascend to godhood in life or death.
Corroc felt eyes on him as every one began to move out of the inn, the Breton male got swept up in the crowd and soon he was outside and could see the carts with Imeprial troupes and prisoners that looked like the guards from Windhelm. Up over the mountains in teh distance something caught the thiefs eyes for a moment... it looked big and was swooping over teh mountain... like it was headign towards them, then a sound like a roar echoed around.

The Breton heard teh female Imperial in full armor say it was nothing and then something about to get the parishioners moving. Something fell in the pit of Corroc's stomach, he didn't know weather it was pity or another emotion as the first prisoner got called to the block, he heard a man in teh crowd around him yell 'Justice!' as a female voice cowed out 'Death to the Stormcloaks.'.

It got harder to focus on that was going on as Corroc could swear he could hear and feel a thrumming sound getting closer.

It was as that sound got to it's height that every one saw the Dragon.
Ophelia had moved with the caravan of prisoners into Helgen... she still had things to trade after all, the slumbering beast inside her felt on edge and the girl with hair like fire ground her teeth together to push the beast back to sleep. Her control over her inner beast had surprised even the Harbinger of the Companions, Ophelia felt the call of the wolf but she was able to resist it with surprising calmness. She had to guess that it came form being able to wrangle all her wild younger siblings who could be animals sometimes when they got hyper.

As the first prisioners head was severd and the smell of blood reached her nose Ophelia had to close her eyes and turn away from the scene to keep her control from growling in anger at teh scene. "Maybe I should have pushed on till Riverwood." She spoke to herself as she heard another prisoner get called up to the block.

The she heard it.

The beat of massive wings as a roar and boom filled the air as the Dragon attacked.

Chaos erupted around the female Companion.
The second roaring shout that left the beast had knocked Corroc onto his arse and almost knocked the wind out of the young Breton, his vision was blurred for a moment and a ringing sound echoed in his ears along with shouting and sounds of fighting. When he coudl finaly see properly, all Corroc saw was Chaos.


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