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Immy 01-28-2014 12:38 AM

A Soul To Pay
A Soul To Pay

Slight Mature Level could be within the story later on

Written By: Lunna Dea: & Shattered Heart

Shadows cast over the city that once belonged to a great world fulled of peace and differences. Sure not everything was perfect in this world, but who out there had that right to say it was? It may not have been a total dead or dark world, but the sun only stayed out for no more than six hours each day unless the storms would arrive which wasn't too rare; the creatures of the dark tales and myths came out around that time. So everyone blames the creatures of different races, yet it's the humans who brought this upon themselves, and so far everyone is doing their best to survive. It had already been two years since 2014 began and this world changed, though it almost looked the same.

Erik stood out in the open knowing he couldn't be seen unless he wanted to be by whoever he would choose. Being who he was made it that way and even if he was seen, only children could see him or those about to die. He had his list in his hand as he skimmed the name once more "Alan Matthews" he spoke to himself reading in his mind as he watched the scene about to unfold Three younger sisters, the oldest of them all, and a mother who died when the last was born during childbirth. The father tries to help as much as he can, but Alan would do everything he could to take over their mother's role

Lunna Dea 01-28-2014 01:06 AM

Albert pulled his long ginger hair back into a ponytail and looked out the window of his small chic flat to the busy world below. Tonight was just another night to all the little ants running around on the streets below but tonight was a night to be celebrated. Tonight was the night he had been embraced into his new life by his master. He had taken a leap of faith and become one of the undead as some of the humans called them. But that did not matter to him, tonight was his night.

the doorman greeted him and held out his paper as he passed through the lobby. "evening Sir, another cool night. I hope your Halloween plans are coming along nicely." The Doorman smiled at the thought of Albert's Halloween parties of the last few years. He liked the new idea of kids going around to the doors of their neighbors and asking for treats. Albert got to meet so many of the new faces in his building that way that over the last few years he had set up the best hunted house for the kids and a bar and party for the adults that he was becoming famous for it.

"I have a few ideas rolling around in my mind." He smiled to him and walked out into the street. The sounds of the world crashed around him making him cringe ever so slightly before he moved out to find his first meal of the day. Walking though the gardens and parks of the city he listened to all the night sounds around him just waiting for an answer to his unvoiced call. Then he heard it, the sound of someone being mugged. Quick as a flash he was there in the alleyway looking over the two men.

One of the men was slumped into the walk his hand on his ribs, his eyes wide in shook. The other man stood over him a knife in one hand and a wallet in the other. The wallet seemed near empty which did not seem to please the man. "What you call this then?" The muggers voice was gruff and his eyes accusing. The other man coughed, Albert could smell blood on it.

"all I got, sister is sick." Pushing himself up he tired to stand only to fall back on the wall. If anything he had a punctured lung, if he was lucky. Albert thought as he moved to subdue the mugger. It did not take him long to have the man incapacitated, turning he applied pressure to the wound of the man and caught his eyes. You wont remember me only that some one came along and help you. With that he lifted man up and rushed him to the hospital. he would have to come back for the mugger later.

Immy 01-28-2014 02:47 PM

Erik stood watching in silence as his annoyance level rose, however he knew this kid would die, it was the name on his list, and from a stab wound like that. Well, there was no chance for him; sometimes Erik would watch and wonder to himself, nonetheless he never would start to doubt. He was who he was. Levitating off the dark, cold ground he followed them to make sure the kid would pass on, and even if the boy was saved, his life would be marked by death. So someway or somehow the boy would eventually die, no escape for this little mortal; sad thing was, this was a good kid, but in their world it didn't matter.

'This is why humans go instinct so much' Erik thought casually to himself as he watched the events unfold. He had a feeling there might be a slight possibility the boy would live if his hero here was fast enough and he did seem quite fast. Too fast. Erik had to start his game even though the guy wasn't his target. "You can't help him" he spoke still invisible to the so-called 'hero' "He'll die, you know it. Don't bother trying to save someone who is already lost" though the words felt normal, they felt different to say, and he wondered why the hero didn't stop.

Erik made it so a biker riding near them would head straight for them just to crash to throw them off their path even by a moment would help in Erik's favor. He hadn't tried to go all out, but the elders said this soul was important, though they didn't say why exactly.

Lunna Dea 01-28-2014 08:55 PM

Albert could feel the young mans heart beating defiantly under his hand as he held him close, keeping pressure on the wound to slow the bleeding. He had seen wounds like this many a time before, if he was not careful the young man would start bleeding internal but he knew what that would feel like. This young man had been lucky it was Albert that had come along no abalance would have gotten to him in time, but he could get him to the hospital and save him. So it was odd when he started geeing the feeling that the kid was not going to live with his help. Shaking his head he doubled his speed not caring what happened as he ran. If some one realized the wind that passed them had a human shape in it they would just go hide in their small homes praying to their gods who had betrayer them to vampire kind.

"he will not die this night, dark angel." He did not know if he said as a pray or if there was something there that waited for this man to die, but it was what his sire had said on this night long ago. Maybe this was the price of his unlive this year, to save a man that should have died.

'was that a shadow neared the biker?' Albert did not have time to think of it before he was jumping over the biker, a tangle with him would have cost valuable time for the young man. tuning a corner he saw it, the bright lights of hospital. he had always wondered why they used so much electricity to keep that place lit up in the dark but now he understood. it was to calm the fears of those daywalkers as they approached with medical problems.

Immy 01-29-2014 02:27 PM

The doctors were standing around or keeping busy with all those they had been attending. This place was only meant for humans, though whoever brought them in wouldn't be hated, considering they would be trying to save the life of another. One of the paramedics outside looked over seeing something...someone running and stood there to watch. "Hey, Crys, get a doctor" of course paramedics never asked each other why on such occasions like this. "Alright Max" Crys responded going inside to find an available doctor quickly.

Erik narrowed his eyes, his words didn't help him here so he tried one more time, if this didn't work then he would have to wait and watch as things would play out. "You can't save him, even if you do, you'd think he would just his thanks, and forget all about the fact that you're not human" Erik figured his words had no powers as he stayed hidden, though being called a dark angel he didn't mind, at least he wasn't called a fallen angel "Not an angel, you know in your heart you can't save him, he can't be saved, he has to die" and that was the last of his words when he heard the paramedics speak to one another.

Lunna Dea 01-29-2014 07:56 PM

Sighing as he saw the paramedics starting to move Albert started to slow. he did not want to jar the young man with a fast stop as he might have done if he was by himself. If one of the paramedics had noticed him coming in this fast they had to have good eyesight or be bound to a vampire to have seen. most humans did not see any form of movement when a vampire came at them or passed by them. as the voice whispered at him again he smiled.

"I do not do this for thanks, if you have been with me this whole time you would know I told him to forget me." his voice was low as he slowed even more. the heart beat of the young man was still strong but only just starting to grow weak. "What I know in my heart is that if I were to just leave him here he would still have almost ten minents to live without treatment. With the doctor he is getting this mans chances of survival are almost perfect." with that he reached one of the gernies and placed the young man on it. "I found him in an alley, he was stabbed with a six inch knife, I have had pressure on the wounds and it dose not feel like he has been bleeding internally but it would be best to check it out."

As the Paramedics converged on the young man Albert slipped off into the darkness. He would have to get a new change of clothes if he was to appear at any of his favorite hunts about town this evening. Looking back for one last look he smiled and returned to the alley to deal with the mugger. a while later the mugger stumbled out of the alley way looking no less for wear but a little bit tipsy. Albert stood in the shadows whipping the last of any blood from his mouth. "if your still with me creature you might as well show yourself."

Immy 01-30-2014 02:08 PM

"Only those on my list can see me" Erik spoke standing in the moonlight not realizing that a new name appeared on his list as one was erased within time. His short blonde hair moved slowly with the wind as under the moonlight, his light blue, almost silver light blue eyes could be seen shining though looking a tad bit dark. He was dressed in nice black pants and a t-shirt with a black death looking cloak around his neck with the hood down, and his shoes were simple matching black boots hidden beneath his pants legs. "You haven't understood yet what you have done to save that life of the boy did you?" shaking his head he sighed, this was going to be more troublesome than it was worth.

Erik remembered a soul doing this in the past, some human saved another human from getting hit by a speeding car, and both survived. A few days later the same human to almost get hit the first time was saved once more, but after a week passed that human jumped from a bridge killing himself. The human that saved him both times had jumped with him and ended the cycle of death trying to claim their souls. No matter what you do, who save, or even how. Escaping death is not a possibility and loopholes are just not that easy.

Lunna Dea 01-30-2014 09:33 PM

(( I am going to play this as he can now see him because you just described him))

Looking over at where the voice came from Albert raised an eyebrow. His warm chocolate eyes seemed to dance with merriment. He had been tall at five eight when he had been alive now he was short to most men around. The button up shirt hung snugly to his slender yet well toned frame. His pants were neatly pressed and appeared to be only a few days old. The boots were the only part of him that showed age as he ran is fingers through his Ginger hair, pulling it from its tie. There was a gentle wave to it, had it been shorter it would have been curly but it was past that point now.

"If only those on your list can see you then your going to have a hard time with me." his voice was strong and defiant. "you know your not to bad look for death. I always thought that he walked around with a harvester and a body of bones." walking up to Erik he reached out and ran his finger an inch over the edge of the cloak, not sure if touching death would kill him or not. "nice to see that the cloak is actually real."

Immy 01-31-2014 12:54 AM

(yes thats fine, thats how I meant for it to be)

Erik shook his head "Those are simply the way Hollywood portrays us to appear just to scare humans or anyone else who decides to believe in them" Erik stood five foot six and hated feeling like he was short around anyone who was taller than him which was almost everyone. "Though we do have a scythe we don't use it except to defend ourselves, so let's not use that right now shall we" meaning he didn't want to attack or get attacked. "The cloak won't kill you, sure we have the power to kill, but it's controllable to those who have had years or longer of experience" Erik spoke up

Lunna Dea 01-31-2014 01:16 AM

Reaching out Albert ran his fingers slowly along the cloak, it felt soft under his fingers. "not something you would find in this world I am guessing, really soft." stepping to the side he smiled, his fangs peaking from under his lip. "I never said I was going to attack you, in fact I think it would be unwise for me to try to." He was drawn to this Death, like a mouth to the flame.

"It was not Hollywood that first portrayed Death in the Cloak with a Scythe. The first time I saw it was in a carving created for a church in Europe. He held a hourglass in his hands his Scythe in the crook of his arm." Looking out upon the street beyond the alleyway.

"You said I did not know what I was doing when I saved the young man." he looked back down at Erik, reaching out he ran his finger along Erik's jawline. "tell me what happens because I saved a man."

Immy 01-31-2014 02:12 AM

"It's something we get when we get the job, we don't usually ask questions" Erik responded to the cloak being as soft as it was. Erik didn't smile much, just a bit to say "At least someone thinks that way, everyone always wants to get a glimpse of death, it's up to me or whoever is in charge of that soul to decide if they get to survive or not" Erik realized what species he was now, made more sense instead of a werewolf or something along that category "So, you're a vampire, full or half?" he asked knowing a full vampire would have to be born or bitten as compared a half vampire would have been born from one vampire parent and one human or other specie parent. Though hybrids amongst vampires to begin with were rare from the start.

Erik shook his head "We still don't do look that and we don't carry hourglasses, we use the sun and stars as our time" no need for something annoying to carry though he had forgotten every 'death' as a reaper or such did have an hourglass necklace that stayed hidden under his shirt he always forgot about. When Erik felt the hand against his face he stepped back and his reaper mode kicked in "You don't get it do you? Man when they say 'For those who forget history are condemned to repeat it' they sure are right" sighting he shook his head "He was on my list, being on any death list means you are supposed to die, if for some reason you live, escape, or get saved even the slightest bit. Death follows until it claims you. If someone saved you and you do not die, that person takes your place, or you both die" thinking for a moment he said

"I do believe there was a case where this human escaped death for...oh what was it...two weeks I believe, then he died getting hit by a train. Though he was smug thinking he escaped death when it was just really waiting for him. Though I guess if someone isn't supposed to die and they get saved, the one who saves them tends to die instead. So there are different ways it could go" Erik could hear the noises inside as he faded away from his spot to check it out, a few moments later he came back with a scowl "You know, that was supposed to be my soul to claim, I'm going to claim him, even if he doesn't die now" which meant the human had lived through this death once. That was unacceptable to Erik especially under his ruling and his area to claim which was the city itself.

Lunna Dea 01-31-2014 02:44 AM

"so if you get to decide whether he gets to live or die, then why don't you let him life." Albert watched as this young looking death realized what he was. A memory of a figure appearing and disappearing when his sire took him made him wounder if he had already seen a Grim Reaper once before. He smiled showing his fangs. "I am a full not those weaklings. I don't believe that one of those weaklings could have stolen him from you like I did. you know it was over six hundred years ago this day my sire snatched me from one of your peoples hands."

"The carving I am thinking of had Death showing the human that it was his time to die. that is why he had the hour glass, to clearly show to the viewers that it was his time to die. I cant recall the story behind it now but it was an interesting story." Albert raised his eyebrow as he pulled back. was this Death afraid that he was going to try to feed on him? "you said that if someone saves a victim then they take his place. how will you take a person that is already dead?"

He listens to him as he went on about how those that were saved from death would die soon after because he was on a list. "you cant accept change can you? it scares you that you had no control over what is happening."

Immy 01-31-2014 03:05 AM

"I can't just let him live without a really good reason or trade off" Erik answered wondering why would he let this human live, what was so great about him compared to everyone else that he would do something as stupid as that. If you cross fate's paths at night, you usually get mugged, raped, or killed on the city streets or just about anywhere.

"A half vampire if paired with a human is not a weakling, those hybrids are known to be very rare and strong because they don't just need blood to survive, they can consume food and be just fine" Erik knew most of this facts on mythology and creatures he had taken in the past. His best friend in the past was a hybrid though he hadn't seen him in forever, and wasn't sure what he was doing. Though he knew he was still alive out there otherwise he would have heard it amongst the ranks for someone to collect a hybrid.

"I'll have to keep an eye out for this carving in the future if it's ever around, if not I'll just travel to the past whenever I feel like it, and look it up" Erik answered honestly listening to the vampire "They say out there, 'There is more than one way to skin a cat' taking a life of someone who is already dead depends on what they are. If they are a zombie that's a bit tougher and most of them get thrown in some sort of acid. If it's demon with immunity to death, usually there is a way to get through that. A vampire on the other hand...its a bit difficult, but I do believe there is a way. However I haven't come across a vampire on my list before except...well one other, he got lucky" that was his best friend he was talking about.

Erik hated it when someone else told him he was afraid of change and that he feared it, his anger showed in his eyes. "Don't talk about people unless you truly know them and don't steal that soul from me. What's worse than dying or trying to escape death no matter your race, is having death personally go after you filled with determination" more like anger or rage, death wasn't meant to be pleasant, though it could if needed or chosen to be. "Fate is fate, death is death, you can't change it, don't even try it will be futile, now run along and find yourself a snack while I continue my work for the night" Erik brushed his hand against his cape.

Lunna Dea 01-31-2014 03:50 AM

"and what makes a really good trade?" leaning in ever so slightly he took in the scent of this man, this death. He wanted to know if he had ever encountered this creature before without knowing it. "What about those above you, dont they have a say about who gets a second chance?"

"just because I need blood to live does not mean that they are not weak, that lack of need for blood makes them weaker in their talents. A half could not have moved as quickly as I did and carried him at the same time. a half would have wondered if what you said were true. a Half would not have been ready to take on a mugger like that and take care of a man." Albert was disgusted that this Grim thought that Half bloods were better then a full blooded vampire. they who acted like their linage was filled with sin that they had to do everything in their power to hide it. those that did embrace their vampire side had to be put down because they went to far and risked the whole community with their actions.

"its on the posts supporting a door in Rome or one of the other big cities back in Europe. I have forgotten which one it is now but its still there. when last I saw it they had the place listed as a historical site." he laughed, it was a musical laugh. "even the mud houses are historical sites there, if only they knew."

Moving forward to pin death to the wall known full well it was risky he leaned in. "You have never killed a vampire? you act all tough and all knowing yet you have never..." he stepped back laughing loudly. he could not believe his luck, a Grim reaper that had never killed a vampire. there must be many grim's for him not to have had to kill one. "and what happened to that lucky one? did you take him to tea? give him a human injection?"

all laughter stopped and he moved so quick the eyes could not fully fallow him as he pushed Erik up againted the wall. "You think I cant read some one? you think that just because your death I should fear you?" leaning in he kissed the side of Eriks neck before appearing on the other side of the alley. "you want a soul, come get mine." with that he was gone into the night.

Immy 01-31-2014 04:09 AM

(editing and i edited my post above yours because originally he disappeared into the night, so I'm recreating my post over, don't expect me to do this again either)

"No, the only ones above us are the immortals" Erik knew vampires were on a similar level to the reapers, he was a low class reaper, if one of the higher classes came to collect souls in his area, well they could probably take half of the city itself. Erik wouldn't speak against him about hybrids anymore and he wouldn't waste his time. Being pinned to the wall Erik didn't like, having his space invaded annoyed him, and he felt like he wanted to hit the vampire. He almost did too if it wasn't for the vampire leaning in making his face turn red laughing at the fact that he hadn't killed a vampire.

It was never on his list, he always went after humans, and not other races unless he was told to. Humans were easier to him. His face really turned red when his best friend was spoken about that way and now he was ready to stray from his reaper path in order to do so. After all this vampire was on his list it seemed, so there wouldn't be any harm against it. "You should always fear death, we are more than we appear in eyes and words" Erik spoke then shuddered when he felt the kiss on the side of his neck.

Erik ignored the soul that lived, he was still on his list, but now another name stood out more, and he was going to do anything to end this one. No one ever got that close without his consent and it had been centuries since that had happened. Watching the vampire run away he made his scythe appear which was about the same height as he was "You want to play with a reaper, then fine, let me show you why you shouldn't, we always get what we want" more like whatever was on his list or who. "New soul target, accepted" and threw his cape off which disappeared as he chased after the vampire into the night.

Lunna Dea 01-31-2014 08:13 PM

Albert laughed into the night as he flitted through the city stopping only a few moments before disappearing again. a few times he moved through privet clubs filled with other of the supernatural race. each time he stopped he greeted someone or left a kiss upon the cheek of another person. a few of them called after him deathday greetings. after stopping at most of the supernatural clubs he finely stopped in a tiny mortal club the sound of the music pushing on the body. its beat echoing the sound of the human hearts around him.

why had he thought to push the Grim Reaper. he wondered as he sat down next to a beautiful woman, she sighed and leaned into him. he seemed to take no notice of her as he leaned his head back against the wall of the coroner booth. his eyes scanning the dance floor and the club beyond for the Reaper. Was he wanting to walk into the sunrise so soon? no he was wanting something else he realized. he was looking for a challenge, some one that did not just fawn all over him the moment he appeared.

licking his lips he realized he still had the tasted of the Grim Reaper on them. He closed his eyes and sighed as he savored the flavor of him. What would he tasted like if he could fully feed... That way lies death. a small part of his mind screamed at him. his eyes flashed opened scanning again for anything that was a danger to him. how he wished that his sire was still alive, still here to give him advice.

"albert I will not always be here, if you have any questions then you should ask them now." his sires voice echoed from the past. he had not thought to ask about dangers to vampire other then a wooden stake and sun. the wood only a prison to hold them unmoving until the sun could destroy them. he wounded now it the weak sun could still do its job and cleans him from this earth as it had done to others of his kind.

Immy 02-05-2014 02:27 AM

Erik chased after the vampire, but once he hit the other clubs with the supernaturals he hid himself from any views of anyone and everyone. He didn't like crowds, normally reapers didn't, too much interaction meant he would care about them. Caring lead to their death eventually, and then it would be hard for the reaper to let them go causing problems in both supernatural and non supernatural worlds. When he chased through the night under the moonlight he felt a little more excitement to claim the life of this vampire even if he hadn't had one in the past. Vampires normally didn't show up on many reapers lists and he wondered why that was, but never questioned it.

Chasing him to a mortal club he entered making it so his scythe was hidden wondering why the vampire was interested in annoying him. Walking over to him he looked annoyed, clearly, "Why did you do that?" he asked keeping it simple so others wouldn't overhear things. His cape was gone and now he wore a simple tight black t-shirt that hugged his chest with black skinny Jeans and boots that went over his jeans almost to his knees. His arms were bare and his neck held a necklace against his chest in silver. The hourglass necklace he always wore.

Lunna Dea 02-05-2014 03:06 AM

Albert smiled as he watched the reaper walk through the club and come up to him. the song in the background changed to a sappy love song as he walked up to the table. His eyes roamed over the man that stalked him. He liked the tight t-shirt yet the jeans did not seem to suit him. A twinkle came to his eyes as he noticed the hourglass necklace. "I thought you had said Grim Reapers did not carry around Hourglasses."Reaching out he pulled it away form his body, a slow intake of breath was the only sign of the burn that it gave him.

"if some one was going to hunt you down would you not want to give them a run for their money?" standing he leaned in so he could whisper into the Grim's ear. "don't tell me you did not find that fun." his fingers gently ran down Erik's bear arm nearest him. "how often do you get to chase after those your going to kill? to see the fear in their eyes and the tiny ray of hope they can outrun you? the hope that they were wrong that you were not there for them?" He shivered in the excitement of the feeling, the thought of this creature in his arms, the danger of it.

He knew he was day dreaming but it had been some time since he had last had some one to shear his life with. part of him wanted this Grim to want to stay around with him for a longer time then just to kill him. "did you ever see Meet Joe Black?"

Immy 02-06-2014 10:55 PM

"I don't always think about this, it's supposed to be there for protection as well as other uses I hardly use it for" in other words, Erik hardly ever thought about the necklace itself. He kept his eyes on the vampire, but didn't flinch when he touched the necklace around his neck, he had no reason to flinch nor fear him. "I haven't seen the look on people's faces for a century or two, you don't care to look anymore when you see it all the time, nothing new to deal with, they're all the same and so is the fear they have death. None of them wants to die, so they run" he still got them easily in the end.

Erik realized it was a dull life as a reaper, most reapers would make it worth wild by scaring them as much as they could, and the was the wild feeling you would get from it. Erik started seeing it as a responsible considering how serious he was rather than a game that could be fun for him. "I don't stop enough to do anything human, besides read from occasion or travel" though he chose his own city now and he had to watch over it making sure it didn't get too over populated. "Why would I want to chase someone? Death isn't a game" it used to be to him, but now he had no reason to care about that, it got boring to him. Though when the music picked up it's beat again, he wanted to dance as his skinny jeans changed to more looser jeans that looked normal on him, but still in black covering his boots.

Lunna Dea 02-06-2014 11:29 PM

"your telling me you have forgotten the thrill of the hunt?" sighing he grabbed Erik's hand and pulled him to a seat. "I am guessing that you really don't have to be anywhere anytime soon so why don't we talk for a bit?" shaking his fingers from the tingle of contact he smiled. "if I were a Grim Reaper I don't think I would just take the bad ones. I would run them to death." the thought of the smell of them as they ran, the fear musk as he moved at a slower pace. sighing he realized it had been to long since he had actually had a true hunt. now a days he had to keep the others from noticing him and his kind. maybe if he got passed this grim he would take a criminal out into the dark woods and hunt him there.

"it is not a game that I think of, its the primal urge to hunt that this day and age has driven from all those around us. you ask a modern man about hunting and he will tell you of the sport he had had sitting in a tree with a bow and waiting for a deer. no one chases down their pray and risks their life for the hunt anymore." a primal glee filled his eyes as he spoke. a few of the mortals around him, though they did not hear what he had to say moved away from him without really thinking of why.

watching Erik's pants change to a more fitting pair for his body Albert sighed. there was hunger in that sigh, a desire of things he knew he could never have. "you look like you could enjoy a dance." his voice had grown husky, dark, forbidding.

Immy 02-06-2014 11:36 PM

"Forgotten? Probably, just used to it without any 'thrill' since there hasn't been a change" he didn't know why he was talking to the vampire that he should be killing right about now, but around a bunch of mortals would be a bad idea since he wasn't human. "You would see the thrill in things running from you. You're a vampire" any vampire he met in the past like to have a chase going on, in front of mortals or not. It was like a lion going after it's prey in the wild. They thirst for the hunt and enjoyed every last second of it.

Erik hadn't let one person escape his death before and even if he claimed this vampire, the boy was still on his list. "I have no life to risk, every reaper dies before they become one" Erik stated the main thing about reapers, they had to die in a certain way to gain another reaper's interest in order to claim their soul as one. Erik knew he wanted to dance and stood up 'If we're going to play this 'chase game' then I'm going to have to lure him in more to want me. I have to get close enough to him to kill him it seems, it's been awhile since I've had to do this' he thought to himself and the color in his eyes showed mystery as he looked at the vampire then turned moving to the dance floor. Moving with the beat of the music he kept his flow not trying to stand out or wanting to, though he let his magic do it's work, though it wasn't magic, it was just him moving to the beat of the music to try and lure him out.

Lunna Dea 02-06-2014 11:50 PM

"how can a creature that once was human forget the thrill?" A reaper that has lost all that it is to be human, I wounder if he is like the vampires who have become creatures of the kill. he thought back to one of the older vampire he once put down for the safety of the humans of this city. how many had he killed without thought or emotion? "it is not that they run from you, its the finding them that I enjoy. knowing that they are out there and there is a chance they may slip for a time from you sight." standing he fallowed Erik out onto the dance floor.

he knew he was playing a risky business, bringing a reaper into the middle of the mortal dance club. but there was that chance that he would not take him now, that he would wait for a better time when it would not revel what they were to the population. reaching out he brushed his fingers along Erik's skin, the feel of electricity along his skin seemed to drive Albert wild with energy. sighing he gripped Erik's shirt and pulled him in close, matching his body's movements to his. "you want to kill me and I want some fun. I have an offer, you let me live for two weeks and I will let you kill me no running or fighting." a part of him screamed at him for the stupidity of what he was saying. "also you come stay with me, I wont stop you from your duty's but..." his voice faded as he looked into his eyes. a hunger that had nothing to do with blood clearly visible.

Immy 02-07-2014 12:06 AM

(now im having too much fun with this roleplay)

Erik listened as he danced after being pulled close still keeping the beat, his eyes determined to show he wouldn't be pulled into anything "I doubt that's a good idea little vamp, two weeks? Do you honestly think you can stand being around me for two whole weeks? How would that be fun for you?" Erik asked realizing they were drawing attention and figured this was not he best place to talk. "Come, we need to leave before someone finds out neither of us isn't human" the music kept blaring it's noise as he flicked his necklace once creating an illusion to make others look away until he froze time for a split second turning them both invisible then lead the vampire out of the club and away from it unfreezing time. He didn't like freezing time, he never saw the point of it, though now it was useful to him just to get away from them, and then he moved away from the vampire. "Why would I make a deal with you? You're the one that wants the fun, I just want your death as my list states" Erik spoke.

Lunna Dea 02-07-2014 12:18 AM

((what is wrong with having fun? I am really enjoying this story so far.))

"I think that I could stand being around you a lot longer then you could." his hands slowly running over Erik's bear skin enjoying the sensation of the charge numbing his hand. "I can think of many things that I would find fun to do with you." not that most people would think of those things as being fun to do with a vampire after only a few hours but hay who is going to be asking? Albert wanted to lock his knees and not go with the Grim, here he was safe. a few of the people that looked over at them were jealous of him or the grim for being able to dance with the other. a few of them had at one time or another tried to get with Albert. sighing as time froze he fallowed the Grim. "you did not need to do that you know. only a few of them were starting to see us as not human and they would have been easy to make forget. now you have left them with the thought of 'where did those two hot men go?' ever think of that?"

moving in close to the Grim Albert smiled. "by your question it tells me you looking for something to do other then the same old same old." his fingers playing along Erik's jaw as his eyes slowly became half lidded. "I could run now, disappear on you, go to ground where it will be harder to find me. or you can take my deal and I will welcome you with open arms when you do come to kill me. what do you say, easy or hard?"

Immy 02-07-2014 02:48 AM

(lol I mean it hit a really good part)

"I don't like people and I don't care what they think" Erik spoke lying about the part where he didn't care about what people thought of him. That was why he stayed invisible all this time from others, including others who weren't him, besides some liked to try and tease or kill him. Though he dealt with them in his own ways and not always with death. "Let them think what they want, they just thought they got distracted is all" Erik added wondering if he really should bother with this, but to gain the vampire, playing by his rules would be less effort right now than chasing him who knows where. "Fine" he steps back, his attitude showing in his eyes and movement as he swatted the hand away once "But don't touch me" he could feel the electricity every time and it makes him like it even more with every touch.

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