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jellysundae 12-23-2011 12:11 PM

Adopt-a-Yan V.3 ~ With bells on and other festive stuff!

Luffs to my not-husband for the event banner <3

jellysundae 12-23-2011 02:09 PM

It's that most wonderful time of the year, so they say! What better way to fill your life with cheer than to get a little bundle of joy all of your own? No mangers or wise men required here, just some minimal crafting skills.

Your task this event is to create a Baby Yan decoration! You can hang him on your tree, from your rearview mirror, you could fill him with lavender and put him in your knicker drawer (he'd like that), you can string him up anywhere you like! But you've gotta make him first!

jellysundae 12-23-2011 03:33 PM

There's not much to it, trying to keep things as simple as possible. Just stick to the few rules and go for it! Make a thread for yourself in the Workrooms Subforum. Yan's body needs be between 2 and 4 inches long (that's 5 and 10cm for you youngun's and non-Imperial people :P). His legs DO NOT COUNT, but he still needs some, none-the-less! He needs to be 3D. Yan can't be flat, no just cutting him out of a piece of paper or cardboard and calling it good, don't be lazy now. You can't make him from a pre-formed decoration! By this I mean; no getting a snowman dec and drawing a Yan face on it. I'll be very :illgetu: at you if you do something like this. He needs to be able to hang up, and not by stringing thread around his neck, either! Do it neatly :yes: Make an effort :yes: I'll not give out Yans to someone who's half-arsed their entry by just throwing something together (cos I'm mean like that =O)
Afterall, this is all about proving you're a worthy parent, isn't it. BE CREATIVE! Let your imagination run wild, it's what this is all about!

jellysundae 12-23-2011 04:20 PM

jellysundae 12-23-2011 04:26 PM

Can I enter if I already have a Yan?

Yes you can!

Can Yan be digital?

No, he can't. He needs to be real.

Does his head count in the body measurement?

Yes it does.

Dystopia 12-23-2011 10:21 PM

... String around his neck. xD

jellysundae 12-23-2011 11:20 PM

Well, I, er... :ninja:

Bearzy 12-23-2011 11:21 PM

Hmm, this is tempting. I need inspiration though!

Maria-Minamino 12-23-2011 11:22 PM

Oh I'm excited! I'll finally get myself a Yan...hopefully....

Knerd 12-23-2011 11:22 PM

I can't wait to see what my family says when they realize that there's a Yan hanging on our tree. Hopefully I'll get one up there by tomorrow. :lol:

jellysundae 12-23-2011 11:22 PM

I hope so too! :D

Q U E E N 12-23-2011 11:23 PM

I'mma give this a go! :3

Maria-Minamino 12-23-2011 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by jellysundae (Post 1770215733)
I hope so too! :D

I've wanted a baby Yan for sooo long! *really tries to make him* :)

jellysundae 12-23-2011 11:25 PM

Give it a go, Maria :D

Maria-Minamino 12-23-2011 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by jellysundae (Post 1770215774)
Give it a go, Maria :D

I go I go! lol XD

The Wandering Poet 12-23-2011 11:31 PM

Poo you ruined my string around the neck idea...

O.o btw jelly has a "not-husband"? What is that? XD


Is it possible to have my artistic wife help me if she's not making a Yan? o.o or do I have to fail by myself?

star2000shadow 12-23-2011 11:33 PM

if i could do this.. i'd so do it 'nods'

jellysundae 12-23-2011 11:38 PM

Howdy is my not-husband :ninja:

I think a joint effort from the two perspective parents would be acceptable, yes :D

Fiona_Watergate 12-23-2011 11:44 PM

I'm going to crochet him <3


With a little scarf <3

The Wandering Poet 12-23-2011 11:56 PM

:lol: okay then... now all I need to do is bribe her with fruit and candy and hope she'll help me... XD

DariaMorgendorfer 12-24-2011 12:18 AM

Goodluck everyone!!!

Roachi 12-24-2011 12:29 AM

Hi Jelly, Can we enter this contest if we already have a yan? (purchased - not won from another event).

jellysundae 12-24-2011 12:33 AM

Yup, you can :yes:

Popcorn Gun 12-24-2011 12:46 AM

They say good things come in threes?
Yaba, Yaya, & ????

Should name the ornament George.
Just throw everything off.
x' D

Lol I'm going for it.
>:' 9

Roachi 12-24-2011 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by jellysundae (Post 1770216579)
Yup, you can :yes:

Awesome, thank you :)

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