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TaiyoTsuki 08-26-2016 07:12 PM

Summer in the Space Station! Art! Prizes! ALIENS!!
~Summer in the Space Station~
Link to the main thread: Menewsha's Space Station

It's summer, and you know what that means; Pool parties, vacations...and the Summer Games! And as a little bit of an aside to the games, the Space Station is playing host to beings not just of Menewsha, but of other planets as well!

Yep, that's right; this is a diplomatic event. Some beings from other worlds have gotten word of our little place in the stars, and they've come to visit for the Summer Games...and maybe even participating! So feel free to pop by in some of your favorite summer and/or sporty attire, or even dress as an alien yourself! Who knows, you may even get some surprise arts [ninja].


This year, I'm hosting two contests; one for writers, and one for artists. Both are full of spacey goodness, and both will (hopefully) add to the lore of the Space Station ^^

~Writing Contest~
Short stories~! The various stories don't need to be event-specific if you don't want, but in all cases they must take place on the Space Station. They can be from this event, past ones, or from anytime in between, and can depict, well...anyone. Go wild, have fun! The only requirements for entering are these:
-Minimum 500 words.
-Maximum 1,000 words.
-You must be literate. This means proper spelling and punctuation.

To enter, use this form here*:


@ TaiyoTsuki ; [ CENTER ][ SIZE =" 5 " ][ COLOR = " Purple " ]I have a tale to tell![ / COLOR ][ / SIZE ]
[U][Story title goes here][ / U ]
[ / CENTER ]
[Story text goes here]

*=minus all the spaces because I can't get the mother****ing HTML tags to work without them wrapping around the whole goddamn post and wrecking it.

The winners will receive:
-First Place: Full set of EIs
-Second Place: One EI of their choice

And, regardless of whether you win or not, all the stories from the contest will be put up in the main hangout thread, for everyone to read~

~Art Contest~
Athletics! Aliens! BOTH!! The idea of this contest is to come up with visiting aliens. Don't worry; if you can't draw, feel free to dress up your avatar as an alien. The contest will be judged not just on the drawing or drawing ability, but also on the description of the aliens in question; What is their culture like? What kind of star system are they from? Are they humanoid? What differences do they have in their anatomy, if any? How did they get to Menewsha in the first place? Go wild, have fun with your arting and descriptions!

Entry form is here:


@ TaiyoTsuki ; [ CENTER ][ SIZE = " 5 " ][ COLOR = " Purple " ]I'm from another planet![ / COLOR ][ / SIZE ]
[ U ][Name of the alien and their species goes here][ / U ]
[ / CENTER ]
[Image or link goes here]
[Description goes here]

*=minus all the spaces because I can't get the mother****ing HTML tags to work without them wrapping around the whole goddamn post and wrecking it.

The rewards for winning the contest are the same as the writing contest:
-First Place: Full set of EIs
-Second Place: One EI of their choice

And, regardless of who wins, all aliens will be put into their own little section in the main thread, for everyone to see ^^.

hummy 08-26-2016 07:14 PM

TT is here!

TaiyoTsuki 08-26-2016 07:15 PM

^^ Yes I am.

Hi hummy!

Nephila 08-26-2016 07:19 PM

Ooo Space Jam. :D Sorta.

star2000shadow 08-26-2016 07:27 PM

'pokes head in and looks around' hey all.

dragoness129 08-26-2016 07:28 PM

Oooh! Interesting contests!

TaiyoTsuki 08-26-2016 07:29 PM

Hi guys! ^^

Aaaand now to do the "post like a maniac" game. Gonna need three sets of EI @__@ [XD].

marnie 08-26-2016 07:38 PM

helps TT

dragoness129 08-26-2016 07:46 PM

Lots of luck getting all the sets!

TaiyoTsuki 08-26-2016 07:48 PM

Dragoness: Thanks! I hope there'll be people interested enough for entering the contests, too ^^. I wanna give stuff away!

Marnie: [glomp]

dragoness129 08-26-2016 07:50 PM

I usually spend most of my time chatting and rarely get any writing or art type entries done, but I will try my best!

TaiyoTsuki 08-26-2016 07:52 PM


Chatting is welcome, too! Tee hee~

marnie 08-26-2016 07:56 PM

i hop3 i don't mess up

TaiyoTsuki 08-26-2016 07:58 PM

I doubt you'll mess up ^-^. It's hard to mess up the chatties~

dragoness129 08-26-2016 07:59 PM

I do love to chat everywhere during events!

TaiyoTsuki 08-26-2016 08:04 PM

I usually pick a few threads to frequent so I don't overload myself [gonk]. It is no fun to just nope out because you can't keep up no matter how fast you post!

dragoness129 08-26-2016 08:08 PM

If threads get too fast, I just pick up one reply at a time that catches my interest, then immediately start typeing on another response. Flying fingers!

Shadami 08-26-2016 08:22 PM

Popping in to the space station ^-^ haven't read any of the rules /games yet. will get to that. :D

TaiyoTsuki 08-26-2016 08:27 PM


Ooooh! You're looking spacey already, Shadami!

Shadami 08-26-2016 08:31 PM

I'm working on a bunnyfish transportation and bags avi in case i'm on team bunnyfish :D

dragoness129 08-26-2016 08:34 PM

Yep, kinda already fits the category! Super cute avie too~ ^_^

TaiyoTsuki 08-26-2016 08:34 PM


I signed up early, so I'm Tatsu >_>

dragoness129 08-26-2016 08:38 PM

Tatsu and all dragons are loved! ^_^

Shadami 08-26-2016 08:40 PM

just not really sure what to do. it's not feeling "It" yet. "complete" there's just to much off about it still. not happy with it yet.

hummy 08-26-2016 08:43 PM

much lov3e

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