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For-Chan Cookie 04-07-2012 03:52 AM

❀ The Wallflower Basket ❀ Hoppy Easter ❀

Happy Easter everyone! How's life lately? I've been rather busy, thus your noted lack of Wallflowers around.

Whimzica 04-07-2012 04:09 AM

Hullo there~ :)
My lifes pretty busy too lately! Lots of work an school.
Any Easter/weekend plans?

For-Chan Cookie 04-07-2012 04:16 AM

Hi hi :)

Nothing special. I entertained thoughts of hopping on a train to head to Boston for their anime convention, but I've decided to stay home and save my money. I'd only pay to get in so I could then pay more to shop. That's too much money to spend for that. ^_^;;

Antagonist 04-07-2012 04:20 AM Sunday Easter or Saturday? I forgot. :sweat:

Whimzica 04-07-2012 04:28 AM

Savin money is good! XD I wish i could manage to save more of it. Seems everytime I try, somethin breaks. What can you do. :)

I think easter is this sunday~

For-Chan Cookie 04-07-2012 05:09 AM

Oh dear, totally got distracted by Youtube. Where else can you watch a cat organ being played? :rofl:

Whimzica 04-07-2012 05:13 AM

Ha, youtube is certainly distracting.. I've got the song "Russian Unicorn" stuck in my head. >>

For-Chan Cookie 04-07-2012 05:15 AM

Russian Unicorn? Oh my. Now I have the Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows song stuck in my head!

Whimzica 04-07-2012 05:27 AM

o-o I havent heard that one!

For-Chan Cookie 04-07-2012 05:31 AM


Now it will be stuck in your head too! :insane:

white2fire 04-07-2012 06:00 AM

Cookie, I shall never forget that song. XD
And yay for Wallflower thread! I'll have to try and be at least somewhat active here.
Though, this weekend seems to be a bit busy for me. :/

For-Chan Cookie 04-07-2012 06:04 AM

Wifey! *huggleglompattack* :heart: :heart: :heart: How are you?

I don't really have plans this weekend. I'm off of work, but I'm sure my grandmother will annoy me into doing many things for her. Bleh.

white2fire 04-07-2012 06:12 AM

Eeep! *flails*
*glomps Cookie* :heart:
I'm good. ^_^ How are you? It's been a while. :(

I wonder what she'll bug you to do.

For-Chan Cookie 04-07-2012 06:16 AM

*snuggles* I only ever see you in Castleville and then it's not really you :rofl: But at least we know we're still alive XD

Pick up dog poop. :P

white2fire 04-07-2012 06:23 AM

Lol, I know! We barely visit mene anymore. And even then it's rarely at the same time. ><

Ew. >>

For-Chan Cookie 04-07-2012 06:24 AM

Yeah, I've just been reading a lot lately. I'm in super hermit mode! Super duper hermit mode! Even with a job I mostly only leave the house to work. Then I'll go to the store and come home and stay here.


white2fire 04-07-2012 06:27 AM

Aw, Cookie can't be a hermit! Wallflowers can't live without you. *huggles*
What have you been reading?

For-Chan Cookie 04-07-2012 06:31 AM

But I've always been a hermit! I've de-hermited for Wallflowers! Only recently I've decided to re-hermit I guess. :sweat:

Mostly fanfiction. I just devour it like candy and then complain about the horrible stuff endlessly, even though it's free so I should just shut up :rofl:

white2fire 04-07-2012 06:34 AM

Well, wallflower's has died down a bit...sadly enough.

XD I'd say it's hard to complain about fanfiction, but I don't really read it.

For-Chan Cookie 04-07-2012 06:36 AM

I know. Not only us, but a lot of the old regulars are just not around. And we haven't really attracted anyone new, so it's to be expected unfortunately. :(

Well, you can complain about it lots, but it's not like I paid to read it, so I can stop whenever I want. I have only myself to blame for reading horribly out of character totally amaturish slop.

white2fire 04-07-2012 06:44 AM

Oh dear, that's sad. :(
I'll have to poof here a bit more often. Try and keep the site going. ^^

XD From what I hear, it's takes a while to find a good fanfiction.

And, I must say goodnight for now. Will be back at some point. Gotta get more of that currency we have.
Not really sure what to call it yet. :XD

For-Chan Cookie 04-07-2012 06:52 AM

Yeah. I should make more effort to be here, but blah. Too lazy. >_>

Yes, it can take rather a long time to find good fanfiction, simply because it's all amateur writing and not every amateur even has a grasp of prose or plots or how to spell check. I read a story yesterday where three times out of five, the writer misspelled the character's name -_-; The problem though, is that a concept can sound fascinating and you really want to see where the writer goes with it and then it'll turn out they can't write for shit, but you keep reading, just hoping that concept will shine through and then you're all angry and annoyed because it didn't. Some people just can't write.

Good night Wifey. I should probably crawl into bed too. *snuggles* See you later :heart:

Antagonist 04-07-2012 06:56 AM

...I came too late, didn't I? :sweat:

For-Chan Cookie 04-07-2012 06:57 AM

Nah, I'm still here. I never go to sleep when I say I will :rofl:

Antagonist 04-07-2012 07:02 AM

lol! Don't tire yourself out though! :XD;;

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