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blueblackrose 04-16-2013 04:16 PM

Duvalian Red Defenders - Hanging Back and Taking it Easy
I would like to get a group of people together to enter the Duvalian Defenders category of the Avatar Contest. I have few different ideas that we could work with for the group. If you're not sure what I'm talking about you can find the information for the contest here. The group can only be a max of eight people so hurry if you would like to sign up to join. Just post here to tell me you want to join and please state which of my ideas you like best.

Formulating new ideas concerning the contest.
We need to come up with new uniforms for Duval's Air Patrol and they have to be steampunk in nature.

Previous ideas that aren't valid for the contest :(X

Idea One - Our Airship is Better Than Yours

Previous ideas that aren't valid for the contest :(X

Basically for this we would be making the crew of an airship. Pretty simple and straight forward. Might even have them doing something like collecting lightening (totally stole that from the movie Stardust, lol).

Idea Two - Robots to the Rescue
My first idea for this is we would create a small robot army and the sole purpose for the creation of the robots is to defend the people of Duval.

My second idea for this is we create a group of robots that look like the go together to run some type of factory or do a job that is dangerous for humans.

Idea Three - Seaford's Privateers
This idea was somewhat inspired by the information given to us about the city of Seaford in the Something on the Horizon stickie. Since Seaford is more pre-industrial than Towanpool the type of defenses they have would be different. I imagine that fishing is a big part of their livelyhood so why not have a group of fisherman who are also secretly privateers that take the law into their own hands to keep their beloved home safe from pirates?

Uniform Colors
Main: Browns (Dark, Rust & Light) and Red
Accents: Gold/Bronze

Group Members

Commander - blueblackrose[IMG]h...ictureid=55875
Pilot - Shadami
Gunman - Pa-pancake
Engineer - Antangonist
Navigator - llonka
Medic - LaVida
Quartermaster - Mageling
Cook - Woofie267

Pa-pancake 04-16-2013 04:27 PM

A group a group!

May I join? :)

star2000shadow 04-16-2013 04:30 PM

erm I'm already in a group or I'd join 'nods'

Pa-pancake 04-16-2013 04:32 PM

star, your group is amazing!!! :)

The avatars are fantastic!

blueblackrose 04-16-2013 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Pa-pancake (Post 1771808158)
A group a group!

May I join? :)

Yes, you may join Pancake. Welcome aboard.

Pa-pancake 04-16-2013 04:45 PM

Pan loves all the ideas above :)

Pan is great with just taking direction. So just tell her the way to go!!! ^^

blueblackrose 04-16-2013 04:47 PM

I'm glad that you like my ideas.

Ok, hopefully some more people will join and we can decide on an idea. The only bad thing is that when I leave to go to work today I probably won't be back until tomorrow evening. I hate when I have to work the evening shift then work the morning shift the next day.

Pa-pancake 04-16-2013 04:49 PM

its alright... Everyone has a real life to return to ^^

Pan will work on some avatars to match the themes

blueblackrose 04-16-2013 04:50 PM

Well looks like it's time for me to go get ready for work. *sighs* I don't wanna go, lol.

That sounds good. Can't what to see what you come up with to match the ideas.

Pa-pancake 04-16-2013 04:55 PM

Goodbye bbr...

Try to have fun at work? ^^

star2000shadow 04-16-2013 05:08 PM

is work meant for fun 'confused look'

Pa-pancake 04-16-2013 05:12 PM


Hence me adding the word 'try' :)

Seridano 04-16-2013 05:13 PM

I can't wait to see what your group comes up with! <3

Also, Pan is here!
/jumps on

Pa-pancake 04-16-2013 05:17 PM


Pan willl try her best! But Pan also has to work so her time is limited to the nights for planning

hummy 04-16-2013 09:42 PM

good luck blueblackrosiedoodlepoodlesweetiepetiejellybeanie
and the group of duvalian defenders!

LaVida 04-16-2013 10:42 PM

I'll join too :) I'll be on and off so even if you see me in the "currently here" section I might be away for a bit studying for my exams XD

like them all :) especially the stardust theme XD

star2000shadow 04-16-2013 11:02 PM

'wanders in sleepily' ugg mah feet hurt..

llonka 04-16-2013 11:37 PM

BBR! You need anymore people for your group? I'd love to join! *subscribes to thready*

I kinda like idea one and three! Three could be really fun. [yes]

Shadami 04-17-2013 12:13 AM

I'm just going to ask if you read the the info about reading around for duval information. ect the full contest information long paragraph. I didn't actually look around for the information yet. :]

Though i really do love idea three. i just had a different thought on what the contest meant i guess o.o
i thought it had to be new uniforms for an airship crew.

either way. i'd like to join as well.

LaVida 04-17-2013 12:33 AM

oooh, then how about moon fish fishers? :D

llonka 04-17-2013 02:18 AM

I cant wait to get started on this! [eager]

jupiter 04-17-2013 02:36 AM

Ah, the names look charming thus far. Good luck finding a crew.

blueblackrose 04-17-2013 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1771811674)
I'm just going to ask if you read the the info about reading around for duval information. ect the full contest information long paragraph. I didn't actually look around for the information yet. :]

Though i really do love idea three. i just had a different thought on what the contest meant i guess o.o
i thought it had to be new uniforms for an airship crew.

either way. i'd like to join as well.

Shoot, you are right. That's what I get for just scheming over things. *sighs*

*goes to fix first post*

neller 04-17-2013 12:46 PM

I'm really excited to see what your group comes up with! I know your original story line for option 3 doesn't work for the contest, but I would like to mention the only requirements for the appearances of the new uniforms is it must be steampunky. [ninja]

Pa-pancake 04-17-2013 02:06 PM

Not sure if I am steampunkie enough >.<

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