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Dandelioness 12-02-2014 12:06 PM

Dandy's Den (ノ´▽`)ノ♪ A Musical Hangout
Dandy's Den (ノ´▽`)ノ♪ A Musical Hangout

Hello fellow wanderer, and thank you and your wanderlust for wandering into my little place. I hope you have a pleasant, sufficiently strange time to make an impression on you and have you return.
Since it's a hangout, we're supposed to chat. *looks at you expectantly* Of course, conversation might flounder, and it is with the possibility of such an eventuality in mind that I've made it a musical hangout. If you don't know what to say, share a song [heart]

About Me:
I have a limited time on the computer of an hour a day so I might not be on a lot, and I'll go on mini-hiatuses for a month or a couple (and if I do that it should strike you immediately: FINALS.)
Since 90% of the conversation in this world is superficial small-talk I'll welcome serious discussion including philosophical ones, they'll be refreshing. That said I'll equally love a casual 'Hi Dandy! Still hanging in- I mean out- there?- I mean here?' Also be forewarned for, um, me saying strange things that make you go O_o because I think it's fun making people go O_o. I also have fun going O_o so you can let your wacky side rip [hug]
I love: Avi sites, sleeping, reading (fiction/narrative and I'm not fussy about genre), music (again, not fussy about genre but I won't dig something that raps out 'Party all night' continually, I like stuff to have a point.), roleplay (small-scale 1x1's I can post on like once a week), web development, pixel art, sour candy, acoustic instruments, and looking up archaic or rarely-used words. And mice. Mice are nice. [music]
I hate: Too much of one thing. Not being able to live. Germs: the thought of them, the thought of the possibility of the presence of them. Narrow-minded people. Stupid (immature) people. Irrationality when it comes to morality.
And that concludes the construction of the foundation of my little place. I've stitched it together ok, I think, and I've tried to make it pretty. Now let's build it up together through seamless conversations!

CycloneKira 12-03-2014 10:42 AM

First post! *feeling greatly proud*
Yakisoba! (my new way of saying hi)

Dandelioness 12-03-2014 03:48 PM

Kira-chaaaan [glomp]
Isn't my little place pretteh? [mrgreen]
Wish there were more folks that came to this side of town though. I feel hesitant to just ping whoever I want to talk to me. If they too want to talk to me, they'll come [heart]
I'll just add a link to here in my sig [music]

CycloneKira 12-03-2014 03:58 PM

Sweeet. Nice and quaint. Do you know even my phone can access this site? My dabba phone.

Dandelioness 12-03-2014 04:07 PM

[:O] Really? Wow.
And you can type your replies on it and stuff?
(If so Nilu-chan will be mad when she hears. Her iPad can't do properly what your dabba phone can do.[lol])
In that case I can probably come here on my never-on phone except since I'm using styling my posts a bit now (which MY iPad can barely manage) maybe I'm better off sticking to the lappy even if it means lesser access.

CycloneKira 12-03-2014 04:20 PM

Yes I can. It takes a horrendous amount of time to type (more like text) but it works. I can type one reply in the b-room and dash out. Poor Nilu-chan.
My phone can't see the emojis and the styles though.

Dandelioness 12-03-2014 04:26 PM

Whaaa? It can't see the emojis?! [:o][grr] how dare it...
Btw this is the first time I've said 'dabba' phone. Usually it's 'dokku' [lol]
Yes, poor Nilu-chan indeed. She loves avi sites especially Mene. It's all her iPad's fault she can't properly be on Mene

CycloneKira 12-03-2014 04:37 PM

'Dokku' lol. That's so VK.
Being able to access the site on the dabba phone is in itself a great thing, so I ain't complaining.

Dandelioness 12-03-2014 04:50 PM

Aww [hug]
VK says that? Oh [lol] I miss her. She's in Chaitanya now y'know? [no]
You should see your 'Who's a Baka?' thread, it's moving fast [boogie]

CycloneKira 12-04-2014 10:23 AM

Chaitanya?!?! [:o]
Poor kid....

It's moving fast? O jeepers creepers I gotta see this *goes off to see the 'baka' thread*

Dandelioness 12-04-2014 11:04 AM

Ahaha pointing pingers is fun!
Although maybe we should do it to people who are online. Or there'll be a loong list of people who're pinged, will come with anticipation a few hours later and be like 'What the hell?!'
Idk about 'Poor Kid' she wanted to go in the first place.
She's very far from cracking the med entrance though. She does nothing but get tortured at school comes back and does nothing except unwind, how'll she get stuff done.

Lady Chello 12-04-2014 11:40 AM


Your art work for the page is cute!!!!![heart][heart][heart]

CycloneKira 12-04-2014 03:20 PM

Lady Hi!
This is probably the first time I've seen you outside of the RP forum [XP]
IKR I love the art work. Nekii it's so cute [glomp]
If she just unwinds after getting home then god help her getting into med school. I still stand by the "poor kid" statement.[yes]

Dandelioness 12-05-2014 01:44 PM

Hi there Chello-chan! How's RPing and everything else? [hug]
Yup I was lucky to get pink and mice in the same pics LOL. (Although the mice are brown, not grey like my Pyotr. But still, lucky finds.)
I started playing this game called Forumwarz.
I shouldnt've.
Now I gotta figure out how to prioritize...[gonk]

CycloneKira 12-05-2014 02:09 PM

Forumwarz huh?
My bro reckons that if I find out that you're doing something, I'll rush to do it too. I'll bet he's wondering when I'll join Forumwarz.
*calls out to her bro, telling him about Forumwarz*
Yup, my suspicion was true [stare]

Dandelioness 12-05-2014 02:22 PM

[sarcasm] Hah. Tell your bro I don't chart a path in the middle of the wilderness, that you gotta walk the same way. I did not get you into Kingdom Hearts y'know.
I just know how to find awesomeness on the internet. [mrgreen]
And you do too. You do a lotta stuff I don't do on the net and vice versa.
Ugh I gotta unstick myself from the monitor to go have dinner... [gonk]

CycloneKira 12-09-2014 11:40 AM

[sarcasm] Yeah, right. That pig-headed boor.... er, I mean utterly wonderful gentleman will be unmoved. He'll believe what he wants to believe and I do not deem it to be in my best interests to persuade him otherwise. (air of finality and haughtiness)
Ah well, don't be too bothered. A girl's gotta eat, after all.

Youpu knopo, Skapai-kupun apand a-pai apar prepetipi mupuch opon apa ipignoporiping fepest rapite napow. Ipit's stupupipid[cry] (I hope your P-language is still good)

Dandelioness 12-11-2014 01:54 PM

Aww. [sosad]
How come? What's bothering that daddock now?[rawrmayor]

CycloneKira 12-12-2014 12:43 PM

Update: Hepe's nopot ipignoporiping mepee apanipimopore. Hepe's tapalkiping topo mepe sopo mupuch thapat ipit's frepeakiping mepee opout. Apai apadrepessed apa quepestiopon to thipis gipirl apand hepe apanswepered ipit. Apai dopon't knopo whapat topo thipink apanipimopore[cry]
Apand apai sopo wapant topo hapate hipim[cry][cry][cry][cry][cry]

*banging head in frustration*

salvete 12-14-2014 01:57 PM

Hello, musical fellows. ^_^ What language are you speaking? Is it Filipino?

CycloneKira 12-14-2014 02:08 PM

Hey sal :D
It's the P-language lol.
Heard of it?

SuperZombiePotatoe 12-14-2014 05:15 PM

I heard of it. Never got the hang of it >_>
I can speak pig-latin though! And a bit of sindarin [boogie]

salvete 12-14-2014 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by CycloneKira (Post 1773082355)
Hey sal :D
It's the P-language lol.
Heard of it?


Originally Posted by SuperZombiePotatoe (Post 1773082413)
I heard of it. Never got the hang of it >_>
I can speak pig-latin though! And a bit of sindarin [boogie]

I have never heard of the P-language or Sindarin. I can do Pig Latin, though! Iay inkthay?

SuperZombiePotatoe 12-14-2014 06:56 PM

Youay ancay!
Sindarin is a language created by Tolkien :)

CycloneKira 12-15-2014 12:48 PM

Whoaaaaa, a Tolkien-created language......
*runs off to learn the new language*

And... I ovelay Igpay Atinlay!!![mrgreen]
I love any language, actually.

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