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Kiyoto 12-29-2013 12:03 AM

Ravenwood (Open, Jump In.)

Everyone knows in Ravenwood, you don't go outside after dark. Seventy-five percent of the town is surrounded by forest, the other twenty-five boarders a large lake. To the outside, this town looks quiet, reserved and quaint. A nice place to take a relaxing day to get away from the noise of the bustling cities miles away. Even to most within Ravenwood itself, it seems like a wonderful place...but bring up the odd things happening to anyone, and most the time they get nervous or suddenly have something to do, someplace to go. It's rumored that Ravenwood is a hub for more supernatural entities. The town having an almost eerie feel about it to those who are wiser. Ghosts, vampires, werewolves, demons and more are said to call the place and the surrounding area home though it has never been outright proven. Not all of them are bad, not all of them good either. The mysteries of Ravenwood pile up within its boarders. Vanishings, mysterious sightings, violent acts many would rather cover up. Most ignore what is going on, but there are a brave few who are willing to look into the mysteries and secrets that lie within this town. What happen to make this place like this? What will happen to the people within? The mysteries are yours for the discovery and unraveling. Enjoy...

Kiyoto 12-29-2013 12:12 AM

1. No Godmodding
2. Follow All Mene Rules
3. Respect All Roleplay Members
4. Post Profiles In Your First Post. They Will Then Be Added To Accepted Thread When I Can.
5. Yaoi and Yuri Allowed Within Reason
6. Violence Allowed Within Reason
7. No Killing Off Characters Without Their Permission
8. Keep OOC In The OOC NOT In The Rp Thread.
10. BOLD and UNDERLINE other character's names in your posts so people know you are talking to them.
11. You can develop and add to your origional profile as we go. Things you want to make final or add to it send it to me in a message titled Ravenwood and include your character's name so I know which pro to add the info to.
12. Rules Subjected To Change When Needed.

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Kiyoto 12-29-2013 12:19 AM

Kiyoto 12-29-2013 12:20 AM

Kiyoto 12-29-2013 12:20 AM

Kiyoto 12-29-2013 12:52 AM

Name: Shinji Narukami
Age: Sixteen
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Info On Character: Shinji is new to the town, having just moved to the town with his father after some complications back where they used to live. He grew up with his parents from a young age in that old city, before his mother passed due to odd circumstances. She was from Ravenwood, and his father thought it would be a good idea for him to know part of his heritage. He has a strange and yet unknown connection with the town that has yet to manifest and grow. He carries with him an amulet his mother gave him around his neck. It looks like a celtic woven circle with a deep purple gem in the center.

The door of the truck slammed shut, causing a sigh to come from a tall man standing near the door of the house. A sign in the yard that had said 'for sale' but now a 'sold' sticker was placed over it. The man had dark brown hair and hazel eyes, he was a bit scruffy having not shaven in a few days but it made him look rugged as his wife used to say. "Give it time, you'll learn to like it here" he said to the young male, the cause of the door slam. Looking up at him, the male sighed shaking his head to his father. "I don't even want to be here" he says. His father stepped down the steps of the home, walking over to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. "Please....for me...for us Shinji" he said. Shinji sighed, placing his hands in his coat pockets. His father smiled, giving him a bit of a nudge, "go take a look might like it." He turned to go back inside. His son rolling his eyes, he took a slight look around the small neighborhood where his new home was siuated.

"Suuuure" he said to no one, before turning down the street. He knew the town by name, Ravenwood. It was where his mother had been born, where she had lived before. She had not said much about it when she was around, nor had she ever wanted to visit. His father had thought though now would be a good time to visit and get in touch with his lineage. Shinji shook his head once more, turning to go out of the little neighborhood. He could smell the lake air from here, the sky was also overcast as he heard was typical here in ravenwood. The scent was crisp and clear. His father had thought it would be good and refreshing for him as well. He walked along, a few people glancing at him as he did. It was kind of creepy, glancing at them they would look away. A few said hi and welcomed him, as if they knew he was new. Odd indeed, he noticed a small reasturant, heading inside and to a table picking up a menu.

Kilia 12-30-2013 03:40 AM

Name: Lyna Lunair
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Unknown
Info On Character:
Lyna has always lived and grown up in Ravenwood, she now lives on her own, well as much on her own as she can at the moment. She lives with her niece, whom she ended up being the legal guardian of after her sister mysteriously died. She always wears a choker with a blue opal in it, and can be seen around town all the time with her niece, Crystal. She goes around and does odd jobs here and there, doesn't seem to be really interested in dating at all since she has someone else that is relying on her.

The bright blue eyed female smiled, on the end of her hand was a young cobalt blue eyed girl who was singing some random song that she had picked up from school. She tucked her white hair behind her ear, though she h ad dyed it red at one point, it had now faded so much that her hair just had a slight pink tint to it. The child on the other hand was born with black hair, you could only slightly tell that they were related. "Hey Crys, what do you say we go and get some breakfast for lunch?" she asked Crystal as the headed down the paved street with her. It was a nice quaint town that the lived in, they personally lived in a house that was on the lake unlike some of the other residents.

"Chocolate pancakes!!" she said eagerly as she started to tug on her aunt's hand, leading her to the small restaurant that they always seemed to end up at this time of day.

Lyna couldn't help the fond smile on her face as the bell jingled on the door, that let the workers know they had a costumer. She waved and said hi to everyone, going to sit at their usual booth only to see that someone was already sitting there. She tilted her head to the side slightly as she looked him over. "Hey there. You must be new in town. I am Lyna and this is Crystal." she said to him, a friendly smile on her face as she introduced them selves to him, taking the booth that was next to his.

creeepyzombieee 01-09-2014 07:49 AM
Name: Kayuga Deamener
Age: right now undeterminded
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Info On Character: Complicated is a good work for Kayuga. That and stubborn, angry, difficult and all around trouble. At least from an outsiders opinion. Not much is known even to herself as she cannot remember much from when she was younger but she does know that there is something, maybe not so nice, inside her itching to get out. Once you push past the 'tough' exterior you can find a girl looking for someone to accept her ...

Blue eyes lazily wandered around the restaurant and landed heavily on a boy sitting in a booth by himself. Her fingers twirled the straw in her glass of water as her eyes studied his hair and features and raised an eyebrow at his scruffy appearance and unshaven face.
He's not much to look at right now but if he cleaned himself up a bit .... Kayuga sighed and took a sip from her drink before gesturing to the waitress standing by the bar to finally take her order. "Hi I'm Roxy and I'll be taking your order today." The young brunette flashed her a big smile and pulled out a small note pad and a pen, preparing to start writing down what she was after. She didn't necessarily like Pancakes but she had might as well eat something to balance out her lack of eating for the past week.
"I want the forest berries pancakes with an extra pancake and extra strawberries if I could." Her eyes briefly hovered o er the menu and she quickly chose the most appealing of the array of sweets and fruits. After an all to chipper nod and wave from 'Roxy' she was again by herself to gather her thoughts and watch her most recent .... 'project'. Her eyes wandered back to the boy in the booth and they began to wander to the girl who had just spoken to him, a young child hanging off her hand.

Kiyoto 01-09-2014 03:33 PM

For a few moments, he looked to the menu within his hands. There were a few jingles of the bell that hung with the door, but his eyes never moved. It was around this time that a waitress came for his order, he decided on some simple fruit for the moment. Once she had left, he pulled out his phone and sighed. Great, the cell service out here sucked. He made a quick reply to a friend's message back home, before someone was suddenly sliding into the booth with him. His eyes moved to an older girl and a kid. He raised an eyebrow as the other seemed relitivly unphased he was there, and even struck up a conversation. People in this town were really wierd. "Um...hi" he said, unsure why he was even really answering.

He nodded slightly to the question of being new, "my father and I just moved here." He figured after a moment he should give his name as well. "I'm Shinji" he said, turning to let his gaze move out the window a bit. "You live here to huh?" it was really more of a statement or a retorical question, not ment for an answer. Of course she had to live here, or she wouldn't be here. He doubted the town got much tourist action out here in the middle of nowhere. Then again, wasn't that supposed to be what the town was for? A quiet retreat from city life? He sighed, more like a boring exile from the city. He got the odd feeling he was being watched, glancing down the isle to another girl in a booth not to far away. Was she watching him?

creeepyzombieee 01-10-2014 03:01 AM

Kyuga's eyes flickered away just as they met the boy's. If she was lucky he might just palm it off as a coincidence and not think to much into it. She sighed and looked away again as the same waitress began her way towards her from the kitchen holding a plate with three pancakes and an array of berries, none of which were strawberries. Idiot woman ... Kayuga rolled her eyes and accepted the plate all the while looking past her back to the boy. He had looked away so she began to try and study his features and tried to estimate an age. He couldn't be more then seventeen or eighteen. His hair a little long and dark and his eyes were dark. Different from the bright and colourful nature of most of the residents that resided there.

The front the town pulled was elaborate to say the least and the mess of blondes, brunettes and the occasional unnatural hair colours, all matched with bright eyes in greens and blues was a far cry from the true nature of the town.
Ravenwood was certainly unlike what the naked eye could see and only a fair few knew of what lurked beneath it's surface...

Hidden Cupcake 01-20-2014 09:07 AM

((I don't have a picture, unfortunately, so I included a short description of his basic appearance so please bear with me.))

Name:Matthias Beliveau
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: Matthias is a tall man, reaching just over 6'1" with a strong jaw and a kind face. His hair is a dusty, dirty blonde and shortly cropped, bangs falling just over his forehead. His eyes are a cold hazel color. His back and fingers are riddled with old scars and his nails always seems to have something dark under them. Like dirt...or something else.
Info on Character: Matthias is outwardly genial and easy-going, greeting everyone he comes across with a smile and a hello. He seems to be the perfect small-town man; kind and fatherly with almost no one speaking ill of him. As far as anyone knows he has lived most of his adult life in Ravenwood, having just appeared one day during hunting season and settling down in an old cabin outside of town looking as he does now. He lives out in the woods and makes his living hunting and patrolling campgrounds and other popular, and sometimes unpopular, camping sites. People tend to disappear in the woods. Sometimes campers go in, sometimes they don't come out. Sometimes their camps are found and other times they seem to just vanish off the face of the Earth. His job is to make sure that they come back out again. There are whispers now as to just who is responsible for some of the missing campers. For the blood at their sites and the occasional body found squirreled away in a tree, eviscerated and gutted, as if being stored away for winter. There are whispers that Matthias Beliveau isn't human.

Matthias was careful when he closed his truck's door, sure not to slam it too hard and to lock it with the key. People spooked easy here and he didn't want people jumping out of their skins at this time of day. He returned each grin and greeting as he made his way down the street toward the little restaurant. He was hungry and, being in the town proper, he might as well get a bite to eat.

He entered the restaurant he would spend his lunch today. He didn't come here often. Not during the fall or winter anyway. But he decided he needed a little change from his usual meals. He stopped in the doorway, allowing the bell to ring out and for it to close behind him. He took in a long breath, smiling at the smell of pancakes and fruits. But also at another smell. Low and musky. It was the scent people usually had on their skin, the natural oils mixing together to create something unique to each person.

And one such smell was new.

He scanned the patrons, smiling widely when a nice young woman showed him to a table off to the side and handed him his menu. He payed it little mind, staring blankly at the words, already knowing what it was he'd order; a simple waffle with two sides of glazed ham.

He placed the menu onto the table, lifting his head to gaze at the people again, looking over each face casually. Until he spotted it; a little male, his face still full in youth with dark eyes and dark hair. He had not seen him yet and a quick inhale confirmed it.

He smiled before continuing his scan, eyes falling on the young woman and her little niece, the blue-eyed child causing his smile to grow wider. She was such a sweet thing. All smiles and childhood innocence.

Then he removed his eyes from her and his face fell, smile vanishing and eyes darkening. A woman, strange-haired and cold-eyed, staring in the direction he had just been looking. Not just staring. No. She was studying. Blatantly as well. No attempt to hide it or mask it in some way. Nothing.

He closed his eyes, sucking in a slight breath as a waiter came up on his right. He smiled, giving his order and handing off his menu. He returned his gaze to the restaurant proper, leaning back in his chair and watching. Waiting.

creeepyzombieee 01-20-2014 09:22 AM

{{ Im going to try really hard to get this going hahaha }}

A bell rang out as someone entered the restaurant and as she absently put a blueberry between her lips her eyes floated to the individual who had entered. A man stood, tall and somewhat out of place in the family atmosphere and yet he fit so perfectly that Kayuga couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in his direction before turning back to the boy across the restaurant.
She watched as the boy and the girl spoke and he eyes turned down to the little girl who was giggling away at the table, playing with the folded napkin, her eyes so full of life Kayuga couldn't help but give a small smile before turning back to the older man who now taken a place at a table.
Placing another blueberry in her mouth she proceeded to stand up and cross the space between her own table and the older man, pausing at the edge of the table before flashing a big smile and gesturing to the place opposite him. "May I take a seat?"

Hidden Cupcake 01-20-2014 11:35 PM

Matthias turned, blinking as the strange-haired woman approached him, sitting straighter as she drew closer and stopped. There was a question, a motion to the seat across from him. He considered for a moment, scanning her quickly before smiling and nodding. "Yes, of course," he said, leaning back and motioning the the chair. "I don't mind at all." His voice held a slight accent, faded to a small after thought in his voice. It was low and a little nasally.

He watched her as she sat, smile still on his face as he looked her up and down. Finally, he shifted in his chair and held out his hand for her to shake. "It appears I don't seem to know you. My name is Matthias Beliveau. May I ask your name?" His tone was curious and polite, heading tilting to the side as he lifted his eyes to meet her's.

creeepyzombieee 01-21-2014 12:45 AM

Kayuga smiled and took a seat across from the gentlemen who had introduced himself as Matthias. She raised an eyebrow, that name sounded familiar but she couldn't quite work out what from. Smiling she took the extended hand and shook, squeazing slightly, "A pleasure to meet you Matthias. I am Kayuga Deamener." Her eyes flashed back around the room one more time before resting her elbows on the table and resting her chin on her hands, tilting her head slightly.
"So what is it you do Matthias? I cannot for the life of me remember where I have heard your name from." She flashed him a charming smile before gesturing towards one of the waitresses to bring her another glass of water.

Hidden Cupcake 01-21-2014 02:59 AM

"Pleasure's all mine," Matthias said, shaking her hand before pulling his away, folding it before him neatly beside the other, knitting his fingers together quietly. He rolled the name over in his mind, mentally tasting it. It was a strange one, something he didn't really remember hearing around town. But, then again, he has yet to meet everyone. People come and go frequently as with all towns. And he has been busy lately.

He thought for a long moment about what he did, about his job and his life. He did many things; he hunted, checked up on the campers and hunters, sold any extra meat and the leather products he made from any game he felled. He did quite a bit around here really. He smiled slightly, lips curling up minutely.

"I'm a hunter," he finally answered, turning his head as his waitress returned with his meal, a small selection of syrup, and a fresh cup of coffee. He smiled, thanking her as it was set down in front of him. He smiled down at it, taking in the alluring scent before grabbing the maple syrup and pouring only a little bit onto his waffle.

"I also patrol around the campsites, check up on the campers and hunters that stay in the area. The woods can be a very dangerous place around here." As he finished speaking he began to eat, slicing apart the waffle and eating it slowly. "May I ask what you do around town?"

Kilia 01-27-2014 07:34 PM

Lyna smiled and chuckled as she watched Crystal hum as she colored on a sheet of paper, she glanced at the male as he spoke to her, chuckling a bit as she ran a hand through her hair. " have a very nice name. So what made you guys decide to move here?" she asked him, resting her head on her hand after ordering food for her and Crystal, watching him carefully. Her eyes flashing red for a moment as she just smiled. Her eyes wandered over towards the door as the bell rang once more, noticing the female that had come in and sat at the bar. The doorbell rang again, this caused her to look at the door. Her eyes widen slightly as she watched the older male come in and begin to talk to the female that had been watching the male next to her. She knew who the older male was, she quickly averted her eyes from him as she leaned a crossed the table to fix Crystal up with her drink, making sure the lid was on tight. "I suppose if your trying to get away from something. Ravenwood is the perfect place to settle down in. As much as most people would rather leave." she said to him, her voice sounding kind and happy, a smile seemed to be permanent on her face.

Kiyoto 02-01-2014 05:10 PM

The girl before him complimented his name. For a moment he said nothing, looking at her. Something seemed off about her, but he could not put his finger on it at the moment. When she kept glancing at the door, he turned a bit to look. The man who sat down with the female, the one he had caught glancing at him, he felt really off to. They all did, which made him unsure what was up. The woman asked him if he was here looking for something, and that most people were trying to get out. "Trust me...I would not be here if I did not have to be" he says, "but I there is little choice in the matter" he took a sip of his own drink. He began messing with his napkin, a habit of his. He hated merely standing still, when he was nervous or was easiest to keep his hands in motion doing something. He sighed slightly, glancing back at the man. He had the oddest feeling, A waitress slipped, Shinji quickly moving from the booth caught her before she could fully fall. Her tray in his hand, he sat it on the counter. She blushed, thanking him for his help.

Hidden Cupcake 02-06-2014 11:03 PM

Matthias was, if he were to be honest, content with the silence. He wasn't one to talk over a meal. He usually ate alone and in silence anyway. It didn't take long to finish his waffle, moving the syrup soaked plate to the side before pulling his ham to the center of his attention. The smile that had been plastered on his face since Kayuga had joined him at his table widened, eyeing the glazed meat with more than a little desire.

He sliced into the meat, lifting the sliver to his mouth. He was chewing when he raised his eyes idly, taking another scan of the restaurant and looking toward the young newcomer. And he stopped chewing almost immediately. The boy had looked toward him, glancing at him. It was a small glance, one that lasted for no more than a few seconds. But it felt much longer to Matthias as he held that gaze, the warmth slipping from his face and being replaced by a frigidity he never wanted to show in a public setting. Never wanted anyone to see.

The moment was shattered by the waitress slipping, the boy breaking it and going to catch her. Almost immediately Matthias himself returned to chewing, swallowing the chunk of meat and moving for another bite, his smile returned to his face and his own eyes moving toward the table. Though even now it didn't feel right. His ham didn't hold the flavor it should, bland in his mouth despite the glaze. Something cold stirred in his chest as he stared at the table, a hunger coiling in the pit of his stomach.

Matthias lifted his eyes again, watching the child carefully as he started on his second slice of ham. He knew this feeling. It was desire, strong and primal and all too familiar. It had filled his whole life. His silverware clinked as he set them down on his now empty plate, lifting his napkin to wipe the juice and glaze from his mouth. His meal hadn't filled him at all. No not with this cold in his stomach, not with this child on his mind. He took another inhale, searching the scents gathered until he found the one uniquely the boy's, memorizing it. He would need it if he wished to rid himself of this primal desire boiling in his full gut.

Kilia 02-21-2014 02:52 AM

Lyna smiled once more as she reached over to clean Crystal's face off, though she could not help the cold empty feeling that she felt inside. Seeing Matthias there, well it worried her, she knew that he was a seemingly good guy but she still could not chance the rumors that were going around about him and the missing campers. "Oh. I am sorry to hear that. If you had a choice where would you be?" she asked him, her hands were now full as she was trying to keep Crystal from playing with her, which was clear by all the syrup now every where on her side of the table. She blinked in surprise at the male's fast reflexes, she had not even noticed the waitress slip. "Your quick on your feet." she said to him as a smile tugged at her lips, looking towards Matthias once more, the smile dropping, much like her heart at him staring. Once she had finished eating some of her food and managed to get Crystal to eat all of her food or most of it. She stood up to clean up the mess that was on the table and her lovely niece, her heart was racing slightly, she was panicking on the inside though she seemed to stay calm and collective on the outside. That was a talent of hers, acting, putting on a mask to let everyone see what the wanted or needed to see. Always the fake smile, and the happy speech pattern, acting as if everything was right in the world when on the inside she was dying. Depression having truly taken over her, though to the naked eye there was no evidence to show anything that was self inflicted onto her, but to a supernatural eye, they could see the paper thin scars that crossed her pale skin. She glanced around once more, smiling and remaining as calm as possible, keeping her mask and act up so that no one could see what was going on inside her. "Well, welcome to Ravenwood, Shinji. Just make sure that the raven does not get its' talons into you as it has done so many others." she said to him as a joke, laughing at it, though was it really a joke was the question.

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