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Nola 02-23-2015 12:33 AM

~Story Naming~
Hello guys. I was wondering if any of your would be willing to help me name a story I am planning. I am participating in Camp Nanowrimo in April but since it is almost the end of February, I am beginning my planning stages. I have my plot set up and I am working on characters. I just need help on one little thing: the title. I am going to provide the plot for my story and I want to see what names you guys have for me. I know they say not to worry about the name until you get the story done but I want to have everything prepped. owo So if you guys will help me, it will be much appreciated.

Plot for unnamed story:


Most people go through their lives, surrounded by what they consider stories and myths. They actually believe that all of the monsters, all of the creatures that have ever appeared in horror stories, aren’t a reality. I’m not one of those people. I know that the monsters....that the vampires….are real.

Angelique has spent her entire life, surrounded by the very creatures that most people call myth. Most people look at her and think that she is a sweet and caring young woman. She is, but she has another side. She is a hunter of evil, killing the things that go bump in the night. She was training to kill the undead before she could even walk. Her parents before her taught her everything she knows about killing vampires. They still weren't prepared when their home was attacked by a swarm of vampires that had followed them home from a hunt one night. Her parents hid her and they fought until they, along with the swarm, were dead.

Now, ten years later, Angelique is now twenty two and she has given up that life. She has moved on to other things, like opening her own bakery and having an apartment of her own. She is pulled back into her past when she is attacked by vampires. She manages to kill them, though not before receiving a warning...Dracula is coming for her. Unknown to her, she is the reincarnation of Mina, Dracula’s most beloved bride. He has been hunting her for centuries and will stop at nothing to acquire her. Angelique must re-embrace her old life and destroy the vampires and their king, but she also must fight feelings that she didn’t know she had for the very monster that she is sworn to kill.

Kat Dakuu 02-24-2015 02:53 AM

I'm hesitant to really name someone else's story, but I don't mind giving you some direction and ideas. But who knows, the direction of your story might change and you need to rename it at the end. Such is writing.

Dark Hauntings (because it seems like her past is haunting her) or Hunted. There's a lot of hunting going on, on both sides.

But only you really know what your story is about thematically. The title should reflect that.

Sounds interesting though. Good luck with Camp nano. I'll be doing it as well.

Nola 02-24-2015 06:59 PM

I wish you luck as well then. Yeah, I figure I might think of something as I go but I'm just trying to get some ideas put together and maybe something someone offers will give me an idea. ^w^ Thanks for your ideas. They are pretty good.

Kat Dakuu 02-25-2015 11:31 PM

Ideas can't hurt.

I think since I'll be busy with my job, I won't be writing a novel for nano this year. I'm going to do a 'write whatever as long as it's the min word count' thing. I have some unfinished projects I'll play with.

Nola 02-25-2015 11:50 PM

I have decided that I won't rush myself during camp nano. That is what always throws me off. I am just going to try my best and set a reasonable goal. If I get to my goal, I get to my goal. If not, I will just keep writing.

Kat Dakuu 02-26-2015 11:47 PM

That's a very smart thing to do. Definitely keep writing no matter what.
I like the pressure though and I'm hard on myself because I've done nano about seven times already and I always get my goal except the one time I tried to do it with another person rp style.

JadaRyl 03-20-2015 03:52 AM

This sounds like a very interesting story idea. Perhaps something like Hunted Bride, playing off the irony of her background and the plot. Or something related to her not wanting to become a creature of the night, such as Unwanted Night. They're both pretty rough but I hope they help get the title ideas flowing.

heavenlyangel_013 08-02-2015 04:22 AM


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