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veen 06-19-2008 11:12 PM

Sand Castle Lotto!

Hey everyone, and welcome to the Sand Castle Lotto. Here, you will have a chance to be rewarded for simply getting out of the house and enjoying what summer has to offer!

There are several ways to get tickets:
-Going to the beach and making a sand castle! {2 tickets}
-Making something in the snow if its currently winter where you live. {2 tickets}
-Conducting a naval battle or something creative in your pool. {2 tickets}
-Drawing something beach and/or pool related (for lazy people!). {1 ticket}

Basically, anything beach, summer, water, or even snow related will get you 2 tickets. However, any picture you submit must include a sign with your username in the picture! Otherwise, we have no proof you were actually there and we cannot award you the tickets.

You can earn a maximum of 3 tickets by doing one of the 2 ticket options and the 1 ticket option. You cannot buy tickets! You have until the last day to submit your stuff. Please post all submissions in this thread. Anything pm'ed to me will not be rewarded! Sorry, but I just don't have that kind of inbox space. Also, the use of mules to earn more tickets is not allowed. And finally, as courtesy to your fellow menewshans, please no page stretching! If your picture stretches the page, I will request that you either link it or resize it before awarding you tickets.

The drawing will occur on the last day of the pool party (using and winners will receive the following prizes:
-1st place: Sash of Chaos
-2nd place: January o8 set
-3rd place: April o8 set

I will also be handing out random prizes if your picture is awesome and just blows me out of the water! So have fun with this, and get creative! Remember, its summer, so enjoy.

Announcement: Due to the ending time of this event, I will not be able to make it on the last day. However, to give you all more time to get your entries in, I have decided to let the lotto run until the very last minute, and you have that much time to submit your entries. Unfortunately, because of that, you will not get the results of the lotto until later on the 27th. I will send out trades as soon as I log on, and results will be posted by aneliese in the community discussion forum, with a screenshot.

veen 06-19-2008 11:13 PM

Ticket Holders

All tickets will just be handed out in numerical order, otherwise it gets too confusing, sorry.
All ticket holders will be listed here.

1. Enzeru
2. XxRainbows
3. Takabean
4. Takabean
5. Knerd
6. Knerd
7. Blondheart
8. [L]
9. [L]
10. [L]
11. Easther_Bunni
12. Easther_Bunni
13. Urboros
14. Urboros
15. Vickicat
16. Vickicat
17. Vickicat
18. blueblackrose
19. Belldandy
20. Belldandy
21. Belldandy
22. Urboros
23. Amurita
24. Amurita
25. Vyllan
26. Vyllan
27. Dystopia
28. blueblackrose
29. blueblackrose

veen 06-19-2008 11:37 PM

Awesome Entries

Here is where all those amazing entries will be put up for display, the ones that just blow me out of the water and make me speechless. Its like the sand castle hall of fame. If you make it up here, you will be awarded a little something extra, so get started!

Knerd - Mr. Turtle swimming for safety! xD
Belldandy - Pirate sandcastle + phoenix pride! ;o
Urboros - that could be you under there! O:
Amurita - such pretty seashells!
blueblackrose - funniest submarine expedition EVER! xDD

[L]ove[H]ate 06-21-2008 05:35 PM

Oooo veen this sounds fun!! C= I'm so excited! *steals first post*

veen 06-21-2008 05:37 PM

haha I know, I can't wait to see what people come up with. and notice I chose to host the laid-back event, lolz. -lazy-

Ithir 06-21-2008 05:38 PM

xD Lazy veen!
I wanna make a sandcastle now. But the beach is so far away. : (

[L]ove[H]ate 06-21-2008 05:39 PM

lol that's okay. It will be fun anyways. I might just have to draw something because I'm a bit lazy.

veen 06-21-2008 05:45 PM

ithir: haha, I know right? aww, make one in your backyard!

LoHa: aha, I know what you mean.

[L]ove[H]ate 06-21-2008 05:51 PM

How do you make one in your yard? lol

veen 06-21-2008 05:52 PM

um, use dirt? haha. and then you can stick in little leaves for flags or something!

CK 06-21-2008 05:54 PM

XD Buy a bucket of sand? XD

This is a really fun idea! Hopefully I can make time to do something for it. XD I hear my brother's getting a pool... Maybe it'll be installed soon. @_@

blueblackrose 06-21-2008 05:57 PM

If we can't get to the beach and don't have sand could we use clay or something to make a castle with?

[L]ove[H]ate 06-21-2008 06:00 PM

veen: lol dirt. haha that's would be really messy and hard.

OMG get that moon sand!! My neighbor's daughter has some of that!! lol

rose: Clay, lol. That's really great. You can bake it to get really hard then.

CK: That's a good idea. I will buy a bag of sand at my work and build it my yard. My parents are going to think I'm crazy.

veen 06-21-2008 06:00 PM

CK: haha, that too. oo, fun! just in time for summer too!

rose: oh yeah, definitely~

LoHa: yeah, well, make do with what you have, lol. oo, I keep seeing commercials for that stuff on tv! it looks soo cool, lol.

blueblackrose 06-21-2008 06:24 PM

Yay, I have some clay though I might want to get some modeling clay because it's not as messy

veen 06-21-2008 06:26 PM

haha, yay for clay! oo, okay. -doesn't know the difference-

CK 06-21-2008 06:36 PM

Oh - I have modeling clay. XD Hmm... :'

Uzura 06-21-2008 07:10 PM

I would go out and take a picture if it wasn't raining right now. We haven't had rain in months and now it decides to rain...

Knerd 06-21-2008 07:12 PM

Wow, this looks like fun!

Too bad I won't have the chance to go out and really build something spectacular.

But I'll be sure to fill my bathtub with water and goof off for a while.

Demari 06-21-2008 07:12 PM

Demari thinks this to be fun =P

veen 06-21-2008 07:12 PM

CK: haha, let's see those creative wheels turn!

Uzura: aww, that's okay. you've got all week. and feel blessed that its raining where you are lol, I'd kill for some rain right now!

Knerd: haha, okay. I can't wait to see how creative people can get with this~

Demari: yay, I sure hope so!

Uzura 06-21-2008 07:14 PM

@veen: Yeah, that's how it's been for us. I really am thankful for the rain...but I wanna take pictures >3<

@Knerd: I was thinking of doing something in my bath tub for fun. Wish I had some bath toys...

veen 06-21-2008 07:19 PM

Uzura: yeahh, the heat just keeps coming! haha, I know what you mean. the one time you actually feel like doing something and nature throws in something like rain, lol.

Uzura 06-21-2008 07:22 PM

@veen: And I just got a great idea to incorporate rain in a picture, but now the rain is letting up. It's too grey for summer pictures, but there's not enough rain for the picture I want. Sometime you just can't win xD

veen 06-21-2008 07:23 PM

Uzura: haha, what have you done lately to spite mother nature so!? lolz.

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