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Cain 10-28-2008 06:22 AM

Abel's Worst Nightmare: Costume Contest - Winners Posted!

As pointed out by several astute Menewshans, I'm not wearing a costume this Halloween. This wasn't necessarily by choice though. Considering I've never celebrated Halloween up until now, I wasn't even aware you had to dress up for the occasion (especially not adults).

That's where you come in. Suggest to me a costume idea you think would suit me best and I'll wear the winning outfit and reward my top five favorites with gold. It'll ultimately be my choice, but I'll have to choose from the themes suggested. So please, be reasonable. ^^;

Cain 10-28-2008 06:57 AM

ENDS: Nov. 3rd 11am CST
(Click here to find out what time it is in Central Time Zone right now!)


Grand Prize:

And a picture of me wearing your winning design
as depicted by Omi

Drawn Submission Runner Ups:

1st Runner Up - 650g
2nd Runner Up - 400g

Text or Sample Submission Runner Ups:

1st Runner Up - 300g
2nd Runner Up - 150g

Entry Form:

[b]Costume Idea:[/b] (Please link if you're posting an image)
[b]Why Did You Pick This for Me?:[/b]
[b]Favorite Halloween Traditions?:[/b]

Cain 10-28-2008 07:33 AM

1. No art theft. If you did not draw it, don't enter the Art portion.
2. Follow the ToS and Mene Rules.
3. Keep the images (both drawn by you or otherwise) PG-13 or below.
4. If your costume is from a trademarked character, please credit the source
__(Example: "This design based on ___ of ___ TV show.")

Q. What can I submit to the "Text or Sample" category?
A. You can include an image you found someplace or an idea that you thought up and describe through text. As long as it's of PG-13 or below content, it's eligible. But try to convince me why it would be a good costume for me.

Q. So I can submit just about anything?
A. Yes, but that doesn't mean you'll win. Try to think of something I might actually wear.

Q. Do I have to draw you wearing the outfit?
A. No, you can just draw up a design without me wearing it and it'll still be eligible for the Drawn category. But including me would be a bonus. *smirks*

Q. How many entries can I submit?
A. As many as you want, but only one of your designs can win.

Cain 10-28-2008 07:39 AM


Drawn Submissions:


Originally Posted by Trinitydoll (Post 4142539)
Category:Drawn Submission
Costume Idea: Froddo Baggins
Why Did You Pick This for Me?:becaue you look like frodo o.o<3
Favorite Halloween Traditions?:Watch horror movies and eat my favorite food


Originally Posted by Popcorn Gun (Post 4144218)
Username: Popcorn Gun
Category: Drawn entry
Costume Idea: (
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: It just seemed like it might fit, when I first thought it up.
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: My favorite? I don't have any traditions anymore, but every year, for 2 or 3 years, I would go to my friend's Halloween party, at her house.
:' )


Originally Posted by LennaHime (Post 4144692)
Username: LennaHime
Costume Idea: Professor Tomoe (Character from Sailormoon)
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: I was thinking"Sexy Badguy" but then I couldn't figure out some non-overdone (a la Sephy) bad guy, so I decided on "badass badguy" and still couldn't think of any who weren't randomly slutty (since Abel's not randomly slutty), SO I went with good ol' Crazy Flipping Scientist. Plus, it goes with my Costume (Mistress 9) <3
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Dressing up!


Originally Posted by Tesel (Post 4145272)
Username: Tesel
Category: Drawn
Costume Idea: Particle Removal Specialist
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: You seemed so conflicted and didn't want to go with my other suggestion.
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Fighting the hoodlums.

You're welcome.


Originally Posted by Uzura (Post 4147093)
Um, Abel. I just want you to know that I love you very much and I think you're the type of guy who can take a joke. Please don't kill me xD

Username: Uzura
Category: Drawn submission
Costume Idea: Hard Gay
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: Because the point of Halloween is to dress as something you're not o:
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Candy collecting


Originally Posted by Lumi (Post 4148378)
Username: Lumi
Category: Drawn Submission
Costume Idea: Abel the Centaur!!
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: It just came to me and I thought it was a cool idea for you. ^ ^ Why not be an animal for Halloween? ...Except you'll have to be shirtless. XD; You get a weapon though! ;]
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Just being a part of online Halloween events. <33


Originally Posted by Glammy (Post 4148419)
Username: Glammy
Category: Drawn
Costume Idea: Old School Robin for the Old School Batman and Robin shows
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: Wellp. I was going to do The Batman but then thought you'd look so much better saying "TO THE BAT CAVE" and "JEEWILICKERS" when you went trick or treating.
Plus Robin is the Side kick who's never in the spot light. You don't like said spot light. It makes sense to me, alright D:
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Face Paint and Fake Blood~~ <3


Originally Posted by disturbed66 (Post 4149337)
Costume Idea:
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: Well the forum says worst nightmare and i would imagine wearing a huge teddy bear outfit would be a killer!
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: dressing up in something that normally would be could odd...><


Originally Posted by Glammy (Post 4149573)
Category: Drawn
Costume Idea: I'd like to pretend it's a zombie
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: Well I had a theory about this, but I've mostly forgotten it.
It went something like this: Zombie's are both conservitve and a little dull. I'm not saying anything about Able but yah. Plus they blend in. And they're awesome. PLUS zombies are a great thing for your first ever Halloween constume. mmhmm.
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Again, Facepaint and Fake Blood.


Originally Posted by Sphynxee (Post 4161920)
Category:Drawn Submission
Costume Idea:Abel as Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: Cause your current outfit reminded me of this character. Also your expression on your front page.
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Carving pumpkins and decorating.


Originally Posted by Mingnon (Post 4163268)
Username: Mingnon
Category: Drawn
Costume Idea: Incubus (loosely based on the MMORPG, Mabinogi's monster)
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: I figured that you'd make a good demon ^.^ (plus it could possibly satisfy the fangirls.. I think >.>; )
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Attending online events (like this one)


Originally Posted by Allucard (Post 4167250)
Username: Allucard
Category: Drawn
Costume Idea: Cloud Strife, of FFVII fame. piccie my entry
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: Because, while i don't know much about you, I think you're kind of like Cloud. You obviously like people, but you seem to have boundaries, and that's Cloud all over.
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Hmm... parties and costumes. Elegant parties though, not the other kind.

Username: Allucard again.
Category: Drawn, again
Costume Idea: Abel wearing only a cloud. my other entry
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: XD It was just such a lulzy idea. Sorry.
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: same.


Originally Posted by tentenpuff (Post 4171019)
Username: Tentenpuff
Category: Drawn
Costume Idea: [x]
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: Because deep down, you know you want to. You have a tough exterior, but hidden within is a mudkip-lieking /b/tard! For Halloween, it'll be okay for you to unleash him. ;3
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: xD
Every year for the past three years or so, my best friend and I go trick-or-treating together in her huge neighborhood. >W< Then we have a sleepover. xD;
It's simple, but we love it. :3


Originally Posted by Swordtear (Post 4190924)
Costume Idea: A werewolf? xDDDD

Why Did You Pick This for Me?:This actually popped up when drawing you in general xD; I think it was your ears 8D
At first,I thought maybe a cat...but then a wolf seemed better..especially cause of your hair colour <3
Favorite Halloween Traditions?:Mm..candy..and costumes~


Originally Posted by `Kitami (Post 4192954)

Username: `Kitami
Category: Drawn
Costume Idea: Abel Neko-Boy :'D
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: Because....Well for one thing, I have a great fondness for boys with cat ears and tails. x3 I couldn't help myself.
In my defense, and to get you to like it better, cats are usually associated with magic. 8D -nudges-
And come on, you'd look adorable!
And at least I'm not putting you in drag. -solemnly shakes head- I wouldn't! xD But my point is, it could be worse. Right? Right. :3
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Dressing up as a vampire. XD
I've dressed as a vampire every year since I was in fifth grade, so, five years now. -laughs-
I don't use the same costume, but whatever I dress as, I'm always a vampire. Like, two years ago I was a gothic aristocrat vampire, last year, I was a punk vampire, and this year I was a vampire lolita. 8'D


Originally Posted by Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda (Post 4201578)
Username: Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
Category: Drawn
Costume Idea: I had started to do something a lot more detailed and sensical, but I got sick. D: Originally it was going to be Elegant gothic aristrocrat meets... Something. I dunno. But it had a sword. T_T
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: Because it seemed dignified and it would suit you nicely? I tried to keep it as far from flamboyant as possible, but it was difficult. XD
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: All of them. ;o; It's my favourite holiday. <3 But masquerades are so sexy.

Username: Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
Category: Drawn
Costume Idea: (all credits (c) their rightful owners. I think they're extremely well known enough characters... XD Plus the labels are in the pictures. )
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: Because I fail at life.
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: See above.


Originally Posted by Skykittykat (Post 4204247)
Username: Skykittykat
Category: Drawn
Costume Idea: Abel In a bunny girl costume... -laughter-
Bunny Girl Abel
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: Same reasons as last time. I love and respect you but I really don't care about that as long as I get some Laughs.
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Trick-or-treating

Username: Skykittykat
Category: Drawn
Costume Idea: Another bunny but more reserved.
Bunny suit not bunny girl...
Why Did You Pick This For Me?: I wanted to appease you anger at the last one a bit. Lol
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: See above


Originally Posted by Skykittykat (Post 4204721)
Username: Skykittykat
Costume Idea: Ninja Abel
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: To further make up for the bunny girl costume and to help get it out of the minds of others.
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: For the last time it's trick-or-treating!!!

Cain 10-28-2008 07:47 AM

Text or Sample Submissions:


Originally Posted by Chexala (Post 4143259)
Username: Chexala
Category: Text/Sample
Costume Idea: Mr. Dacry from Pride and Prejudice. image
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: The costume is elegant, and Mr. Darcy seems like a character you could get into; somewhat aloof (shy), but noble and kind-hearted. Also, hawt. :D
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Definitely dressing up and trick-or-treating.


Originally Posted by Enzeru (Post 4145146)
Category: text
Costume Idea: Dr. Byron Orpheus (Venture Bros)Image1 Image 2
Why Did You Pick This for Me?:He is a Necromancer with short gray hair and you are magic with short gray hair. He's very powerful and sometimes mistaken for a Vampire with the way he dresses.
Favorite Halloween Traditions?:The costumes. Even as a kid I looked forward not only to dressing up but also to watching the others around me show off their costumes.
I used to also enjoy pumpkin carving because I would later bake the seeds with a bit of salt.


Originally Posted by Mingnon (Post 4145208)
Username: Mingnon
Category: Text/Sample
Costume Idea: Vintage Fighter Pilot (Leather cap and/or goggles, leather jacket with wooly-like inside that sticks out at collar, pants and boots. Scarf optional.)
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: I guess the scarf clicked for me..
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Used to be trick-or-treating, but nowadays it's attending online halloween events (like this one! :D)


Originally Posted by Lilith W (Post 4145358)
Username: Lilith W
Category: text/sample
Costume Idea: pirate
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: Kind of random and generic costume like the rest seem. I think it is fun to dress up as something you are not so I think dressing like a pirate would be very fun for you.
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: dressing up


Originally Posted by Sera (Post 4145823)
Costume Idea: Mr. Invisible: Long, black dress pants, a white collared shirt covered over by a black, three button trench coat. Add shiny black shoes, white gloves and a black top hat to complete the outfit. Then comes a very important step: wrap white/cream fabric around his face and add a pair of dark sunglasses. Oh! One must not forget the cane!
Why Did You Pick This for Me?:I picked this costume because I have seen how little you wish for attention. An Invisible man never gets any because he is not seen...until he sneaks up on someone and then everyone flocks to him.
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: The only one I have: scraping my knee every year


Originally Posted by Chexala (Post 4149250)
I've got another costume idea for you Abel. ^__^

Username: Chexala
Category: Text/Sample
Costume Idea: Link from Legend of Zelda image
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: Because Link is an awesome character, and he has a fun costume.
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Again, dressing up and trick-or-treating.


Originally Posted by Luenola Marxiel (Post 4152871)
Username: Luenola Marxiel
Category: Sample
Costume Idea: Endrance from .hack//GU
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: I... Well... It's beautiful and elegant. And I think you'd look good in it..? And my original idea was to ask you to cosplay the Sailor Starlights, so I think this is a really huge improvement as it stands. XD Besides, it'll fit the thread title of your worst nightmare from the sheer fangirl spew.
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Dressing up, parties and Samhain rituals. XD"


Originally Posted by Alexander Linden (Post 4154617)
Username: Alexander Linden
Category: Text
Costume Idea: Damsel in distress (medieval-style dress)
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: I think it would be interesting... hehehe To match Nalin, and he can save you.. and stuff.. xD
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Spooky decorations (that I keep up year-round)


Originally Posted by Luenola Marxiel (Post 4163230)
Username: Luenola Marxiel
Category: Text/Sample
Costume Idea: Togepi (Pokemon)
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: It's...different. And adorable. would look really cute on you. ... okay, I'm sorry, don't kill me, anyone, please!!!
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Um, parties, rituals and cider?


Originally Posted by Dragoness (Post 4166610)
Username: Dragoness
Category: Text/Sample
Costume Idea: nurse!Joker from the movie The Dark Knight
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: Because I want to see you in it, and because it will be hilarous and fitting (some how)
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Free Food!


Originally Posted by Harmonia (Post 4167666)
Username: Harmonia
Category: Text/Exampe
Costume Idea: The White Knight from Through the Looking-Glass Link
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: I've always been obsessed with Lewis Carrol and this has always been one of my favorite characters. Plus, this way you can give Nalin a run for his money. ;)
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: The candy. The pounds and pounds of delicious candy. :D


Originally Posted by Cherry Flavored Antacid (Post 4176562)
Username: Cherry Flavored Antacid
Category: Text
Costume Idea: Adam (as in Adam and Eve)
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: Well. in the bible, Cain and Abel were the sons of Adam and Eve. And since your name is Cain, but you go by Abel... It only seemed fitting.
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: My friend has a party every year a week or so before Halloween. The first year I went, it was a costume party/dance type thing. Last year it was a small bonfire with about a dozen people talking, and this year it was about 40 people (or so he said, maybe it was 30) talking and dancing/air banding. And there was a bonfire, but no one was around it very much. xD


Originally Posted by Sadistix_Love (Post 4180686)
Username: Sadistix_Love
Category: Text/Sample
Costume Idea: My character, Zhong Zhi Shen:
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: I wondered what you would look like in a Chinese theme outfit. My character from one of my story, Zhong Zhi Shen, is the Dragon King's personal bodyguard and best friend. You and him seem a bit alike, seeing that you are not a big talker. (But Zhong is incredibly solemn! Lol!) As you can see here, his outfits vary as I let the artist choose what they like of the design. It would be adorable to see you in one similar as him! Haha, though he won't be too happy but since he is quiet anyway, who knows? ;)
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: I'm a bit older now but every year up to last year, I would go trick-or-treating! Now I like to give out candies to the children! <3


Originally Posted by Kongouseki (Post 4190227)
Username: Kongouseki
Category: Text
Costume Idea: assassin: short sleeved turle neck like shirt that comes up to cover the bottom half of the face, knee length shorts ([X]), dark red long-sleeved mesh shirt is over that with a black vest over the mesh shirt. or instead of the vest, a long jacket like Irvine's from FFVIII without the sleeves but more ragged looking where the sleeves would come from, like they were just torn off. same with the bottom of the coat, more ragged.
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: you dont seem to like much attention. this way you can make your self vanish, like a real assassin, when you get to feel too uncomfortable. ^^
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: CANDY!!


Originally Posted by Sera (Post 4203436)
Costume Idea: Giacomo Casanova
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: Because you have captured the ‘hearts’ of many a woman around Menewsha. Thousands long to even see you and for Casanova, every woman longed to be with him.
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Watching the Nightmare before Christmas


Originally Posted by Skykittykat (Post 4203869)
Username: Skykittykat
Category: Text
Costume Idea: Abel in that bunny costume This one.
Why Did You Pick This for Me?: Cause I love you and respect you but during Halloween time none of that matters and I think it would be hilarious to see...
Favorite Halloween Traditions?: Trick-or-treating

Cain 10-28-2008 07:47 AM

Reluctantly opens the thread...

CK 10-28-2008 07:56 AM

LOL. Well, with that threatening face, I'm not sure I have the nerve to suggest a pretty princess dress... >_>

Or do I?

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-28-2008 07:56 AM

Aww, Abel dear, you would open a thread as I'm heading to bed... (T'is 4AM.) Good luck with this, I hope nothing -too- embarrassing gets created. (Which it undoubtedly will. D: )

Maybe I'll try my hand at scribbling up something at least moderately dignified tomorrow.

Hope you're well, as I've been away for some time. :heart:

Cain 10-28-2008 07:58 AM

I should go to bed soon myself actually, Ceridwen. *laughs* I should have done this sooner. ^^;

Don't you dare, CK. *repulsed*

CK 10-28-2008 08:01 AM

::giggles at Abel:: Oh, I'll be nice.... for now, anyway. I'm too sleepy to be mean.


Swordtear 10-28-2008 08:03 AM

...I wonder what your fate is gonna be Abel xDD!

I shall stick around and see! *u* <33

Cain 10-28-2008 08:14 AM

Well I better get some sleep, but I'll be back tomorrow. *somewhat anxious about leaving this unattended*

Swordtear 10-28-2008 08:16 AM

Night night Abel xDD

Don't worry too much...yet <3 *shot*

`Kitami 10-28-2008 08:34 AM

Has to be the face you wear when I've been fangirling after you too much in a short span of time. XD <3

Anyway. >_> I have an idea for a costume, might not make a lot of sense. I think I'll just wait to see what the others come up with....

Why didn't you just wait until next year like you wanted? You seem a bit flustered doing it this way. :P

whitebeast 10-28-2008 09:38 AM

That also means no pink or something that's acceptably feminine. Check. XD;

Perhaps peer pressure? Hmm. But then it should be---EUREKA. I just had an idea. I'll go bother my artist friend -as if she ain't one herself- to draw it so artist friend can join! 8D

Fufufu... Oh Abel. And you wonder why you have fans. :P

Tre Le Coco 10-28-2008 09:40 AM

LOL im gonna have so much fun dressing you up =D

Chinen Yuuri 10-28-2008 10:08 AM

I should try this for my beloved Abel -squeals-
I'll make Abel looks scary >D

davyjoneslover 10-28-2008 10:15 AM

I should think of a costume hehe, *goes to plot evil things to dress Abel up in*. I shall return with my evil ideas soon *smirk*

Cain 10-28-2008 06:12 PM

Well since there's still several days left for the event, I figured I'd have enough time to dress up this year too, `Kitami.

*a little nervous about the ideas people are plotting*

daashi 10-28-2008 07:31 PM

Hello Abel.

May I suggest that you wear what you want to wear and if anyone asks you who you are dressed answer; " as myself".

CK 10-28-2008 08:23 PM

XD Aw, don't be nervous at the plotting.... Be afraid. Be very afraid.

::still being nice, currently::

LennaHime 10-28-2008 08:50 PM

Hey Abel!! :3

Don't worry, Lenna will design a NICE costume for you. One that's not scary. Or at least not fangirl-scary.

Cain 10-28-2008 09:56 PM

I don't mind wearing a costume, daashi, I just hope I'm given choices that aren't humiliating. *laughs nervously*

Thank you, LennaHime. *smiles*

*rolls his eyes at CK*

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-28-2008 09:59 PM

Do you have a favourite colour, Abel dear?

Cain 10-28-2008 10:07 PM

I'm partial to neutral colors, but don't worry about it too much. I'm fine with anything as long as it looks nice.

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