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Aimless.Wanderer 01-06-2015 02:55 AM

Complete the Story!
So I was doing this with a group of my friends at lunch a couple weeks ago and I wanted to try it out here! It's called complete the story, and there are no rules/limitations to the plot, it can be as random or as outlandish as your imagination permits! [squee] However, there are a few rules...

1. No Godmodding characters! If you do end up doing so, make sure the person you godmod is okay with it.

2. Follow the ToS Rules. This means keeping the story PG-13 at most!

3. You can post up to a minimum of a sentence to maximum of a paragraph every day, to allow other users to exercise their creativity! Please end your post with this {...} so that others can add on what you have already written [=3]

4. Have fun with it! The story isn't supposed to make a lot of sense, so don't worry about it and keep doing your thing!

5. Feel free to add more characters into the story! If you want to kill one off, make sure the person whose character you're killing is okay with it! [sweat]

6. If you add new terminology to the story, please make sure you bold it and provide a definition for it below so others do not get confused [yes]

7. Don't worry about interrupting the flow of the story. This story is meant to be free-flowing, so feel free and turn the course of the story however you want! [=3]

This thread will be ongoing, so have fun with it and happy storytelling! [angel]

---------- Post added 01-05-2015 at 10:01 PM ----------

I'll go first!

Once upon a time, there was a girl and her pet cow. They grew up together on a farm that was owned by the girl's parents, and were inseparable. They were the best of friends, and her other friends were jealous of the cow. By the way, the cow's name is Moonshine, because there was a white patch of hair in between her eyes that was shaped like a cresent moon. One day...

MadAliceBloodclaw 01-08-2015 08:55 PM

Moonshine was nowhere to be found. The girl searched all the places the best friends had enjoyed playing. The pond where the girl had caught her first fish and thrown it back, rather forcefully for the fish insulted her. The meadow behind the farm house, where the girl would pick flowers and weave them into crowns for the pair to wear. The field of tall grass, which was really Moonshine's favorite as she claimed the grass was incredibly flavorful. The girl had tried a piece, she couldn't say she agreed. But then Moonshine didn't much care for her favorite foods either. After a thorough search she could still not find her friend. Dejected and defeated the girl went back home. When she got there...

Aimless.Wanderer 01-08-2015 09:41 PM

A UFO had taken up residence in the plot of land. Instead of the old wooden farm house, there was the stereotypical disk-like UFO sitting atop a pile of rubble. Strange green creatures had popped out of the UFO and started running around all over the place, as if they were looking for something. Scared, she dashed off into the woods, where she found a scared Moonshine, eyes blown wide with fear. She hugged her dear cow friend, and together they camped out in the woods. They did this for about...

Kat Dakuu 01-11-2015 07:51 PM

Two weeks before the aliens found them. The first thing the little green man said was, "Give me your cow so we may have our queen!" The little girl was terrified and Moonshine even more so. She clung to the cows neck because however alone she would be if these creatures took her bestest friend away. Like a great warrior of old, she yelled out Moonshine's name and jumped onto her back. The too took off together and that was when...

Aimless.Wanderer 01-12-2015 01:38 AM

The girl's parents jumped out in front of them. They didn't seem right, their eyes were glassy and faces pale. "Mom? Dad? What are you doing?" The girl screamed, whipping her head back and forth between her parents and the group of aliens that were slowly cornering them...

Kat Dakuu 01-17-2015 09:53 PM

In robot voices, her parents spoke. "Do no fear. Just give us the cow and we will leave. We only want the cow." But why a cow? The girl clung to her friend because how could she give up Moonlight. Behind her, a blueish glow started. Just when it seemed like it would take over the whole sky, something jumped out from the bushes behind...

Aimless.Wanderer 01-18-2015 01:37 AM

.. and it was an elf. "Quick, follow me!" He whispered frantically to the girl, motioning them to come closer. Looking between both her parents(?) and the aliens coming after her, she and Moonshine jumped into the bushes into...

Kat Dakuu 01-25-2015 04:42 AM

A giant crop circle, or fairy circle. At this point, she wasn't sure if there was a difference between them anymore. The second she got to the center with moonshine, the elf and his companion said a spell and golden light flashed over the field. A second of silence, then she was no longer at the farm. In fact, she was at...

Aimless.Wanderer 01-25-2015 01:49 PM

... what seemed to be a forest. It wasn't just any forest, though. It was one of those forests you would see in a game; butterflies of different colors flying around everywhere, tall strong trees that seemed to touch the sky, a small stream with clear water in it that lead to a pond with a waterfall surrounded by flowers and the greenest grass that she had ever seen. Moonshine wasted no time and dove right into the sweet grass, relishing the taste of it. The girl had found some berries that were edible and started nibbling on them. All of a sudden, she started to feel dizzy and nauseous. Were those berries poisonous? She thought she heard her cow sneeze and say something that she thought she heard as...

Kat Dakuu 01-26-2015 03:44 AM

she passed out. But it wasn't the cow that spoke at all. Instead it was the two elves whom they momentarily lost track of. See, those two had called to their companions and two more came and two more after that. Out of the bushes they came on silent slippered feet, Wearing long blue robes, they all stood around the sleeping girl and cow and nodded their heads. "Yes, she is exactly the one. This girl and her mighty steed will win the...

Aimless.Wanderer 01-26-2015 02:39 PM

... Great knapsack race!" The elf king decreed, and all the little elves following him cheered happily. For years, they had been competing with the other creatures in the forest, such as the nymphs and the tree-faeries to keep their territory, and since their best knapsackers had gotten old and weren't as good as before, they had been slowly loosing their territory to them, tipping the balance in the forest negatively. The great shaman of the forest predicted that a young girl and her steed from a faraway land would help them win the race once and for all. But little did they know, that reward came at the price of...

Kat Dakuu 01-27-2015 03:40 AM

a long and harrowing journey. The course the race ran along went on for miles, twisting up dusty hills and deep into thorny woods with creeks and both freezing ground and deserts. The nymphs and fairies of course had an advantage in such terrains, ridding on the backs of miniature dragons and giant butterflies. Still, the legends foretold this, so the elves took their sleeping guests to a great hall filled with...

Aimless.Wanderer 01-27-2015 07:44 PM

... glaciers. There was a good reason for this, and it was because...

Kat Dakuu 01-28-2015 05:04 AM

All their council members were frozen there (for safe keeping of course). A voice rose out of one of the massive glaciers. "Mirror mirror on the wall, isn't she the fairest of them all? Shall we give her the red dancing shoes?" But another glacier protested. "No! Because the last shoe wearer...

Aimless.Wanderer 01-30-2015 02:17 AM

... ended up getting tree fungus because of those damned shoes! And I thought you threw those nasty things away after that Dorothy girl used them!" he sassed, his eyes moving every which way. Wait a second... the girl thought hard about this situation. That name sounded familiar, and she knew a girl that had foot fungus before. She would stink up the whole gym, and her coach would always yell out...

Kat Dakuu 01-31-2015 01:18 AM

Little miss Stinky-Foot, get off your tuffet and run!" But that girl never ran fast and these elves knew her and what? The girl raised her hand. "Um...I don't really want to get foot fungus. Can I wear those blue boots over there with the rockets on bottom?" she asked. The elves looked among themselves, then back at her before saying...

Aimless.Wanderer 01-31-2015 04:08 AM

... "Fine." They replied curtly, waving her away. Moonshine started to follow her until the elves stopped her. "We want the cow to come with us." Moonshine and the girl looked at each other in confusion and fear. "Why do you need Moonshine?" She croaked, hugging the cow close to her. The elves rolled their eyes. "We just need her to...

Kat Dakuu 02-02-2015 08:23 PM

Sign some paperwork. Steeds get extra benefits like dental and vision. Ta ta now." So the elves shooed her away and the girl had to leave Moonshine behind. Wandering in the great elven city, she found herself sitting on the edge of a fountain that poured out purple water. She'd just started to relax when a...

Aimless.Wanderer 02-02-2015 09:01 PM

... high-pitched scream was heard. "THIEF! GET THAT THIEF!" An overweight elf-woman screamed, running after a young elf-boy with a large fruit tucked under his arm. The girl had never seen anything like it; it was purple and had bright blue spots all over the glossy shell. But the elf-woman tripped and fell, tears welling her eyes. The girls rushed over to help her up. "Are you okay, ma'am?" The woman shook her head. "That stupid thief is always stealing my fruits! I can't have any good business because of that guy, and I won't get enough money to feed my children." She sobbed, her small hands covering her face. The girl was extremely angry, how could someone do that to a person? So she got up and started to run after the thief until she...

Kat Dakuu 02-03-2015 09:36 PM

came to a very dark alley. Unlike most of the elven lands which were beautiful and well lit, this place looked very different. In fact, what little color she did notice came in the form of red glassy veins that ran through the black pavement. Tall buildings and trees crowded together so that she couldn't tell the difference between the two. "Where is this place?" she wondered aloud. A raven dropped down on top of fence, startling her. "Pretty girl," it squawked, though the sound came out as more of a laugh. "You've wandered into...

Aimless.Wanderer 02-03-2015 10:01 PM

... forbidden territory. You aren't supposed to be here." The raven turned into the young elf boy who was running from the elf woman earlier. "Hey! It's you who stole--"
"Stole? I would just say it was merely... borrowing." He replied cooly, casually sitting on the fence post and leaning back a little. "Although I think you silly humans think that stealing is a bad thing. But what do animals do? They steal from each other, rip each other apart. Humans do the same thing, but it is less, what, obscene?" He drawled out the last word, making the girl cringe. "And besides, when you take away what makes people human, you're left with an animal. No more, no less."
"What are you saying? That was a bad thing you've done!" The girl shouted. Suddenly, the veins in the road started to pulse under her and...

Kat Dakuu 02-04-2015 09:42 PM

red lights flashed on the horizon. She looked to the elf boy, raven-thing in confusion. "What's going on?!" The ground beneath her began to shake the boy on the fence turned into a raven again lest he fall from it.
"I told you it's forbidden!" he squawked and took wing. He circled around her head three times before offering advice. "Run east as fast as you can until you come to a cave. If you make it, maybe I'll teach you the ways of the dark elves." With that, he took wing to the east and the girl turned back to the noise. On the horizon, a terrible something emerged from a black smog.
"It's a...

Aimless.Wanderer 02-05-2015 02:54 AM

"... large cow?" The girl squeaked out in confusion. This was getting weirder and weirder. "You might want to run for it, little girl!" The raven croaked, flying away from the large cow looming over the horizon. All of a sudden...

Kat Dakuu 02-05-2015 03:25 AM

a great moo filled her ears. A very familiar moo. "Moonlight!" The girl's cow friend came barreling toward her and she jumped onto the beast's back before taking off to the east. She'd lost track of the raven by now, but she'd never be able to follow it in the twisting roads anyway. The giant cow gained on them and it really seemed like they would be gonners until...

Aimless.Wanderer 02-05-2015 12:44 PM

... A very cute fairy appeared in front of the fleeing friends. "Follow me!" She squeaked out, flying out ahead of them. "Over here!" Motioning towards a hole, she beckoned them inside it. They found themselves in a...

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