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-   -   {OPEN}I got 100k and some good items, and I'm leaving Mene. Give me your art! (

Tachigami 07-27-2015 06:06 AM

{OPEN}I got 100k and some good items, and I'm leaving Mene. Give me your art!
It's been ages since I've been on Menewsha. Long story short, I began playing Guild Wars 2 a little over a year ago and since then I've had no time for Mene, because I'm a co-owner of an RP guild there. However, I remembered this place quite often, and have finally decided that if I'm not going to use my 100,405 gold, I'll give it to others in exchange for some nice art of my characters there! Although I do have some rules for what I'll pay for.

What do I like?

I enjoy nearly any type of art. I really love sketches and grayscale, but color is lovely too.
I love backgrounds, simple or complex, especially based on the style of my characters.
I adore details. Nice art, shading if it's more than just a sketch, a little shine. It'll make me tip well~

What don't I like?

I don't really like chibis or really crudely done art. Anything that looks rushed or too cutesy just isn't for me, sorry to say.
I don't like being forgotten. I've waited for art for a very long time only to realize a month later, the artist forgot all about me.
I also dislike being ignored overall. Please listen to me, and I'll listen to you!

Now, what do I have?

As I said before, my funds are 100,405 in gold.

But I also have
  • Basement Dweller
  • Wings of Iniquity
  • Death's Minion
  • Evil Overlord
  • Overlord's Wrath
  • Oriental Garden
  • Lifeforce of Calesco
  • Siriusly
  • Tiki Beach Party

Now, when it comes to pricing, give me your prices. I'll pay what you generally request or require for certain types of art. I'll also fill out any forms you have if need be, and I will wait, but if it takes a long time I would like an update now and then if possible!

(will update with character pictures soon!)

A psychotic, evil bastard. He has a quick tongue and is a rather relaxed, calm crazy thing. He often rants about his beliefs in the dragon controlling him and won't hesitate to torture and kill those he feels needs to be gotten rid of.

A calm, logical, loving person, Dunvheri is imbued with the power of a fallen star. He's a bit reclusive, but always willing to help those in need. He's had a bad past, and rarely talks about it.

Update: Vheri has changed clothes: Updated Dunvheri

Borderline mute, Synfri woke into this world with something around his neck, making it hard to breathe. Possibly brain damaged, he's looked out for by a keeper, whom he idolizes. He's willing to protect, but doesn't understand the difference between attack to kill, and attack to subdue.

Vitor Stormblade
This old warmaster isn't very friendly, but he's loyal to the death to anyone he considers a friend. Don't get in his way when he has a plan in mind; even though his sword arm isn't what it used to be, he's still a powerful big cat.

This big-eared botanist is friendly and loving, but he's not had the easiest go. He was never as smart as the rest of his kind, and as such, ridiculed until he proved them otherwise by excelling past their wildest beliefs. He's always willing to help a friend in need, but is a little hard to get along with.

Ammaliante Essendo
This demon is a siren-based creature of fire. Ageless, he disregards his demonic origin and prefers to be a loving helper, and has become a very proficient mender/doctor.
His eyes are light purple.

Silon Feyl
Stoic, quiet, and with little sense of humor, Silon once did things that, now, sicken him. Every day he works to make up for the horror he wrought on the innocent, and never speaks of his past. He finds it hard to love, and harder to let people touch him.

Formerly an assassin rising through his ranks, Rhuevwn had a terrifying beginning in life. Now, though he doesn't particularly like it, he follows his mentor and lover as they help the world any way they can. Despite their lingering insanity (as they came from the same place), he doesn't mind what he does now.

Riding a steam ship, Kirravi is a flawless engineer learning from the pirates of the sky, and traveling where they go. She's a headstrong leader-type, always willing to prove she can excel given a little time and practice, and is a big animal lover, tuned to the earth though she rides above the clouds.

Kivara the Pale
A sweet, loving kitty, Kivara sees spirits and the spirit world, and can walk among them at will. Unfortunately this often overwhelms her senses, so she tries to find quiet, oftentimes secluded places to hide. However, people still seek her out, hoping to contact dead friends or relatives so they can heal emotionally and spiritually, and she never turns them away.

A happy, smartass wanderer that prefers cold weather and snow, Odstrun says what's on his mind and is never afraid to do so, even at the risk of offending someone. He tends to assume, but if he's proven wrong, will apologize. But not a moment before. He likes to be alone, but doesn't mind the occasional travel partner. As long as they don't eat too much.

Questions and Answers!

How many can I choose to draw?
As many as you like~ I'll pay for them all as requested.

Am I only allowed to go by what's written already regarding personality and past?
Nope, send me a message or ping me and I'll write as much as you need me to on their information, personality, origins, whatever you need or want.

How long do I have?
As long as you need. Just try to inform me each week how things are going!

What is your pricing?
I don't have pricing. I go by yours, if you have any. If not, we can talk something out!

Can I PM you?
Of course, especially if you're shy, kind of like I am. PMs are more than welcome~

Can I ask you more about their looks or clothing styles?
Of course you can, it gives you better ideas!

I play Guild Wars 2 as well, can I find you in the game?
Yes you can! I also co-run an RP guild so if you're interested, you can find me! My username is Tachigami.1742

Dystopia 07-27-2015 06:30 AM

Uh. I've drawn a lot of random stuff. Some of it's here.

idek. I'd be interested in Siriusly and Oriental Garden. Tell me what you want for 'em, if you're interested at all.

Xogizmoox 07-27-2015 09:39 PM

*looks and plans to draw*

Tachigami 07-27-2015 11:44 PM

Dystopia: I think I'll pass for now, sorry! But I've got your name in mind for later!

Xogizmoox: I'm open now! Come look at my giant list and be overwhelmed!

Dystopia 07-27-2015 11:45 PM

Sure NP. c:

Xogizmoox 07-28-2015 12:17 AM

Oooh cool let me see what I can do ^.^

Tachigami 07-28-2015 12:45 AM

I look forward to that~!

Xogizmoox 07-28-2015 04:09 AM


I did this today I can do other stuff too COLOR um etc. If you like this I will remove the (sample logo)

Tachigami 08-01-2015 10:40 PM

Xogizmoox: I do like it~ I'd take the grayscale, how much do you ask for them?

Xogizmoox 08-03-2015 05:24 AM

I've never really sold any of my art before it's something I plan to work on in the future though an artist shop and all but I don't know what do you think is a good price , I really suck on pricing stuff :/

Nephila 08-03-2015 06:04 AM

Oh guild Wars Characters! :D I did one of my Sylvari mesmer a year or so ago. I haven''t really played in a while because I've been doing Diablo3/Heroes of the Storm lately.

Monster Girl Challenge: Day 25 Fav M Girl by Dethspider on DeviantArt

I like WoW too. (but I haven't been playing cuz I prefer free games)

WoW Centaur Full Color + BG by Dethspider on DeviantArt
Master found :D by Dethspider on DeviantArt

My last auction went for 25K

@Gizzie: O.O That looks like a Screen Cap with a filter on it. What brand of pencils did you use?

Tachigami 08-03-2015 05:25 PM

Nephila: I'd love something from you~ I promise I won't ping you every time, just the first time I respond or if I've not responded for a while. I usually look for non-auction prices but if it's a good representation of your general pricing (or art quality, which I feel like it is), I'm for it~ If you don't have an idea of who to pick, I'd very much enjoy something of Dunvheri (my main) or Synfri. But the choice is yours~

Xogizmoox---Well, it does look a bit like a pixelated or contrasted version of my character Vitor's headshot, but it's done pretty well. I'd be willing to give... 1.5k for it, but that's personal preference.

Kat Dakuu 08-03-2015 05:30 PM

You're officially leaving?!

Tachigami 08-03-2015 06:07 PM

Yes! I'm sorry lovely, I just have no time to keep coming back permanently. The game guild takes up a lot of the spare time I had dedicated to Mene, and I can usually only pop by to check this thread now or I'd go crazy... Especially with sooo much guild drama. Boy it's amazing what people will find to bicker over...

Kat Dakuu 08-03-2015 06:18 PM

aww. I miss you.
But people are such drama monsters. That's true wherever you go.

Tachigami 08-03-2015 06:25 PM

I miss you too! *hugs* I try to keep up with email daily if you still have that old thing...'
Mmm this is true... And I'm not allowed to be the reclusive little cave-dweller anymore because I have to 'manage' and 'lead'.

Kat Dakuu 08-03-2015 06:31 PM

pshaw. Of course I respond to my email frequently. Gotta do something at work.
heh. But that's good for you.

Nephila 08-03-2015 10:41 PM

I like Dunvheri enough. I think I will do one of him. I need more males in my gallery. You made the glasses work well on him. Sometimes I think they look funny but they way his leaves frame his face compliment the glasses. I normally only do auctions so it's the only pricing I have.

It's hard to see his glow pattern because of him being white. Do you have any SC's of him in low light? Also do you have any preference on where he is for the bg?

I subbed this thread so I'll be able to find it np. :)

Tachigami 08-04-2015 11:57 AM

Kat---True, very true~ Although I might admit that I've lost yours... *cringes ensue*

Neph---Sorry I took so long! I was in game and had some sorting and attending to do. I got your screenshot, though, just tell me if it's not quite close enough:

Regarding the leaves on his head, the glow generally starts about an inch down and gets brighter as it goes, if it's hard to place. And as for a background... Perhaps a red-and-blue galaxy swirl or gears if it's not too hard?

Kat Dakuu 08-04-2015 04:36 PM

I don't think we ever exchanged email, but I can sent you mine in a pm here in a bit.

On another note, I think your characters are very interesting and I might draw something. I'm just starting to get back into the swing of art. I won't commit to anything for at least another month though. I got a lot of catching up to do. :/

Nephila 08-04-2015 10:26 PM

That doesn't sound like it would to hard of a bg. :) I'll just have to look for some good gear references. I already have a galaxy type bg I did in the past and it might look neat to combine the idea of galaxy/gears together. I'm thinking bronze/ gold colored gears.

Tachigami 08-05-2015 11:00 PM

Kat---Ah right, it must have been someone else... I'm bad with memory...

I'd be glad to know when you're starting up something~! Let me know so I can give as much information as possible!

Neph---I love that idea~ Bronze is one of my favored colors regarding mechanical items, gears, what have you. It does work to offset Dunvheri's sheer pale tones~

Kat Dakuu 08-05-2015 11:42 PM

You and me both. I'll let you know.hopefully my art mood will last long enough for me to get stuff done before it leaves this time.

Nephila 08-10-2015 05:00 AM

I thought you might like an update on where I am currently. Not as far as I'd like but I think it looks cool. It's only the background so far. I'm sketching out a few idea's for poses right now. :) I'll post them hopefully tomorrow.

Tachigami 08-10-2015 10:49 PM

Kat---Good luck with your art mood! I'll be hoping it sticks around too, you make lovely art~

Neph--It's beautiful so far! I can't wait to see more concepts following~

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