Menewsha Avatar Community

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Kirin Rosenbaum 07-14-2017 11:34 AM

A Little Bit of Summer Fun (Includes Raffles)

Welcome to my User Run Event Thread. As the title says this is the place for summer fun. So come spend some time enjoying the warmth of summer.

Kirin Rosenbaum 07-14-2017 11:36 AM

Follow the TOS of Mene. Just be nice. No kicking others sand castles. Don't make me set my minions on you.

Lady Rosenbaum 07-14-2017 11:39 AM

I am in charge of the raffle portion of this thread. We are having two different raffles.

First raffle is a guarantee for an item. Send me twenty five gold and in the comments section tell me a story about you. I will send you a random item from collection. Most of them are older event items though there might be some store items as well.

The second raffle will happen after the event is done. These raffle tickets are a hundred gold each and you can buy up to ten of them. You can also buy for friends, as long as they don't already have ten tickets. Now you might be asking what you are playing for. There are three items. Studious Traveler, Masquerade Queen, and Masquerade King.

People Who Have Bought Tickets

Shadami - 10
Car'a'Carn - 10
Ava The Vampire - 3
Ling - 1

Kirin Rosenbaum 07-14-2017 11:41 AM

I'll be doing random games of hang man. This will be if anybody is on when I am. All puzzles will be summer related.

Kirin Rosenbaum 07-14-2017 11:42 AM

@My Friends; We are now open. Don't quote this post.

star2000shadow 07-14-2017 02:34 PM

'pounces the threadie' hey kirin 'waves happily'

onsenmark 07-14-2017 02:49 PM

Hmm... the raffles are somewhat tempting, particularly the guaranteed one...

*Hime* 07-14-2017 04:22 PM

Hello there!

Kirin Rosenbaum 07-14-2017 07:32 PM

well hello all.

hummy 07-14-2017 07:37 PM

happy event, Kirin!

Kirin Rosenbaum 07-14-2017 07:41 PM

Thanks hummy.

onsenmark 07-14-2017 08:48 PM

On the guaranteed raffle: do we send a trade, or send it via donation? Just wondering.

Kory 07-14-2017 09:53 PM

I really can't be bothered with the sun and the heat...
But I am just here to have fun. :D

Queen_Andais 07-14-2017 10:18 PM

Ava, the sun and heat isn't for everyone. Glad you braved the scorching sun to be here with us for the event.

onsenmark 07-14-2017 10:18 PM

Fun is good. Earning gold helps too. [XD]

Kory 07-14-2017 10:44 PM

I would do anything to hang out with my friends. :)
And I love the events here on Mene!

Kirin Rosenbaum 07-14-2017 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by onsenmark (Post 1773924899)
On the guaranteed raffle: do we send a trade, or send it via donation? Just wondering.

Via donation. Then I'll send a trade.

---------- Post added 07-14-2017 at 07:52 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Ava The Vampire (Post 1773924924)
I really can't be bothered with the sun and the heat...
But I am just here to have fun. :D

I hate the heat... and the humidity... and when you combine them it's the worst.


Originally Posted by Queen_Andais (Post 1773924944)
Ava, the sun and heat isn't for everyone. Glad you braved the scorching sun to be here with us for the event.

It's not for me but I'm here.

Kory 07-15-2017 12:02 AM

Oh yeah, humidity is the worst!
I absolutely hate it. x.x

I prefer cool summer days with a load of rain and clouds.

Kirin Rosenbaum 07-15-2017 12:03 AM

Ava your avatar is cute.

The Auctioneer 07-15-2017 01:16 AM

And more wonderful raffles.


Kory 07-15-2017 01:17 AM

Aw, thanks, Kirin! :)
I was going for Mavis Dracula:

There is a scene in Hotel Transylvania 2 where she wears sunglasses and a pink sun hat, but I can't find a reference picture of that to save my life! :'(
It was actually going to be in place of the gif I have in my thread right now. I am too lazy to screencap it myself. [zzz]

Kirin Rosenbaum 07-15-2017 01:42 AM

I know that ovie.

star2000shadow 07-15-2017 04:34 AM

hmm 'pokes head back in and looks around'

musasgal 07-15-2017 04:46 AM

-flops in-

Kory 07-15-2017 04:49 AM

Hello, friends!

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