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Melody 10-21-2011 12:01 AM

That tastes..HORROR-ible.

Post One- Intro + rules
Post Two- Categories
Post Three- Prizes
Post Four- Your entrails. er entries.

Melody 10-30-2011 01:49 AM

Welcome welcome one and all to my thread of deliciousness!
Seeing as this is my...third? fourth? something like that, hosting this contest I think a good lot of you should know the drill.
But in short:
You make something at home
: you can have the assistance of a parent/sibling/whatever but the majority of the work should be YOURS.
You take a picture and submit it with your username in the picture
and I get to oggle your goodies. er, the food that is. Yesh!

The rules:

What I say goes.
I say what Menewsha Says goes (IE: site rules. follow them.)
No store bought entries.
Creativity counts! Think outside the box/cake pan/jello mold

Melody 10-30-2011 01:57 AM


I'm switching it up this year so pay attention! The categories are:

Spooky- Eye balls, slime boogers, beastly brains go here.

Sweet- Princesses, ghosties, non-wicked witches go here.

OddBall- Because some of you refuse to be confined.

Bento- New category! And I'm so looking forward to this one! (Don't have a bento box? That's okay, use a tupper-ware container. (: For those not in the know wiki article on bento.) Please keep your bentos to the Halloween theme.

Brief explanation:

Melody 10-30-2011 01:59 AM


First Place: Gold medal + 5000 gold
Second Place: Silver Medal + 3000 gold
Third Place: Bronze Medal + 1000 gold.

Prizes per category:

First: 5000 gold
Second: 3000 gold
Third: 1000 gold

There may or may not be a participation prize, it all depends on...participation. :P

Melody 10-30-2011 02:00 AM

Your Entries:
Eat 'em up.



Worm infested Pepper Pumpkins
Username: Jaz
Category: Spooky (I think kooky is more fitting)
Image: Pumpkins in the Pan
Patch from the side
Pumpkins go marching 1 by 1
The last is the unloved pumpkin lol... No one wanted him!

Brief explanation: I believe I have done these before but they are yummy none the less.... Spaghetti baked in an orange bell peppers with pumpkin faces carved out of them


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1770058019)
can i make a ghost out of mashed potatoes?

i think it turned into a zombie. xD




Originally Posted by TheEmpressofEvil (Post 1770055409)
This thread makes me want sweet! Sadly I won't have time to make more nummy num nums (shaun calls anything sweet that) but I do have these that shaun and I made together. I guess they'd be in the sweet category. I wish I had more free time to make more cool stuff! But i think my family would look at me oddly if I tried since halloween's over and now everyone's decorating for xmas...

[QUOTE=Carzeebear;1770054666]This wasn't a great success, but I was aiming for some sort of silhouette against the moon, and ended up with claws. I think.

Originally Posted by KH4Life (Post 1770026512)
This cake was soo good, and when you cut it open there was strawberry filling inside and it looked like brains and the dirt around it was dirt pudding, my brother paid me 30 dollars to make this cake and hopefully i can submit it for this contest :D


Originally Posted by Ascadellia (Post 1770061198)
Ah!! yay!! X33

There are my treats. <3 They're cake pops. The orange is just chocolate. Handle on the pumpkin is black licorice, sprinkles to represent the candy, and food coloring for the faces. <3


I'll add the name on a separate picture right now hold on. *goes to set the stuff up.*

There we go!!



Originally Posted by HamatoKameko (Post 1770056623)
A well in that case, I'll go ahead and enter my bark. :3

I think it fits under Oddball?



Originally Posted by Ikuto Akihiko (Post 1770060458)
I didn't see an entry form; so I made one up. :ninja:

Feed me!
Username: Ikuto Akihiko
Category: Bento
Comments: I simple nighttime scene with tamagoyaki moon, seaweed night sky, salmon gravestone, broccoli trees, cucumber grass, and little tomato pumpkins~ Process pictures.

Ferra 11-02-2011 12:22 AM

This looks like so much fun! :D I'm going to try my hand at making a bento, if I get the chance.

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 11-02-2011 12:46 AM

I'd like to try the bento one too. :eager: Brain is thundering away.

Nephila 11-02-2011 01:50 AM

Dang all my baked Halloween goodies were nomed already. Though I would really like a chance at one of the medals. I'll have to go do some thinking now...

Melody 11-02-2011 02:23 AM

I'd really love for you guys to make bentos. I'm obsessed. I'm going to make my hubby make me one for tomorrow. I'll be flying all day. (So if I don't update entries that will be why, but I should have time between flights and drooling to at least check in here on lappy if the airport has wi-fi) I think I shall request the one he make me to be Halloween themed. (Because he won't let me make my own. lol) :heart:

Neph- bake up some more! (:

Woofie267 11-02-2011 02:30 AM

Ah ha! An excuse to bake! Not like I really need one, but still...

Now I have to come up with something fun. Hmm...

Time to bake~

Melody 11-02-2011 02:55 AM

Can't wait to see what you come up with!

I just realized I never got a caramel apple this year! *woe* No wonder this Halloween seemed so unfulfilling!

Rabid Rainbow 11-02-2011 04:03 AM

Ah, I always have so much fun doing this contest but now I'm stuck in my dorm with no ingredients to make anything (and no extra money to go buy some *shakes fist at parking ticket*) I guess I'll have to sideline this time. :c

But I look forward to seeing what everyone else enters! I always love seeing new ideas for fun holiday recipes. :3

Ascadellia 11-02-2011 04:46 AM

Oh no! I did make some goodies, but.. I didnt put my username on it. T^T
And they're eaten.. Agh! >.<;

Popcorn Gun 11-02-2011 06:17 AM

@ Acadellia ::

I hate when that happens!
I went through the same thing during the Valentine's event I think it was.
x' P


I think I'd like to try my hand at this one.
What to do, what to do.

/eyes medal

/I want to be the very best...

Ascadellia 11-02-2011 06:18 AM

The bad thing is-- Ah! Wait!! *goes to check the trash*
Oh why oh why did I throw away the witch??
We made it out of gumpaste. T^T

Shadami 11-02-2011 06:21 AM

Does the bento box actually need to have traditional japanese food in it?

Ascadellia 11-02-2011 06:22 AM

*cries* It's thrown away. T^T I hate this...

Popcorn Gun 11-02-2011 06:25 AM

@ Ascadellia ::

D ':
Do you have any more gumpaste to make another one?
And if not...what was in the trash?
You could plastic wrap it, sanitize it, and place it off to the side of your entry, or designate you entry to NOT be eatten -not completely anyway.

@ Shadami ::

I don't believe so.
Bento boxes are essentially very decorative lunches, and often include hotdogs, which are not very Japanese, lol.
I say 'Go crazy.'
:' 3
But if you want to make sure, you could just enter the planning stages for now.

Ascadellia 11-02-2011 06:26 AM

No.. It's in the giant trashcan, for trash day tomorrow...

And I can't make another one, cause that would cause questions from my mother. And it was a cool witch.

Shadami 11-02-2011 06:28 AM

i enter planning stages all the time >:D

and I'm going to bed Asca, I swear!!

Popcorn Gun 11-02-2011 06:28 AM

Does your mother disapprove of you engaging in Menewshan Halloween Contests?

Ascadellia 11-02-2011 06:29 AM

lol She disapproves of anything not worth learning educational stuff. >.>; So, Menewsha in general. And such stuff...

Sha! Go to bed now!!

Popcorn Gun 11-02-2011 06:31 AM

@ Shadami ::

>:' D

I can't wait to see what you come up with.

@ Ascadellia ::

Urgh, lo siento.
Pero, the event should go into the weekend.
Can she really be all that upset if you spend a little time crafting it on the weekend?

Ascadellia 11-02-2011 06:32 AM

*nods* Yes. Considering it takes time and, items we would need. Waste of time and resources. Plus, she's better at making the stuff. >.>; And she would have been able to help me make it pretty.

Shadami 11-02-2011 06:32 AM

Night <3

I shall be back with plots in the morning.

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