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Silver Storm 12-29-2015 01:28 AM

Celebrity Dream Cruise [Private]
You have won a ticket for the brand new luxury cruise ship Dreamweaver. When you arrive on the dock you are greeted with the news that you will have a companion on this cruise. Who is the companion you ask? None other than [Insert name of favorite celebrity, musician, character or YouTube personality]. That is right, you will have his or her undivided time all to yourself for the cruise. Where the time on the ship takes you, to best friends? True love? That is up to you.

Rules! Well we all know them so no worries.

We are continuing to use the same OOC but HERE is a link.

Silver Storm 12-30-2015 12:09 AM

Ship Roster

Name: Nicole Mckay
Age: 26
Little Bit About You: Slender and red haired, tough cookie hiding a painful secret.
Name: Tim Foust
Age: 34
Little Bit About Them: Bass singer for the A Capella group Home Free and all around prankster/joker from Texas.


Originally Posted by CycloneKira (Post 1773252847)

Name: Astoria Wells
Age: 16
Little Bit About You: Tomboy, rough around the edges

Name: Felix Newman
Age: 19
Little Bit About Them: Singer and not-so-famous actor, Child prodigy

(Silver Storm: Sorry for getting to this so late!!)


Originally Posted by Ava The Vampire (Post 1773271369)
Name: Daisy Buchanan
Age: 21
Little Bit About You: Sensitive, nature-loving, young woman with a past full of secrets.
Name: Tom Hiddleston
Age: 33
Little Bit About Them: British actor, enjoys Shakespeare and tea.

The Dreamweaver


The Rooms


Nicole's Suite

Daisy's Room

Originally Posted by Ava The Vampire (Post 1773303498)
I have found some images of rooms that I think my character would like.

(Yay for old fashioned TV)
I'm going to be lazy and say that Tom and Daisy share a room, as there's two beds.


Originally Posted by CycloneKira (Post 1773311956)

Silver Storm 01-20-2016 04:49 AM

"Hey boy," Nicole crooned to the little red roan gelding as she stepped into the round corral. The roan watched her her warily from the far side of the corral. He tossed his head high in the air and backed away with a snort when Nicole took a step towards him.

"Easy handsome," Nicole crooned, holding out a hand. "No one is going to hurt you here."

The little roan stopped backing up and his came down to a more normal position as he eyed the girl before him. Nicole made no move to approach him but just kept talking to him, her hand out. The little gelding slowly began to relax and eye her curiously. Soon the roan stretched out his neck toward her hand, sniffing at it. He took a step towards her, but the sudden blast of a car horn and the crunch of tires on the gravel drive, sent the roan wheeling away from her. He galloped to the far side of the corral and stood eyeing her warily again.

"Idiot," Nicole muttered under her breath, turning to see a sleek, shiny black limousine rolling to a stop in front of the ranch house. The driver jumped out and went around to open the door for a man in an expensive black suit. "Bloody, rich tourists!"

Nicole turned her back on the men and her focus back on the gelding. The roan flinched and snorted nervously when the car door slammed. He was pressed up against the fence, as far away as possible and the whites of his eyes were showing again. The last hour that she had spent working with him, calming him and working to gain his trust was completely undone.

"Forget those pompous idiots," Nicole crooned softly to the horse. "I won't let anyone hurt you again Red Rock." As she kept up the steady stream of soft words, the roan began to slowly calm. He stopped pressing himself against the fence, though he made no move closer, and his head began to lower to a more normal height again.

Nicole held her hand out to the red roan again, never letting up on the quiet, cooing stream of words. The gelding watched her for a bit before, curiosity took over and he took a tentative step towards her. The first step became another tentative step and then other, each less tentative than the last. The little roan had just about reached her hand when the screen door on the ranch house slammed, sending the gelding wheeling and racing away.

With a frustrated sigh, Nicole looked over her shoulder to she Deshonda the ranch's heavyset, African American cook and housekeeper striding across the yard towards her. The man-in-the-black-suit was following along, his face an emotionless mask. Nicole looked back at the red roan and then with another sigh, turned and made her way towards the log fence of the round corral. She wouldn't get anymore work down with Red Rock until she dealt with whatever Deshonda needed.

"Miss McKay?" Black Suit inquired once Nicole had slipped out the gate to the round pen. At Nicole's nod he continued, "Congratulations, you have won an all expenses paid cruise on the Dreamweaver!"

Nicole stared at him skeptically. "I think you have the wrong person; I didn't enter any contest or anything."

"I entered your name Honey Child," Deshonda interjected. "I thought you could use a vacation."

Nicole stared at the cook in surprise. "I can't go; there is to much work to do. Buck still bolts anytime a cow comes near him, Sweet Symphony still rears every time you try and load her in the starting gate, not to mention Crackerjack you tries to bite anytime you try and saddle him. And I still haven't been able to get a hand on Red Rock."

"Now Honey Child all you have done since...well since you know what, is work," Deshonda chastised. "You won't be no good to the animals if you work yo'self to death."

"I have to agree with Deshonda." The voice stopped Nicole's protest and she turned to see her boss Mack, a man who looked a lot like Willie Nelson, step out of the shadowed barn. "The horses will still be here when you get back little lady."

Nicole looked back and forth between the stubborn, determinated face of Deshonda and the kind, gentle face of Mack. With a sigh she relented; there was no fighting with the two. Whether she wanted to or not, it looked like Nicole was going on a cruise.

Kory 01-22-2016 11:38 PM

Daisy stared at the man who'd rung her doorbell. An all expense paid cruise? She didn't think she'd actually win the ticket when she signed up for the contest with her friends... It was just a joke, just a gag, right? How was this possible? Daisy stared at the man a little longer... Though, she didn't stare at him, but stare through it, rather. After a few seconds, she opened her mouth as if to say something, but instead slipped back into her house and slammed the door in the man's face.

It was too much to take in. Daisy heard the man knocking again and calling her name. Still, she didn't open the door.

"Daisy...?" Of course. Her sister's voice came from the kitchen. "Daisy? Who's at the door?" A young, brown skinned woman, 20 something years old came out of the kitchen. Her face was puzzled and she looked at Daisy, confused and concerned. "Daisy! Who's at the door?" When Daisy didn't respond, the blonde woman stormed passed Daisy and opened the door.

"I'm sorry, sir. You'll have to forgive my fsister .What is it that you're selling?"

"I'm not selling anything, Miss." The man reached into his pocket and pulled out a Manila folder, handing it to the young woman. "Miss Buchanan has been chosen as a winner of an all expense paid trip upon the Dreamweaver."

The woman stared as well, taking the folder slowly. The man took a bow and said, "I will be back tomorrow at the time stated on the papers to pick up Miss Buchanan." With that, the man left. Leaving the blonde to stare at the Manila folder in silence, alongside Daisy who was also staring in silence. After a few seconds of silent staring,the blonde ripped open the Manila folder and pulled out the ticket, alongside other papers and map of the ship.

Daisy broke the silence, "Bette...?"

"Oh my god! Oh my GOD!" Bette screamed , throwing her arms over Daisy and jumping up and down with excitement. "DAISY! I can't believe this! You're going on a cruise!" Daisy was frozen in place. She wasn't sure how to react. Though, Daisy was too anxious to even think of leaving home and her job... "Daisy, I'm so happy for you!"

"I'm not actually going, Bette..."

"Wait until mom and dad hear this!"


Daisy called the three friends she had to see if any of them would take her ticket. None of them would, all saying the same thing, that a pleasant cruise with her celebrity of choice would be the perfect thing to cure her crippling anxiety and other mental distress which has been keeping her home and holding her back from her life. Daisy couldn't disagree more. If she was already anxious at home, she'd be three times as much on a boat, in the middle of the ocean with a perfect stranger.

She sighed as she sat on her bed and stared at the ticket. "I guess mom and dad could use a break from me for a while..." And this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity. She made up her mind. She would take a chance on it, and with that she picked up her cellphone to call her boss at the daycare to say she'd need a sub.

CycloneKira 01-27-2016 12:43 PM

"You're drunk again?! John, you can't keep doing this, please, I-"


"Johnny, please-"


"Jonathan, the kids-"

"SHUT UP!!!"

Astoria shut her seven-year-old brother's ears with her palms so that he wouldn't have to hear the screaming. She herself shut her eyes tightly, for all the good it would do. Having to hear her mother's pleading voice and her father's loud one were agonizing her to no end. But little Fred didn't have to go through it. Not as long as she was here.

She looked at her brother's face. He was crying. "Freddie," she said, removing her hands from his ears. "What's wrong, kiddo?" Then she closed her eyes, for she knew exactly what was wrong. Her palms were unfortunately no good at shutting the noise out. She quit trying to shut his ears, and just hugged him instead. Fred just cried in her arms, while she tried her best not to break down.

"Look, bud," she said, putting her best smile on her face for her brother's sake. "Why don't we play something? I know it's your bedtime, but it's okay, right? You can still play a game of Uno." She held out the cards, and Fred wiped his tears and joined her. Both of them tried their best to ignore the yelling and screaming that was going on outside the closed door.

* * *

The next day, Astoria came back from school to see a stranger in a Black Suit talking to her mother out on the porch. Her mother was smiling, which was a surprise, considering all the fights. She was about to go inside the house, when her mother called her back in.

"Astoria, this is for you, dear, you need to hear this," she said, unable to wipe the smile off her face.

"Congratulations, Miss Wells. You have won an all expenses paid cruise on the new ship, The Dreamweaver!" the suit said.

Silver Storm 02-09-2016 03:28 AM

Nicole made her way into the barn and up the stairway that lead to her room in the loft. She had long ago been offered a room in the main house, but she loved being near the horses. Their presences and sounds soothed her, especially on the nights that she had trouble sleeping.

She dug her leather duffel bag out of the bottom of the wardrobe in the corner and dropped it on the bed. She looked around her room, her gaze sliding over the familiar battered and mismatched furniture until it came to rest on the nightstand beside her bed. She picked up the picture frame sitting propped up there and sank onto the bed, gazing sadly down at it. The soft rap of knuckles on wood made Nicole look up to see Deshonda standing in the open doorway.

"You miss him don't you Honey Child," Deshonda said, coming to join Nicole on the bed. "Its been two years and you haven't taken a vacation once."

"But the horses need me," Nicole protested defensively.

"They need you and that is why you gots to take care of yo'self," Deshonda said. After a moment of stubborn silence she tried a new tactic. "If he was here what would he tell you to do?" She asked softly.

"Go on the cruise and enjoy myself," Nicole answered softly.

"Then get packin' Honey Child," Deshonda said with a smile. "The limo will be here a fore you know it."

Half an hour later Nicole heard the crunch of tires on the drive, just as she zipped up her bag. She looked around the room one last time, before hefting her duffel bag deftly and heading for the door. She stopped in the barn aisle and looked around. All of the horses were either out in the field for the day or at work on the ranch.

Nicole took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. Mack and especially Deshonda seemed determined to see her go on this cruise. Well she might as well make the best out of it. She walked down the aisle and out into the sunlit yard. The sleek black limo, with Black Suit standing next to it, looked so out of place in the dusty ranch yard. Nicole had to choke back a derisive snort at the sight.


The limo rolled through the streets of Miami Florida, headed for the pier where the cruise ship was berthed. It had been a long day and a half. She had ridden the 3 and a half hours or so with Black Suit to Portland where they had hopped a flight. When they landed in Miami about 8 hours later, Black Suit had hustled her through the airport and into another black limo.

The limo slowed and turned in at the port, driving past slips filled with small boats and yachts until the ships begin to get bigger and bigger. Sail boats and yachts gave way to freighters and ocean liners. Nicole became aware of the muffled din of screaming, cheering people and looked out the window to see them driving towards a berth that was lined on one side with barricades holding back hordes of people.

"What are they all here for?" Nicole asked dryly, as the limo came to a halt. "I hardly think they came to see me."

"They are here to catch a glimpse of the celebrity companions," Black Suit answered crisply, opening the door and stepping out.

"Celebrity companions?" Nicole asked sliding over and climbing out after Black Suit. "What are you talking about?"

Another limo pulled up behind the one that she had just climbed out of as Black Suit stepped to open the door. "Miss McKay, meet your companion for the trip."

Nicole's mild intrigue turned to shock as Tim Foust unfolded his tall frame from the limo. He towered over her 5'7" frame and had to be at least 6'2" though he cowboy boots probably added at least two more inches. Nicole stared up dumbly up at him as the people went crazy and cameras started flashing. One thought was running through Nicole's head, what in blazes have I gotten myself into?

Kory 02-16-2016 06:48 PM

The last night, Daisy had a dream of her teeth falling out... Those dreams always made her feel more anxious when she woke up. She knew that those dreams usually meant she went to sleep anxious. Daisy rubbed her eyes and looked at her digital clock on the side table across the room. It was early... Still, she had a lot of things to get ready before she'd be picked up for her cruise.

On the papers there was a number to call, a website to visit, and a lot of extra information for Daisy in case she had any questions. Surely, she thought she was crazy for hopping into a car with a stranger and allowing them to take her to a "cruise" that she'd supposedly won tickets for... It was just so strange. Daisy sighed.

Lazily, she slid out of bed and slipped to the floor in a crumpled heap. It took her a few minutes to wake up completely, but she did and she got to her feet, walked to her closet and began to find something presentable to wear. It took her a while to find something to wear, for when she was nervous like this it always made her decisions way harder. She was so nervous she couldn't stop her hands from shaking as she ran them through her clothes. She had to have something in this stupid closet.

Daisy almost jumped five feet in the air when her cell began to ring. She scrambled across her room to find her phone which was now buried under piles of sheets and duvet. She pulled it out and pushed answer just in time.


"Daisy! It's the big day!" It was her sister. "I'm sorry I can't be there to send you off and say gooodbye, so I'm calling you now to say it."

"Well, if this was such a big day you could have waited another day before returning to college, y'know..."

"You know I couldn't do that! I have tests and projects I need to turn- Oh hey, I've got to go, anyway, I just wanted to tell my baby sister how excited I am for her!-"

"Bette, wait!"


And the line went dead. Daisy groaned. She didn't have time to figuring out what the hell to wear, so she settled for a skirt and an oversized sweater. That was always a good choice to wear when she didn't know.


Right on schedule, the limo came to pick Daisy up and Daisy said goodbye to her parents. Her heart was thumping loudly in the cage of her ribs and she suddenly found that in her mind was a reel of all the worst possible scenarios that could happen on this cruise... As the driver closed the door to her limo, she looked at her parents and nearly cried. What if this was the last time they ever saw her?! What if the boat sinks and she's lost at sea...? And what if no one finds her?!

So many worries... Daisy felt nauseous as the limo approached its destination. The cruise ship was beautiful, no doubt. Still, Daisy felt so scared that something terrible would happen on this trip. Her fears made her visibly shake as the door opened and she stepped out of the limo.

She was greeted with many cameras and a large crowd of faces she didn't recognize, all saying things she couldn't hear. The flash of the camera made her even more nervous and scared and instinctively she hid her face behind her hands and turned away from the cameras. This had to be some sort of joke, right...?

She nearly jumped out of her skin again when she felt a hand on her arm.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

That voice was the only thing that Daisy did recognize. But, could it really be...? She slowly peered over her hands to see the person who was touching her shoulder, her heart skipped a few beats... Tom Hiddleston?! Really?! Tom gripped Daisy's hand pretty tightly and began to move her through the crowd and up onto the boardwalk then onto the ship. Daisy didn't breathe the entire time.

"I so apologize, Miss. You just seemed to scared, I had to help..." Tom's voice was even more soothing in person than it was in his interviews. Daisy couldn't breathe. Tom's face looked worried and Daisy still couldn't breathe. "Are... are you alright?"

Daisy turned her back to Tom and leaned against a wall, feeling the panic settling in her chest. She slid to the floor, Tom's voice now faded far in the distance. She tried to breathe, tried to catch her breath so she could actually face Mr. Hiddleston and have a normal, human conversation. She'd fantasized about meeting him some day, now that day is actually here and she can't even talk. How embarrassing.

Daisy closed her eyes, feeling rather light and airy for a few minutes. All the while, Tom was pushing back the press and making sure that worried onlookers didn't crowd the nervous girl.

CycloneKira 02-19-2016 08:23 AM

Astoria smiled at Mr. Suit - she had no idea what his name actually was - thanked him politely and watched him drive away. Then, as though someone had switched channels on the television that was her face, her expression immediately turned into a serious one as she stormed inside the house and up to her room. She looked at the ticket in her hand, threw it aside in disgust and flopped down on her bed. They had to be kidding themselves if they thought she was going on some frivolous cruise while all kinds of BS was going on at home.

"Tori?" her mother called and entered her room. "Tori, honey, what's wrong? I thought you'd be excited about something like this."

"I would be, if you and Dad weren't clawing at each others throats every night and made sure the whole neighborhood heard you," she shot back. "Freddie cries, Mom. He cries every single day because you two can't be bothered to keep your voices down, and I have to be there to comfort him. Who's gonna do that if I go away for a month, you or Dad?" Her mother was visibly hurt by her statements, but in her anger, Astoria felt she deserved it.

At that moment, Fred came out of the bathroom, rubbing his eyes innocently, as though nothing was happening. He looked at the pair of women, and then at the floor, where he spotted the cruise ticket. He squinted his eyes to read the ticket, and then asked, "Tori, what's a croowees?" Astoria and her mother smiled as the latter answered his question.

"A cruise is a ride on a big ship," she said, and looked at Astoria. "Some nice man asked Tori if she wants a free ride on a ship called the Dreamweaver. The ship is so big, that there are all kinds of shops, restaurants, cafes, and lots more."

"Will there be a toy shop too?"

"Yes, sweetie, there will be a toy shop."

At this, little Freddie's face lit up. "Tori, do you think you can get me a Star Wars building kit of the Millennium Falcon, please, please, pleeeeaaase?" He tugged at Astoria uniform, to show his desperation.

"Wait, you- you want me to go?" she asked him. Fred frowned and said, "Yeah, I want you to go. How else will you get me my Star Wars kit?" Astoria laughed and planted a kiss on top his head. "Okay, bud. I'll go and get it for you."


That night, as Astoria packed her bags to go on the trip, she was beginning to wonder if she'd made the right decision. A toy was not going to make up for his sadness the time she was away. What if he was miserable because of their parents and the fact that there was no one he could turn to for comfort?

As if he'd read her mind, Fred spoke up. "Tori, I want you to go away and enjoy yourself." The words stunned her beyond anything she had heard before. Was this truly her little brother speaking?

"I heard you talking to Mommy. You don't want to go because of me, right?" He climbed out of his bed and walked over to his big sister to lie down on her lap. Astoria stroked his hair. Unbelievably, he knew the truth. When she didn't say anything, he continued. "Sometimes, when I cry and hug you, I feel water drops falling on my ears. You feel bad too, when Mommy and Daddy fight, don't you?"

"Mommy and Daddy promised me that they won't fight when you're away. So you don't have to worry about me. I don't want you to cry, Tori. I want you to be happy."

These words were too much for Astoria; she began to cry. "You- you really went and talked to them?" she asked, giving him a watery smile. "Man, I didn't know you were such a big boy." Fred grinned his biggest grin.

She continued to pack her bags, and this time, she felt better about going on the trip.


Astoria reached the port on time and looked around, wondering where to go. Then she saw a huge crowd of what looked like reporters and thought, This has got to be it. She walked over to the crazy crowd and tried making her way through.

"Make way, people, please make way!" The voice belonged to Mr. Suit. Astoria was so relieved to see him, that even she was surprised. She thanked him and went onto the ship. The ticket had said something about a companion. She had no idea who it was and couldn't help wondering.

But she wasn't left wondering for long because soon, the already crazy throng went even crazier. From where she was, Astoria could vaguely make out a limousine, and a boy stepping out of it.

No. No way. This right here, it's not happening. Damn it, I can't deal with this! I'm just one person.

All those thoughts flowed through her head when she recognized the boy: Felix Newman.

Silver Storm 02-27-2016 03:51 AM

Nicole instinctively stepped back just as the crowd surged forward, slamming into the barrier. Like a spooked horse, Nicole leaped forward at the resulting bang. She attempted to spin towards the sound at the same time, but klutziness and a shooting pain in her ankle cause her to loose her balance. She threw out a hand to try and catch her self as the pavement rushed up to meet her but pain shot up from her wrist and she crumpled.

Nicole instantly tried to leap up but her ankle and wrist, but pain knifed through the appendages. With a muffled grunt of pain, she collapsed back towards the pavement but strong hands caught her before she connected. She looked up, right into the dark brown eyes of Tim Foust.

"You all right?" Tim asked softly, his voice deep and rich.

"Probably just sprains," Nicole said after a moment, when her brain finally kicked back into gear.

Black Suit seemed to magically appear, his eyes still hidden away behind black sunglasses and his expression blank and professional. Next to him stood a gentleman, in a crisp black suit, who bore aremarkable resemblance to Stephen Fry and had a look of concern on his face.

"This is Jenkins, your suite's butler," Black Suit said.

"Might I suggest we have the ship's physician look at it," Jenkins suggested in a crisp British accent.

"Really not necessary," Nicole answered, waving off the fuss and gingerly moving the affected limbs. "Positive nothings broken."

"Then might I suggest that we adjourn to your suite where you may rest and perhaps ice the injuries?"

"I think that's a good idea," Tim interjected, helping Nicole to stand.

Nicole tried putting wait on her ankle but winced in pain. Tim made a move to scoop her up, but she halted him with a hand on his chest. "I will be damned if I let you carry me up there like some bloody invalid," she growled softly.

"Can you make it if you lean on me," he asked concern in his kind eyes and handsome face.

Nicole nodded and Tim moved to her bad side, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. With him standing next to her, Nicole was reminded again of how he towered over her 5'7" frame. He had to be at least 6'2"! As if somewhat sensing the problem, Tim slouched a bit as she draped her arm over his strong shoulders.

With Jenkins leading them, Nicole limped up the gang plank and through the ship until they stopped before a cabin door. Jenkins flung the door open and stepped in to stand next to it. Nicole's jaw dropped as she limped into the beautiful, big suite decorated in blues, whites and browns.

"I am sure you will want to explore, but for now might I suggest you rest on the couch." Jenkins motioned to the large L-shaped couch and with Tim's help, Nicole limped over to it and dropped down with a sigh.

Kory 03-05-2016 07:13 PM

It took a good twenty minutes of deep breathing before Daisy had finally calmed herself enough to stand again. She still couldn't believe that she was standing next to Tom Hiddleston. He was much taller in person than he seemed on YouTube and in his movies. Daisy sucked in a deep breath and turned away from him. This was all so surreal. She didn't even notice the cameras flashing and Tom shooing away the greedy press.

"I'm so sorry, Miss. Here." Tom spoke and he offered his hand to Daisy, who was reluctant to place her hand in his. But she did, and To, whisked her away quickly into the entrance of the ship without saying a word. Once inside, he let go and allowed Daisy a chance to process all that was happening. Her head was spinning. She didn't even notice what happened to the luggage she brought. She had forgotten about it completely during her almost-panic attack.

"Hello, Sir." A voice pierced through Daisy's earshot and she looked around for the source of the voice. Ah, it was just a woman. She wore a very nice apron and suit. "Hello, Miss. Welcome aboard The Dreamweaver. I am Susan, your head housekeeper. Please, allow me to show you to your suite." She must've had faith in Tom and Daisy that they'd follow her without her waiting for them to, as she turned around and began to walk off without saying another word.

Tom stolen chance to look at Daisy, but it wasn't a look of confusion or curiosity. He was just looking to make sure that she was alright. Daisy nodded in acknowledgement and together they followed Susan to their suite. "This is crazy," Daisy whispered to herself.

She was even more surprised when they finally reached their destination and it was a beautiful suite. Then Susan led them into the bedroom. Lots of lovely wallpaper and two beautiful beds with petals on the shee- Wait. Two beds?! In the same room!

"Um... This must be a mistake." Daisy said, "there are two beds in this room."

"I'm afraid this is the suite you were assigned, there is no mistake." Susan sounded very sure of herself, almost like she was offended that Daisy could possibly suggest that there may have been a mix up. "Is this not satisfactory?"

"Uh.. No, I mean, it's wonderful but... There are TWO BEDS in the same room. Are you saying that To-... Mm... Mr. Hiddleston and I are supposed to sleep in the same room?!"

"I can have the beds moved, if that would make this room satisfactory."

"Well shit!" Daisy exclaimed, "Hell yes it would make the room satisfactory!"

Tom only watched quietly, choosing not to get involved at all, though, he too thought that sleeping in the same room as Daisy would be awkward. But it wasn't anything he wouldn't be used to, having been an actor for a long time, in theatre he'd often shared dressing rooms with people of the opposite sex and he learned not to let it bother him.

"I will alert the housekeeping staff right away." Susan had a rather weird, fake smile. She seemed to take pride in her job, that was obvious. "Please, feel free to make yourselves comfortable here in the meantime. I will have the housekeeping staff in here to move the beds within an hour."

"Thank you, Susan." Tom called after she'd left the room. Then, both Tom and Daisy were left in silence.

CycloneKira 03-18-2016 11:56 AM

Okay. Okay. Calm down, girl. This is all just a really really weird dream. It's all gonna go away soon. It had better go away soon. Damn it, I came all the way to this ship from home, just to act as some kind of companion for a celebrity? Nope. I am not doing this. I am getting the hell out of here as soon as I can.

With these thoughts running through her head, Astoria kept a very deceptive straight face as she smiled at Felix Newman. The latter was now three feet away from her and had extended his hand towards her. She put on her best smile, and shook it.

"Hello, I'm Felix," he said, somewhat unnecessarily. Every single person in that area knew exactly who he was.

"Hi, Felix," she said, still sounding friendly (maybe a little too much so). "I'm Astoria Wells." She was so angry, she almost crushed his hand in the handshake.

"That's a pretty firm handshake you've got there, Astoria," he said, sounding slightly surprised. Then Astoria realized what she'd done and then hastily let go of his hand, feeling pretty embarrassed.

"I'm sorry," she said, blushing slightly. "I guess I'm just... nervous." She finished her sentence somewhat lamely.

"Aw, don't worry about that," he said, cheerily. "Happens to the best of us."

At that moment, Mr. Suit walked up to them, and there was another man in a black uniform following close behind. The one behind reminded her of a butler.

"Miss Wells, Mister Newman, this is Sebastian," Suit said, gesturing to the man behind him. "He is going to be your butler for the duration of this cruise." He turned to the butler. "Sebastian, please show them to their rooms."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir, madam," he said, bowing to each of them in turn. "Please follow me." The formality of the whole thing was making Astoria really nervous. Damn it, am I gonna have to act like this the whole time here? And seriously, what is this business with the butler???

She and Felix followed after Sebastian; their luggage had been taken by a pair of men, presumably to their rooms. She walked behind the man, keeping a safe distance between herself and Felix, though she had no idea why. She was too busy being nervous to question herself.

Once they reached the rooms, Sebastian turned to them and handed each of them a key. "These are the keys to your respective rooms," he said. "If you need me, all you need to do is call my room using the phone next to your bed. I will be there in mere minutes. Is there anything I can help you with before I take your leave?"

"Astoria regained her senses just in time to answer him. "U-um, no, Sebastian, thank you," she said. "Except this. Could you possibly call me Astoria, and not "Miss Wells"? The "Miss Wells" thing makes me nervous." She chuckled with embarrassment, realizing that she was acting like a total nut in front of Felix Newman. The guy didn't seem to think it was weird, though.

"Very well, Astoria," Sebastian said with a smile, and he turned and left. Astoria smiled and turned to Felix. "So, I'll see you, I guess," she said, and Felix returned her smile and nodded. Both went into their rooms.

Once she was in the privacy of her room, she stood by the door and listened. She heard the door of the room next door click. Felix had shut his door. Satisfied, Astoria opened her own door as quietly as possible and dashed off towards the exit. But to her horror, the ship had already set sail. There was nothing to be done. She was stuck on this nightmare of a ship for the next month.

Silver Storm 04-05-2016 09:48 PM

"I shall go and find the ship's physician and perhaps some ice," Jenkins said with a bow.

"No need for the doctor," Nicole said swinging her legs up onto the couch. She grimaced momentarily as her hurt ankle landed on the cushions. "Nothing is broken, just re-aggravated an old injury. Ice would be nice though, and an ace bandage if you can find one."

"Certainly Miss McKay," Jenkins said, before turning and leaving the suite.

Tim grabbed one of the extra throw pillows and knelt beside the couch. Nicole jumped when his hands closed around her foot and calf. He looked up, concern filling his brown eyes. "You okay?" He asked, he voice dropping deep.

"Y..yes," Nicole stammered, mentally kicking herself. This isn't the first cowboy you've been around woman! Get it together and stop acting like a blithering idiot! She mentally chided herself.

Tim nodded and turned his attention back to her foot. As gently as possible he pulled off her cowboy boot and set it on the floor next to him. Her ankle was already starting to swell some. He pulled off her sock with gentle hands and laid her foot on the throw pillow to elevate it.

Soon Jenkins reappeared with an ice pack wrapped in a towel, an ace bandage and even a bottle of Ibuprofen. He brought the items over the couch where Tim took the towel wrapped ice pack and laid it over her ankle. Jenkins handed Nicole a bottle of water and shook to Ibuprofen tablets out onto her palm. Nicole dutifully swallowed the pills, washing them down with water.

"Might I suggest a relaxing day in the suite?" Jenkins said once Nicole had taken the pills. "There is nothing scheduled until dinner tonight at the Captain's Table with the other winners and their companions."

"The Captain's Table?!" Nicole said in surprise and concern. "Isn't there like a fancy dress code for that? I don't have anything appropriate packed."

"Then may I suggest you rest until say mid-afternoon and then perhaps avail yourselves of the shops on board," Jenkins said helpfully. "Part of your winning package is a nice sum of credit to be used at the shops on board."

"Really?!" Nicole asked, her words laced with surprise.

"Of course Miss McKay," Jenkins said jovially. "I would never lie to you about something like that. I could even set you up an appointment at the salon on board if you would like. You could perhaps get your hair and nails done if you would like."

"Thank you Jenkins. I am sure Nicole would love that," Tim said when Nicole sat there gaping in shock. This was so much to take in and Nicole didn't know how to adjust to this VIP treatment.

"Certainly Master Foust," Jenkins said with a bow before leaving the suite's living room.

"I suppose you are used to this VIP treatment," Nicole said when they were alone.

"Not really," Tim said with a laugh. "Home Free is still relatively small; most of our fame comes from winning the Sing Off. We aren't really rolling in the big bucks, though the fame does come with its perks. Honestly stuff like this still catches me off guard."

Nicole found herself smiling. Tim seemed so laid back and down-to-earth. He was not at all what she had expected. She had just assumed that as a celebrity, he would be full of himself and used to getting all the VIP treatment. Maybe this cruise wouldn't be so bad after all. Besides the rest would be nice though she already missed the horses badly and it had been less than 24 hours since she had left the ranch.

"What'cha thinking?" Tim's voice brought her back to the present. "You look a million miles away. Am I that boring?"

Nicole started to stutter and apology but stopped when she caught the gleam in his eye. The man was teasing her! Well two can play that game, thought Nicole. "Oh yeah. You are so boring I think I nearly dozed off," she said, face completely dead pan.

As Nicole watched, Tim's face ran through surprise, shock, self-conscious and sadness until he saw the evil grin lighting up her face. Then realization hit and those dark brown eyes lit up with laughter. He burst into laughter and it was so contagious that Nicole found herself joining him.

"So what were you thinking about," Tim asked after the laughter had died down.

Nicole shook her head. "About how I already miss the horses and the ranch and about all the work I should be doing. This is the first time I have been gone since the...I mean in about two years." Nicole said.

"You live and work on a ranch?" Nicole noticed that that seemed to pique the man's interest. "What do you do? Raise and sell horses?"

Nicole smiled; she loved talking about her work. "We actually do mainly horse rescue, from horses that people can't keep and need to find a new home for to horses that have been seized out of neglect or abusive situations. The latter we rehabilitate and, when we feel they are ready, then we try and place them in homes. We also deal with problem horses that have developed issues that no-one else can seem to figure out how to fix."

"That sounds challenging and rewarding," Tim said with a nod. "What kind of problems?"

Nicole thought for a moment. Most people didn't usually care to hear about it, but Tim seemed genuinely interested. "Well for example I have been working with this Thoroughbred filly Sweet Symphony. She was the top running filly of her age but she has suddenly started rearing anytime you try and load her into the starting gate. Her trainers have tried everything they can think of but she wont go anywhere near the starting gate without going ballistic."

"So what do you do about it?" Nicole glanced over at the handsome singer, her eyes reading him. But he still seemed completely interested and not like he was just humoring her so she continued.

"The first thing I do is assess the animal and try and see if I can figure out where the issue is coming from and what started it. Some are quite easy to discern like a traumatic incident but sometimes the source of the issue is harder to find. It could be something in the environment or maybe an unintentional cue from the rider or something else. Once we have found the source of the issue then we can begin to fix it."

Before long Tim had her regaling him with stories of some of the different horses she had worked with. Like Behemoth, the big warmblood that had developed a crushing phobia of little dogs after having been nipped by a tea cup poodle. Or Ranger, the Police horse who had started bolting any time a car honked after his rider had been in a car accident. The day flew by as they chatted, Tim exchanging stories of crazy experiences on the road or with fans.

Kory 04-06-2016 01:08 AM

It was a rather log and awkward silence that was spreading quickly through the air and Daisy and Tom waited for Susan to return with men to move one of the beds. There were a couple of rooms in the suite, certainly they could have thought to move the bed BEFORE she and Tom arrived.

Daisy felt so nervous with Tom sitting there on the bed as she sat at the vanity. They didn't say anything for a long time. But Tom's cheery, posh voice broke the silence,

"I'm sorry, Miss, I never caught your name..."

Daisy early choked on her words and she squeaked, "Daisy Buchanan." She heard Tom give a soft, 'Ah.'

"It's wonderful to meet you, Miss Buchanan." Tom was trying to lighten the mood, it was probably obvious that Daisy was still anxious and struggling to think of what to say or how to say it. Tom's cheerful mannerisms helped a little, Daisy had to admit. Daisy still didn't say anything in response. She felt so tiny compared to him. Both in size and figuratively. He was a big superstar. Women practically tripped over themselves and fell at his feet should he so much as look in their general direction. He was somebody... Daisy was nobody.

Daisy began to visibly shake as Tom stood up. He noticed this, of course and came closer to Daisy, which, in turn made her shake even more. "Are you alright, Miss Buchanan?" He reached out and touched Daisy's shoulder, which made Daisy flinch. She started to feel nauseous, but she didn't say anything to Tom. Instead she just covered her mouth and pretended to be in deep thought.

"I-I'm fine."

"Are you nervous? I've never seen anyone shake like this before."

Daisy was nervous. As much as she loved Tom Hiddleston, it was very different loving him from a distance than it was to see him in person. As kind as he was, he intimated her, he was HUGE! A freaking Sasquatch of a man... And he was so beautiful in person. Daisy felt insignificant. Her foot began to tap against the wood floor and she tried her best to take her mind away from the nausea that was creeping through her body. If she focused knit for too long, she knew she'd throw up.

"I-I... I-" Daisy stammered trying to find the words. The words weren't coming to her. "I-I've just had a long day."

"You know, Miss Daisy. Since we're going to be spending quite some time together, you don't have to be scared to tell me that you're scared. I completely understand if you are."

Daisy wanted to change the subject. "They are taking a long time to get in here to move this damn bed." Tom laughed, which annoyed Daisy. But honestly, he was so pleasant, she couldn't stay mad at him for long.

"It's only been fifteen minutes." He chuckled. Daisy was embarrassed. It felt like hours had passed to her. She thought about remaining quiet. "Maybe you'd feel better if you unpacked your luggage?" Tom suggested. Daisy didn't want to unpack her luggage in front of Tom. She shook her head violently. "Perhaps we can watch something on TV?" Tom suggested. Daisy shook her head to that too. She didn't like being alone with Tom. He was a stranger, even though she felt she knew him through his interviews and through his movies, it was quite a different experience to finally meet him in person. "Perhaps we can go for a walk, then? I think a change in scenery will do you some good."

To this, Daisy agreed, "O-okay." She grabbed her purse and Tom gave her his arm for her to hold onto. He led her to the door, but before he opened it, he reached his arms around Daisy and swallowed her in a warm hug. Daisy's heart skipped beats. "You're so shaky, Miss Daisy, it worries me. I felt you needed that." Daisy didn't say anything in response. She just patted Tom's back carefully before he had let her go.

Together they left the suite and made their way into the shopping centre of the ship.

CycloneKira 04-09-2016 12:49 PM

Back in her room, Astoria was burying her face in her hands, while her iPad was in front of her. Her mother was on the screen, trying to calm her down.

"Now listen here, Tori," she said. "You have to just get rid of all these feelings you have about this trip being... weird or whatever, okay honey? Come on, this is a once in a lifetime chance! You will probably never get treatment like you'll be getting on that ship, ever again." Astoria groaned.

"Mom, it's not about weird or anything," Astoria replied. "I mean, I am so out of place on this ship! There's this... butler who keeps calling me Miss Wells, if you can believe that, and he- he- he bows, Mom! Literally!" She threw her hands up in the air.

"Tori, calm down, okay? This is just the beginning. Things can happen. People will loosen up, and you will start having fun." Astoria sighed.

"Maybe." She raised her head and put her hands down, giving her mother a smile. "How's Freddie?" At that, Fred jumped in front of his mother.

"Boo, Tori!" he screamed, cackling wildly. Astoria laughed out loud. "Hey there, kiddo," she said, grinning widely. Her brother had that effect on her, putting a smile on her face even in the saddest, or the most confusing of moments.

"Did you find the Millennium Falcon yet?" he asked, in an excited voice.

"Nope, I just got here. Like, thirty minutes ago. I spent the first fifteen minutes getting to this room, the next ten trying to get off the ship, and the last five talking to you and Mommy. I will get it for you, okay? Promise."

Fred held his chin with a thoughtful expression on his face. Then he nodded, as though her answer satisfied him.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, which made Astoria jump. "Who is it?" she called.

"Miss W- I mean, Astoria, it's me, Sebastian," said the voice at the door. Astoria leaned down and spoke to her mother and brother.

"Hey, I'll talk to you guys later, okay? Bye, love you, say hi to Dad for me." She ended the call and went to answer the door.

"Hello, Sebastian," she greeted the man. "Is something wrong?" She looked around behind him curiously.

"No, nothing's wrong, I just wanted to let you know that there will be a formal dinner at the Captain's table tonight, where all three winners are to be seated," he informed. "I wanted to check whether you had anything to wear for the dinner, because if you don't, we can go over to the stores on deck and find something for you."

Astoria couldn't help smiling. "Is it that obvious I'm new to this?" she asked. "It's alright. My mom forced me to throw in a couple of dresses for things like this, so I'm set. Besides, I wouldn't be able to pay for any dresses even if I needed one."

"Oh, about that, Astoria, your winnings include a lot of money, for use in the shops on board. So, if you need anything, please don't hesitate. You could get your hair and makeup done at the salon too, if you wish."

"I'll keep that in mind, Sebastian, thanks," Astoria said, resisting the urge to blink in disbelief. When Sebastian left to knock on Felix's door, Astoria closed her own rather hurriedly and collapsed on her bed. This was going to be a long trip.

Silver Storm 05-02-2016 11:46 PM

"Pardon me Miss McKay and Master Foust." Nicole and Tim both looked up in surprise, several hours later when Jenkins appeared in the living room again. "It is time, if your ankle will allow you Miss McKay, to make for the shops on board."

"Its fine," Nicole protested, swinging her legs off the couch and standing up. Pain shot through her ankle and she sucked in a hissing breath at the pain, gritting her teeth. Without a thought, she shifted all her weight to her other foot.

"Bullcrap!" Tim growled, pushing her back down on the couch. Nicole started to protest but stuttered off when Tim's warm hands closed gently around her ankle. "Swelling isn't too bad. I think if we wrap it and take it easy, she'll be okay."

"I was able to find an ankle brace," Jenkins interjected helpfully, holding out the brace.

"Perfect!" Tim took the black, lace-up brace from Jenkins and gently begin to put it on Nicole's ankle. She tried to protest that she could put it on herself but Tim just waved off her protests. Once the brace was on and laced up, Tim stood and held out his hand. Nicole took it and let him help pull her to her feet. The ankle still throbbed something fierce, but it was a more manageable pain level.

"Might I suggest easy to slip on shoes, perhaps flip flops," Jenkins suggested kindly. "I fear that your foot won't fit back into your boot with the brace on."

"I..uh.." Nicole stammered, suddenly realizing that she hadn't packed anything much along that lines.

"Or we can pick up something when we reach the shops," Jenkins added as if everyone forgot to pack flip flops for a cruise. "Might I suggest you use these until then." Jenkins held out a pair of cheap, flimsy ones like you could get at the dollar store. Nicole carefully and gingerly slipped her feet into them, still trying to keep most of her weight off her hurt ankle.

Tim moved to around to that side and offered his arm. "It will look more casual than the arm around the shoulder, should you not want to start any rumors," Tim said with a wry smile.

"Thank you," Nicole said feeling shy as she slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow. Close to him again, she was reminded of how tall he was, looming over her almost 5'7" frame.

"Shall we embark then?" Jenkins asked, checking to see if they were all set.

They nodded and followed Jenkins out of the suite. Nicole tried her hardest to not limp and at the same time not lean to heavily on Tim. "Lean on me," Tim sung under his breath so that only she could hear and Nicole couldn't help but smile.

Jenkins lead them through the ship until they came out into what looked almost like a mall. There was a shoe store with everything from flip flops to high heels. There was another shop filled with every style of swimsuit imaginable, even surf wear. Another was filled with dresses from short little party dresses to gorgeous, floor length ball gowns. There was a nail and hair salon and even a jewelry store. Plus shops with souvenirs and even a movie theater.

Jenkins lead them into the shoe shop where they were greeted by a sales girl who looked to be in her early 20's. She smiled at them but didn't seem at all fazed by Tim and Nicole realized that she was probably used to seeing celebrities. The girl asked what she could help them with and Jenkins kindly informed her matter-of-factly of the situation. Nicole could see the girl glance at the ankle brace where it was poking out from underneath the hem of her jean's leg.

"I think I have just the thing," the girl said after a quick appraising look at Nicole and the situation. "Why don't you have a sit right there on that bench and rest your ankle a moment while I go and get them."

She hurried off while Tim lead Nicole over to the bench and helped her sit. Seated Nicole was even more aware of how Tim towered over her, almost like some gentle body guard. The sales girl returned a few moments later with several shoe boxes. She pulled a pair of black flip flops out of one. They were pretty with a white flower motif across the bands. She slipped them on Nicole's feet and, with Tim's support, Nicole limped around a little to test them out.

"I like them," Nicole said as she sank down on the bench again.

"They are one of my favorites," the sales girl said with a smile. "Since I know that you winners are dining at the Captain's Table tonight, I also brought you some dressy shoes to look at. I thought that these will go well under a long dress and still give you height and yet support for the ankle."

She pulled a pair of black wedge sandals out of a another shoe box. They had black ribbons that laced a little way up your leg and straps around the foot and ankle. She slipped them onto Nicole's feet with an efficiency that comes from working in a shoe store around shoes. Once the shoes were on, Tim again helped Nicole gently to her feet and walked around the room a bit with her.

"They feel good," Nicole said sinking down on the bench one last time and trading the wedge sandals for the flip flops.

"I will put them on your account," the sales girl said with a smile, as Jenkins took the other shoe box from her. "Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with while you are aboard."

They left the shoe store and followed Jenkins down to the dress store where they were met by another young sales lady, a pretty brunette who's name tag read Amber. When she asked what kind of dress Nicole was looking for, Nicole had no clue what to say. It had been so long since she had worn much besides jeans and she knew nothing about what was appropriate for a fancy dinner on a cruise ship.

"Why don't you gentleman explore a bit while I help Nicole find a dress for tonight," Amber said with a sweet smile as she shooed Jenkins and Tim out of the shop. She turned back to Nicole, eying her up and down. "With your fair skin and beautiful copper hair I think we should try a nice green," Amber mused aloud. "Something with some fit to it to show off those nice curves. Let me see what we've got."

Amber led Nicole to a dress room and left her sitting on the chair inside. Several minutes later she returned with a couple gowns. One caught Nicole's eye instantly. It was forest green, with matching lace over white material.

"That was my first choice too," Amber said when she say which dress Nicole was staring at. "Let's try it on and see what how you look." As Nicole started to undress Amber caught sight of the wrapping on Nicole's ankle. "What happened girl?" She asked kindly, concern showing in her brown eyes.

Nicole shook her head. "A klutzy moment resulting in re-aggravating an old injury," she explained, her cheeks heating with embarrassment.

"Did you know ahead of time that you were going to have a celebrity companion for the cruise?" Amber asked and Nicole shook her head. "It must have been overwhelming to be suprised with that information and the arrival of such a good looking man."

"Plus the mass of screaming fans and the media," Nicole added with a wry smile.

"Oh of course," Amber agreed as she took the gorgeous green gown off the hanger. "I mean we all still get moments where we get star struck too and I have seen several celebrities, models and rich, handsome bachelors on here."

Amber slipped the gown over Nicole's head and helped her pull it down into place. Once the gown was on she zipped it up before turning Nicole to face the full length mirrors. The dress fit Nicole like it was made for her, hugging her curves in the right spots and flaring out beautifully.

"Wow!" Nicole breathed turning this way and that to look at her reflection.

"Honey you are going to knock his socks off in that dress," Amber said with a grin as she helped Nicole out of the gown. "Where are you off to next?" She asked as she hung the gown back up and slipped it into a garment bag.

"The ship's salon," Nicole answered. "I think Jenkins made an appointment for me."

"Perfect," Amber said with a grin as she grabbed a cordless phone off the check out desk and punched in some numbers. "Hey Melody, I got a girl here who is headed over for an appointment, can you nab the appointment? Nicole...McKay? Awesome!" Amber hit the disconnect button and put the phone down. "Melody will make you look and feel like a Queen," Amber said with a smile just as Jenkins and Tim walked in.

Jenkins took the garment bag from Amber, ignoring Nicole's protests that she could carry it and led them out of the shop. He led them through the "mall" area, winding his way through the crowds with an ease of familiarity. He stepped into the salon and Tim and Nicole followed him. Inside a pretty blond who looked a lot like Amanda Seyfried spotted them and came to greet them.

"Nicole? I am Melody, Amber told me you were on your way," she said with a smile. She turned her attention to the two men and informed them, "you are welcome to have a seat and wait if you would like or you can wander and we can let you know when she is done."

"Might I suggest that you get ready for dinner Master Foust," Jenkins interjected looking at the clock on the wall. "I have a feeling that it will be time to make your way to the dinning room by the time they are finished."

Tim glanced over at Nicole, seeming to be checking if she was okay with being left alone. When she didn't protest or seem concerned he nodded and followed Jenkins out of the store, but not before the butler handed of the garment bag and shoe box to Melody.

"Any ideas what you want done?" Melody asked once the guys were gone and the dress and shoes had been stowed and hung out of the way. "Or would you like me to just turn you into a queen?" Melody asked when she saw Nicole's baffled, over-whelmed expression.

At Nicole's nod the blond sprang into action, escorting Nicole to a chair and seating her. Melody chatted easily and cheerily, instantly putting Nicole at ease. And before she knew it, Nicole was telling her about the ranch and the trip to the pier and getting out of her limo to be surprised with the arrival of Tim Foust.

Kory 05-27-2016 01:32 AM

Daisy had never seen such an elaborate shopping center in her life. The entire space seemed too big to even be on a ship. What to look at first? Daisy was excited, yet very scared. So much commotion, so many people, too much stimuli. Daisy kept close to Tom. She couldn't help but notice the way some people stared, but she knew they were only staring at Tom, not her. She wasn't expecting it (though she should have) when a group of young girls approached Tom and asked for pictures....

"We love you, Tom!" They grinned. Tom only smiled and made his way to pose for their picture, but when he looked back at Daisy and saw how scared and nervous she looked, he shook his head at the girls, made his way back to Daisy and said,

"I'm so sorry, but I am obliged to this young woman today." He wrapped an arm around Daisy and her heart began to pound in her ears, she felt nervous all over again. The girls made a face at Daisy, but seemed to understand that Tom wanted a less invasive trip, they thanked him anyway and continued on with their shopping. The entire exchange gave Daisy a feeling of nausea.

"I'm sorry, Miss Daisy. Let's onetime our walk." Tom took another step, but his arm was still around Daisy, she slipped out from under it and froze in place, suddenly feeling too overwhelmed with anxiety to do much else. She felt an overwhelming sense of doom rise over her body and she began to shake violently once again.

Tom worried over Daisy. He didn't know her that well but it was certainly scary, for lack of a better word, to see someone so scared. Tom began to think Daisy may have a panic attack. He gave her some space, talking to her slowly and softly...

The words didn't reach Daisy's ears. Instead, Daisy looked around, panicked and unseeing. Her next instinct was to reach for her purse and pull out her medication for times like these. She dug around her purse, looking for her meds and she felt a little better when she found them. "Water." She said to Tom. Daisy had been taking medication for years, but she wasn't that used to it that she could swallow her pills without water.

Tom understood and he took her by the arm and walked with her to the nearest drinking fountain. Daisy took her pills and sighed as everything in her mind began to calm down. Tom watched with a sorrowful stare. Daisy, however, calmed down enough to notice he was staring.

"I don't like it here." She finally spoke up.

"That's okay, Miss Daisy. We can go wherever you want to. I'm sure by now the bed has been moved in the suite, if you would like to go back." Tom never stopped being so considerate. Daisy thought about it.

"I think I'd like to sleep a little."

Tom nodded and escorted Daisy back to their suite.

All times are GMT. The time now is 05:45 PM.