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Fate's Pearl 07-22-2012 03:04 AM

Your Eyes May Deceive You: Livianna
Your Eyes May Deceive You

Puppet Master: Fate's Pearl
Name: Livianna Rain
Race: Tracker
Age: 19
Biography: Livianna spent her life in and out of foster homes with an older boy Nickoli, who later became her brother (or a brother like figure). Through most of her life she has been fighting a "blood condition". When Livianna and Nickoli got old enough to work they left the foster program. Setting out on their own and getting a small place to live. Livianna walked several miles to a close town to work and go to school. Her brother tended horses at a local ranch and together they made enough to live. One day while Livi was walking home from work with a weeks worth of groceries she met Nathaniel. A charming young Egyptian who changed her life. Instantly dragging her and her brother into a world of mythical creatures and danger. Three major things happened following Nathaniel's arrival:
1. Nickoli got turned into a werewolf
2. They were dragged to Egypt
3. Her blood condition was diagnosed as the starting stages of transformation from human to Tracker. Which she soon became.
The rest is not yet history and thus is not yet written.

Interest: Love interest: Nathaniel
On her way to Cairo, Egypt


Day 1: Leaving the Pack

Today started off fantastic. Nathaniel and I had a great deal of fun before heading back to the main house. I hate going in there, everyone ends up so tense and on edge. Having a tracker around is not helping anything. It was right before I went to take my morning shower that Yuki went into labor. It was a short but difficult delivery. Nathaniel left to celebrate, and I went and took a shower. I hate to admit it but its time for me to leave. I agreed to stay till the baby was born but that happened sooner than I had hoped. I am only bringing the necessities. This departure is the worst I've had to make. I left Nickoli a letter trying to explain myself but honestly, I just have to go. There is no sound reason, the pack just can't be at peace and have me around. I debated waiting for Nathaniel but he is needed here. So instead I left him a letter as well, I hope he forgives me.


I now sit at the edge of their peaceful oasis. I can't bring myself to stepping out of the shade of those last few lingering trees into the vast expansions of sand. I feel sick at the thought of that step out of this place. I am set on going to Cairo, and even though my mind agrees, I can't push past this knot in my stomach. I can't go back, I can't go forward, I'm in purgatory. What am I going to do?

I've decided. The sun is setting. I must push on by the time it is dark. I cannot be ruled by emotion. It has betrayed me before. My emotions betray me much too easily. I will wait here until there is shade across this part of Egypt and I will leave with this shadow. Until Cairo.


All times are GMT. The time now is 06:42 PM.