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Shion Uzuki 08-07-2018 02:25 AM

The Alpaca Petting Zoo! [Shion's Hangout]
I made this for the Zoo event, but I thought I would have one for a regular hangout! Come hang out and pet Alpacas!

Fun Facts:
They come from Peru and live in on the hills in higher elevations.
Despite that, Alpacas can thrive anywhere.
They are all over the world, North America, Australia, Europe, Asia...
Alpacas rarely spit unless they feel threatened!
They are not llamas, so please do not confuse them as such!
They are actually smaller than llamas.
Alpacas, llamas, camels, vicuņa and guanaco are all of the same family (Camelids!)
There are no wild alpacas, they were bred as domestic animals for their fiber!
Their fiber is super soft and hypoallergenic!
They are herd animals and are happiest in groups!
They make different sounds, mostly humming to communicate. But they can also squak/honk out of their noses to alert the herd.
They graze on grass, hay and they will also eat special pellets. Some alpacas like treats like carrots, and I even saw a video of one who loved crab apples!
Alpacas are typically timid and some don't like to be touched (mine do at this petting zoo!)

There are two types of alpacas!
Huacaya (wah-kai-yuh) and they look like fluffy teddy bears!
Suri (sir-ree) and they look like shaggy dogs

Petting them:
Please do not pet their heads! Even though their heads are very fluffly, they prefer being pet on their necks or bodies.

Feeding them:
Please only feed them the supplied pellets and baby carrots!

The Alpacas!!!
Meet our alpacas available for petting!
Breed: huacaya
Gender: Female
Age: 3 Years
Likes: Scritches behind the ear. Laying in front of the fan. getting the hay by herself.
Dislikes: Halter training.
Favorite Snack: Baby carrots
Breed: suri
Gender: Male
Age: 6 Years
Likes: Being touched on the neck. Sleeping with one leg out. Stealing hay from the ladies' pen.
Dislikes: Strange dogs. Will honk.
Favorite Snack: Cut up apples.
Breed: huacaya
Gender: Female
Age: 4 Years
Likes: When new people approach with cups of feed. Stealing feed from your hands and gulping the contents down, dropping it on the floor, asking for more.
Dislikes: People with empty hands
Favorite Snack: If it's edible (and sometimes not) Turnip likes it.
Breed: huacaya
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
Likes: Chewing on bars, chains, metal things. Pooping while looking you straight in the eye.
Dislikes: Overalls. For some reason she really hates them.
Favorite Snack: Eating the leaves from the tree next to the pen.
Breed: huacaya
Gender: Female
Age: 1 month
Likes: Scampering, hiding behind mom (Marzipan), chewing on things she should not, the Winston the pony.
Dislikes: Bedtime
Favorite Snack: Winston's mane.
Breed: huacaya
Gender: Male
Age: 4 years
Likes: Defending the pen. Being the head of all the alpacas.
Dislikes: Galra alpaca.
Favorite Snack: Green goo.

Disclaimer: These are not really my alpacas, but they are alpacas I took pictures of (petting zoos and alpaca shows). I sadly do not own any real ones but I have hundreds of alpaca plush, figures, and other knick knacks!

Shion Uzuki 08-07-2018 03:07 PM

Thread is open for business!

hummy 08-07-2018 03:10 PM

welcome to the hangouts

Shion Uzuki 08-07-2018 03:10 PM

Yay I have a hangout here, finally after like a million years. XD

hummy 08-07-2018 03:15 PM

LOL how's it going

Shion Uzuki 08-07-2018 03:20 PM

I just woke up. I got up for a bit last night and was drawing then I went back to bed.

hummy 08-07-2018 03:29 PM

art break instead of a sleep break =3

Shion Uzuki 08-07-2018 03:33 PM

yaassss! I haven't drawn for awhile.

hummy 08-07-2018 03:51 PM

it felt good, yeah

Shion Uzuki 08-07-2018 04:13 PM

It did! I should be drawing every day but some days I'm preoccupied with doing something else. Either webdesign or something else. D:

hummy 08-07-2018 04:34 PM

hopefuly you'll get back into it

Shion Uzuki 08-07-2018 05:14 PM

Everything comes in spurts for me. I wont write for months and then all of a sudden sit down and write 12 chapters. I won't draw for weeks, and then just spit drawings out in rapid fire. I've learned to kind of take advantage of it when that mood strikes.

hummy 08-07-2018 06:26 PM

That's probably a good thing if you just did one thing all the time you might get bored with it or complacent. Having our writing designing that's a a big pallet of creativity.

Inzanebraned 08-07-2018 06:40 PM

*pets all the alpacas*

hummy 08-07-2018 07:00 PM

Hello there Izzie

Inzanebraned 08-07-2018 07:23 PM

Hiya, Hummy!

hummy 08-08-2018 01:24 AM

Sorry I missed your hello back. I hope you have a great day or actually had a great day...

Shion Uzuki 08-08-2018 03:29 AM

Ello! Inzanebraned How're you?

I've been busy trying to organize things today. u_u Then I had to do some work for my design job.

hummy 08-08-2018 03:45 AM

What are you designing?

Shion Uzuki 08-08-2018 05:15 AM

I had to make a map of a convention center layout and then put in the breakdown of the event rooms based on the room names.

hummy 08-08-2018 07:06 AM

This is probably a stupid question but are you going to the convention?

Shion Uzuki 08-08-2018 08:15 AM

Yep I'm staffing and I do design work for them too. :D

Inzanebraned 08-08-2018 08:31 AM

Hope came over and kept me busy (Tuesday)...
We went swimming and I found out that they heated the previously unheated pool!
I actually had a good time being in the pool without feeling like my lips were turning blue!
Hope doesn't seem to notice how cold the water is when it's not heated...she only cares that she got to go swimming!

hummy 08-08-2018 08:40 AM

Hope you have a good convention

Shion Uzuki 08-08-2018 11:48 PM

It's in another month!

Do you do conventions, hummy?

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