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-   -   The Moving Castle: Spring Edition! You Broke Howl's Resolve! Everyone is getting a cat for the castle (Just one though)! Page Prizes! Posting Prizes! CI prizes and gold! (

Calcifer 04-29-2017 03:15 AM

The Moving Castle: Spring Edition! You Broke Howl's Resolve! Everyone is getting a cat for the castle (Just one though)! Page Prizes! Posting Prizes! CI prizes and gold!

Sophie: {ignores Howls' outburst} Yes! A cat! A fluffy cute black kitty! In fact, everyone at the castle wants us to adopt a kitty too!

Howl: {pulling more hair out} But cats are insufferable! They knock everything over! I'll have to put binding spells on every surface! And they scratch everything! I'll have to put repellant spells on anything that looks remotely like a scratching post! And it will get hair everywhere and and...

Sophie: {interrupts Howl's tirade} Don't be ridiculous! Not all cats are the jerks you are making them out to be! I'm sure our kitty will be nice and not knock anything over! We just have to teach it what's right and what's wrong. And you get more hair on things than a cat would the way you're pulling your hair out all the time...

Howl: {shaking a fist at Sophie} Only because you drive me to it! A cat Sophie? I mean a CAT?? It'll trip me up everywhere I go! It'll get into things it shouldn't and mess up all my potions! And I don't just mean my beauty potions! And lets not forget...

Sophie: {interrupts Howl again, stamping her foot} That's it Howl! Now you've set my mind! Just you wait and see! I'm gonna get the whole castle to change your mind! Remember the Daffodils? Well get ready for some powerful magic Mr. Wizard!

Day 1 ResultsX

Day 1

Howl: {Surrounded by the Castle goers, Howl slaps the table} No cats!

Sophie: {Sophie steps forwards crossing her arms} YES cats! We are going to get one and by the end of this, you're gonna be the one that wants it the most! Listen to all these reason we should get a cat!

Shadami: They're cuddly and purr and they're soft and CUDDLY!!!

xoxoAngiexoxo: They are cute!

dragoness129: Because Kitties are so adorable!

Sporcle: Because they're just as grumpy as me!

Ignis: They are smol and delicate babies!

Kirin Rosenbaum: They just are awesome.

Kent: because they purr, can be super soft, and love to cuddle!

Salvete: They are so cute and playful and sweet <3

Saravi Boo: Kitties purr! Purring is fabulously soothing.

musasgal; They know when you neeed a lot of cuddles!!

Sophie: Kitties make excellent companions for magicians! Just look at how many wizards have cats! Wouldn't you like a little black kitty to help you with your magic?

Howl: {stepping back a step from the barrage of the Castle goers} S-still! Those aren't good enough reasons to get a cat!

Sophie: {Putting her fists on her hips} You are so stubborn Howl! Just you wait!

Resolve Status
Howl was 10% stubborn today! You have all lowered Howl's resolve by 49 Points! Together with Sophie's roll, That's a total of 56 points!

Total of all days is 56!

Day 2 ResultsX

Day 2
Howl: {Once again surrounded by the Castle goers} Must we make this a habit everyday?

Sophie: Yes! Until you give in and let us get a kitty! {pokes Howl in the chest}

Howl: {Rubbing his chest where Sophie poked rather hard} But there are still so many reason NOT to get a cat Sophi!

Sophie: There are even MORE reasons why we should! Just listen to this!

{The Castle goers all step forwards one at at time and barrage Howl with excellent reasons to get a cat}

Salvete: hearing their purring has been scientifically proven to relieve stress <3 And also because cats are among the animals that have a tapetum lucidum, which allows them to see super well in the dark! that would definitely come in handy for wizardry!

Howl: If I wanted to see in the dark I'd cast a spell!

Ignis: They get rid of the pestilence :)

Howl: I like my rats!

Kirin Rosenbaum: They are cute

So are dust bunnies!

xoxoAngiexoxo: they are cuddly. Plus... Every show on tv that involves anyone doing magic always has a cat!

Howl: ... Have you been playing with my black doorway again...?

dragoness129: Come on, Howl! You know you want the cat as a familiar.

Howl: Calcifer is just fine.

Shadami: You don't want to be less powerful than Kiki the delivery witch do you Howl?

Howl: That little punk is no where near my level!

Saravi Boo: You need a kitty to take care of pesky mice and birds that might infest your castle. Kitties work for their keep, you know.

Howl: Be that as it may... ...

Kent: Kitties are perfectly capable of creating their own mischief to help out wizards!

Howl: That mischief would probably be ruining my carefully organized spell ingredients!

musasgal:They make sure that there isn't kind of mice, rats, cockroaches, etc out of the castle.

Howl: {gasp!} Cockroaches make an excellent magical medium when ground up!

Sophie: Wizards need a kitty to offset their natural tendencies to brood for hours on end and mope about when their spells don't work! Come on Howell, don't you think it would be nice to have a kitty to soothe and relax you?

Howl: That's what baths are for Sophie! Speaking of relaxing... I need a nice long bath after you all have converged on me!

Sophie: {stepping back and crossing her arms over her chest} Fine Howl! I can see you're extra stubborn today... Just wait till tomorrow! You're gonna start seeing things our way!!

Resolve Status
Howl was 30% stubborn today! You have all lowered Howl's resolve by 35 Points! Together with Sophie's roll, That's a total of 36 points!

Total of all days is 92!

Day 3 ResultsX


Day 3
Howl: {Is surrounded by people but trying to ignore them} I have the strangest sense of Deja Vu...

Sophie: {Tapping her foot on the ground} You can't ignore us forever Howl...

Howl: Maybe not my dear Sophie but I can try!

Sophie: Don't be rude dear! We are here to convince you once again to get a cat! So you better listen up!

Howl: It hasn't worked for the past 2 days... What makes you think today will be different?

xoxoAngiexoxo: {excitedly jumping into the conversation} Um... They are sneaky! (-4)

Howl: Oh well I'll give you that one for sure. Cats are awful quiet!

Sporcle: They're pretty handy at collecting the right ingredients for the spells! (-10)

Howl: {Thoughtfully rubbing his jaw} I COULD use a minion...

Ignis: They can take care of themselves! (-6)

Howl: An added bonus! I hate taking care of anyone but myself! ... And Sophie of course!

Sophie: {Glaring at Howl} Nice save...

dragoness129: {nods and agrees with Sporkle} They are supurb at fetching the ingredients for spells. Have you ever seen a cat with a potion's vial in its mouth? Absolutely adorable! (-10)

Howl: {looking excited} Can they really carry potion vials in their mouths??

Saravi Boo: Kitties are super independent and won't disturb you when you are working. Also they will very kindly hold your spellbooks open for you, by laying on them. (-7)

Howl: I'm not convinced they will leave me along when I am working but keeping my books open by myself is always such a chore!

Shadami: - kitties can use their wild magic to give energy to a weakened wizard to refresh their power reserves that way they can always keep on top while others weaken. (-6)

Howl: {A creepy light in his eyes} You mean I can suck their energy when I'm low on my own??

Kent: Kitties distract the targets so you can have time to cast the spell! (-7)

Howl: Hmm... This could prove useful...

Kirin Rosenbaum: You can dress them up and then your enemies will get distracted by how cute they are. (-7)

Howl: Are you sure? Well it would be worth a try anyways! And I could have a good chuckle if we dressed it up in something funny!

Salvete: cats can cough up precious magical furballs to magnify the power of all the magical spells you cast! (-9)

Howl: What's this?? An untapped magical ingredient??

Sophie: Kitties are useful for spells because they hunt down pests that can get into your magical stores! (-8)

Howl: Well I know I said I grind up the cockroaches but only because they eat the magical medium I'd rater be using.

Sophie: You see?? So many good reasons to get a cat!

Howl: Wait... Wha... What happened to me?? WHY AM I AGREEING TO ALL THESE REASONS?!? Sophie!! What spell have you cast over me??? Nooo Caatttsss!!!! {Runs away to the bathroom and slams the door}

Sophie: {Shaking her fist at Howl's retreating form} Come back here Howl! We aren't done with you yet! You're slipping! In 2 days time We'll have you well and truly convinced!! {Turning to all the Castle goers} Good job everyone! We're chipping away at his resolve! We'll have him right where we want him in no time!

Resolve Status
Howl was 10% stubborn today! You have all lowered Howl's resolve by 59 Points! Together with Sophie's roll, That's a total of 67 points!

Howls Remaining Stubborn Points: 116 out of 275 (159 points lowered, 57% lowered)

Day 4 ResultsX


Day 4
Howl: Ok Castle goers! Gather round! Lets get this over with! {Is surrounded by everyone instantly}

Sophie: Alright Howl! Get ready! Today we are going to shower you with reasons why Cats have mad our daily lives better by sharing the best moments that just made our day!

Howl: {With mock enthusiasm} Oh Sophie! I can hardly wait!

Sophie: {Gives Howl a flat stare} Try not to get to excited dear...

Howl: Alright then, lets hear it!

musasgal: It's the best when Kitties come up for loves like patting, snuggling, hugging and stuff! (-2)

Howl: Aw... That does sound pretty cu.... I mean no! I don't like being bothered!

xoxoAngiexoxo: And when they are just being silly to make me laugh! (-1)

Howl: {giggles at the though} That sounds so ador... ACK! No Cats!

dragoness129: Mine is when they Viciously scratched my enemies! (-3)

Howl: Hmm... I like the sound of this...

sporcle: When my kitty Curled up on my lap, keeping me nice and warm! (-5)

Howl: the nights do get rather cold when Calcifer falls asleep...

Shadami: Last time I got sick, my kitty came and cheered me up when I was sick. (-6)

Howl: Wizards don't get sick! But it would be nice to have someone visit when I have a cold...

hummy: Best thing that made my day better was when my wyguy cuddle up with me and purred us to sleep {happy sigh} (-5)

Howl: Aww Well that's just...! I already have Sophie to cuddle!! You all are trying my patience!

Kent: My kitty laid right next to me and purred as I drew~ So warm. = w=

Howl: I wonder if it would do that while I work on spells!

Saravi Boo: Our cat would be waiting at the door everyday. It was nice to always have someone to come home to.

Howl: OH! But that would be so nice when I come home and Sophie has gone to the market!

Damia Flagg: Whenever I was sick Big boy would stay right beside me in the bed, he was always warm & comforting.

Howl: Warm... Comforting... There when you need it... This doesn't sound all that bad... WHAT AM I THINKING?!? I already said no cats!

Linnea: my old fatty kitty Vash the Stampede would run down the length of the house, back and forth and loud as a stampede, until he tired himself out. i never knew why but it always made me smile because it seemed like he was happy. i certainly picked the right name!

Howl: {stares with wide eyes} You mean if I got a kitty I could name him Nicholas D. Wolfwood??

Salvete: My kitty stood on the counter until I turned on the sink so he could drink straight from the faucet <3

Howl: Hah! That's so silly! I would keep a diary every time my kitty... AAAHHH!!! No! You are all twisting my mind against me!!

Sophie: {looking pointedly at Howell} Well...I could answer this...if I actually had a cat! *pouts*

Howl: Well... Well I could get you one and then you would be able to answe... YOU ALMOST GOT ME! Try again! HAH! I caught your little trick Sophie!

Sophie: {smirking} It's only a matter of time now dear! You don't have long before you succumb!

Howl: I simply won't hear of it Sophie! I have important things I must attend to! I'll see you for dinner! {Locks himself in the bathroom}

Sophi: You sure are spending a lot of time in the bathroom dear! Should I have Calcifer make more hot water?

Howl: {muffled and indistinguishable words}
Resolve Status
Howl was 10% stubborn today! You have all lowered Howl's resolve by 40 Points! Together with Sophie's roll, That's a total of 43 points!

Howls Remaining Stubborn Points: 73 out of 275 (202 points lowered, 73% lowered)


Day 5
Howl: {Trying to hide in a corner singing softly to himself} La la la la... AHH!! NO! GO AWAY!!

Sophie: It's that time of day again Howl!

Howl: When are you all going to leave me along Sohpie?! I just want to finish my bath and rest in peace!

Sophie: Just listen to these reasons today Howl and we'll quit bugging you! Ok?

Howl: What kind of reasons are they today...?

Sophie: {narrows her eyes at Howl and adds a wink for good measure} ...The threatening kind my Dear...

Howl: {tires to blend in with the wall but the Castle goers step up anyways}

xoxoAngiexoxo: I’ll hang your dead body in a freezer Howl! Hehe! (-7)

Howl: Hmm. Deja Vu again… This situation feels so familiar somehow… Like in another life...

musasgal: You will have a feline hole in your feline heart! Trust me. I know from experience. (-4)

Howl: I don't have a heart! Oh wait... Well I guess I do again... Shoot! I’m never gonna get used to this!

Shadami: The bottles in your bathroom look mighty disorganized. I think they need some straightening . and your spell components really should be in alphabetical order so you can find them easier and add new components easier with things being nice and clean. (-7)

Howl: NO! You wouldn't dare! You just do an about face and walk right back out of that bathroom!!

Saravi Boo: I will release the entire litter of kittens my cat is about to have into his castle. (-2)

Howl: ONE IS BAD ENOUGH! And you want to release a whole army of them upon me??

dragoness129: You know all the things I can do to you, Howl. If you do not get a kitty, my antics will only intensify. (-7)

Howl: {looking shocked} You want me to suffer don't you?

Sporcle: I will eat all of the good food in your kitchen! All of it! (-3)

Howl: {shaking a fist at Sporcle} I was saving that for later!

Linnea: for an individual who loves his appearance as much as you do, Howl, i say we shave your head if you don't get a kitty! (-3)

Howl: {grasping his hair like a mad man} AHHH!! Not my hair! My beautiful lovely hair! You'll ruin me!

TaiyoTsuki: I will destroy the door to your bathroom. And then paint the floor so it looks like vomit. And the walls will get a "puke" paintjob. And don't even get me started on what I'll do to the toilet...... (-4)

Howl: {starts to weep} You are all hitting me in my soft spots!

hummy: we should take the shears to your body! give you a poodle poofie-doo AND paint you pink with teal polka dots, then dress you in a string bikini! (-5)

Howl: {almost too shocked for words} That's even worse than shaving my head!

Kent: Uuh, I'll use a fire extinguisher on Calicifer? o uo; Is that too dark? D: (-3)

Howl: {Stands quickly in front of Calcifer} You'll have to get through me first you evil person!

Woofie267: Well I suppose we could always make Sophie really mad again and help her make more weed-killer... Or mess with the potions in the bathroom. (-8)

Howl: No no no!! {Takes his head in his hands and starts shaking from side to side} You all have such terrible punishments! It seems like they get worse and worse with every suggestion!!

Damia Flagg: If Howl doesn't get a kitty then Afrodonkey will be invited to live in Howl's bed. (-4)

Howl: {turns up his nose} Not Afrodonkey! He smells like... DONKEY! I don't allow livestock in my bed!

Salvete: Howl I will not be your friend anymore and instead spend all my time in cat cafes! (-5)

Howl: But… But Salvete! You said we’d be friends forever!! {starts to cry}

Kirin Rosenbaum: I'll go and play around in your bathroom again. (-8)

Howl: {cringes in physical pain} Oh gods! My soft spot again!!

{Everyone takes a pause}

Howl: {gathering up his fractured resolve} Is… Is this the best you all have! I'll admit you all got me close to my breaking point... But not qui...

Sophie: {Interrupting Howl} No. More. Back. Rubs. Ever. Again. (-1)

Howl: {flabbergasted} B-b-but Sophie! Back rubs! Those are my favorite! {starts to cry again} You... You can't deprive me of those! {starts wailing}

Sophie: Fine! Then don't deprive us of a kitty Mr. Wizard!

Howl: {down on his knees with his head bowed Howl whispers} F... Fine...

Sophie: {Leaning in close to Howl} Hmm? I didn’t quite hear that Howl Dear!

Howl: {Whispering a little louder} F-Fine!

Everyone in the Castle: We still can’t hear you Howl!

Howl: {Shouting and crying all at the same time} I SAID FINE! Fine! Get a Cat! You’ve all broken my resolve! I can’t take the reasons anymore! I can't take the threats! The constant badgering! So Okay! You all get your way! Let’s get a cat! Then I can finally finish my bath, turn back into a human and have some peace and quiet!!!

{The whole castle starts to cheer}

Sophie: We did it everyone!! We convinced Howl to get a kitty for the Castle!!!

Howl: … I just know I’m gonna live to regret this…

Resolve Status
Howl was 10% stubborn today! You have all lowered Howl's resolve by 63 Points! Together with Sophie's roll, That's a total of 64 points!

Howls Remaining Stubborn Points: 9 out of 275 (266 points lowered, 97% lowered

You've Done IT!!!!

Calcifer 04-29-2017 03:16 AM

  • DON'T PLAY WITH THE CASTLE DOOR! It's not a toy!
  • Don't mess with Howl's bathroom either or he'll turn you into a toad!
  • Only one account per person!
  • Be kind to your fellow Menewshians
  • Follow Mene's TOS
  • Have a ton of fun!!

How to Play
[indent]Everyone in the castle wants to get a cat but Howl is adamant about not getting one... He's come up with every reason under the sun not to get one just because he doesn't want to have a furball running around underfoot. He's such a grump! It's up to us to convince Howl to get a cute little black kitty for the Castle! A magical one of course! You have to help Sophie and I convince Howl! And here is how we are gonna do it...

Each day you will roll to break down Howl's Resolve! Each roll will chip away at his resolve and go towards getting a kitty however Howl will have his own roll for how stubborn he will be that day which will lower the effectiveness of your rolls by 10 to 50%! You HAVE TO LOWER HOWL'S STUBBORNNESS BY 80% Or else it wont work!

Thanks to Sophie, we are going to have a little extra help! Each day Sophie will roll too! Thanks to her Magic, her rolls are exempt from Howl's stubbornness! That means she gets to add her full roll every day to break down Howl's Resolve! Howl has a lot of Resolve points though so you will need to remember to roll every day to get him to cave in and let us get a kitty!!

Resolve Status
Howls Remaining Stubborn Points: 9 out of 275 (266 points lowered, 97% lowered

You've Done IT!!!!

Calcifer 04-29-2017 03:16 AM

Page Prizes:
150g to the first poster on the page!
  • Page 5: Ignis
  • Page 10: ClockReject
  • Page 15: Salvete
  • Page 20: dragoness129
  • Page 25: Shadami
  • Page 30: Ignis
  • Page 35: Saravi Boo
  • Page 40:
  • Page 45:
  • Page 50:
Game Prizes:
Mystery Prize:
If you post a forum at least 3 times in this thread then you will be eligible for the mystery prize! All you have to do is make sure that you try to weaken Howl's resolve at least 3 times during this event!

Top Prizes:
It's hard weakening Howl's Resolve! There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize to the top point earners! Make sure you post all of your forums for the best chance at winning!
  • First Place: Receives 2 2017 Spring Event item of their choosing!
  • Second Place: Receives 1 2017 Event item of their choosing!
  • Third Place: Receives 500g!

Posting Prizes:
You all are pretty good at posting! That's why, the persons with the most posts in this thread will receive Prizes!
  • First Prize: Studious Traveler CI!
  • Second Prize: 1000g!

Calcifer 04-29-2017 03:31 AM

Game Prizes Results:
Mystery Prize:
The winners of the Mystery Prize that have all posted at least 3 forms are...
Kirin Rosenbaum:
Saravi Boo:
Damia Flagg:

I bet you are wondering what your mystery prize is!! Well you all receive a Heaven Kitty! [squee]
Top Prizes:
It's hard weakening Howl's Resolve! There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize to the top point earners! Make sure you post all of your forums for the best chance at winning!
  • First Place: Receives 2 2017 Spring Event items of their choosing!
    And the Winner is... xoxoAngiexoxo!
  • Second Place: Receives 1 2017 Event item of their choosing!
    And the Winner is... Salvete!
  • Third Place: Receives 500g!
    And the Winner is... Shadami!

Angie and Salvete please let me know what Event Items you would like!

Please give me 15-30 minutes or so to hand out all the prizes!

Ignis 04-29-2017 03:41 AM

YAY! Thread !! Hello!

Calcifer 04-29-2017 03:41 AM


xoxoAngiexoxo 04-29-2017 03:41 AM

Yay castle event thread

Calcifer 04-29-2017 03:41 AM

Oh crud! Ignis found us already! [:o] ... I mean... Welcome welcome! [sweat]

Ignis 04-29-2017 03:41 AM

This is a nice thread you have here ...

Calcifer 04-29-2017 03:41 AM

Hi Angie!

---------- Post added 04-28-2017 at 08:42 PM ----------

Thanks Ignis! It is! isn't it!

Ignis 04-29-2017 03:42 AM

wow. WOW i'm offended! How dare you try to hide from me! lmao

ClockReject 04-29-2017 03:43 AM

*touches door*


hummy 04-29-2017 03:45 AM

zooms in

xoxoAngiexoxo 04-29-2017 03:45 AM

Hiya calcifer

Shadami 04-29-2017 03:45 AM

Lets Convince Howl to Get a Kitty!
Place a reason why kitties are awesome here!: They're cuddly and purr and they're soft and CUDDLY!!!
Break Howl's Resolve!: The 10-sided dice lands on 5

KITTIES<3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

xoxoAngiexoxo 04-29-2017 03:46 AM

Inspects howls bathroom cause he loves it when we go in there

dragoness129 04-29-2017 03:46 AM

Lets Convince Howl to Get a Kitty!
Place a reason why kitties are awesome here!: (Tell us a little bit about why you like kitties!)
Break Howl's Resolve!: The 10-sided dice lands on 10

Howl! I love you! ♥

xoxoAngiexoxo 04-29-2017 03:46 AM

Lets Convince Howl to Get a Kitty!
Place a reason why kitties are awesome here!: they are cute
Break Howl's Resolve!: The 10-sided dice lands on 4

dragoness129 04-29-2017 03:47 AM

Oh, reason: Because Kitties are so adorable!

Sporcle 04-29-2017 03:47 AM

Lets Convince Howl to Get a Kitty!
Place a reason why kitties are awesome here!: Because they're just as grumpy as me!
Break Howl's Resolve!: The 10-sided dice lands on 1


Ignis 04-29-2017 03:47 AM

Lets Convince Howl to Get a Kitty!
Place a reason why kitties are awesome here!: they are smol and delicate babies
Break Howl's Resolve!: The 10-sided dice lands on 4

am i playing this game right? I haven't done a dice roll in a while. oop

ClockReject 04-29-2017 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoAngiexoxo (Post 1773887425)
Inspects howls bathroom cause he loves it when we go in there


xoxoAngiexoxo 04-29-2017 03:50 AM

There's lots of fun things in howls bathroom lots of pretty bottles but shhh don't tell howl I told you

---------- Post added 04-28-2017 at 10:50 PM ----------

Yup that's right ignis

ClockReject 04-29-2017 03:50 AM

*touches everything* O^O

Ignis 04-29-2017 03:51 AM

does the bathroom smell like lavender tho? because if the bathroom has scented candles and a nice aroma i wouldn't mind hanging out in the bathroom.

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