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Spring`Tyme Fresh 12-22-2008 02:15 PM

Cursives and Calligraphy - A Writing Contest!
Lots of luffles and hugs to PlatinumChild and Ferra for the banner!

Spring`Tyme Fresh 12-22-2008 02:15 PM


Welcome, everyone, to the Festival of Winter Night’s Writing Contest! I must admit that winter is my favourite season so I’m excited to be sharing this celebration with you.

This contest will require the use of your imagination and writing skills! I want you to create either: a short story or a poem for one, two, or even all three of the categories that are explained in the next post. Of course, there are rules and guidelines to follow so be sure not to skip them! There are fabulous prizes to be won, so get that creative side of your brain into gear and get writing!

--; -- ; ♥♥

Spring`Tyme Fresh 12-22-2008 02:15 PM

As mentioned before, there are three categories in this contest and they consist of:

Christmas Time in Menewsha

Obviously, if you write a story or poem for this category, I want to here about all the lovely people of Menewsha! What is little Cessy going to get for Christmas? Is Miss Vicktoria Valentine going to spread her warmth and love to the dear inhabitants of Menewsha? Tell me all about it!

Disaster Strikes*

It’s almost inevitable that something will go wrong during the preparations for Christmas. Did you burn the festive cookies? Have all the needles dropped from your Christmas tree? Did you drop that precious box of baubles and fairy lights? Share your misery with me in this category.

And, finally,

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year*

Not every part of Christmas is filled with stress, turmoil and headaches, so why not tell me about your most favourite part of Christmas? Are you more excited to watch the faces of your loved ones opening up their presents, or do you get a thrill out of tearing that wrapping paper off yourself? Is Christmas dinner what you look forward to all year? I can’t wait to hear these cheerful stories!

*Just a small note, these stories/poems can be completely fictional. ^^

--; -- ; ♥♥

Spring`Tyme Fresh 12-22-2008 02:15 PM

Okay, there a few rules and guidelines that you need to follow, but they are pretty simple, so I'm sure you intelligent Menewshan's won't have any problems here.
  • Follow Menewsha’s Rules and ToS at all times,
  • What you submit must be your own work. If you are found to have stolen your submission, you will receive an infraction for plagiarism,
  • Please submit entries with your main account. You are not allowed to submit entries on your main and mule account,
  • You are allowed to enter each category once, and yes, you are able to win in every category - if you are that good anyway :P,
  • There is a 1,000 word limit, but I won't penalize you if you are over by say 50 words. If you are over by 150 words, I will need you to shorten it down so entries are consistent,
  • Please send all entries by pm. I'd like you to title your pm's by saying 'Writing Contest entry' and then within the pm itself, tell me what category you are participating in,
  • All entries must be submitted by 11.59 pm (or midnight), January 3rd,
  • I am in GMT time zone, so please be sure to get your entries in at the right time,
  • I will be judging entries based on creativity, enthusiasm/emotion, grammar and spelling - though I won't be strict with the latter two but I must be able to understand you writing.

There will be a first, second and third place for all three categories - so in total, that's nine prizes! The prizes are the same for each category, which are:
1st Place - 2,500 gold
2nd Place - 2,000 gold
3rd Place - 1,500 gold

Who wouldn't want some extra gold in there pocket for a small piece of writing? Nobody, that's who! So get your thinking hats on and burn some holes into your keyboard!

[Winners will be announced shortly after the event has ended in the Community Discussion forum so keep a look out!]

--; -- ; ♥♥

Spring`Tyme Fresh 12-22-2008 02:15 PM

I'm going to make a list of all the users names who I've received a submission from in the appropriate category so you can check that I've got your pm. ^^ I'm not going to post entries because then you could steal each others ideas and I don't want that!

Christmas Time in Menewsha

- fairywaif
- Tamerthanthou
- Flower of the Battlefield

Disaster Strikes

- Artsydaze
- fairywaif
- Keondre Lorano
- Rabid Rainbow
- lavndrdream
- ArrogantSoul
- clock

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

- Clair Voyant
- Burnt Biscuits
- [L]ove[H]ate
- miss murder
- woopdidoodoo

--; -- ; ♥♥

Winterwolfgoddess 12-24-2008 01:12 AM

Oh! I am most definately going to give this contest a try. ^^

Spring`Tyme Fresh 12-24-2008 01:39 AM

Yay for one entry at least! :D
Ha ha ... I hope I get lots of entries, I love reading stories. :heart:

Cherry Who? 12-24-2008 01:44 AM

Quick question.
In the latter two categories, can it be fictional?
If nothing particularly bad has happened to us during Christmas, can we make something up? Or do those two have to be real?
Obviously, there would be no way to know if we were making it up (unless it was obvious), but none the less.

Spring`Tyme Fresh 12-24-2008 01:47 AM

Oh, yeah, it can be completely made up ... clearly there's no way for me to know if someone is telling me a true story or not, so yes, it can be fictional. ^^

Cherry Who? 12-24-2008 02:01 AM

Alright, awesome.
I have no particularly interesting christmas stories, so that's good. xD

Stormy1 12-24-2008 02:11 AM

Ah I'm going to try and enter this. Sad this is, every time I start a story I can never seem to finish it. XD.

Winterwolfgoddess 12-24-2008 02:12 AM

Lol, I have a few I can share. I will have to think it out though. :lol:
But yeah, I do want to enter. ^^

Chexala 12-24-2008 02:23 AM

Yay, happy Winter Nights everyone!
This is definitely a contest I'm going to enter. I've been craving a prompt to get me writing recently, and I think this will be just the thing. ^__^

Ferra 12-24-2008 02:39 AM

Oh ho ho, I'm so doing this. <3 Probably the Mene category first, and then the latter ones if I have time.

Moondey 12-24-2008 04:56 AM

This sounds amazing, I can't wait to get started on it! I might just enter something for every one of those topics...Finally something I'm not horrible at as a contest! Thanks for posting this up!

Ethereal Lullaby 12-24-2008 05:03 AM

I think I'll enter this contest. I might not start writing until tommorrow though. ^ ^;

Tamerthanthou 12-24-2008 05:44 AM

I am so entering this.
*Runs off to write*

rainbow_bunny 12-24-2008 05:55 AM

i don't have time to write :( But goodluck to everyone!

Burnt Biscuits 12-24-2008 06:24 AM

I just sent in my entry. n.n

DistortedBrwain 12-24-2008 12:32 PM

Oh, this sounds like fun. I love to write stories, but I am not too sure if I will have time for it. If I do however, I will surely enter this contest.

Can't wait to read other peoples stories as well. ^^

xHuggx 12-24-2008 04:26 PM

This definitely looks like a contest I want to take part in, it sounds like a lot of fun.
Good luck to all the other contestants!

Fiziali 12-24-2008 06:40 PM

Hmm, this sounds like a fun contest. I don't have a lot of online time, but I do have a bit of time to write, so maybe I'll see what I can come up with, and hopefully I can log on at least once more during this event to try and submit my entry. :)

Retsu 12-24-2008 07:50 PM

Oo, I have a question, Spring! Could we perhaps write a story for the last two categories from the point of view of one of the NPCs? Or at least ABOUT one of them? Because I'd love to give that a try, but I'd much rather know I have a chance to win with it before I try actually WRITING it, you know? <3

Spring`Tyme Fresh 12-24-2008 08:06 PM

I'm excited to see all of your entries!
I'll be updating the front page in a minute with the names I've received stories/poems from already. :heart:

To all those talking about not having much time: Poems are uber short things! There's 2 weeks of the event, maybe you could try writing a short poem? ^^

Retsu: I think that kind of story would belong in the 'Mene' category, but, I will let you write it from their view and to describe their own christmas disasters/special times.

Does that make sense? ^^;

inkhart_9 12-24-2008 08:34 PM

A winter event writing contest, YES!!! Someone heard my cry for an event writing contest... *looks to Spring 'Tyme Fresh with big eyes* Thank you...

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