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zyne 01-11-2015 01:49 AM

the lazy river
come on in the water's.... kind of lukewarm, smells a bit like piss
okay so if we're all being honest and open here the truth of the matter is i have no idea how to pixel lmao

but i sure can try
zipper, short sleeved hoodie

gonna try to a hood up and zipper partially open/all the way open version too? i think? idk what im doing tbh

(feel free to talk/comment/help me out)

---------- Post added 01-10-2015 at 10:09 PM ----------


jean skirt:

---------- Post added 01-11-2015 at 12:03 AM ----------

these are gross :/

HamletSpamlet 01-11-2015 03:54 PM

Hi there~ I'm pretty inexperienced with pixels as well, but I think I can give you a bit of advice. :D

You already have a good sense of how clothes look when worn, probably because you're an artist. I'd just say that your lines are a little shaky, and the outlines a bit too dark. Particularly on the hoodie. And even though you think it's gross, I like what you have going on with the dress. I think the palette might be hurting it, since that particular one isn't very contrasty so most items that use it tend to look flat.

zyne 01-11-2015 07:52 PM

hey! (:
first of all, thanks for the advice bc i was really looking for some (not sarcasm)

tried to make the lines for the hoodie lighter although idk if it really worked :/ ive never really been good at the "lineless" stuff. not sure what to do about the shakiness of the lines, i think that's just something ill have to mess with until i get the hang of it
v1 and v2

gonna try to redo the dress in lavender

also did these two last night but forgot to post them. kind of?? i kno mene already has a b&w turtleneck but i was askng for things to try pixeling and my friend said b&w turtleneck lmao

lightened the skirt too a bit and was messing around with some layering

HamletSpamlet 01-11-2015 11:03 PM

I think the shakiness is mostly an issue with your curved lines, like on the top of the hood. I can't really explain it too well, but here's a picture that shows the difference between a jagged and smooth curve:

The lines look better! For future reference just think of how the light source would affect your outline. It shouldn't blend into your main colors, but shouldn't be as harsh as regular line art as well.

And I really like that striped sweater. [drool] I think the shape of the avatar's left arm is a little wobbly, though.

linapoo 01-14-2015 07:16 AM

Oohh your stuff is nice! :D i like how painty it looks...!
though yah, I do agree that the lines need some fine tuning. You clearly understand how clothes work, but the lines need to be a bit more smoother. with lines, it helps to draw them one by one, rather than using free hand with a tablet. but then shading is easier with tablet than doing it one by one.........pixels tend to be hyper detailed and weird like that... XD

zyne 01-15-2015 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by HamletSpamlet (Post 1773173580)
I think the shakiness is mostly an issue with your curved lines, like on the top of the hood. I can't really explain it too well, but here's a picture that shows the difference between a jagged and smooth curve:

The lines look better! For future reference just think of how the light source would affect your outline. It shouldn't blend into your main colors, but shouldn't be as harsh as regular line art as well.

And I really like that striped sweater. [drool] I think the shape of the avatar's left arm is a little wobbly, though.

ahh, thank you *-* that's a really helpful chart! visual representations tend to get things across really well haha


Originally Posted by linapoo (Post 1773176654)
Oohh your stuff is nice! :D i like how painty it looks...!
though yah, I do agree that the lines need some fine tuning. You clearly understand how clothes work, but the lines need to be a bit more smoother. with lines, it helps to draw them one by one, rather than using free hand with a tablet. but then shading is easier with tablet than doing it one by one.........pixels tend to be hyper detailed and weird like that... XD

i'm actually using a mouse to do it one by one or.. 3 at once sometimes, x__x just not very experienced with this stuff (my lines are naturally pretty shaky unless i have a stabilizer amped up or something anyway haha,,)
thank you for the advice though, especially on the shading thing P:

---------- Post added 01-15-2015 at 12:21 AM ----------

oh, p.s. is your avatar clear from dmmd, lina? 0:

linapoo 01-16-2015 06:09 AM

oh!!! sorry for being presumtuous then. :D it's okay, it just takes a little time to get into the habit of things. pixels look better when they are "cleaner"? its weird. XD sometimes the shading can look like a mess up close but it looks awesome when 100% viewed. but then when lines are messy up close, they look weird and strange 100% viewed...haha..i guess becuase lines are the darkest part of the piece.

yep! with pixels, being simple minded helps a lot. think cellshade for mene's palettes. its hard to work with 6 shades XD

---------- Post added 01-16-2015 at 01:11 AM ----------

oh and yeah, it is Clear! * q*

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