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Woofie267 04-24-2013 10:13 PM

Extreme Mind Tricks
Fury growled as he got an alert. Another hacking through the system. Probably Stark. He hated Stark sometimes.

So he pulled out his phone to call Tony and tell him to knock it off before he sent Coulson down there to make Tony stop.

Mageling 04-24-2013 10:40 PM

Tony ignored the first call. And the second. He did pick up the third, though.

"You do know that official consulting hours are between three and five every other Thursday, right?"

Woofie267 04-24-2013 10:41 PM

Fury ignored the comment. He was used to it by now, it was normal Stark bullshit.

"Stop hacking the system," he growled. "Before I send Coulson down there."

Mageling 04-24-2013 10:45 PM

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Patchy," Tony replied easily. "I haven't hacked the SHIELD system since yesterday."

Woofie267 04-24-2013 10:47 PM

That made Fury pause for a few moments. Yesterday? He hadn't even gotten a notice yesterday. Someone down in I&IT was getting fired.

"What did you do yesterday? Nevermind, we'll talk about that later. If you're not hacking the system, someone else is."

Mageling 04-24-2013 10:55 PM

"Someone's hacking your system?" Tony repeated, attention sharpening. "Not possible, Jolly Rodger, I just beefed up those firewalls for you on Tuesday."

Woofie267 04-25-2013 12:59 AM

"On Tuesday?" Fury massaged his temples. Oh he and Tony were going to have a talk. "Well, Stark, someone's gotten past that and is rummaging through our databases."

Mageling 04-25-2013 01:05 AM

"You let someone through my firewalls?" Tony demanded. "Not kosher, Cyclops. Jarvis, get me in," he added to the AI. He hung up on Fury then, focusing his attention on stopping the hacking and tracing it back to its source. They were going to regret messing with his stuff, whoever they were.

Woofie267 04-25-2013 01:13 AM

Fury growled but let Tony work. At least now he knew that Tony was actually working.

Leandra frowned when someone started trying to block her, typing rapidly to get under and around the measures for the moment, but she knew she had to get done quickly. So she found the information she needed, got it copying, and went off running through other databases to keep the person on the other end distracted.

Mageling 04-25-2013 01:31 AM

Tony saw through the ruse in a moment and quickly worked on caging the hacker in, plugging the flow of information while he was at it. Nobody slipped through his defenses and got away with it.

Woofie267 04-25-2013 01:42 AM

Leandra swore. Well, she hadn't been expecting this. Grumbling to herself, she let the person cage her in while she checked the information. She'd gotten what she'd needed, so before he could get a good lock on her, she dropped out of the system and broke the link.

Mageling 04-25-2013 01:53 AM

Tony swore when the hacker signature vanished.

"Track those footprints, Jarvis, let me know when you find the source," he said to the AI. He didn't bother listening for a reply, instead going in and essentially resetting the SHIELD firewalls from 'stun' to 'kill'.

Woofie267 04-25-2013 01:56 AM

Leandra was grinning at her minor victory. Hey, she hadn't gotten everything she wanted, but she'd gotten what she needed.

"Got it," she crowed triumphantly as she opened the information to look it over.

Mageling 04-25-2013 02:00 AM

Amy blinked and looked over at her sister.

"What did you get?" she asked, going over to look.

Woofie267 04-25-2013 02:06 AM

"More information on Extremis." Leandra grinned as she looked over the information. "There's a bit of new information in here, too. Better than the Army database."

Mageling 04-25-2013 02:15 AM

"Where did you get this?" Amy asked, skimming the information over her sister's shoulder. "It's incredibly detailed."

Woofie267 04-25-2013 02:19 AM

"Some organization called SHIELD. I read about them in one of the Army databases." Leandra shrugged. "But it's closer to what we need, right? So it should be useable."

Mageling 04-25-2013 02:25 AM

Amy nodded.

"That's a ton more than we got from the Army," she said. She was quiet for a moment. "They almost found us again today. The others. We're going to have to move again soon, there's only so many times I can make them pass us by before they realize they haven't looked here."

Woofie267 04-25-2013 02:27 AM

Leandra nodded. "Alright. I'll get packed up, then, and maybe we can leave tonight." She went to go shut down her computer and get it packed up. They had to move more frequently than she liked, so she was used to hauling her computer stuff around.

Mageling 04-25-2013 02:28 AM

Amy nodded.

"I'll keep watch until you're packed," she said. "Then we'll trade."

Woofie267 04-25-2013 02:33 AM

Leandra nodded and packed up everything into two boxes that she could carry out to the car when they were ready.

"Your turn," she said, moving over near the door to keep an eye open.

Mageling 04-25-2013 02:51 AM

Amy nodded and packed up her own things. She knew how to get everything packed into a box and a duffel and put them with her sister's things.

"Ready when you are," she said. "Where should we go now?"

Woofie267 04-25-2013 02:53 AM

"I dunno. Do we want to keep heading east? Maybe find somewhere in a big city?" Leandra shrugged, taking stuff out to their car. They only had one; they only needed one.

Mageling 04-25-2013 03:11 AM

"A big city isn't a bad idea," Amy replied, taking her own stuff out to the car. "Harder to pin down one or two people in an entire city." She didn't add that there were more people to manipulate in a big city.

Woofie267 04-25-2013 03:21 AM

"Exactly." Leandra grinned and made sure everything was packed in the back seat before she got into the passenger seat to let Amy start the drive.

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