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monstahh` 10-30-2010 11:35 PM

MonMon's Super Belated Birthday Thread.
As some of you may know, my birthday is August 16th...which usually is during the Celes Paradi event. However, this year as many of you noticed, there was no Celes Paradi event...So I never got to have my party thread! :(
And then I kept holding it off, holding it off, because I heard they were just oing to have Celes in September, and then maybe right before halloween...And then they never did and it just got too late...

So, I've decided since Halloween is my favorite holiday...I'd say "fuck it", and celebrate my birthday now.

Gifts not required, but hugs much appreciated. :heart:

Hi, welcome to my lame-ass event thread. :)

Contests and shit may be up later, it depends on what I feel after looking at the FAQ.


Originally Posted by The Wandering Poet (Post 1768563837)

Monstahh's special day
So now we must all say

Happy birthday to you
Be thy old yet new

Let this day be the best
Surpassing all the rest

Cake and presents passed around
Of tears there shall be no sound

19 years is not yet old
For you are still young and bold

So pick up your flag
And make it wag

As your announcement is sung
That you are 19 years young

Happy very belated birthday ^_^ hope you enjoy the poem

monstahh` 10-30-2010 11:36 PM

Saved in case I need another post for...something. <3

Kenome-Chan 10-30-2010 11:40 PM


edit: first post woot woot!!

monstahh` 10-30-2010 11:42 PM

Thanks Kenome-Chan. lol
How are you? :)

Siri 10-30-2010 11:44 PM

Oh, happy belated birthday then! I'll be sure to come back with a huge cake picture for you. x)

monstahh` 10-30-2010 11:47 PM

Lol, thanks Siri.
And omg. But I am already so hungry. D: ! Don't be cruel!

Soul 10-30-2010 11:48 PM

/gives bear hug
Happy birthday(:

monstahh` 10-30-2010 11:51 PM

Thanks Soul. :)

Right now I'm checking out the commons.

I'm kindof sad there aren't new items, but on the other hand, hell yes! Before when I asked for recolors I was always shot down, but now we have some!


I also just completely decimated my savings. Fuck. :gonk:

Edit:...Wow, I killed my thread already. :(

momochan 10-31-2010 12:38 AM

happy belated birthday Monstahh! I have ran out of gold and I am broke now...=.=;;

monstahh` 10-31-2010 12:43 AM

Yeah, buying stuff is fun, isn't it? XP

momochan 10-31-2010 12:55 AM

Yes, it is very fun. My inventory has more stuff in it now! I just need to make more gold and go shopping! >D

Winter Wind 10-31-2010 12:56 AM

/HUG <3

Happy Birthday Abbi! <3

Vanellope 10-31-2010 12:57 AM

Happy belated Birthday ^.^

monstahh` 10-31-2010 12:57 AM

@Momo - Mm, stuff. :)

windy: <3 Thank you hon. How have you been?

@Lexicon Doll - Thanks. n.n

Vanellope 10-31-2010 12:59 AM

I was also expecting Celes Paradi event at my birthday too (beginning of october) but now that Halloween event is on, I'm just glad ^.^

monstahh` 10-31-2010 01:00 AM

It's kindof a mixed bag for me.
I like recolors...But I also like the pages after pages of new event commons. :cry:

momochan 10-31-2010 01:00 AM

:drool: Stuff tastes yummy....

Thoth Star 10-31-2010 01:00 AM

*hugs monstahh* happy b-day! ^^

monstahh` 10-31-2010 01:10 AM

Thanks Thoth! :)

momochan: Yepyep. Delicious stuff. :heart:

I'm sad, my bf won't be home until 11ish.

momochan 10-31-2010 01:12 AM

Monsta: Very delicious stuff...I love green colored stuff, because they taste like rainbow-ponies!

Winter Wind 10-31-2010 01:12 AM

@Mon: i'm gooood.
Totally overwhelmed with this even though.
Holy crap there's so much to do. xD

monstahh` 10-31-2010 01:18 AM

Momo - Green is an okay flavor...Purple watermelon (because FUCK GRAPE!) is my favorite flavor. /drool :drool:

Winter - Well they have to keep people posting. The event items I already have all 4 of... and I'm honestly feeling the need to take a break from the internet.
But I also want to see what else might be going on with the event, and if I want to participate.

momochan 10-31-2010 01:19 AM

Montah: I like blue raspberry flavor even more. :drool:

Winter Wind 10-31-2010 01:19 AM main purpose of posting during events is to get the rares, but if I can buy them all...

monstahh` 10-31-2010 01:21 AM

Windy - Exactly! You see what I'm saying? XP
A LOT of people are like that.

Momochan - Mmm, that flavor is delicious too. :)

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