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R u b y 04-05-2013 11:41 PM

Bring the Sexy Back ~ An Avatar Contest

Okay, first things first, Welcome! Second, I'm posting this contest to help bring the sexy back to Mene. But it needs your beautiful entries to work. Below you'll find all the information to enter and possibly win! :D

How this works:

Every week When I get around to updating it. there will be another round. In each round there will be a certain theme or item you have to use to make your avatar. Save them, upload them, post them, and you could win!

• Follow all of Menewsha's Rules. (Duh)

• Entries must be uploaded to an image hosting site and posted to the thread.

• DAC is allowed as well as actual avatars

• Entries must fit the current theme

- Entries will be judged on: Color scheme/flow, if they fit the theme well enough, if they fit the description you give

• You are allowed 2 entries per round.

- If you would like to update/change your entry, as long as the theme is still up, just let me know and I'll update it with your new image.

- You do NOT have to continue wearing your entered avatar.

- Mules are now allowed BUT, please be sure to tell me it's your mule because you can only win once per round.

• There are no limits on how many rounds you can enter. You are allowed to enter EVERY round, even if you placed in the previous.

• Anyone can enter.

• I have the right to change these rules at anytime

If you would like to be notified at the beginning/end of each round, send me a friend request. I send out a "my friends" ping each round.

R u b y 04-05-2013 11:53 PM

Round Twenty Nine: Elemental

Elements! Earth, Air, Water, Fire (or others like them). Choose your favorite and make a beautiful mystical avatar to match :D
Wanna get even more creative? Try combining elements :D

While I love funny avatars and out of the box ideas, I'm really looking for something whimsical and magical :D

(Art may not be the prize this time around so don't worry about clutter haha)

Starts: June 28th
Ends: who knows xD

Prize Update! :D

I am able to draw again so you know what that means?! :D The winner will get their entry drawn! :D
Remember, your ENTRY is what I'll be drawing, not your current avatar, so make it one you like! :D

We'll see xP I'm super behind in art

Have fun!

Completed winner art:
Velvet - Sweater September
-Facade - Oh The Horror! [gonk] (WIP)
ghostPastry - Double, Double, Toil & Trouble


Please fill out your form like the example below. It is there if you are not sure of what a section is asking you.

Make sure to input your answers after the bolded code. This provides a separation that makes it easier for me to read. Thank you.


I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: R u b y
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number (1 or 2): 1
Theme: Elemental
Chosen Element(s): Fire
Basic Description (What you are): Goddess of the Phoenix, charged to create and take care of every phoenix <3
Backstory (optional):

HTML Code:

[center][b][size=5][u][color=#F86710]I'm Bringin' Sexy Back![/color][/u][/size][/b][/center]
[b]Entry Picture[/b]:
[b]Your Entry Number[/b]:
[b]Theme[/b]: Elemental
[b]Chosen Element(s)[/b]:
[b]Basic Description[/b]:
[b]Backstory (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Other/Comments (Optional)[/b]:
@ R u b y;

Mule Account Form:

HTML Code:

[center][b][size=5][u][color=#F86710]I'm Bringin' Sexy Back Too![/color][/u][/size][/b][/center]
[b]Main Account[/b]:
[b]Entry Picture[/b]:
[b]Your Entry Number[/b]:
[b]Theme[/b]: Elemental
[b]Chosen Element(s)[/b]:
[b]Basic Description[/b]:
[b]Backstory (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Other/Comments (Optional)[/b]:
@ R u b y;

R u b y 04-05-2013 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings (Post 1774077716)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: bloodstainedwings
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Elemental
Chosen Element(s): air
Basic Description: i was going for a made from air look.
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):
@ R u b y;


Originally Posted by Velvet (Post 1774077793)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: Vevlet
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Elemental
Chosen Element(s): Earth and Water
Basic Description: She is an earth fairy with the ability to control both water and earth.
Backstory (Optional): Fairies are usually only masters of one element, but sometimes one that can control more than one element is born. These fairies are extremely rare and powerful. Usually, the King of the Fairy court will put an end to the powerful fairy while he/she is still an infant. But this one slipped through his grasp and continues to practice her control over the elements so she can one day avenge her kind.
Other/Comments (Optional):
R u b y:


Originally Posted by LillieRose (Post 1774077798)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: LillieRose
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Elemental
Chosen Element(s): Water and air = frost
Basic Description: Frost elemental - what happens when cold air and water collide? You get snow and frost. Considering the winter has just begun in the southern hemisphere, I thought this avi would be fitting. I am freezing my hiney off at the moment. xD
Backstory (Optional): No backstory, I just liked the look of it. ^_^
Other/Comments (Optional):
R u b y:


Originally Posted by Antagonist (Post 1774091828)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: Antagonist
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number:
Theme: Elemental
Chosen Element(s): Magma
Basic Description: Fire + Earth = Molten lava! :D
Backstory (Optional): An imp who was born in the lava lands, and became infused with the powers of fire and earth, becoming a Magma Imp. He is quite powerful when in his element, but becomes brittle and crumbly if removed from the heat and lava. If left in the cold for too long he would become no more than a piece of rock and die.
Other/Comments (Optional):
R u b y:


Originally Posted by Antagonist (Post 1774092838)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: Antagonist
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number:
Theme: Elemental
Chosen Element(s): Storm
Basic Description: Storm Elemental
Backstory (Optional): He enjoys throwing lightning bolts down at unsuspecting passersby in his pastime.
Other/Comments (Optional): Probably not someone you'd want at a party. Or any occasion, really.
R u b y:


Originally Posted by star2000shadow (Post 1774092839)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: star2000shadow
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Elemental
Chosen Element(s): Ice
Basic Description: the darker version of Ice
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):
@ R u b y;

---------- Post added 11-24-2018 at 10:22 PM ----------

I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 2
Theme: Elemental
Chosen Element(s): Ice
Basic Description: The Softer side of Ice and Snow
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):
R u b y:

R u b y 04-05-2013 11:55 PM

Round Twenty Eight: Chime

Wow so many entries this round! Thank you to all of those who took the time to make an avatar, old and new alike~ Also sorry to have taken this long to change the theme, with Mene's many site bugs, the DAC not working being one of them, I just wasn't that motivated to have a new contest up. On top of that, you guys made it really difficult to choose a winner! I liked so many of them! Even the ones I'd have no hope of ever drawing [lol]

The winners are......

1. star2000shadow
I went over the entries so many times and I could never quite shake how much I liked this one. It's simple, but I love the use of the chime shirt for this look. It reminds me of a member of the Scooby-Doo gang! and I'm a big time Scooby fan [lol]
Congrats Star!

2. Kent
Second is Kent! :D I really liked how many of the chime items you used as well as how you used them. It's not a typical outfit you would see with them and they're visible right away :3

3. Narcotic Dolly
I love this so much! It makes so feel so happy inside with all the pretty colors <3 Overall I didn't choose this one for first A) because I may be an artist but I'm not that good xD and B) it's quite cluttered and hard to make out all of the chime items specially. But good job! It's beautiful! :D

Special Mentions:

I think you ALL did wonderful <3 but here's some I really wanted to talk about


This is a cosplay of sorts but it was so cute and well done with the items we have. It was a good contender for some art, but I have a hard time with the color white x.x I have yet to figure out a good way to achieve shade/highlight for it.

Haven (Kent again)
I know Kent already has a winning avatar but I was having such a hard time choosing between these two! This is so sweet and adorable, can could you not love it? <3

Last but not least, ghost! Once again stunning us with a brilliant concept <3 Your creativity never ceases to amaze me [hug]

Congrats to the winners, and to LillieRose: for getting an Admin's Pick win with this entry!

and ghostPastry:! Don't think I didn't notice that gif! You know I always love a gif xD [heart]

R u b y 04-05-2013 11:55 PM

New Archive Thread! :D All previous past ([lol]) winners have been moved to a testing forum thread for your viewing pleasure. (I'll work on fixing the photobucket images later as I have most of them)
Please do NOT post there. If you have any comments post them here :3 Thank you

Link to archive > Click Me for Previous Past things :D

Round Twenty Six: Monochromatic Ice Queen
1/10/18 - 1/18/18


Round Twenty Six: Monochromatic Ice Queen

FoWN may be over, but it's time to bring out your inner Ice Queen! I want you to make a frozen royal, whether that be a King/Prince, Queen/Princess, Duke/Duchess, Royal Court Jester, you decide which member of the royal court you'd like to turn down the heat on [lol]
Here's the twist though, your avatar must be mostly the same color! Slight variations are fine, but please try to keep to one shade of the color you're using.
For example, if you're using ice items, don't mix Gossamer and Black Ice. Try to use all of the same one. Have fun!

• Make a frozen royal!

• Use all the same shade: only slight variations are okay. (see example)

• Skin tone does not have to match the color you choose.

• The background may be a different color as well!



I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: R u b y
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Monochromatic Ice Queen
Basic Description: Camouflaging Ice Queen
Backstory (optional): From the moment you can walk, you're told a warning. Do not go into the forest; or else the Ice Queen will get you. Some say it's only legend, others swear they've caught a glimpse of her. Some are never heard from again.
The fools think they surely they would be able to see her in time to escape. But she's not an ordinary Queen. She's not even human. Made completely up of ice and magic, this clever queen disguises herself among the frozen branches as just another tree. You'll hear what sounds like falling icicles and stop to look around. It's already too late. For as you face forward to continue on to safety, you'll be nose to nose with her piecing snow white glowing eyes and instantly frozen where you stand.
Take heed of the Elders' warning; Stay out of the woods.
Round Twenty Six: Monochromatic Ice Queen

It was really tough to choose this week! I'm super impressed with all of you [heart]
Overall, I went with these three due to the most monochromatic including the outfit (to me).

The winners are......

1. Nephila!
This was such a creative story and a different take on the royal court and I can't get over the wonderful face xD

2. ghostPastry
I LOVE this color with the backgrounds you chose! It's so well put together and it's fun and interesting :D

3. star2000shadow
I really like how this could easily disappear in the background. Even the hair matches
the chosen tone. Great job star :3

Special Mentions:
I know this pretty much makes me choose everyone, but I really wanted to let you guys know what I thought about these as well [heart]

BSW: I really liked your backstory for this entry :3

Kirin: The addition of the circlet really brings everything together :3

Narcotic Dolly: I've never had two entries in one before. I tried to choose the one I like best, but I couldn't do it! They're similar but each stand out as they're own person. I love these sisters of the ice!

All Entries


Originally Posted by star2000shadow (Post 1774032297)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Monochromatic Ice Queen
Basic Description: Northern Ice Queen
Backstory (Optional): Born in the bitterness of winter, her domain is found in the north pole.
Other/Comments (Optional):
R u b y:


Originally Posted by Nephila (Post 1774032308)
I haven't joined in a while. Let's try it. :)

I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: Nephila
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Monochromatic Ice Queen
Basic Description: Ice Drone/ royal guard
Backstory (Optional): The ice fae are fierce and sleek like wasps and as protective/aggressive as Africanized honeybees. The royal guards protect their queens favored black ice blooms with their life. The tiny swords they carry are said to sting like a thousand paper cuts and are coated with their own venom. Beware of going to any woods where the black ice blooms blossom at night, for your fate will not be a kind one.
Other/Comments (Optional):
@ R u b y;


Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings (Post 1774032359)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: bloodstainedwings
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Monochromatic Ice Queen
Basic Description: Princess of the winter sky
Backstory (Optional):aided by the moon and the stars, she floats through the sky in the winter making sure the snowflakes have the right amount of sparkles and shine. one day she hopes to be as strong and proud as her mother who conjures the winter storms.
Other/Comments (Optional):
@ R u b y;


Originally Posted by ghostPastry (Post 1774032369)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: ghostpastry
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Monochromatic Ice Queen
Basic Description: The Prince of Snow
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):
R u b y:


Originally Posted by Kirin Rosenbaum (Post 1774032370)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Monochromatic Ice Queen
Basic Description: I am a lady wandering my frozen castle.
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):
@ R u b y;


Originally Posted by ghostPastry (Post 1774032398)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: ghostPastry
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 2
Theme: Monochromatic Ice Queen
Basic Description: Royal Knight of Frostbite
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):
R u b y:


Originally Posted by star2000shadow (Post 1774032421)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: star2000shadow
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 2
Theme: Monochromatic Ice Queen
Basic Description: T'ed off Dark Ice Queen. about to slam a horrible storm into the village that angered me.
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):
R u b y:


Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings (Post 1774032501)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: bloodtstainedwings
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 2
Theme: Monochromatic Ice Queen
Basic Description: The king
Backstory (Optional): He is the king of winter storms. Electricity is his tool, summoned by magic, he creates most deviating storms!
Other/Comments (Optional):
R u b y:


Originally Posted by Narcotic Dolly (Post 1774032928)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: Narcotic Dolly
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1 & 2
Theme: Monochromatic Ice Queen
Basic Description: they be basic bishes lol. Basic and totally the same same but different. (to be completely honest, I couldnt decide which one I wanted to enter sooo yeah lol)
@ R u b y;

Round Twenty Seven: Wings Take Flight
1/18/18 - 1/28/18


Round Twenty Seven: Wings Take Flight

The challenge is simple this week: Use any pair or pairs of wings! :D

Your theme/design can be anything you want as long as there's some wings going on.
That being said, I'll be keeping my eye out for unconventional ideas [ninja]



I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: R u b y
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Wings Take Flight
Basic Description: I'm a humanoid alpha ladybug with the power to control all other ladybugs into doing my bidding.
Backstory (optional):

Round Twenty Seven: Wings Take Flight

The winners are......

1. ghostPastry!
I love this little dragon! The use of the hawtsome items are wonderful and the doll is brilliant! Congrats! :D I loved your little flutter ghosty as well [heart]

2. BSW
Your theme was so cute and unique! I love that it's on a moon and the background is just as magical as your avatar :3

3. star2000shadow
I love the outfit you went with, simple but quite perfect for your theme. I especially love the use of the black columns with the lava and tome of nightmares castle :D

4. Narcotic Dolly
I had to add another winner just for this avatar! Overall it's a little cluttered, but the more I looked at the it the more I could appreciate how balanced everything is and that's no easy feat!
And the backstory made me giggle xD "Can you spot em? Cos she can't" [rofl]

Special Mention:

Again, the overall theme is a little muddled, but I have to give it up for the amount of creativity in this entry! I can honestly say that it's something I would NEVER come up with on my own [lol]
And the use of the bows as wings was awesome!

Thanks for entering everyone!
I honestly liked all of your entries, even Kent, Kirin and Velvet <3 It was very difficult to choose [lol]

All Entries


Originally Posted by star2000shadow (Post 1774034176)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: star2000shadow
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Wings Take Flight
Basic Description: Warrior Angel
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):
R u b y:


Originally Posted by star2000shadow (Post 1774034233)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: star2000shadow
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 2
Theme: Wings Take Flight
Basic Description: Escaped Demoness
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):
R u b y:


Originally Posted by Narcotic Dolly (Post 1774034298)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: narcotic dolly
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Wings Take Flight
Basic Description: Truth
Backstory (Optional): Truth is seen as black, white and grey. Translated, that's Lies, honesty and deceit. But the Truth of truth at its truest true, is actually golden. (re read it til you get it lol) Only you know the truth ;)
Other/Comments (Optional): Threw in a whole lot of metaphors for truth. Can you spot em? Cos she can't
@ R u b y;


Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings (Post 1774034350)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Wings Take Flight
Basic Description: a mermaid that "flies" through the ocean as she swims.
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):
R u b y:


Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings (Post 1774034433)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: bloodstainedwings
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 2
Theme: Wings Take Flight
Basic Description: i am a butterfly alien, living in my butterfly colony off one of the moons of saturn.
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):
R u b y:


Originally Posted by Velvet (Post 1774034581)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: Velvet
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Wings Take Flight
Basic Description: A Peacock Goddess
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):
R u b y:


Originally Posted by ghostPastry (Post 1774034713)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: ghostPastry
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Wings Take Flight
Basic Description: A dragon.
Backstory (Optional): This evil dragon just stole a princess and is on his way to lock her in his tower forever! ...Or at least until a brave knight comes to save her.
Other/Comments (Optional):

I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: ghostPastry
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 2
Theme: Wings Take Flight
Basic Description: A winged ghost.
Backstory (Optional): Everyone knows that any good old house is haunted, and this house is no exception. However, the ghost it's haunted by is special... while most ghosts are able to float on their own, this ghost has to rely on wings to fly about the house it haunts. And although you may never see it, on a moonless night you'll hear its wings flapping as it roams through the halls.
Other/Comments (Optional):
R u b y:


Originally Posted by Kirin Rosenbaum (Post 1774035205)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: Kirin Rosenbaum
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Wings Take Flight
Basic Description: Punk butterfly girl ready for the prom.
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional): If I come up with a background before the deadline I'll update this.
R u b y:


Originally Posted by Facade (Post 1774035437)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: Facade
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Wings Take Flight
Basic Description: I really wanted to use the Diana's Grace Bow Back poses as wings, and so here I am! Also, blood.
Backstory (Optional): Inter-dimensional, runny-nosed hired assassin with a fondness for pastels and a penchant for killing off their targets in previously-immaculate bathrooms. Clawfoot tubs and gilded fixtures sold separately.
Other/Comments (Optional):
R u b y:


Originally Posted by Kent (Post 1774035823)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: Kent
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Wings Take Flight
Basic Description: Irene the Harpy
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional): A cosplay of Hadsie’s character. > o> Wish we had orange wings.
R u b y:

Round Twenty Eight: Chime
2/2/18 - 2/9/18


Round Twenty Eight: Chime

Use as many or as few "Chime" items as you want :D Any color, any inspiration.
Entries do not have to match as much as my example [lol]

(you can search chime in the marketplace or DAC to find out what these items are :3)


I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: R u b y
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number (1 or 2): 1
Theme: Chime
Basic Description (What you are): a cute little school girl
Backstory (optional):
Round Twenty Eight: Chime

Wow so many entries this round! Thank you to all of those who took the time to make an avatar, old and new alike~ Also sorry to have taken this long to change the theme, with Mene's many site bugs, the DAC not working being one of them, I just wasn't that motivated to have a new contest up. On top of that, you guys made it really difficult to choose a winner! I liked so many of them! Even the ones I'd have no hope of ever drawing [lol]

The winners are......

1. star2000shadow
I went over the entries so many times and I could never quite shake how much I liked this one. It's simple, but I love the use of the chime shirt for this look. It reminds me of a member of the Scooby-Doo gang! and I'm a big time Scooby fan [lol]
Congrats Star!

2. Kent
Second is Kent! :D I really liked how many of the chime items you used as well as how you used them. It's not a typical outfit you would see with them and they're visible right away :3

3. Narcotic Dolly
I love this so much! It makes so feel so happy inside with all the pretty colors <3 Overall I didn't choose this one for first A) because I may be an artist but I'm not that good xD and B) it's quite cluttered and hard to make out all of the chime items specially. But good job! It's beautiful! :D

Special Mentions:

I think you ALL did wonderful <3 but here's some I really wanted to talk about


This is a cosplay of sorts but it was so cute and well done with the items we have. It was a good contender for some art, but I have a hard time with the color white x.x I have yet to figure out a good way to achieve shade/highlight for it.

Haven (Kent again)
I know Kent already has a winning avatar but I was having such a hard time choosing between these two! This is so sweet and adorable, can could you not love it? <3

Last but not least, ghost! Once again stunning us with a brilliant concept <3 Your creativity never ceases to amaze me [hug]

Congrats to the winners, and to LillieRose for getting an Admin's Pick win with this entry!

and ghostPastry! Don't think I didn't notice that gif! You know I always love a gif xD [heart]

All Entries


Originally Posted by star2000shadow (Post 1774037370)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: star2000shadow
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Chime
Basic Description: walking home at night, best grab a flashlight.
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):


Originally Posted by Kirin Rosenbaum (Post 1774037397)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: Kirin Rosenbaum
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Chime
Basic Description: A cute girl who decided to read her steamy romance story at sunset.
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):


Originally Posted by ghostPastry (Post 1774037412)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: ghostPastry
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Chime
Basic Description: The Star Catcher
Backstory (Optional): a demigod who is in charge of catching stars and turning them into dreams. he cannot be seen by human eyes.
Other/Comments (Optional): chime items used: shirt, shorts, eyes

I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: ghostPastry
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 2
Theme: Chime
Basic Description: Kitty Maid, nyaaa~
Backstory (Optional): seconds after this picture was taken, kitty maid was seen knocking the cups off the tray. [roll]
Other/Comments (Optional): chime items used: dress, shoes, socks, eyes, ears


Originally Posted by Kent (Post 1774037419)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: Kent
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Chime
Basic Description: a happy persocom? X3
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):


Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings (Post 1774037520)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Chime
Basic Description: purple chime gaisha
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):


Originally Posted by Narcotic Dolly (Post 1774038111)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: narcotic dolly
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number:
Theme: Chime
Basic Description: The secret garden
Backstory (Optional): Mistress Mary, quite contrary, out in her garden, oh.
Other/Comments (Optional): It's cluttered again, yup yup yup. That's kinda my thing though ;)


Originally Posted by TaiyoTsuki (Post 1774040048)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: TaiyoTsuki
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Chime
Basic Description: I was going for a cyber-fairy theme, but then this happened ^^
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):

I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: TaiyoTsuki
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 2
Theme: Chime
Basic Description: If you've played or watched someone play Doki Doki Literature Club, I think you'll get the reference ^^~
Backstory (Optional): Dating games are cute and fun, but what happens when one of the characters stops following her code?
Other/Comments (Optional):


Originally Posted by Haven (Post 1774055774)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back Too!
Username: Haven
Main Account: Kent
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 2
Theme: Chime
Basic Description: A simple lovely Persecom~
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):


Originally Posted by Kiari (Post 1774057681)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: Kiari
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Chime
Basic Description: Ready for a party!
Backstory (Optional):
Other/Comments (Optional):
R u b y:


Originally Posted by LillieRose (Post 1774059204)
I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: LillieRose
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number: 1
Theme: Chime
Basic Description: I was doing the space kitty theme and when I saw your contest, I figured I give the Chime items a go as well. It's an alien with Chime ears. xD
Backstory (Optional): Star Chime, soaring through the stars, in search of new worlds to discover. <(O_O)>
Other/Comments (Optional): I just really like the Space Theater. xD
R u b y:

Round Twenty Nine: Elemental
6/28/18 - tbd


Round Twenty Nine: Elemental

Elements! Choose your favorite and make a beautiful mystical avatar to match :D
Wanna get even more creative? Try combining elements :D

While I love funny avatars and out of the box ideas, I'm really looking for something whimsical and magical :D

(Art may not be the prize this time around so don't worry about clutter haha)



I'm Bringin' Sexy Back!
Username: R u b y
Entry Picture:
Your Entry Number (1 or 2): 1
Theme: Elemental
Basic Description (What you are): Goddess of the Phoenix, charged to create and take care of every phoenix <3
Backstory (optional):
All Entries

R u b y 04-05-2013 11:55 PM

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Want to be Affiliates? PM your links and I'll post them here.

R u b y 04-05-2013 11:56 PM

Ruru forgot where she made the banners/put the banners banner right now xD I'll think of something later. BUT I think this post is needed.

If you have ANY suggestions for themes, just send me a ping here and let me know what it is. I'll be adding everyones ideas. SOMETIMES the start of a new round will ALSO be the start of a round of voting for the next theme (when I'm stumped for ideas or it's not a holiday) I'll explain more later when we have enough suggestions to vote.


• Harpy
• Facial Expressions
• Monstrous Beauty
• Space
• Fairy Tale Characters


R u b y 04-05-2013 11:57 PM

We are now Open!

@My Friends;

momochan 04-06-2013 12:23 AM

/steals thread's verginity

R u b y 04-06-2013 12:24 AM

It's about time! xD Pings don't like me...

momochan 04-06-2013 12:24 AM

but I like you!
and that's all that matters :D

R u b y 04-06-2013 12:25 AM

Much better than a ping liking me xD Unless I start calling you Ping o3o

momochan 04-06-2013 12:26 AM

please don't call me ping.
I prefer momo. :D

R u b y 04-06-2013 12:27 AM

MoPing xD PingMo. MoPing sounds like moping xD

momochan 04-06-2013 12:30 AM

pingu! It's like the item! :D

furby and pingu, the best biffles!

R u b y 04-06-2013 12:30 AM

YES! o3o This is awesome xD

So are you going to enter? :3

momochan 04-06-2013 12:32 AM

i think so! I just have to come up with a good avatar. :3

R u b y 04-06-2013 12:33 AM

Whoo! o3o I'll be waiting bbycakes <3

momochan 04-06-2013 12:35 AM

I need a good crown. P: I don't think I really have any

R u b y 04-06-2013 12:38 AM

Do you have the Elven one? Or the crown veil ones?

---------- Post added 04-05-2013 at 08:38 PM ----------

You can use the DAC too, it doesn't have to be your avatar

momochan 04-06-2013 12:40 AM

I like making real avatars because you don;t have that ugly grey bar on it.
Besides, i have plenty of gold. I can buy a few things

R u b y 04-06-2013 12:40 AM

Whatever you prefer ^_^

bloodstainedwings 04-06-2013 12:52 AM

sweet a new avatar contest! so s royally sexy outfit eh? i can make that my next avatar for sure.

evilcupcakecat 04-06-2013 12:54 AM

R U B Y your avi looks like royalty, maybe YOU should enter! XD!! Anyway i'm not entering I just am posting once on here, bye!!

R u b y 04-06-2013 01:04 AM

BSW: It can be sexy or sweet :3 Doesn't really matter as long as it's Royally themed xD

evilcupcakecat: Thank you very much :3 I based the theme OFF of my avatar actually xD And I can't win my own contest xD

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