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Kadrias 11-03-2008 10:11 PM

Last Minute Art-ness!
Hi-ho, Kadrias here.. Well, I've been so busy during most of the event that I've barely been able to collect anything! OTL So this will be a last minute art shop, so I can (hopefully) nab a few items! I don't have any set prices, so offer away.. and I'll be offering pretty much everything except for fullbodies (unless you really want one, and have a nice offer xDD )
Other than that, I probably won't be able to finish these before the event ends.. unless it's just a sketch.

Next post will be orders, then last post will be pick up.

Kadrias 11-03-2008 10:14 PM

Current Orders (unlimited slots)
>> Immortaleyes -- Avi bust sketch
>> LennaHime -- Avi bust colour
>> disturbed66 -- Avi bust colour
>> FelineOrchid -- Avi bust colour

Order form:


  [color=crimson][b]OI, YOUR REAPER-NESS! [/ b]
What you want: (sketch etc.)
How you want it: (headshot, bust, etc.)
What you want it of: (don't just say 'avi' pl0x, give me a picture)
Your offer for it: (I have no set prices, so just offer away)
Other: (Anything else you need me to know about your order)[/ color]

Kadrias 11-03-2008 10:15 PM

Latest Pick-Up:

Past Orders: //


Kadrias 11-03-2008 10:16 PM

Samples: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

Looking to get: Assassin items, Tribal Items, capes. (I'll prolly go for any, just these I want the most xD ) And EIs.. OKAY I THINK I HAVE ENOUGH EI SETS NOW, LOL XD;;
Oh if you want to offer MIs those are fine too.. :drool:

Kadrias 11-03-2008 10:17 PM

Okay, open xD;; Updating the post above me..

LennaHime 11-03-2008 10:18 PM

KADRIAS! *glompattack*

Immortaleyes 11-03-2008 10:21 PM

What you want: Sketch or Lineart whichever sounds fair for what I'm paying you.
How you want it: Bust
What you want it of:
Your offer for it: I will get you a halloween background from the event items. plus a tip of gold...300-500 gold sound good?
Other: No...make it look as crazy and corpselike as you can! :)

disturbed66 11-03-2008 10:23 PM

lols a last minuet shoppie ^^
Too bad i have kinda eh ieams unless u wont that fire scarf from last months monthly itams ^^

Kadrias 11-03-2008 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by LennaHime (Post 4209221)
KADRIAS! *glompattack*

Lenna! *spinhugs* <333

@Immortaleyes; Squee! An order already~~ And sure, sounds good! XD

@distubed66; */spaz* I'd love the scarf. @w@ I never got last month's items!

LennaHime 11-03-2008 10:26 PM

Username: LennaHime
What you want: Full color
How you want it: Bust
What you want it of: But without the hairpin on Lenna? Pretty please with cherries on top? X3
Your offer for it: Event item set?
Other: ILU! X3

ZOMG Kaddy, Lenna's been good and busy with homeworks. XD

Immortaleyes 11-03-2008 10:26 PM

Yeah! *dances around gleefully* I will get the background and send the stuff in donation to you.

FelineOrchid 11-03-2008 10:26 PM

Wah!! HI Kadrias!

*hurries to see if I have anything worth value xD*

Kadrias 11-03-2008 10:28 PM

@Lenna; Okie, I can do that! XD Without the spider pin. :3 -nodnod-
Bwaaaah, same here! Except replace homework with 'schoolwork' and 'work'. XD

@Immortaleyes; Alright! >w<

@Felineorchid; Hello! XD

LennaHime 11-03-2008 10:29 PM

Awww...thats gross.

Okay, Lenna's gonna send you a trade now~

Kadrias 11-03-2008 10:31 PM

Lol indeed.. been totally occupying my time. ._.'' I'm in a drawing craze atm, though, so I'm going to try and zoom through commissions! >w<
'Kay. 8D Shall accept when I finishhhh.

FelineOrchid 11-03-2008 10:32 PM

O3o meow!!

[color=crimson][b]OI, YOUR REAPER-NESS! [/ b]
Username: Feline Orchid
What you want: Full Color
How you want it: bust
What you want it of:
Your offer for it: Like Lenna full halloween set x3
Other:thank you *drools at your artsies xD*[/ color]

LennaHime 11-03-2008 10:33 PM

Okie dokie.

Lenna was doing freebies earlier last week...but now Lenna is so overloaded with homework and studying....T_T She has a genetics and an organic chemistry test on Friday and it SUCKS. T_T

WOWIES Kaddy has popular arts...XD

disturbed66 11-03-2008 10:33 PM

[color=crimson][b]OI, YOUR REAPER-NESS! [/ b]
What you want: i like how you color ^^ so color plz ^^
How you want it: bust
What you want it of: offer for it:That fire scarf that was Oct monthly ^^
Other: Can you make it look kinda sad vampire. or sexy ^^ sexy type of look[/ color]

Immortaleyes 11-03-2008 10:36 PM

Okay...I'm going to need some help. I've never sent items to anyone before. How does one do that? Anyone care to help me figure it out?

nocturnal miyu 11-03-2008 10:37 PM

omg... what will a set of EIs be worth to kadrias? *drools over her art* <3

LennaHime 11-03-2008 10:39 PM

@Immortal- Go to trade and put Kaddy's name in the box and press "Start a New trade". Check the stuff you want to give to Kadrias and then accept the trade.

Hihi Miyu~!

Kadrias 11-03-2008 10:40 PM

@FelineOrchid; Okay! xDD

@LennaHime; Omigosh, that sucks x____x;; I hope you do well!! <33
Lol! I'm surprised I'm getting this many so fast.. @w@;;

@disturbed66; Alright, can do! ;D

@miyu; hiiii~~ <33
Umm.. I don't know! XD;;

LennaHime 11-03-2008 10:42 PM

XD Thats cause your art is made of awesome, Kaddy!!

Actually, Lenna LOVES genetics and thinks she will do good. But Organic chemistry is super duper uber gross and her teacher is like a little kid...cause Lenna wants to bully 'em. XD So evil of me, right?

Immortaleyes 11-03-2008 10:43 PM

You shouldn't be've got lovely arts. ^__^ If I had more stuff to give you...I would have asked for colored art. But lineart is good too.

disturbed66 11-03-2008 10:44 PM

Kadrias ^^
Yay thankie ^^ do you wont the itam before or after your done?

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