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Cat Eye 09-30-2013 06:56 PM

TanaChanxCat Eye
Well, I made the thread....time to make a bio in a moment

-scuttles off to google for the moment-
Name: Vincent
Age: 20?
He's a college student.

TanaChan 09-30-2013 07:54 PM

I just need to see which character I should use...I have a few

Name: Kishi
Age: unknown looks about 25
Earns money by being a night teacher at the local college

Cat Eye 10-01-2013 04:43 AM

Vincent is one of those students, they live on campus, but due to various reasons, he's rarely in his room. A big reason is his major-art. It means a lot of time in the studio drawing, painting, sometimes just sitting there and doing nothing. It just depends on what's going on. That's exactly what he's doing right now-working on a drawing for one of his classes. He, luckily, looks at his watch at this point. "Shit." It's almost time for his night in 5 minutes max. It's surprising how fast a student can pack up and move when need be. He's just hoping whoever teaches it has a slower watch than his. Then he won't be later. He moves as quickly as he can, without running, to make it to the ceramics room.

TanaChan 10-01-2013 05:18 AM

Kishi move at a normal pace towards the room, his walking stick scooting across the ground to catch any bumps in the ground and he clicked his tongue to keep his bearings.
When Vincent passed by him in a rush Kishi stopped and took a deep breath before he gave a soft groan. The person smelled like pencils and paper, and a hint of something sweeter. It had been a long time since some one had caught his blood thirst by scent alone. He ran his tongue over his elongated k-nines as he continued to move...the smell was going towards the direction he was moving in and so he followed it for now. He taught a ceramics class for those students who could not take the class during the day, and to keep an eye on those who would come in to work on their projects before the sun would come up.
He entered the class room, his ears twitching at the sounds of the wheels going, once a project was given the class pretty much ran it's self, he was really only there to help with the technical needs and to run the kiln.

Cat Eye 10-01-2013 06:19 AM

If Vincent had noticed the groan, he would have probably checked to see if the guy was okay, but he's a little bit more focused on not being late. It kind of really bothers him to be late. Once he's late, it makes it much to easy to just skip the class altogether. It's good for his GPA. He just goes to the room, looking around a bit before sighing, relieved that the teacher isn't there yet. He just finds himself a seat and gets settled in. He's not that great at this, but he does enjoy it. It's an elective for him really. He doesn't have to take it, but it's offered and it would be awesome if, in the end, he could make things out of clay and the like.

TanaChan 10-01-2013 06:37 AM

Kishi entered the room, the majority of students knew him, and knew he had no eye sight, hence the walking stick which he promptly folded to store on his desk, the clicking noise he also made ceased once he entered the room. He took another deep breath and smiled as he rolled up his sleeves and put his own clay stained apron on. He smelled Vincent, that sweet aroma that came off him making his body react like it hadn't in decades.
He had no need to speak to the class, putting his things on the teachers desk marked him for the teacher, even as he moved over to his own project in the front corner of the room. He smiled and quietly answered a students questions when they came up to him.

Cat Eye 10-01-2013 06:48 AM

Vincent doesn't know of him really, but he's okay with that. There's plenty of teachers on campus that he knows nothing about. And he won't meet most of them either. He just tilts his head a bit, watching him as he does his thing. He doesn't have an apron on, but he's okay with the mess idea. It gives his clothes character....and he's wearing some worn clothes anyway. He's going to attempt to guess and test on making his own thing here. Mainly because it doesn't look too hard. It's all about shaping it right anyway. And water. He, before he starts, pops one earbud into his ear so he can listen to music as he works. He's not trying to be rude, else he'd wear both earbuds.

(I would so totally do that in art class when it's a project to work on.)

TanaChan 10-01-2013 07:07 AM

(He's gotta be careful if he's using a moving tabl, lol)
Kishi heard the music and his head snapped up, not only had his hearing been heightened by being blind but also as a creature of the night. He could hear every note. He didn't mind if these people listened to their own music, the class was rather laid back after all.
His mind was on how was he going to attract the young man who smelled so sweet. He bit his lower lip, letting out a yelp as blood welled. He licked his lip clean and gave a soft grunt...he had not drawn his own blood in decades. Unseeing pale violet eyes moved around the room along with his head to catch any sounds before he focused on his own price.
He Was very good at making miniature replicas and sold what he made to supplement his income.

Cat Eye 10-01-2013 03:17 PM

(Gotta go slooooow...just not too slow or it will be a fail lol)

Vincent just smiles as he works on his....well, he's not sure what it is. At the moment, it kind of looks like a blob, but hopefully it'll look like something later. He looks up when he hears some king of noise out of his other ear, looking around a bit before going back to his now even blobier looking blob. He just frowns for a moment before starting back up on the blob. He's back to smiling pretty quickly, mainly because...what other class, essentially, lets you play with mud?

TanaChan 10-01-2013 04:29 PM

Kishi finished his current piece, and moved it to the group of pieces ready for the kiln. He then picked JP another lump of clay and started to knead it to get the air bubbles out.
He jumped when there was a loud crack of thunder before the rain came down. A torrential down pour that wouldn't let up anytime soon. It had smelled like rain for weeks it just had not fallen.
Kishi gave a smile at the sounds of the storm, he found them comphorting as the rain was dumped from the sky.

Cat Eye 10-01-2013 05:00 PM

Vincent kind of jumps at the crack. "Thor is here." He kind of says to himself snorting a bit. Yeah, he likes Thor and the Avengers movies. After awhile of trying to shape the clay, he gives up because it just isn't working for him. At least not what he's trying to make. So he goes to try and make the blob look vaguely like some kind of animal. He'll figure it out as he goes...which is about what he does with any art project now.

(We blame Thor for droughts and storms :D And in college, I would just wait until inspiration hit for whatever Note: not an art student lol )

TanaChan 10-01-2013 05:17 PM

Kishi smiled lightly, "I like the is rather soothing I think." He said softly, giving a chuckle as he worked the air bubbles out of the clay. Long deft fingers working the material.
Many of the students started to leave, not wanting to be stuck if it started to flood like it did when it rained like this for awhile. Kishi had no where else to be for now, and so long as it continued to rain and kept the sun at bay he would fine...besides, he had a few more hours before he would need to leave, and so long as a student was in the room he too was required to be there.

Cat Eye 10-01-2013 05:30 PM

Vincent just stares out the window a bit. He does debate on leaving, but his art supplies would get soaked, including his work for the other class. He would get soaked while walking back. He doesn't want to do that either. "I like it except the fact I'm carrying stuff it will damage." It's not like he can't change into dry clothes, but his work? It will be ruined by the water.

(Blah brain go blah)

TanaChan 10-01-2013 07:01 PM

"Kishi nodded lightly. "Certain things getting wet is not a good thing...but you are welcome to stay here until I leave."
Kishi also did not have an umbrella and the water would mess up his ability to get home with his echo location. "I my self will have to stay here for a bit as well."
It was not long before they were the only two left in the room. Kishi hummed softly, he hoped he would be able to get home once he did leave...he was not allowed in the sun after all.

Cat Eye 10-01-2013 07:09 PM

Vincent nods a bit, even if he can't see it. It's an automatic thing for him. "Yeah, I've had my laptop get wet before, but it survived that one." Though he isn't sure how to tell the truth. "Thank you." He says simply. Part of him, in the back of his mind, is wondering why the other, if blind, doesn't have a seeing eye dog or something. He'd want one just so he wouldn't feel so alone. But that question isn't important so he doesn't worry about it too much.

He feels awkward for some reason, being the only one left and all.

(FEEL THE AWKWARD! You wanna know what's funny? It is/was raining here lol)

TanaChan 10-01-2013 08:23 PM

Kishi smiled lightly as he breathed in deeply, the other smelled so nice it actually made his stomach grumble. He should have eaten before coming to work...there was even a club near by that tailored to his specific needs, but it was to late for the worst if he couldn't get home he could stay at the club.
He licked his lips as his gut made the noise again, he rubbed at the side of his neck with the tattoo, smearing clay across his pale skin as he ignored the sounds his stomach made.

Cat Eye 10-01-2013 08:27 PM

Vincent is somewhat immature. All adults are-one must just find what makes them immature. He can't help it, one of the times, he hears the grumbling...and can't help but giggle/snicker a bit. His stomach has done the same thing. Especially during some long classes. "You do know. you could get a snack. I can't destroy this place that quickly." Not that he would want to, he likes this building in general.

TanaChan 10-01-2013 08:38 PM

"Ah...if only I could...I can't eat anything in The vending machines." Kishi said softly and smiled at Vincent, his elongated k-nines showing before the smile was lost at another grumble. Kishi put his clay away and washed his hands slowly, he needed to get away from Vincent before he bit the boy...that would not go over very well he was sure.

Cat Eye 10-01-2013 08:47 PM

"Ah...why not?" Vincent has to ask. He's curious. Is he allergic to something? Or has a sensitive stomach? Or does prepackage stuff just have too much salt? He gets up, just kind of sensing that the teacher might just want to leave, maybe. Just a little. So he just gets his stuff together-that blob will still be a blob next time so it's all good.

TanaChan 10-01-2013 09:03 PM

Kishi finished washing his hands and dried them off. "Because food does not sustain me, I am not one of those people who thinks they need blood...I am a creature of the night and do need it to sustain my own. That is why I can not eat anything in the vending machines. Nor can I eat anything in the school." Kishi figured it was best to just tell the truth instead of trying to doge the question. His dances perked as listened for Vincent's reaction...such news was not met well most of the time.

Cat Eye 10-01-2013 09:13 PM

"Uh-huh." Vincent's reaction isn't as negative as it could be...he is questioning Kishi's sanity a bit maybe, but other than that? It isn't a negative reaction. He's heard some weird stuff from people before. "Okay then. Well, I'm going to head home now." Hopefully before an awkward silence sets in for too long. Part of him is horrible and is thinking that at least Kishi doesn't think he's a Twilight vampire.

TanaChan 10-01-2013 09:40 PM

"Have a nice night then, shall I see you tomorrow during class?" He asked as he gathered his own things. The rain still had not let up as they left the room. Looked like he was going to the club down the street.
Said club catered to all kinds of needs, not just blood drinkers, but more human needs as well, even the more carnal needs. And everything in between.
Kishi handed over a large trash bag, " keep your important things dry." He said before locking the door. He clicked his tongue, using the sounds to find his way.

Cat Eye 10-01-2013 09:47 PM

"Well, it's not like I'm going to skip class." Vincent says, shrugging a bit. He knows people that will skip to go and get other homework done, but then they're behind in other classes and all. He takes the trash bag, staring at it a bit. "Ah...thank you." He smiles a bit before shoving his stuff into the trash bag before heading off.

(Is it bad that part of me wants his friends/classmates/whatever to drag him to the club?)

TanaChan 10-01-2013 11:53 PM

(Nope, they can even sneak into be back room Kishi would be in XD)
Kishi made his way to the club, using memory instead of his echo location, it was useless in the rain anyways. By the time he got there he was soaked, silver hair plastered to his face and neck. He was ushered in quickly to a back room to get cleaned up and his clothes dried. In the shower all he could think of was Vincent...not that he knew the kids name, he hasn't even asked the boy his name, but he smelled so sweet...
Kishi finished up and by the time he was done so were his clothes. He dried and dressed and slowly made his way to the back and to the first empty booth. He was soon served, a young man climbing into his lap slowly. This one did not smell like Vincent, but he would do. He kissed the others neck before he bit, sharp teeth easily piercing the flesh.

Cat Eye 10-02-2013 12:08 AM

(-vincent walks into club- -kishi smells vincent- -things become creepy very quickly- Ah...a good love story in the making XD And Kishi may not be able to see but they're not dragging him for Kishi in particular. And I base my characters, somewhat off of me :D I'm a stay home person XD)

Once Vincent gets back to his place, he finds people in it and he knows things are going bad from there. They, somehow, after a lot of arguing and them getting mad at his selection of clothing in his closet, get him better dressed at least. Then they drag him to the club saying something about him needing socialization or something of the like. He's just hoping that he can hide in a corner, have a drink, and eventually sneak out. He isn't a club person. He's more of a stay home person.

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