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Freebie Fairy 11-07-2009 04:28 AM

Fairy Guts || Free Art and Gab!
:boogie: Hey! I feel like drawing art tonight because I have to get up early tomorrow morning... funny how that works? ^_^;;

Anyways, start chatting and I'll start making artwork for you folks. Rawr.

** I owe Lunanoura and Briannamal artwork. Don't let me forget.

Interesting topic to start us out: Do Balrogs have wings? (you don't have to know what they are to answer.)

Alexial_Rose 11-07-2009 04:32 AM

Hmm I don't know what a Balrog is, but it sounds like they might not have wings o.o

Freebie Fairy 11-07-2009 04:33 AM

The name doesn't sound bird-like at all, does it? xD
... not that they are bird-like... *makes art*

Mayc 11-07-2009 04:33 AM


Alexial_Rose 11-07-2009 04:34 AM

You're right it doesn't really sound bird-like. The name made me think that it might be some sort of mythical creature :3

Silver Crusnik 11-07-2009 04:34 AM

I thought it did have wings, but I haven't seen the movie I might be wrong. ._.

To anyone who's curious, a Balrog's off Lord of the Rings...unless there's some other Balrog I'm not aware of. XD

Alexial_Rose 11-07-2009 04:35 AM

What movie is it from? =o? It sounds like LOTR not sure XD

=X Oh you said LOTR just as I posted XD
In that case.. I don't think it had any wings o_O;;

Silver Crusnik 11-07-2009 04:37 AM

Yeah, now that you say it...the Balrog did fall FOREVER with Gandalf...XD

Freebie Fairy 11-07-2009 04:37 AM

They're actually described in the back of the Return of the King... I forget which index. : P

("Do Balrogs have wings" is a classic troll question in Lord of the Rings forums. I figured I'd be silly and drop it here... though I'm not giving up the answer just yet!!)

Hi Mayc and Silver! How are you?

Silver Crusnik 11-07-2009 04:38 AM

I never got to read the books. =w= Gawww...I've just seen the movies.

Alexial_Rose 11-07-2009 04:39 AM

I may have to cheat and call my LOTR expert of a friend xD
She's read all the books and seen the movies more times than I can count :3

@silver: I read part of the second book but I never got to finishing it before the movie came out XP

Freebie Fairy 11-07-2009 04:42 AM

I went off the deep end and read all of the books after I saw the first movie. Now I can't stand the movies... but I understand why. : P

Alexial_Rose 11-07-2009 04:44 AM

Books always tend to be better than the movies :3 In some cases (harry potter) i can't seem to get into the books well enough to finish the first few chapters and have to say the movies are better D:

Freebie Fairy 11-07-2009 04:55 AM

I know that feeling. It helps to read with someone, or have someone urging you to finish a book.

Borrowing books from friends is a handy trick, just don't lose them! ; )

*works on Silver's art since Mayc didn't stick around*

Alexial_Rose 11-07-2009 04:59 AM

My ex bought me Harry Potter and I picked up the 5th one 4 times and I just couldn't get into it x.x I've borrowed a few books and I usually get those back to my friends. I just finished the 2nd twilight book. It wasn't to bad, I kind of liked it and now she is going to let me borrow the 3rd. The first book I really ever borrowed from a friend was "Wizards First Rule" by Terry Goodkind and it got me hooked. Now I own all the books and I've read them all two or three times.. I'm working on reading through them (with other books in between :P ) and I'm half way through the series again lol :D

Freebie Fairy 11-07-2009 05:02 AM

:boogie: I love finding a good series!

...then again lately I've been all about the non-fiction books. Wacky, weird, wild, random, ridiculous books of all non-fiction subjects! From Cholera to Ultima Thule and beyond. : P

Alexial_Rose 11-07-2009 05:04 AM

=D Ah yay I got arts. Woo <3 Thanks ^.^b

I need to get into a new series before i keep on reading this one. Most of the series I read are fantasy type novels. I should try to read other genres but this one is my favorite.

Freebie Fairy 11-07-2009 05:14 AM

Hey if you like it you should definitely keep it. Tolkien is kind of thick to read because it's all epic-y. If you like epics it's AMAZING (and I love me some epics, mm-mmm!), otherwise I can see people preferring to avoid the mess all together.

Finding good Non-Fiction authors isn't as hard as finding good fiction authors, I'd say... just breeze through a few pages before you buy it to make sure it doesn't sound like a text book (unless that's what you're into...)


Alexial_Rose 11-07-2009 05:18 AM

Aw I like the ears! :D You have an awesome talent for drawing :3

I usually read a few pages before I buy any book. But sometimes a few pages isn't enough =X I've bought books that started out really good but found out they were in the middle of a series so they got confusing or a little more into the book it just started to suck. I should probably make better use of the library. Because it's free :P

Freebie Fairy 11-07-2009 05:21 AM

Aw, thank you! I'm working at getting faster. : P

Ew. Books so shouldn't do that! There should be laws... : (
I wish I read more fiction... past Classical myths, but my classes don't really allow for that anymore. Bummer.

Alexial_Rose 11-07-2009 05:25 AM

I usually only read during my lunch break at work lol. I usually am studying otherwise. I bring my book where ever I go just in case I find a bit of time to read here or there.

Freebie Fairy 11-07-2009 05:30 AM

Hmm... I should start carrying a purse around to stash books in. : P
Handy trick, that! Whahaha!

Alexial_Rose 11-07-2009 05:32 AM

I used to carry a messenger bag just so I could carry one of my books. it was really big 800 page hard cover book =X now I carry around a little DS purse xD and i tried to get the paper backs. So much smaller :P

Freebie Fairy 11-07-2009 05:35 AM

Heh... The last bag I carried around was a canvas thing which could just barely fit a notebook in it sideways along with pencils and what have you. I guess I should find that one- it wasn't too girly or sporty or whatever. Just a canvas purse.

I guess I'm done making freebies since no one new is coming in! xD

Alexial_Rose 11-07-2009 05:39 AM

Well everybody will be missing out on your nice art :3

I should pick up drawing again. I used to draw a lot but then I got to critical of my drawing and stopped. I wasn't bad... Just not good enough lol >.<;

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