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Risque 01-20-2019 09:13 PM

Accountability Partners! Come get motivated and rewarded!
What is this thread about? This will be a space where we share our current goals and help each other fulfill those goals by providing support and feedback!

Reddit link providing a quick summary of how Accountability Partners work

How can I participate? There are two primary ways to contribute. You can either share your progress (or not, we don't judge!) or leave some encouragement and advice for others who do share.

What do I hope to get out of this thread? Personally, I hope that this thread can encourage us to focus on self-improvement, which would also give us something positive to share with the Mene community, thus creating a positive feedback loop.

Risque 01-20-2019 09:16 PM

[heart] Current contributors and participants [heart]

Risque: My current goal is to finish learning html/css/javascript, which I can then use to build a static portfolio page! After that I want to build sites using other javascript frameworks such as node.js, react, etc.

If I am on track, I will have my first website up by the end of this month!

Ava: No midnight snacks for a month! She's killing it so far, and has even bigger goals for next month- she's gonna avoid processed foods!

Ruby: Playing catch-up on her art and adopts!

Risque 01-20-2019 09:17 PM

[yumeh1] Contests and Prizes [yumeh1] ** currently on hold **

To celebrate Mene's anniversary, the user who posts the most (sitewide) will receive a Yumeh Plush. Just leave a post in the thread to enter and I will personally verify your starting post count.

Contest period: January 20th 2019 - February 1st 2019 PST

Terms & Conditions: Don't spam, and don't make all your posts in the Word Games forum. Posting "hello" without responding to people who reply can also count as spam!

First place: Yumeh Plush
2 runner-ups: 1000g each


Avatar Contest
Let's see your most festive Menewsha-versary costume! You can submit almost anything you like but make sure it's a celebration of the site! Ideally, the entries will make usage of Mene-themed items, anniversary cakes, or yellow/blue color schemes but it doesn't matter as long as the avatar embodies the spirit of the site and what it means to YOU.

Contest period: January 20th 2019 - February 1st 2019 PST

Terms & Conditions: Each user can enter as many avatars of their choosing but only 1 can win.

First place: [gold] 3000g [gold]
2 Runner-ups: 1000g each


Risque 01-20-2019 09:23 PM

And we're open!

Stop and say hello while I finish setting up. :) There will be post prizes.

TaiyoTsuki 01-22-2019 07:15 AM

*pounces on the hangout* Hullo there!

Kory 01-22-2019 08:57 PM

Hi there! :D
I think I have enough accountability people in my life...

But I guess the more I think about it... You can never have "too many" support people! :D

I'm currently working on a short term goal of "No midnight snacks for one month"!
I have some other goals too.. More long term, though. Such as, "Lose 10lbs"

How have you been doing with your goals, Risque?

Risque 01-23-2019 12:41 AM

@ Taiyotsuki: heya! Should I call you Taiyo or Tsuki, which do you prefer? Also, what’s up? :D

@ Ava: Lol, I’m not sure if I have accountability people, I have friends that I complain and bitch about my life to but it’s not as motivating as a pure accountability partner. [sweat] I agree though, you can never have too large of a support network :)

When did you start your short term goal? It sounds very daunting since lots of people fall into the trap of boredom snacking (myself included)

---------- Post added 01-22-2019 at 04:43 PM ----------

I’ve been doing alright so far. Spending at least an hour a day studio syntax and making little tweaks to what will ultimately be my portfolio webpage. Got sidetracked the last two days since I was helping my roommate tidy up the place. Tonight will be better though :D

TaiyoTsuki 01-23-2019 07:22 AM

I don't much care which one, Risque; I'll know you're talking to me either way [lol]. So either's fine ^^

Kory 01-23-2019 08:43 PM

I started my short term goal back in the beginning of January. :O
So it's almost over, but I do intend to not go back into midnight snacking. :P

I am thinking of a new short term goal that I will attempt to reach in February. I think maybe eating more fruit/veggies and less cooked/processed food. Ideally, I'd like to eat a mostly plant-based diet. I've done it before and I've felt amazing, but every time I've done it, it's only been for about a month or two before I get the craving for cheese or milk or something. :(
I'm vegetarian, so meat isn't an issue for me.

Oh! That's good that you've been doing well. :D It's definitely okay to slack a little, especially since you were helping your roommate.
Truth be told, I found a loophole for my "no midnight snack" goal. xD I would get up late at night and be hungry, so I'd drink some juice. I only did that a couple of times, though... But now I know I need to stop drinking juice at night too.

Risque 01-24-2019 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by TaiyoTsuki (Post 1774109761)
I don't much care which one, Risque; I'll know you're talking to me either way [lol]. So either's fine ^^

I'm going to quote you and call you Bob accidentally. [rofl]

@ Ava: Juice leans a little bit on the processed side, so I can see why you'd want to stop that as well lol. I've tried to avoid juice and soda but since the beginning of last year I've been really bad about it. Come to think of it, I feel horrid after eating a lot of processed sugar. But snacking on non-processed foods is so boring.. D:

How do you feel about soy/almond/milk-substitute?

---------- Post added 01-23-2019 at 09:20 PM ----------

I'll be back tomorrow evening. Have a final tomorrow I gotta study for. :D

EDIT: 1 hour in and I'm getting sleepy u_u

TaiyoTsuki 01-24-2019 07:34 AM

>_> I would never be able to go completely vegan...I like cheese and seafood too much...

Risque 01-24-2019 07:47 AM

Same. [sweat] At most I think I could be a pescatarian.

---------- Post added 01-24-2019 at 12:45 AM ----------

Taiyo you're looking like you're going to steal all my dubloons. [sweat]

TaiyoTsuki 01-24-2019 09:09 AM

X'D Then I'm doing something right! I just need to figure out how to work in one of my Yumeh items....*eyes the plush floating in space on Risque's avatar*

Risque 01-24-2019 09:27 AM

Maybe you need a Yumeh on your head! *_*

---------- Post added 01-24-2019 at 01:29 AM ----------

It doesn't match your current avatar, but I just remembered the 2008 hoodie exists!! I had completely forgotten about it until just now. o:

I think I'll hand those out as consolation prizes.

TaiyoTsuki 01-26-2019 07:32 AM

I've also got a Yumeh hat X'D. It also wouldn't fit, sadly. But at least I have the items for a Mene avatar ^^

Risque 01-27-2019 02:45 AM

Well it looks great. :3 I didn't put an entry form up but you can just go ahead and direct link me to whatever you're comfortable entering.

The contest isn't gaining any attention so it will be suuuper easy to judge. [rofl]

TaiyoTsuki 01-27-2019 07:56 AM

I'd say do an event hangout, buuut there's not gonna be any events until Valentines' sooooo

Kory 01-27-2019 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Risque (Post 1774109815)
@ Ava: Juice leans a little bit on the processed side, so I can see why you'd want to stop that as well lol. I've tried to avoid juice and soda but since the beginning of last year I've been really bad about it. Come to think of it, I feel horrid after eating a lot of processed sugar. But snacking on non-processed foods is so boring.. D:

How do you feel about soy/almond/milk-substitute?

I usually make my own juice, or drink a cold-pressed juice. But the only issue with the cold-pressed juice is that (I think?) they pasteurize it, so it's not as healthy as a fresh juice. :(

I don't mind non-processed foods. :D

Personally, I *like* soy milk. It's not as healthy as some other milk substitutes though. But that's only if you drink soy milk in excess. I am not a fan of plain soy milk, if I drink soy milk I like vanilla or chocolate. But then there's the problem of added sugar. :( In my smoothies and cereal, I use almond milk. Unsweetened and unflavored and it's perfect! I also use unsweetened and unflavored coconut milk in smoothies. :) It's tasty! I would definitely recommend almond milk for cereal. I also use almond milk in vegan recipes like... Vegan "Mac and cheese". Some people say that almond milk is good in tea. I don't agree with this. I think oat milk is the best in tea because it's kind of sweet like cow milk, but not as thin and watery as almond milk.

If the packaged kinds have too much sugar, or chemicals, you can always make your own almond milk. :D I used to do that before we moved. It's way more delicious than any box of milk.

R u b y 01-28-2019 01:51 AM

Oh man I wish I had seen the post contest sooner [gonk]

Risque 01-28-2019 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by TaiyoTsuki (Post 1774110105)
I'd say do an event hangout, buuut there's not gonna be any events until Valentines' sooooo

Yeah true true. I just thought I would take a stab at motivating people to post outside of events. [XD] Time goes by sooo fast though, we're closer now to Valentines Day even though it feels like New Years just happened. Just a few more weeks of slow forum activity..

I thought about something like a sticker book. Like if people post in X number of forums each day/week then they can get some cool items. But my pockets are not deep enough to sustain that for a long period of time. lol


Originally Posted by Ava The Vampire (Post 1774110133)
I usually make my own juice, or drink a cold-pressed juice. But the only issue with the cold-pressed juice is that (I think?) they pasteurize it, so it's not as healthy as a fresh juice. :(

I don't mind non-processed foods. :D

Personally, I *like* soy milk. It's not as healthy as some other milk substitutes though. But that's only if you drink soy milk in excess. I am not a fan of plain soy milk, if I drink soy milk I like vanilla or chocolate. But then there's the problem of added sugar. :( In my smoothies and cereal, I use almond milk. Unsweetened and unflavored and it's perfect! I also use unsweetened and unflavored coconut milk in smoothies. :) It's tasty! I would definitely recommend almond milk for cereal. I also use almond milk in vegan recipes like... Vegan "Mac and cheese". Some people say that almond milk is good in tea. I don't agree with this. I think oat milk is the best in tea because it's kind of sweet like cow milk, but not as thin and watery as almond milk.

If the packaged kinds have too much sugar, or chemicals, you can always make your own almond milk. :D I used to do that before we moved. It's way more delicious than any box of milk.

The tricky thing with juice is that you also want to retain most of the pulp since you want a good ratio of fiber to sugar, I think. Lots of store-bought juices (even the pulpy ones) just don't do it for me.

I'm so glad alternative milks are getting so popular. There are so many different uses for them. I totally agree with you in that soy milk just isn't that great for cereal while almond pairs amazingly well. I'm still used to coconut milk for cooking but that's just my exposure from eating at Thai Restaurants. [lol]

Hmm... milk in tea. I LOVE milk tea but I think most of the boba places use a powdered non-dairy creamer for their milk teas. There's no real store-bought equivalent of that. Any clues?

Will definitely look out for some oat milk though.


Originally Posted by R u b y (Post 1774110148)
Oh man I wish I had seen the post contest sooner [gonk]

It's okay. I think I might have to cancel it anyways. [sweat]

R u b y 01-28-2019 02:32 AM

Not enough people posting? haha

Risque 01-28-2019 04:08 AM

Yeah. Precisely. [rofl] No biggie though, at least this is another thread where people can chat. I like having a little space for people to share some positive stuffs too.

I wish I had a good update this week though. Barely did any studying after I showed you the cat website stuff cuz I got into a huge argument with my roommate. Then I just turtled in the bed and watched a Resident Evil 2 playthru. [zzz]

R u b y 01-28-2019 05:40 AM

Ooh can I share one? [eager] I'm slowly working on getting all the art done that I owe from previous events [eager]

TaiyoTsuki 01-28-2019 07:58 AM

And yeee we've attracted another chatter X'D

Risque 01-28-2019 08:27 AM

Yeee bois we did it!!
(To be fair, Ruby did this to herself by offering up so many goodies during events xD)

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