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Alex_Silvermane 07-04-2011 07:36 PM

Chaos Among War (Silver and Palmoun)
Designation: Republic Commando Alpha zero one one nine. {RC0119}

Preferred "name": Gavin

Rank: Lieutenant


Palmoun 07-04-2011 09:47 PM

Race: Epicanthix

Name: Neka Aderat

Rank: Jedi Master


Alex_Silvermane 07-04-2011 09:59 PM

Blasters were going off all around Gavin, but he wasn't worried. He and his three brother had been doing this all their life, literally. He was manning the E-web when they got a call over the radio. They had to get to the drop zone, and their job was to aid and assist a Jedi master. Named Neka. They packed up their position, and moved out. Fifteen minutes later, they were at the drop zone waiting for the Jedi to show.

((Congratz on the obscure race."

Palmoun 07-04-2011 10:13 PM

((thank you, I looked hard for it. The race isn't special, just looks human but stronger, faster and live longer then humans))

Neka sighed as she walked and didn't feel like being in a hurry. Sure her people were warriors but she was different, it showed since she was the first one ot become a jedi. She liked being the only one of her race to become one, one of hte best perks were that she got to fight alot. Sure jedi were suppose to be peace loving and she was but she loved to fight. As she got to the location she saw the men waiting and groaned slightly. They all looked to be stuck up slightly. "hey, you the ground I am suppose to be with?" she said as she looked at them.

Alex_Silvermane 07-04-2011 10:26 PM

"Yes ma'am." Gavin said clearly over the standard comm. Over the private comm, however, speculations were abounding. The squad sniper, Click, said, "I don't know about this one. She doesn't seem that much older than a padawan. Can we really trust her?" "Well, the way i see it, we have two options. Put up with the granny, or kill her, and frankly from what I've read about those Epi's, i don't want to risk it." That was scorch, the squads demolitions expert, and smart-ass. "Epi? you mean that she's an epicanthix? They're supposed to be like humans but better at fighting." that was Fixer. He was their hacker. Gavin ignored the group and informed the general with their mission. they were to assist and support her. The five of them were to tackle a heavily guarded fortress. The catch was, they wouldn't have any external support. "is there any more information that i need general?"

Palmoun 07-04-2011 10:38 PM

Beja smirked when she heard them and should of guessed that they would think that. In truth she only looked to be as old as a paddawa. But she was way older, infact she was probably older then any of them here. Once she heard everything she nodded and looked at everyone in the eyes. "before we go in I want one thing straigr. Don't get in my way. I am a warrior and farteaiger then any of you here. Now let's move." she said and started to head out. In truth she acted tough most of the time by sayin not to get in the way but she did that so that most of them stayed alive. She could take damage easier and was stronger then they were.

((if you want to read about the race here is somehing that might help, I just found it. - The Ultimate D6 Star Wars RPG Database))

Alex_Silvermane 07-04-2011 10:55 PM

((Sorry, its a little thing but it bothers me. Your char can't hear the private comm. It's a comm setting only on the squad's comms programmed by the squad. She can hear everything on the normal comm, but she can't hear their private comm until they hook her up. Don't edit your post, but just keep that in mind.))

"Yes ma'am" they said in unison. They promptly ignored her comment about getting in the way. Her species may be a warrior one, but they still had far more combat experience than her, seeing as they were given live blasters at the age of 5, and were shot at with live ammunition. They took a formation around her, and began to long march to the base. They quickly brought the Jedi up to speed on their various skills. Gavin signaled them all to stop, climbed the top of a nearby hill, and beckoned the Jedi to follow him.

Palmoun 07-05-2011 03:55 AM

((okay I will))

Neka sighed when they surrounded her and remember the first time this had happened to her. Warrior instincts had kicked in and she had kicked all of there butts before they knew what was going on. Now she could control the urge but she still didn't like them around her. But she let them and conitnued to walk. She listened to them as they told her there skills and made sure to remember them for later. When they stopped she watched the one guy go and decided to pull out her one weapon. Soon a staff was in her hands and she stood ready. She didn't like using her light saber unless she had to, in her eyes it was what she would use to kill others with and only that reason.When she saw the guy signal for her to come she moved. in a fourth of the time it had taken him to get where he was she was next to him. "what is it?" she asked.

Alex_Silvermane 07-05-2011 04:01 AM

"We've got movement up ahead. Scorch says he'd picking up landmine signals, and there's at least two snipers up there. Good new is, they aren't paying much attention, and haven't noticed us yet. Bad news, is, This is they back door. Meaning that the other approaches are even more heavily guarded. If you gave us a minute, we could take them out- silently. That's the important part. I have no doubt you could do it by yourself, but can you do it before even one of them so much as breath into their comm? Think carefully, because your decision affects all of us." He was watching her intently. He didn't dislike her, but he wouldn't risk his brothers for somebody's pride.

Palmoun 07-05-2011 04:14 AM

Neka nodded as she heard him and quickly her brain went ointo warrior mode. She knew all to well that this affected them all, she was already stained with blood of many of her own kind and theres. But she wasn't a stupid kid anymore, she was a warrior and a Jedi. She hadn't been a kid for a long time. She then looked at him dead in the eye, "give me five minutes and you can have your way threw with no problem." she said as she gripped her staff. "I will give you a signal to come when the coast is clear." she said as she looked at him. She then peeked over the hill and right away she coudl see one snipper hidden behind a rock while the other was a little to the right laying on the ground. The landmines were probably in the ground between the two so she would have to move quickly. But she coudl do this, it was very simillar to the training she ahd receved back on her home planet.

Alex_Silvermane 07-05-2011 04:17 AM

Gavin nodded. He said, we can jam their comms, but only for about five minutes at the most. You'll have to eliminate them in that time frame. Let us know when you're ready." He fell back, and let the rest of the squad know what was going on. Fixer indicated that he was ready, Click got into a good position to keep the other two snipers suppressed, Scorch was ready to go take out the landmines. They were all ready. Gavin indicated that they were good to go, and got ready to cover Scorch.

Palmoun 07-05-2011 04:27 AM

Neka watched them all get ready to fight and smirked as she took a look around. She owuld have to move fast and it was a good thing that she could. She then got into her position and looked back at the others. She smiled when she saw that Gavin and the others were ready and nodded. But when she looked aorund she smiled again, it looked like luck was in her favor. Before she gave them the signal to begin she looked at the sun and saw it was almost in prime blinding shot for the enemy snippers. SO she just waited a few seconds and once it was ready she gave the signal before sprinting into action.

Alex_Silvermane 07-05-2011 04:34 AM

"go, go go!" Gavin shouted into the mike. Click started to shoot at the snipers. he killed the one that the Jedi wasn't aiming for. Scorch was flat on his belly disarming the mines as fast as he found them, and Fixer was jamming the comm.s A bunch of standard infantry started to charge, but Gavin's E-Webb, (think laser machinegun that takes on tanks and such) made quick work of them. the Jedi was a terror though, ripping through the enemy as if they weren't there. And suddenly, it was over. Silence.

Palmoun 07-05-2011 03:24 PM

Neka was surprised when the clones actually did a good job. Usually shegot stuck with some guys who didn't work as well as they should. But they were good whih she was happy about. So she quickly headed into the Infaltry to take them all out. Soon it was done and she looked back at the clones. "come on we need to get going. They k ow we are here so we need to get in now." she said as she strapped her staff to her back. She needed to wait for them if she was to head inside, she had to show them that she could work somewhat well with others. But in thr back of her mind she couldn't help but want to just head in and do his all by herself and kill everyone. It was the dark thoughts but she quickly shoved it aside.

Alex_Silvermane 07-05-2011 04:12 PM

Gavin nodded, and signaled the group to form up. When they reached the door, Scorch said, "General, with all due respect, you want this the fast way, or the stealthy way. The fast way, is i set charges on the door, and blow it in. the stealthy way, "He jerked his thumb over his shoulder at fixer, "he hacks the door open."

Palmoun 07-05-2011 07:27 PM

Neka smiled once they all got to her and he door. She looked at it and when she heard Gavin she nodded, "do it the stealthy way, it is better to not let anyone know we are here." she said as she looked at them. She then wondered what waited behind the door and grabbed her staff beforeplaying a hand on the hilt of her light saber. She hardly ever used her slight saber but no one had survved going against it yet.

Alex_Silvermane 07-05-2011 07:39 PM

Fixer went up to the keypad right next to the door, and began to to hack in. While he was doing that, Click aimed at the door, and Gavin and Scorch took either side, and got ready to run in. Fixer gave the thumbs up, and the door opened. They ran in quickly, and secured the room. It was empty, but there were two doors. After a moment of debate, Gavin walked up to the Jedi with their plan. Scorch, Fixer and Click would go through one door, and he and the Jedi would go through the other. "What do you think?" he asked.

Palmoun 07-06-2011 01:17 AM

Neka listened to Gavin and then closed her eyes for a second. She used the force and smiled when she found out that the hall way they picked for her and Gavin was the one with the more enemys. Once she opened her eyes she nodded at gavin. "I like that plan. We go with it right away." she said as she looked at him. She hoped that Gavin didn't Mind taking the harder road. She just didn't want the others to get hurt.

Alex_Silvermane 07-06-2011 01:56 AM

Gavin stopped Neka before they opened the door. He placed a small charge on it, then signaled her to back up. He gave the okay symbol to Scorch, and got on in return. At the same time, both doors blew in, and a pair of grenades followed. before his had detonated, Gavin was running, firing down the hallway they'd found. there was only a few bodies, but better safe than sorry. He hadn't payed much attention to the Jedi, so he turned to look, and saw that she was right behind him. "I have a request i want to make. When we first enter a room, I need you to stay behind me, so I can be an effective shield. If I die, its no big loss. There are literally thousands of me, and I'll be replaced within three years. However, there's only one of you. Be careful."

Palmoun 07-06-2011 02:20 AM

Neka smiled when they new the doors and headed inside. She stayed close to Gavin and used the force to make sure that no shot from any of the others hit him. She wanted to make sure that he never got hit by any of thr attacks bur when she heard his request part of her wanted to just kill him there since he was going to die anyways. But she gripped her staff and made herself nod, "fine." she growled and knew that even though she said she would use him as a sheilded she wouldn't. She would toss him to the side and go in by herself or, her darkside thought, kill him now and go in. She was going to toss him to the side and be good, she wouldn't let her dark wants come out.

Alex_Silvermane 07-06-2011 02:31 AM

Gavin nodded and said, "Just so we're clear." He opened the next door with ease, and was worried by the fact that they were in an empty room. He hacked into a nearby terminal, and got a map of the complex, which he downloaded, and sent to the team's helmets. He set the E-Webb down, and got out his rifle. It had a mid powered scope, and was single shot. as he opened the next door, Scorch contacted them, "If you can spare some time from your coffee break, we could use some help here lead." "Roger, We'll see what we can do." He went back to the previous room, and grabbed a rifle. He tossed it to Neka saying, "Hope you can use this." The next door lead to a walkway above the room scorch and the others were in. The enemy had created a position that was almost impossible to assault from the front, but was mostly open towards the top. "Light 'em up." Gavin said, and he began to fire on them.

Palmoun 07-06-2011 04:21 AM

Neka followed him in and was surprised when the room was empty. Usually her force was never wrong when it came to knowing where everyone is in a place. So something was up and when she heard that the others were beig hit hard she knew what was up. They had made her thought they were here so that they could focuse on the others. She cursed softly and then glared at the rifle that Gavin gave her, "I dont need this." she said as she went with him to the previous room. When she saw how bad things were she was going to say something but shook her head as she watched them just fire on each other. She then felt something and knew right away they were in troulbe. "get down now!!!" she said and used the force on her comrads as some gunfire came from behind them. "now stay down." she growled and moved. Quickly she took out the men that had come from behind and once they were done with use a force jump to get to the ones taht had nearly caught them. For the first time threw this whole things she pulled her light saber out and it glowed a pale blue. Quickly she cut them all down and no one from the enemys side was left. She then looked over at the clones, "come on, we need to keep moving or else." she said since she knew this was only the first wave.

Alex_Silvermane 07-06-2011 04:37 AM

"YOU KRIFFING JEDI I OUGHT TO-" Scorch was furious with the Jedi. She'd not only jumped down and left Gavin up there all on his own, put she STILL kept treating them like they were worthless, and he'd had a rocket trained on the door, waiting for them to open it. They'd passed by those guys a while ago, and they'd known they would follow. Click cam up and smacked the back of Scorches head, "Kill now, anger later." Meanwhile, Fixer was trying to hack the door, so the enemy couldn't open it. Gavin paced the walkway nervously. He wasn't sure what to do. He could provide support from up here, but he wasn't used to operating alone. "Please Scorch, if you're going to curse out the general, keep it to the private comm." "but that excuse for a -" Scorch began. "That's an order private." "yes sir" Grumbled scorch. He continued his tirade on the private comm for about five minutes. When he was done, Gavin asked, "Feeling better?" "yeah." "then get to work, Booby trap all of the entrances except for the one directly across from me. And don't worry, I'll talk to her after this." Gavin went back to go get his E Webb and said, "Do TRY to get along while I'm gone. i don't want to have to explain why you guys killed her."

(should i make profiles for the other three?))

Palmoun 07-06-2011 05:15 AM

Neka just stood back and watched the others get to work but if you looked at her you could tell something was wrong. Her other side wanted to come out, the side that got her the name 'The blood bathed Jedi'. It was a name she hated but lived with and she was glad that most people didn't realise she was that jedi. If they knew they would probably kill her here and there. But it was the warrior inside her that wanted to kill, it was the side that wanted war. She alaredy could tell that they were pissed at her. Sure she treated them like dirt but that was because they treated themselves like that. They thought they could just throw there lives away and it wouldnt' affect anyone. They were wrong, it affected her more then anything else. So she would treated them as dirt till they treated themselves better. Once she managed to get her other side to quiet down she relaxed and relaxed her grip on her staff. She tehn closed her eyes and started to use the force to see just how many others were in this place.

((sure go ahead if you want to))

Alex_Silvermane 07-06-2011 05:34 AM

((just asking, cuz i'm planning on killing all of them 'cept Gavin. Other wise i would have.))

Gavin got his weapon, and had returned to the room. He saw that They were getting ready to force the last door shut. He jumped down with a thud. He thought he heard a crack, but nothing hurt, so he determined that he was fine. he stood guard by the Jedi as the doors closed. Suddenly, The wall behind Fixer exploded in, and sent him flying. "Click, go get fixer, Scorch and I'll hold them off. We need to buy time for whatever the general's doing!" Gavin kept firing into the hole, but for every one he killed three more seemed to appear. Scorch was firing grenades and rockets into the hole, and Click was helping Fixer up. Slowly, they had to fall farther and farther back. The E Webb ran out of ammo, so Gavin Threw it as hard as he could into the hole. It tripped a few, but they just kept coming. They were so close, Scorch had to use his knife on one. and suddenly, It was over. Silence. Scorch took his helmet off for a moment, and wiped the sweat off. He opened his mouth to make some smart ass comment, then suddenly his head was gone. There was a sniper on the walkway that Gavin had just been on. Screaming in rage, Gavin Grabbed Scorches grenade launcher and began to fire at the sniper. He kept firing until there was a fine red mist around where he'd been. Maybe they thought they were replaceable, but they still cared about each other, and Scorch and Gavin had know each other their entire lives. The whole squad had. They'd been cloned together, trained together, ate together, hell, they even breathed together sometimes. To lose Scorch, was like cutting off a hand. Gavin stood there above his body, Numb.

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