Menewsha Avatar Community

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Chickie Nuggs 07-18-2010 06:15 AM

~Beach Babes & Surfer Dudes~ Come hang out!
*turns on my dusty old stereo and hopes that water doesn't get in it*

This is gonna be a blast everyone!

Who's up for some bikini volleyball?

Codette 07-18-2010 06:16 AM

Hey Demo! Let me change then I'm so in for Bikini Volleyball!

Mingnon 07-18-2010 06:17 AM

But I just dressed! DX

Codette 07-18-2010 06:18 AM

changed my mind. Just got fancier ^.-

HamletSpamlet 07-18-2010 06:18 AM

Now I feel out of place. :P

HappyStarr 07-18-2010 06:19 AM

I'll play some beach volleyball!

..actually, I'd love to learn to surf. No place here to do so..but I've wanted to since I was little.

Chickie Nuggs 07-18-2010 06:19 AM

Oooh we got some players! I need to get my bathing suit on now! :O

zeapear 07-18-2010 06:22 AM

Hi guys~!
I'm good for a game of 'one-piece swimsuit volleyball', who else shall join me? :ninja:

HappyStarr 07-18-2010 06:23 AM

lol My avi doesn't have a bathing suit. She doesn't exactly know how to swim yet. >.> I'll have to teach her soon...

HamletSpamlet 07-18-2010 06:23 AM

I love your arm floaties, zea! :lol:

zeapear 07-18-2010 06:24 AM

Thanks Ham xD (Can I call you Ham? :shock:)
These are basically the only aquatic items I own :ninja:

Codette 07-18-2010 06:25 AM

OMG! Hamlet I love your squid!!!

HamletSpamlet 07-18-2010 06:26 AM

zea: Sure! I tend to respond to anything starting with Ham. :D

Syraanna: Thank youuu, I've been waiting for these hats since forever it seems!

Chickie Nuggs 07-18-2010 06:26 AM

DITTO, I'm soo going to look and see what I can afford! Anything to add onto this outfit would be lovely~

zeapear 07-18-2010 06:27 AM

[Ham] Ahkay :3
I agree with Syra, nice hat! xD

Cardinal Biggles 07-18-2010 06:27 AM

Haaai guys!


Sweet jesus look at Hamlet's head.

HamletSpamlet 07-18-2010 06:28 AM

*touches Biggles with my head tentacles*

Chickie Nuggs 07-18-2010 06:28 AM

Haiii Biggs! How goes it?

Codette 07-18-2010 06:31 AM

Hamlet... can I... Could I..... Can I touch it? I want to know if it's squishy or not...

Cardinal Biggles 07-18-2010 06:31 AM

Oh.. oh my.

It's going pretty damn good at the moment. I was going to wander away to watch something from my Dvd collection, but then I saw the event, so here I am!

Mingnon 07-18-2010 06:31 AM

...You know what? I'll just be over here, catching a tan in what the historically educated would see as a Victorian swimsuit.

Cardinal Biggles 07-18-2010 06:31 AM

It's very believable Mignon! -is an aficionado of historical costume-

HappyStarr 07-18-2010 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Cardinal Biggles (Post 1767852246)
Oh.. oh my.

It's going pretty damn good at the moment. I was going to wander away to watch something from my Dvd collection, but then I saw the event, so hear I am!

haha seriously. I was just popping on to check some threads before I turned on my new Robin Hood dvd (Disney) and then saw the event and now I'm trapped here. XD

Chickie Nuggs 07-18-2010 06:33 AM suck me in every time. q.q

zeapear 07-18-2010 06:34 AM

I was actually meaning to play Dragonica but doesn't look like that's going to happy any more xD

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