Menewsha Avatar Community

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Jennifer 05-19-2008 11:09 PM

~ jenjen just wants your art! luls
SOOO tired of trying to find artists that have open slots. And I'm not one to stick around threads forever in hopes of getting a freebie. So being someone that rarely purchases art for herself...I WANT YOUR ART NOW! kthx.

I can offer event items and event commons. rawr~
So let us work out a deal, kk? :3


Tetsumiro 05-19-2008 11:44 PM

D: Nu one's popped in here? Lul, you should check out my sig and see if you like it >___>; I'll stick around and chat to though! <3 hehehe

How're ya?

kairek 05-19-2008 11:46 PM

heheee good luck XDDD :heart:

Jennifer 05-19-2008 11:52 PM

Aww, thankies! :3
OOO~ pretty art. <33

I just got so tired of trying to find open slots and stuff. And as I said, I don't much like sticking around threads forever. Because there is usually tons of conversation going on. So I'm pushed to the side and forgotten. X'D

Anyways, I'm doing alright; yourself? :3

Tetsumiro 05-19-2008 11:57 PM

xD Yeah, I always have unlimited slots >__> Because I never get many orders, so yeah xD lul

And thank you <3

I'm okay, it's pretty hot here today xP *sitting in front of a fan* I get forgotten about in a lot of threads D: So I've jsut been kinda puttering around mene looking for flowers xD;;

kairek 05-19-2008 11:57 PM

bdw, what do you want to be draw xD? your avi? *curiosity*

suppi 05-19-2008 11:58 PM

i want to draw jen jen. ;D

Jennifer 05-20-2008 12:01 AM

I'll be sure to post there real soon. Need to close a few tabs, haha.

Awh, I'll try not to forget about you, luls. I may walk away from my computer once in a great while or so. Or you may see me posting in my exchange thread, heh.

I notice I always find lots of buds and orchids when I'm not even looking for them. XD

kairek - awh, thanks for the luck. <33
&& yeah, my avatar, heh. I rarely buy avatar art for myself; so I'm treating myself today! ;3

...what does bdw stand for? X'D

suppi! aww, I love your art! <33 How much do you want for some! I have a bit of pure right now, so I can ever offer that too right now. :3

Chinen Yuuri 05-20-2008 12:01 AM

I can draw Jen for free x]
Cause I love you that much for being kind to meh :heart:

suppi 05-20-2008 12:03 AM

Nah~ I don't need gold or items. xD I'm drawing freebies right now, so you should get a free one too . C;

kairek 05-20-2008 12:04 AM

bdw = by the way xDD but when you ask me I notice it shoud be BTW .... but my friends use bdw >.>;;;;;; *wonder*

Tetsumiro 05-20-2008 12:04 AM

Ahahah okay! <3

Yeah if I poof it's probably because mene went "ERRORZ!" at me again xD; darn thing ahahah

I just haven't been able to get a convo started with anyone today xD; I try, but they're too wrapped up in their own convos >__>; no place for me to jump in xP

Naeru 05-20-2008 12:07 AM

nae can draw jenn a colored chibi bustup for a Peach Orchid Skirt, or a waistup monochrome chibi sketch for a Cherry Hand satchel ^^

Jennifer 05-20-2008 12:08 AM

You guys! LET ME PAY YOU! :illgetu:
-tackle huggles yuuri and suppi-

kairek - odd. luls, but mmmkay. I learn something new everyday! X'D

Tetsu - ugh, it's annoying, huh? I keeps doing that to me as well. I feel like grabbing my monitor and just chucking it out the window, lol!

Well I'll definitely try and stick around. :3

Naeru - ooo~ I'll take the colored chibi bustup for the Pink Orchid Skirt please! Just tell me when to start the trade. <33

Usuri 05-20-2008 12:10 AM

*pokes head in*

>_> . . <_< . .

Naeru 05-20-2008 12:12 AM

Jennifer- pink? do you have the peach one? ^^;

Tetsumiro 05-20-2008 12:12 AM

@Jenjen: Lulll xD yeah, I just flop down on the floor a while and try again in 30 mins >__>

Yay I will too >___> I like having people to talk to xD;

Chinen Yuuri 05-20-2008 12:13 AM

@Jen: No its really free for you ^^


kairek 05-20-2008 12:17 AM

@jen me too, me too xDDD

Jennifer 05-20-2008 12:18 AM

-pokes Usuri's head- o 3o

Naeru - I meant the peach one. X'D Whichever one you want! Lol.

Tetsu - I don't have patience at all. I like to throw pens at my wall and curse at the monitor and Menewsha during the times it decides to hate me, lol!

Who doesn't like having people to talk to. C; Anyways, how are you doing? <33

Yuuri - Why is everyone so nice to me?! D;'

kairek - feed me more interesting things! 8) LOL

Chinen Yuuri 05-20-2008 12:19 AM

@Jen: Hmm....cause your kind and really sweet ;)
and your avatar looks great right now ^^

Naeru 05-20-2008 12:20 AM

Jennifer- in that case please send trade ^_^
I'll accept it after I pm you the art... is it your current avi that you want?

Usuri 05-20-2008 12:20 AM


*falls over*

* 3 *

Tetsumiro 05-20-2008 12:21 AM

@Jenjen: Sorry I'm slow xD I'm drawing other orders atm, but I'm still here!

I'm good! Little sore but oh well xD Fell off the bed earlier. My friend is trying to throw me off track from my art by tempting me with contortionist stuff xD; *sigh*

kairek 05-20-2008 12:22 AM

eeemmm interesting.. interesting....... 14% people on earth can't read xD;?

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