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maidenroseheart 04-27-2013 02:46 PM

Hey all, I was talking with a friend and we were discussing my newest favorite none anime show. Leverage. We are working on season 5 now and couldn't help be comment on how nicely Parker has developed as a character over the seasons. It would seem that she has made the most improvement and is also learning to multi skill into the others' areas.

Of course it is hard to discuss just one character, so we extended to what we thought on all five. We don't agree on every point, but we did have a nice discussion. I want to open it up to everyone. What do you think of the characters? Do you have a favorite? Do you have the worst character/actor ever opinion? Just tell us and I promise, I will definitely be giving my own opinion and why as well.

xuvrette 04-30-2013 05:00 PM

I can't believe that you DIDn't tell me there is this thread! D:
I checked here during the event for Leverage... and there wasn't and now! BAM!

I am addicted to Leverage. It is so unique in setting and characters, original and just plain awesome!
I especially love the point about characters having EBILL skillz that use to HELP people. This prove a point that, skill is not ebil, it is the person who use it, the intention!

Anyway. Out of 5... I think... my favourite have to be... Parker. x.x
I LOVE her so call insanity. Besides, she is a THIEF! I always have certain love for those type of thief. Not really happy that she slowly change to 'normal'. and then, and then! MONEY! She love money is also one point about her that I love.

Worst?... as in actor's skill or character design wise?

Kat Dakuu 04-30-2013 08:30 PM

I've recently gotten off my lazy ass and started getting back into watching the show. i've mostly seen it on tv, so the episodes I've seen is all over the place, but I started rewatching from episode one online. I think I'm currently in the last few episodes of season two. Great stuff!

I think my favorite characters are Hardison, Parker, and Elliot. Honestly, I like them all though.

maidenroseheart 04-30-2013 10:42 PM

xuv - That is really cool that you love Parker so much. Truly is. I wonder if she is going to be the next leader of their group? Worst can be interpreted however you wish to answer :)

Kat - lol, I'm glad that you are watching Leverage again :) Those three characters definitely make a team ^_^

Kat Dakuu 04-30-2013 11:33 PM

I think if I have time tonight, I might watch a few more episodes. I've seen what comes next, but I don't mind rewatching them. I particularly love the season 2 finale, so I look forward to it. Seems it plays on tv a lot which is why I've seen it quite a few times.

maidenroseheart 04-30-2013 11:35 PM

I found that I didn't appreciate Nate very much in season 2 or 3. I liked 4 a lot though.

hummy 04-30-2013 11:35 PM

i thought this would be rettie's thread.
hiya, mai!
my favorite episode is the Christmas one
no matter how many times i watch it i always cry.

maidenroseheart 04-30-2013 11:42 PM

I must be honest, I have seen that episode the most. It is a sweet one for sure [hug]. But... was Nate kind of a jerk to Parker at the beginning? As a crew leader, shouldn't he listen more and understand them better?

xuvrette 05-01-2013 08:58 AM

Maimai... well, I don't really like the 'oldbies' duo. XD
I don't want to give spoilers regarding a few things mention, but yes, a few things Maimai mention will become true in later seasons. Guess which one~

My favourite episode have to be... Season 3 finale...
I think. XD

Hummymy. I WANT to start a thread, then I found out that Maimai already made it BEFORE the challenge. XD But Like I say, it is not the challenge, I will also reply to ANY topic that interest me.
I am the type of person that do not like to start thread... x.x so...

maidenroseheart 05-01-2013 09:17 AM

I really liked the season finale of season 4... until Nate and Sophie had their heart to heart at the end... then it was just plain bad acting... to me at least.

xuvrette 05-01-2013 09:55 AM

Had Maimai finish watching Season 5?

I actually really hope they keep the cave... XD

maidenroseheart 05-01-2013 10:11 AM

lol the cave was awesome... I haven't... halfway through it though :) They just pulled a mind trick on someone who was feeling guilty about not answering the phone right before his cousin died...

xuvrette 05-01-2013 12:56 PM

The White Rabbit scam.
One of the episode I didn't rate high... but hey!
3 episode before... the episode that focus on the youngums trio... THAT is AWESOME. That episode I rate the same full score with season 3 final.
and the next episode after White Rabbit also very good. *squeals~*

maidenroseheart 05-02-2013 12:03 AM

That was a good episode ^_^ Last night I watched the next episode where they shut down a winery that is using fertilizer that hurts people but not plants... and Eliot saves a woman and rewatched that part like three times. twotickets: can testify to that.

twotickets 05-02-2013 12:07 AM

That I can...

I dunno; I am just so done with Sophie and Nate. They're so... full of themselves. They are supposed to be these mentors for the other people on the team, but they always seem to TALK about mentoring more than they actually DO mentoring. I dunno. I think maybe I just don't like them because the show so clearly expects me to.

maidenroseheart 05-02-2013 12:46 AM

lol, the show expects it but their acting is kinda... worrisome...

xuvrette 05-02-2013 04:45 AM

I am not sure about acting, I think all characters even the minor characters seem to act fine. I only have complains about passerby being unnatural.

the winery, I just love those kind of cases and workflow~

hummy 05-02-2013 04:46 AM

i love all of the actors
i'm attached to the characters.

xuvrette 05-02-2013 06:01 AM

I do have special love for all the tools Hardyman makes. XD

maidenroseheart 05-02-2013 11:47 AM

I'm completely in love with Eliot ^_^ He really cares you know... and looks darn good to mine eyes as well.

xuvrette 05-02-2013 03:43 PM

hmm... Elliot Mr. Punchy... I think he is in kinda contradict 'opinion' on Hardiman.
Most of the time, he dislike Hardiman's geek ways, but interestingly Elliot is into Mr. Punchy AND Elliot signal. Just weird. XD

maidenroseheart 05-02-2013 10:30 PM

They just have two different personalities. It isn't so much Hardison's electronics that Eliot has a problem with as much as how Hardison introduces things or talks about things. At least that is how I saw it.

xuvrette 05-03-2013 01:22 PM

Maybe you are right, Hardison's attitude... kind of like a show off brat... sometimes makes me want to hit him too. O__O

How about Jim Sterling, you people like those type of character?

maidenroseheart 05-03-2013 10:23 PM

Sterling was a really cool character and kinda balanced the otherwise very easy bad people the team dealt with.

What did you think of Eliot's counterpart?

xuvrette 05-04-2013 05:40 AM

I guess the kind of character of Sterling is needed, if you put it like that. I don't like him much. XD But I enjoy him being hit by Elliot.

Who Elliot counterpart...?

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