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BlackDinah 05-10-2008 07:12 PM

BlackDinah's 100 Drabbles - DC

Yay! A place to post my drabbles!

Okay, so they're a little longer than most drabbles...but I enjoy them. I've chosen to base all of these stories in the DC universe...I get odd little ideas while reading comics, and the 100's are a good way to flex my brain and get them out. Lots of these start out as drabbles, then turn into stories, so occasionally, I'll post continuations.

Drabbles completed will be in bold.

001.Beginnings. Kit Conn & Teen Titans (Part Seven)
002. Middles.
003. Ends. - The End (The Endless & OC)15
004. Insides.
005. Outsides.

006. Hours.
007. Days.
008. Weeks.
009. Months.
010. Years. – Twenty Years Later – Zatanna Zatara

011. Red. - Jason Todd Drabble (Contains Spoilers for Countdown!)24
012. Orange.
013. Yellow.
014. Green. - Oathbound27
015. Blue.

016. Purple.
017. Brown.
018. Black.
019. White.
020. Colourless.

021. Friends. - Teen Titans 7
022. Enemies. - Melanie Walker/Ten (Batman Beyond)5
023. Lovers.
024. Family. - Terry & Matt McGinnis (Batman Beyond) Part One - Contains Spoilers for BB & JLU!!!8
025. Strangers. - Robin & Kit Conn (Teen Titans & Golden Age) Part One6

026. Teammates. - Robin & Kit Conn (Teen Titans & Golden Age) Part Two
027. Parents.
028. Children.
029. Birth.
030. Death. - Death of the Endless

031. Sunrise.
032. Sunset.
033. Too Much. - Kit Conn & Teen Titans (Part Seven)30
034. Not Enough. - Dana Tan (Batman Beyond - 'Tango Shoes' by Bif Naked)12
035. Sixth Sense.

036. Smell.
037. Sound.
038. Touch.
039. Taste.
040. Sight.

041. Shapes. - Communication - Guess, damn you!!
042. Triangle.
043. Square.
044. Circle.
045. Moon.

046. Star.
047. Heart.
048. Diamond.
049. Club.
050. Spade.

051. Water.
052. Fire.
053. Earth.
054. Air.
055. Spirit.

056. Breakfast. - Batman Beyond - Part Three13
057. Lunch. – Cassandra Cain prepares a meal.3
058. Dinner.
059. Food. - Pied Piper (Contains Countdown Spoilers!)25
060. Drink. - Harvey Bullock Drabble23

061. Winter.
062. Spring.
063. Summer.
064. Fall.
065. Passing.

066. Rain.
067. Snow.
068. Lightening.
069. Thunder.
070. Storm.

071. Broken. - Kit Conn & Teen Titans (Teen Titans & Golden Age) Part Four14
072. Fixed. – A Secret Death 4
073. Light.
074. Dark.
075. Shade. - Kit Conn & Teen Titans (Part 6)21

076. Who?
077. What?
078. Where?
079. When?
080. Why?

081. How?
082. If.
083. And. - Kit Conn & Catman/Teen Titans (Part Eight)31
084. He. - Kit Conn & Teen Titans Part Five18
085. She. - Robin & Kit Conn (Teen Titans & Golden Age) Part 310

086. Choices. - Terry & Matt McGinnis (Batman Beyond - contains spoilers!!) Part 211
087. Life. - Redemption - Melanie Walker Part Two16
088. School.
089. Work. - Batman Beyond Part Five19
090. Home. - Untitled Countdown Drabble (Challengers/Monitors/52. Contains SPOILERS!!)20

091. Birthday.
092. Christmas.
093. Thanksgiving.
094. Independence.
095. New Year.

096. Writer‘s Choice. - Untitled Jason Todd Drabble26
097. Writer‘s Choice. - Returning28
098. Writer‘s Choice.
099. Writer‘s Choice.
100. Writer‘s Choice.

BlackDinah 05-10-2008 07:13 PM

010. Years
010. Twenty Years Later – Zatanna Zatara, Batman

She sighs, and stirs her tea, before setting the spoon aside. Gazing out the window, she remembers the billboard that she had been able to see from her window for so many years.

"Zatanna, the Magician!" she says, then sighs again.

"Feeling sorry for ourselves?" a deep voice asks. She startles, glancing towards the kitchen. Standing in the darkened doorway is a tall figure, face half obscured by a black cowl with pointed ears. The costume hasn't changed much in years. Only the gadgets ever really change.

"I didn't hear you come in." she states.
"People never do." he states. She smiles.
"Not even Superman?" she teases.
"Even he gets old eventually." He replies.

"What makes you darken my door, Batman? I haven't heard from a cape in years." she sighs, sipping her tea.
"I know. I keep track of 'cape-to-cape' communication." he states. She sits, and offers him a chair. Not only does he decline, but he remains near the door.

"I'm sorry." she says softly. He cocks his head to one side.
"You have never wronged me personally, Zatanna." he states. She blinks, and shakes her head, laughing a little.
"I know...I's the costume. I guess I thought you were him." she states.

"I try to fill his shoes...but I don't think anyone can, really." he states. He steps forwards, suddenly all business, and lays something on the table. It's a photograph.

"Can you tell me who this is?" he asks calmly. Zatanna sets down her tea, and picks up the photo. It's a picture of a dark haired man in his thirties, with glasses. The picture is poor quality, as if taken from a security camera.

"Yes...that's Tim." she states.
"Excuse me?" he says, surprised.

"Timothy Hunter. God, it was almost twenty years ago. John Contantine, the Phantom Stranger, and Doctor Occult, along with a man called Mister E, woke up Magic inside of Timothy Hunter. In his travels, Tim was living with me for a short while. I showed him a few things...tried to share some knowledge. Then he dissapeared into the White School. I haven't seen Tim in bloody ages." she states, and sets the picture down.

"I took this off a security camera yesterday. This is just before he vaporized three people in a bank. Any ideas why he might do that?" Batman asks. His voice isn't as harsh on the ears as his predecessor's.
"Probably because they were from the Lotus. They've been trying to kill Tim for years. They tried to kill me a few times...but now that My powers are so unreliable..." she waves a hand, brushing the comment away irritably.

"Where can I find him?" Batman asks.
"Probably here in London. If I don't miss my guess, he's come back to town to visit his mother's grave. Mary Hunter. You'll know you've the right one when you see all the strawberry plants." Zatanna states. Batman takes the photo, and steps back into the shadows. She looks down at her cup, and he stops.

"Zatanna." he says, and she looks up. He glances back over his shoulder, and smiles.
"Thanks. If you're ever in Gotham...come by and see me at the mansion...I'm sure Babs would love to see you again." he states. Zatanna smiles.
"Of course. Good luck..." she says, and suddenly, she is alone. She smiles, and shakes her head.

"Tim." she says softly.

BlackDinah 05-10-2008 07:15 PM

057. Lunch
057. Lunch. - Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake

She stared into the fridge, half wary. Curiously, she lifted the milk, and sloshed the contents. It made a wet sucking sound as the solid mass unfastened from the side, then slapped back into place. Wrinkling her nose, she put it back.

The vegetables were nowhere near the appropriate consistency, with the exception of a single slightly wrinkly tomato, and the last of the lettuce in the lettuce keeper. She took them from the fridge with a sigh, and closed the door. Her search for food led her to the cupboards. She disliked the cupboard for many reasons.

She could not read, so had to identify what the food was from the picture on the label. She could not read, so could not follow recipes or instructions. She’d once tried to eat raw pasta, until Alfred had shown her how to cook them.

Pasta was the only thing she knew how to make. Boil noodles, add sauce. Don’t forget to drain. She’d mastered that fairly early. She didn’t cook meat; she didn’t understand how to tell what was what, and whether it was cooked or not. Sighing, Cassandra took the bread from the shelf, and a can she knew was ‘tuna’ by the fish shape on the label.

Alfred had shown her the can opener, and she was finally getting the hang of it. She got a bowl to mix the tuna in, and added some mayo from the fridge door. She didn’t really want tuna. Tuna mixed, she took two pieces of bread, and put Tuna on one, tomato and lettuce on the other. She put them together, and sighed, taking a bored bite.

The sandwich, like her mood, was lackluster and boring. Chewing, Cassandra went to the window, and watched people on the street outside. She sighed, meal in one hand, and watched two girls with coffees walk down the street. They were laughing. She read their lips; one girl was telling a funny story, but without knowing them, Cass didn’t find it as funny as they did. Maybe she had missed the funny part.

After the girls was an old man, hobbling through the snow with his cane. He began to stumble, and a young man caught his arm. Her eyes narrowed. She had not seen the young man before he had helped the old man. They exchanged words, and as the old man hobbled off, Cass smiled.

The young man turned, red scarf whipping around his neck in a sudden wind. He carried a bag of takeout in one hand. With the other, he shielded his eyes, and gazed towards her window. He waved, and she returned it. Then she turned from the window, and went back to the kitchen.

Smiling happily, she dropped the sandwich in the garbage, and put the dishes in the sink. She opened the door before he could knock, and he smiled. “I brought you lunch. Are you hungry?” he asked.

Cassandra nodded, and Tim came inside.

BlackDinah 05-10-2008 07:18 PM

072. Fixed - Greta Hayes (Secret), Death of the Endless

All the best dreams are the ones where I'm dead.

I wake, and wish I was dead.

This happens almost every day.

I get out of bed, and nudge Cissie. She sleeps in late some times.
Traya used to get us both up. She still has a couple years before
she graduates. I miss her.

Cissie and I live together. She couldn't stand the thought of moving
back in with her mother. I haven't got anyone but her. It just made
sense, I suppose. I go into the bathroom, and turn on the shower.
We don't have a bathtub. Call me paranoid; I was murdered in the
last bathtub I was in.

All the best dreams are the ones where I'm dead.

Maybe I should get a bathtub. And have Cissie throw a ghetto blaster
in. Nah. That hurt. Pills. Maybe pills would work. I sigh, and lean
towards the mirror. Eighteen. I never thought I'd live to see the day.
Never thought I'd live again. Thanks to Darksied, I have a pulse. And
I breathe. And no one cares about me anymore.

All the best dreams are the ones where I'm dead.

I shower, and brush my teeth. By the time I'm ready, Cissie is just
sitting up in bed.

"Where are you going?" she yawns.

"It's my eighteenth birthday. I have to go see Mom's lawyer." I state.

"Oh. Right. Happy Birthday, Greta." she smiles.
"We'll have a party when you get back. Traya's excited." she adds.
I smile. Traya is wonderful, and always makes me smile, no matter what.

"Cool. See you in a couple of days." I add, and on impulse, I hug her. I
feel a little guilty. I'm not telling Cissie the truth. I seldom do.

All the best dreams are the ones where I'm dead.


Gotham. What a horrible city. I see my lawyer. My inheritance.
Turns out that my measly monthly stipend was really measly. I've got
a whack of cash in the bank now. I still have a stipend, but it's five times
what they gave me before. The bastards. It'll be like that for a year.
Then they have no power over me at all.

The first thing I do is go to the cemetary. I ask the caretaker for a grave site
and he takes me there. Then, respectfully, he leaves. I stare at the stone.

"Hi." I say quietly. The stone says nothing.

"Hi yourself." A voice says behind me. I whirl. There's two pretty girls standing
behind me. One is super pale, with black hair. Total Goth. But her smile...
It reminds me of Traya's. The other girl is blonde, and even though I know
I've never seen her before, I'm sure I know her.

"Who are you?" the blonde asks. I look at the grave behind me. "I'm no one
special. Just...came to apologize to someone." I state. "For what?" she asks,
standing beside me. "I did some bad things to her. We...I liked this boy... and
then I found out he was with her...I was really jealous. She didn't deserve it." I
confess. The girl smiles. "I bet she'd forgive you. You seem to really mean it."
she says. The Goth girl smiles, that pretty Traya-smile. "You're lucky, you know."
she tells me.

I look at her. "Why are you two?" I ask. "Well...I'm Death." says the goth. The blonde
girl kneels. "And I'm Spoiler." she states, touching the grave stone. I look at them.
"Am I...between?" I ask. "No. Let's just say you're...standing beside between." the girl
called Death smiles, and Spoiler stands up. "I forgive you Greta. But... will you do me
a big favor?" she asks. "Of course. I owe you that much, Spoiler." I say solemnly.
"Tell Tim I love him. Tell him to be happy." she asks. I nod. "I'll try to get the message to
him." I promise. She smiles. "Thanks." she says, and slowly, she fades away.

I look at the goth girl. "You really are Death, aren't you?" I ask. She nods. "Steph just
wanted to let you know you guys were okay. I had other reasons to come." she states.
I nod.

All the best dreams are the ones where I'm dead.

I hate being alive. "Why didn't I just...move on? Why did I have to be Secret?" I ask her.
"Billy did it. You weren't supposed to be dead, Greta. You weren't supposed to be NOT
dead, either. You were supposed to be alive. You are now." she states. "I hate my life."
I blurt out, hands clenching. I look at the grave stone. "I'd trade places if I could." I whisper.
"No you wouldn't sugar. You miss your friends. You miss being special. You don't miss
not being able to eat ice cream, or having a body to be hugged by Cissie, or holding Traya
when she's scared. You don't hate those things." Death says gently. I want to hate them.

All the best dreams are the ones where I'm dead.

"Can't you make the hurt stop?" I ask her. "No, sweetie...I can't. But I can give you
something that will help." she states. "You can?" I ask. She reaches up, and takes
the ankh from around her neck. She reaches out, and puts it around mine. "It's
pretty...but I don't see how a necklace will help." I smile tremulously. "This isn't just
any necklace...It's a Secret power." she says, with a little impish smile. "A... Secret?"
I whisper, and wrap my hand around it. Suddenly, my body feels cold. Weightless.
The world goes dark around us. I am Between. "I'm...dead?" I ask her. Death grins.

"Relax. It's temporary. You are still alive. But all your powers are back, Greta. You
have the choice. You can be Greta...or you can be Secret. Whenever you want." she

"How do I change?" I ask her. "You only have to Desire it." she states. Then she smiles.
"But...I do request that you no longer go as Secret." she states. I stare at her. "But..." I
begin, and she grins. "Your new name will be Endless. I am Death, of the Endless. You
get your powers from me." she states. "Endless. It sounds more badass than Secret." I
admit, and she laughs. I will myself to life, and we stand over Stephanie Brown's grave once
more. "I think I'll go find Robin." I tell her. "He needs...something. Someone to hold him
to life. Even if Endless is a part of're also part of Life. Be there for him... like he
was there for you, Greta." Death says to me, most solemn. "I will be." I swear to her.

All the best dreams are the ones where I'm alive.

BlackDinah 05-12-2008 02:25 AM

022. Enemies - Melanie Walker/Ten

She stepped out of the building slowly, and took a breath of air. It wasn’t fresh; the air in Gotham always tasted faintly of misery and industry, but it wasn’t the recycled crap they pumped into her cell every night. She shouldered her bag, the few belongings she had, and headed for the bus station. She had enough to get to a friend’s, and she prayed he wouldn’t turn her away.

The apartment building was nice. When she knocked on the door, the woman who answered it was an attractive redhead. “Hi…is Terry home?” she asked awkwardly. “He’s grounded.” She replied. “Oh…I hate to be a bother…but…it’s really important.” She said, biting her lip. “How important?” the woman frowned at her. “I have no where to go, and your son is the only person in the whole world I trust.” She blurted. The woman stared at her for a moment, then called out. “Terry! Door!”

There was a slow sound of footsteps down the hall, and Terry stepped into view. Melanie’s heart leapt into her throat. He looked at her, and his jaw dropped. “Melanie…?” he murmured, then stepped past him mom, and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. “You’re okay!” he sighed, and she returned the embrace. He held her by her shoulders. “Are you…your parents…” he began, and she shook her head. “It’s just me.” She said softly. “Young lady.” Mrs. McGinnis said, and Melanie blushed, pulling away from Terry.

“Yes, Ma’am?” she asked. “Am I to believe that you are in Gotham with no family and nowhere to go?” she asked gently. “Yes, Ma’am.” Melanie replied, staring at the floor. “Terry, don’t leave her standing in the hall…bring her inside, and make her something to eat.” She said firmly, and Tarry sighed, grinning at her. Melanie smiled. “Thank you, ma’am.” She blushed. “Nonsense, Melanie. My name is Mary.” Terry’s mother smiled, and ushered her inside.

BlackDinah 05-12-2008 02:45 AM

025. Strangers - Robin & Kit Conn (Teen Titans & Golden Age)

Robin sat on the edge of the rooftop, gazing across Jump City. It was his home, it had been since he’d left Gotham. He smiled to himself, just a tiny curve of the corner of his mouth. The battle between them had been one of truly epic proportions, yet the Cave had remained unscathed. At times, when Beast Boy’s music was too loud, and Cyborg’s video games grew irritating, he missed the silence and solitude the cave had given. Other times, when Raven sighed about something Beast Boy did, or Starfire smiled at him, he was glad to be in the brightly lit tower. Odd to think that darkness was a close friend of a young man who wore such bright colors.

Once, he had not worn them, except for a little red. Red X, to be precise. He frowned again, brooding. Red X had infiltrated the tower, stolen the Xenothium powered suit, with its highly unstable core. Then, he’d solidly trounced Robin, before working alongside him…yet successfully stealing his target all along. Then, when Ding Dong Daddy had stolen his case, Red X had first tried to take it, then aided him by halting the other racers, allowing him to protect the secret inside the case…the single thing he kept that showed who he really was. The last memento of a life before the shadows and the cave and the Robin Mask.

Robin came out of his brood at the sound of a boot scuff on the rooftop’s rough surface. He looked over his shoulder, ready to move in an instant. Standing very calmly behind him was a girl with short cropped ginger hair, and green eyes. She had a smattering of freckles across her cheeks, and seemed almost as surprised to see him as he was her. “Well…there’s a Robin in my Brooding Perch.” She commented, and crossed the roof slowly, making no threatening moves. “Didn’t know it belonged to anyone.” He stated. “It doesn’t belong to me. I just use it. The view is nice…good for brooding.” She commented, and stepped to the edge, before sitting down beside him. “So, superhero…what are you brooding about?” the girl asked lightly. “Hero stuff.” He shrugged. She smiled. “Me too.” She stated, and offered her hand. She wore, he noticed, long gloves, striped in red and black. “I’m Kit.” she said, and he gripped her hand. “Nice to meet you. I have to say, Kit…if you’re Hero, I’ve never heard of you.” He admitted. She laughed.

“That’s because Kit is my real name, not my super name. Besides, You’ve heard of me. We’ve just never met before.” She stated. “How’s that?” he asked. “My boss ripped your Boss’s gimmick off. And Catwoman’s, actually. He’s a big Selina Fan. Except he’s not a super smart detective person…he’s a trophy hunter turned burgular…turned waste of oxygen, these days. When even Green Arrow can kick your boss’s butt, it’s time to start a solo career.” She sighed, and leaned back, gazing up at the faint stars. “You’re…Catman’s sidekick?” he asked, surprised. “It’s Assistant, thank you very much…and I was. Like I said. I’ve gone Solo.” She smiled. “As…a Thief?” he asked softly. Kit shrugged. “I dunno. I’ve been bouncing around…done a little heroing…a little villaining…A girl’s gotta live, right?” she shrugged, and looked at him.

“Ya gonna bust me, Birdboy?” she asked with a crooked smile. “Not right now.” He returned the smile a little, and looked away. “Why’d you tell me?” he asked finally. Kit blushed. “I guess…you’re sort of an inspiration to me. Blake…that is…Catman, rather…he’s a hunter. I can sneak up on anything…I only scuffed my shoe so you wouldn’t attack me. But fighting…I’ve been sort of studying you…the other titans. I want to be as good as you, some day. I’m getting close…I think.” She amended, blushing. “You really think you’re almost as good as me?” he asked skeptically. She grinned. “I might be. But…I didn’t come up here to play.” She stated, and leaned back, resting her weight on her hands. "I'm brooding." she grinned.

BlackDinah 05-12-2008 02:56 AM

021. Friends - Teen Titans

Bart leafs through a magazine at super speed, then tosses it easily on the table. "Bart, would you take the garbage out?" Joan Garrick calls from the kitchen. Bart sighs, and takes it out at super speed, getting back to being bored. "Thank you." she calls as the breeze of his motions blow her hair a little.

Jay enters the room, flipping through some envelopes. "Bart, are you finished your homework?" he asks absently. Bart rolls his eyes. "Yeah, Jay...I finished the math textbook and all the assignments already." He states. Jay looks at him, and shakes his head slightly. "If you could do all your english homework, I'd consider sending you to the tower more than just weekends." he states. Bart looks up excitedly.

"Can I go tonight? Just for tonight? I'll be at school tomorrow, I promise! I'm just..." he sighs, slumping back on the couch. "I'm bored, Jay. So freaking bored." he admits. Jay smiles slightly. "You can go tonight...I'll talk to your teachers about challenging math...I know you don't like school." he states. Bart hugs his mentor suddenly, before tearing away superspeedy.

"Yo! It's me! Aybody home?" Bart calls, walking into the tower, bag over his shoulder and skateboard in hand. "Bart? What are you doing here?" Cyborg's voice drifts to him from the speakers wired through the tower. "Jay said it's cool if I spend the night here tonight...I'm bored at home, Vic. I finished my Math textbook and all the assignments already. I'm doing the Physics class next week." he shrugs. Cyborg chuckles.

"Come to the kitchen...have you eaten? Gar and Kory are having dinner." he states. "Cool!" Bart grins, and practically flies into the kitchen. "Don't you have an Xbox at home?" Gar asks, before munching into his tofu burger. "Well, yeah. But being by myself is only entertaining so long." he states. Gar smiles slightly. "I understand that." he states. Bart grins, and tries to think of things to do in the tower.

By the time his friends arrive at the tower, Bart is only spending three days a week at the Garrick residence. Enough to not be considered an ungreatful child. "Woah, you've really moved in." Connor states, looking into Bart's room. "Yeah, I tested out of a bunch of courses at school. I only go three days a week now. Jay lets me come here because I'm bored in Keystone." he states, flicking rapidly through Connor's cds.

"Don't you have anything good?" he asks. "Hey man, Tim has Enya if you want that." Connor states, and snatches the binder away from Bart. Bart grins. "I'm gonna tell him you told me that." He says wickedly, and when Connor makes a grab for him, the Superboy catches only Air.

"Pretty quiet this weekend." Mia states, gazing out over the city. Tim nods, not looking up from his laptop. "Now the world is going to end." Connor sighs. Mia looks at him in alarm. "What Connor means is 'Do not tempt fate.' If you do not take advantage of the quiet times, you will lose them." Tim states calmly. Mia shudders. "Pessimist." Connor accuses the boy wonder lightly. "Pragmatist." Tim smirks slightly.

Suddenly, the world is filled with red lights and a blaring alarm. "Intruders?" Mia murmurs, and runs towards her room. Tim merely closes his computer, and stands, pulling out his staff. "Wonder who came to visit." Conner says grimly. "Let's go say hello." Tim states, and they head downstairs.

BlackDinah 05-12-2008 07:06 AM

024. Family - Terry & Matt McGinnis (Batman Beyond)


He said the word softly. It could have meant a thousand things. It was just a generic slang term, a colloquialism used by teens. For him, it meant so many things.
How could you leave me?
Why did you let them do it?
How could you have fallen for THAT?

Or perhaps,
I'm so sorry I failed you.
Please forgive me.

Or maybe even,
Goodbye, Dad. I loved you.

He turned from the stone monument, unable to meet it's eternal gaze. When the arrangements had been made, his family had questioned the design. But he'd always know that there had to be something for the Old Man. Behind him crouched a great marble angel, it's hands cupped. Leaping from it's fingertips was the stone form of a great black Bat.

"Are you okay?" a young voice asked him, and he turned. Sixteen years ago, he'd have slapped the speaker upside the back of the head, and called him 'twip'. Today, he simply did not reply. He stared at his brother for some time, then stepped past him, gesturing for him to follow. Silently, as Brothers, they entered the great house on the hill.

It was old still, a house buried in memory and antiquity. Only the wires were modern; the trim still wood, and the old grandfather clock stood in the parlor, as it had since the first heroes of Gotham walked the halls.

"Terry?" his brother asks, and Terry halts before the clock, remembering how he saw it once. An antique, with a small black bat beating frantically against it's glass face. "Matt. I need you to listen to me." he said solemnly, and looked at his brother. He was thirty two now, and his brother twenty four. A grown man, but to Terry, always his little brother.

"Ter..." Matt began, and Terry shook his head. "Listen!" he said sharply, and the voice was not his own. It was heavier, darker. It was powerful. Matt drew back, surprised, but when Terry moved the hands of the old clock, and the whole structure swung smoothly from the wall, he followed his brother into the darkness.

"What is this place?" he asked, his voice hushed, as though afraid to disturb whatever haunted the great caves. "It's where I live." Terry stated, again in the voice that wasn't Terry. It was someone else. "This is it." Matt said, a small sigh of relief, and Terry looked at him.

"The Secret. Max knows. Dana knows. Mom and never told us. Mom's always worried about you, Ter...but Dana told me once...that you're a good man. That I should be proud of you." Matt stated. "Dana's too good to me." Terry smiled, briefly, and walked into the darkness. Matt hesitated, and the he heard his brother's voice, that dark voice once more.


The room brightened slowly, from the distance, as great lights turned on overhead. A giant robotic dinosaur. A massive penny. A veritable museum of cases, each carefully labelled and dated and sealed. And then a sleek black jet. A sleek black car. A sleek black motorcycle. In the distance, variations on the theme, older models with outdated tech. Behind Terry, a massive computer, with only a single worn leather chair before it. "Schway..." Matt whispered, feeling eight years old again.

"When I was sixteen...Dad was murdered by Derek Powers, for learning something he never should have. I came to Bruce Wayne, demanding he help me set it right." Terry stated, and with a hand, slowly spun the chair around. He sat down, and steepled his hands, looking at his brother.

"He did, in a manner of speaking. I stole the suit, the first time...after that...Gotham needed Batman. Needed him. But he was too old. So he let me do it. After a while...I was Batman. I've been Batman for half my life, Matt...and for half my life, he was here, in this cave. Talking to me, every step of the way. This is his place, Matt...and mine." he said softly, then fell silent, as if struggling with something.

"Terry...why did you show me this?" Matt asked, knowing his brother had to have some reason. It wasn't just that the Old Man was dead now. It was something more. Terry stood.

"Two reasons, Matt." he stated, and stepped away from the chair, waving for his brother to follow. He did, and they stopped before a line of cases, each holding a suit. "This was his family." he stated, and started at one end.

"Dick Grayson...first Robin, then Nightwing. Tim Drake, Robin. Barbara Gordon...the former Commissioner Gordon...was Batgirl." Terry smiled slightly. Now the Commissioner was Maxine Gibson...and she had a very good working relationship with Batman. "And they're my family too." Terry stated, stopping before the original batsuit. Matt stared at it, almost in awe.

"He was really something..." he murmured. Terry nodded. "More than just Batman. Years ago...a woman named Amanda Waller took it upon herself to be certain that Bruce Wayne's legacy did not die with him. She found a likely couple, and under the guise of a flu shot, she rewrote the husband's reproductive DNA to match that of Bruce Wayne. Somewhere... somehow...she wanted Batman to live beyond Bruce Wayne." he stated, and looked at Matt.

"Terry..." he began, and Terry shook his head. "The husband was Warren McGinnis, and the wife was Mary. Mom and Dad. Amanda Waller chose them to be the parents of Batman. She planned to have them assassinated when I was eight...same as Bruce's parents. But the person hired to do the job couldn't do it...and then you came along. TWO sons of Bruce Wayne and Mary McGinnis...Waller walked away. She let us go...and still...I came back." Terry sighed, almost bitter about it. Matt shook his head. "NO." he said flatly.

Terry smiled a little. "Matt...He's just our Biological and dad raised us. That'll never change. But this man...was still my Father. He raised me after dad was gone...made me a good man...a doctor...a hero." he said softly. Matt swallowed. "So...what's the other reason? Bruce Wayne was our father...that's one. Why else did you drag me down here, Ter?" Matt demanded angrily.

Terry stepped to the suit beside the Batsuit, a black and blue affair. "I've discovered that I can't do this alone. They're too dangerous to go without a partner these days...and I won't be young forever." Terry stated. He opened the case, and took down the angular black mask. He held it towards his brother. "I need your help, Matt." he said solemnly.

Matt shook his head. "You want me to be your slaggin' sidekick?!" he demanded, and Terry shook his head. "Robin was a Sidekick...Nightwing was a partner. I need a Partner, Matt. And you're the only one I've seen who can do the job. All that training stuff I got you into...I always knew Bruce would be gone one day...and I knew I'd need help. Help I could trust. Family." Terry said firmly. Matt stared at the mask in his brother's hand.

"I can't...I dunno, Terry...this is a lot..." he began, and Terry nodded, putting the mask back. "When you're ready to make up your mind...just let me know. That's all I can ask." he shrugged, and closed the case. Matt backed away.

"I gotta go...Mom's expecting me for dinner." he said numbly, and turned, taking the stairs two at a time to get back into the rambling mansion, replete with the ghosts of the past.

BlackDinah 05-15-2008 04:47 PM

026. Teammates - Robin & Kit Conn (Teen Titans & Golden Age) - Continued

"Hmm… Her file’s been updated.” He stated, and scrolled down with a fingertip. Everything she had told him checked out, except there was little to no information on her since she’d left the care of her own Mentor, Thomas Blake.
“Where have you been, Kit Conn?” he murmured, then sighed, and rubbed his eyes. He glanced in the mirror, before pulling a new mask from a case, and placing it on his face. He looked in the mirror.
“Hello, Robin…goodbye Dick.” He whispered, and turned, leaving his lab for the silence and darkness of sleep.

“Robin?” Starfire’s voice reached him in the lab, and he minimized the entry on Kit Conn.
“What’s up, Starfire?” he asked. She entered, smiling.
“We are hungry, and wish to go out for the Pizza? Will you join us?” she asked.
“Sure. I could use a break.” He stated. Robin rose, leaving his files behind, and following her out of the lab. As a precaution, he locked it behind him. Call him paranoid, but if Red X could get in and out without him knowing it, he wasn’t going to leave any open invites.

Pizza was good. Fun was good. Coming back to the tower to fine a note pinned to the lab door with a signature red X shuriken? Not good.
“Decidedly not good.” Robin stated aloud.
“What’s it say?” Raven asked. Robin tore it down.
Stopped by for tea and cookies. Just missed you. By the way…I borrowed the Red Bird…Borrowed the Red Bird?!” he yelped, and dashed towards the garage. He burst through the double doors, and moaned, falling to his knees. The T-car sat in it’s parking spot, shiny and perfect. His own motorcycle, freshly repaired, was gone. In it’s place was another shuriken, and another note. Sighing, Robin tore the note off the floor.
“I’ll give it back when I get mine from the mechanics. X.” Robin sighed, and looked at his team as they entered.
"Red X is back.” He said, and tossed the note over his shoulder.
“Perhaps the Robincycle will be returned undamaged, yes?” Starfire suggested hopefully.
“I just can’t figure this guy out! Is he good, or bad, or what?! One minute he’s my enemy, the next, my ally! He’s driving me nuts!” Robin growled, then sighed, slumping.
“I’m going brooding. I’ll be back later.” He sighed, and took the exterior door out of the tower. Beast Boy watched him go, then turned to the others.
“But…isn’t is daylight?” he wondered. Cyborg shrugged.

“Seriously…are you stalking me now?” a voice asked, and Robin looked up from his brood. He’d staked out a new roof, one he’d never been to before. This one didn’t look populated. When he turned, Kit was standing behind him. The only difference was that she was in a pair of small shorts and a tank top, with flip flops on. On one hip, she held a basket of laundry.
“I…is this your building?!” he asked, surprised.
“Yeah…Did you trace me?!” she demanded, putting the basket on one hip, her fist on the other.
“I…no! I was just…brooding.” He sighed. She rolled her eyes, and set the basket down on a rickety wooden crate.
“Tell Kitten all about it.” She said in a motherly tone, and he smiled a little. She managed to sound both like Starfire and Alfred at the same time, which was remarkable.
“It’s…have you heard of Red X?” he asked. She went still, then began to put pins on the line.
“Red X…he’s a thief, right? Mostly tech stuff, I thought. He hasn’t been out in weeks, has he?” she asked.
“Wrong. See…I MADE Red X.” he sighed.
“What do you mean?” Kit asked, abandoning her laundry for the moment.
“A while back…we were fighting this madman named Slade. I created Red X…the weapons, the suit…the Xenothium power core. It’s highly unstable…I’m lucky I didn’t kill myself with it. I made it, to get closer to Slade, trying to bring him down. It almost cost me the Titans. I locked the suit away…but somehow, someone snuck in, and stole the suit. Whoever he is, he’s modded it up a lot…and it’s like he’s Taunting me!” Robin growled, and began to pace on the rooftop.
“Taunting you?” she asked, smiling.
“I thought you were the master of the mid-combat wisecrack!” she protested. He smiled, blushing a little.
“Thanks, but not that kind of taunt. Today, he broke into my lab, AND stole my mortocycle.” He confessed.
“Oh…boy…that’s embarrassing, isn’t it?” she asked. He looked at her, and saw her fighting a smile.
“Yeah…kinda.” He admitted.

Kit looked at him, then giggled. Then she shook her head, and laughed.
“Poor Sweet Robin. Had your nest raided and your toys stolen, all in one day. And now…brooding in Daylight? The Bat must be doing flips over this.” She teased. He frowned at her.
“Contrary to your impression…Batman and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms.” He said flatly. She gave a hard smile.
“Blake’s an idiot, but at least I know he wanted the best for me…I imagine the Bat casts a pretty long shadow to live in, huh?” she asked, and crossed the roof, taking him by the shoulders.
“Cheer up, Robin! You’ll kick Red X’s ass. I’m sure of it.” She said firmly.
“What makes you so sure?” he asked. Kit rolled her eyes, and tweaked his nose.
“Boy, for a genius, you sure can be dumb.” She stated, and went back to her laundry. She flicked a towel free of the damp tangle.
“You’re Robin, silly. After Tokyo…I think it’s pretty clear how friggin’ badass you are.” She stated, and turned to look at him again. Kit found Robin much closer than before, and she drew back in surprise. Robin caught her in a hug, making her blush.
“Thanks, Kit.” He said, and pulled back, grinning.
“I like you. I think I might have made a friend.” He stated. She blushed.
“Me too.” She stated. Then he grew solemn.
“Just one thing.” He said, and Kit raised a brow.
“More Heroing, Less Villaining. I’d hate to have to bust you.” He stated. Kit smiled.
“Tell you what…you kick Red X’s ass…and I’ll become a Superhero. Maybe we can even team up some time.” She suggested.
“Teaming up would be great.” He grinned.

BlackDinah 05-15-2008 04:52 PM

085. She - Robin & Kit Conn (Teen Titans & Golden Age) - Part 3

Three weeks passed, and Robin made repeated trips to the rooftop of the building Kit Conn called home. One day, after returning to the tower, unable to find Kit, Robin found someone else waiting for him. Red X. Seated on the Robincycle, surrounded by the titans.
“YOU.” Robin snarled.

“It’s a good bike, Robin. Thanks for the loaner.” He said, and got off the bike, tossing the keys back. Robin caught them out of the air.
“What do you want?” he demanded.
“One fight, just you and me. And hey, I’ll throw in a bonus.” Red X tilting his head to one side. “What’s that?” Cyborg growled.
“I’ll take off my mask.” He added.
“Done. I want to know who could get past MY security.” Robin growled.
“And MINE. Kick his butt, Robin.” Cyborg said eagerly.
“Oh, I will.” Robin smirked.
“We’ll just see.” Red X stated, and leapt forwards suddenly, vanishing in mid air. Robin started to turn, but it came too late, and the heavy soled foot caught him in the right shoulder, spinning him around as Red X landed on the ground.

“It’s On now, Birdboy.” Red X said, and moved out from in front of Robin’s fist gracefully. Robin pressed the attack, keeping Red X on the defensive. Red, for his part, led Robin in circles, blocking the blows almost casually, before leaping backwards and vanishing. Robin dodged to one side, avoiding a chop to the back of his neck, and caught Red X’s arm, tossing him over his shoulder with all the force he could muster. His target, as much as he hated to do damage to it, was his precious motorcycle. Red X hit the bike, sliding several yards with the bike on top of him.
“Hm. This sucks.” He said, and sat up, propping himself on his elbows.
“Well…I guess I’m beat.” He stated, shrugging.
“And now, you’re going to Jail, where you belong.” Robin stated, one foot on the bike.
“Don’t you want to see who stole your suit, Robin?” Red X teased.
“Go ahead. I’ll give you the honors, since I’m starting to lose feeling in my left leg, and it’s making me kind of dizzy.” He added, head dropping back. Robin took his weight off the bike, and carefully stepped around. He bent, and gripped the hood with one hand. It was a moment of hesitation, then he pulled the mask away.

Green eyes, ginger hair, and a smattering of freckles gazed up at him from the ground.
“Hey handsome…what’s a girl gotta do to get a doctor around here, huh?” she asked, and he could see her eyes were going glassy.
“Kit…how could you…but I thought…” he began, and she smiled.
“Easy…You’re my…hero…” she managed shakily, before her eyes rolled back in her head, and she flopped down, unconscious. There was a moment of silence, then Beast Boy asked the question they were all thinking.
“So…who’s the girl?”

“She is…was a friend. I thought she was, at least. Now I don’t know anymore.” Robin stated, watching through the containment field as Kit slept off the sedative. He and Cyborg had set her leg, and Raven had sped up the healing as best she could.
“She’s not evil, Robin. She doesn’t…Red X was never malevolent. Spiteful…arrogant…playful, maybe. But…whoever she is, I don’t think she’s our enemy…she was just working counter to our purposes.” Raven stated.
“What about the Race?” Robin demanded. Raven was quiet for a moment.
“Maybe she thought she knew what was in the case, and wanted to be sure.” She stated.
“So now she’s a Stalker?!” he snarled, and turned, storming away. He was halfway to the door when he realized he was headed for the city; for Kit’s. He wanted someone to vent to. A friendly ear. Robin slumped, turned, and walked slowly back to his own rooms. Starfire watched him go, frowning a little.

“Who is the Kit, if you please?” she asked as he reached his door.
“I told you…she was my friend. I…talked to her.” He said.
“Did you share…things you could not share with me?” Starfire asked hesitantly. He shook his head.
“No! I just…Kit was funny. She…understood what it was like to have a Mentor people always compared you to. She was a Sidekick gone Solo too. There was…kinship.” He sighed.
“She has come to you for forgiveness.” Starfire said, as if explaining it to both of them.
“I guess.” He shrugged, and opened the door, going inside. He wanted to Brood.

BlackDinah 05-15-2008 04:59 PM

086. Choices - Terry McGinnis & Matt McGinnis (Batman Beyond - Contains Spoilers for BB & JLU!!) Part 2

He stood beside the window, staring over Gotham. He hadn't gone to his mother's...instead, he stood in the office of Commissioner Gibson.
"Matt..." Max began, sighing softly.
"You knew all this time, knew who he was. You and Dana both...I could always tell you guys had a secret...I thought maybe...he was keeping something for one of you girls..." he sighed, and looked at her.
"He asked me to be his partner, Max." he said solemnly. Her jaw dropped slightly, but she recovered.
" know how hard it is for Ter to ask anyone for help...even Bruce. It's part of who they are. You know if he's asking, it's not an empty request." she pointed out. Matt nodded.
"I'll be twenty five this year, Max. I'm single. I live alone. I don't even have a goldfish." he stated, and sighed, shaking his head.
"And Bruce Wayne is my father...and I don't even know who he was." Max smiled, and rose, hugging her friend's brother gently.
"If you want to know about Bruce...all you have to do is look at your Brother. They were always two peas in a pod. The old goat used to get me in trouble...I was so surprised when Barbara nominated me as her successor..." Max smiled, and held him by the shoulders.
"She told me that not all the heroes in Gotham have pointy ears. You can join the force, Matt...You're smart, athletic...and a good man. Gotham needs men like you." she stated.
"Gotham has you, Max...and Batman. What does it need Matt McGinnis for?" he sighed.
"Give him a trial run. If you don't think the suit fits...don't put it on again." Max stated, and gave him a gentle push towards the door of her office.
"And I'll see you at Dana's tomorrow...I won't be there long...but we've been recruited to help them move." she stated.
"Move?" Matt asked blankly. Max nodded.
"That's his house now. And everything that goes with it." she said solemnly, and closed the door behind him as he left.

The city was taller than it had been in Bruce's day. Taller than even when Terry had started. Dressed in the fitted black and blue costume, the angular mask on his face, Matt stood on a rooftop, gazing about the city at night.
"Not much of a view these days...mostly just neon lights from up here." a voice stated behind him. Matt looked up, to see Batman climbing out of the batjet.
"How do you do it? How do you get up the courage to just...jump?" he asked. Terry grinned suddenly.
"Are you kidding? Every time I did it for the first year I thought I'd piss the suit." he stated, and stood next to him.
"Remember how the wings work? And the boots?" he asked.
"Yeah. I think so." Matt nodded, suddenly nervous.
"Good. Consider this me pushing you out of the nest, without calling you Robin." Terry stated, and his hand struck Matt's back, shoving his little brother off the building. Matt fell, screaming, and Terry leapt after.

"Wings, Twip!" Batman barked, and Matt complied. He caught an updraft, and almost careened into a building.
"Tense up a fly like a dead cat." Batman's voice found itself in Matt's ears, despite the wind screaming past them. Matt did like Terry had shown him over the last two weeks, figuring out the wings as quickly as he could. When he was steady, his brother banked in above him.
"Lookin' good, Twip. Don't hit a building." he warned.
"So...I never got a chance to tell you, Little Brother..." he began conversationally. Matt glanced up, then back down again.
"What?" he asked.
"Wayne-Powers Industries." Batman stated.
"Bruce's company, yeah? What about it?" he asked, concentrating on flying away from a pair of birds.
"I...sorta own it now. I'm the Majority shareholer. I've got two partners though." he stated.
"Who's that?" Matt asked, almost hitting a wall. Terry McGinnis; Bat and Billionaire? Who would have imagined.
"Well, Powers of course. But the other...Matt...Bruce knew I was his son...that you are too. He owned seventy five percent of Wayne-Powers...I own Forty, Powers has twenty five, and you have the other thirty five percent. He didn't want us to worry, you know? He was wierd like that." Batman said, and sounded more like Terry for once.
"I...woah. I think we need to land. I gotta sit down." Matt said, laughing a little in shock.

Matt sat on the edge of the fountain. Terry stood on the top, gazing over the walls at only he knew what.
"This is where Max finally figured me out. She thought I was Terminal, but instead, she found out I was Batman. Kind of ironic...she thought I was trying to kill her." he chuckled.
"This is a lot, Ter--Batman. To absorb, I mean. I'm not sure if I'm ready to do this." Matt admitted, wanting to be rid of the costume, suddenly. Flying was fun...but was it worth all the lies Terry had told? The secrets he'd kept? Matt wasn't sure. Terry looked down at his brother.
"That's something you'll have to decide, little brother. In the mean time...I need to go to work. Duty is calling in the form of the 'Tees'." he stated, and spread his wings. As the jetboots propelled him forwards, Matt scrambled to his feet, and followed his brother. It was more to avoid being left alone than it was to help. Matt didn't know what kind of help he could be.

From the top of the wall, Matt watched his brother work.
Like a super hero ridealong. he mused, seeing Terry quickly dispatch the small gangs. In the last few years, the Tees had been climbing the ranks of the Gotham underworld. While the Jokerz still ruled the streets due to their chaotic lack of organization, the Tees had affiliated themselves with some bigger fish. No one was sure who was leading them quite yet, but Terry was more than determined to find out. And without Bruce's detective skills to fall back on, he needed someone who was more inclined to think that way. Someone like Max. Someone like Matt. Not that his brother had an inkling of it yet.

Terry knelt to reassure the woman and child that they were safe, and Matt spotted one of the Tees rising to his feet, a lead pipe in hand. Without thinking, he threw himself off the wall, both feet hitting the gangster's back, and slamming him back into the pavement with a groan. Matt looked up, to see Batman staring at him.
" missed one, Bats." he stated, then grinned.
"Thanks, Nightwing." Batman said, and for the first time since he'd stepped back into Terry's world, Matt felt like the name belonged to him.
"Ready?" Batman asked, and Nightwing nodded.
"I'm ready, Batman." he told his partner. Flicking a salute to the woman, the pair of men blasted into the dark skies of Gotham.

BlackDinah 05-15-2008 05:29 PM

034. Not Enough - Dana Tan (Batman Beyond - Song by Bif Naked "Tango Shoes")

Dana sighed as Terry's cell phone rang. "Hold on Dana." he said, and answered it. "McInnis." he said, his voice seeming different. "Can't it wait?" he asked, glancing at her. Dana sighed, and crossed her arms over her chest, looking away. "Fine. Whatever. I'll be there." he said angrily. Then he hung up, and stuffed the phone in his pocket. 'Dana, I'm sorry..." he sighed. "It's fine. Go on." she said, and stalked away.

When we're together,
I am alone.
Dawdle down the street, shuffle my feet,
Don't wanna go home.

Terry sighed, and headed the other direction. Dana kicked a chunk of loose concrete, and it clattered across the walk way. She looked up, and saw before her a store. "Melody's Music and Dance Emporium." she murmured, and then pushed the door open, stepping into the musty smelling shop.

There's an antique store.
I go inside.
All I got on me,
Is only twenty bucks and my pride.
(That's when I see them!)

Dana smiled at the aging woman behind the counter, and walked past chipped harps, old pianos, and ratty, musty tutus. Then, sitting all alone on a shelf, a pair of shiny black shoes. Curious, Dana looked at the tag. *Tango Shoes - 15 Credits.* She dug in her pocket, and smiled. She picked up the shoes and the box they sat on, and took them to the front of the room. The woman smiled. "Ah...I used to Tango. That's how I met my husband. In tango classes." she revealed, ringing the purchase up, and giving Dana her change. "Thanks." Dana said, and hurried out with the bag.

My new tango shoes,
They are my treasure! They are so cool!
My new tango shoes,
They are my ticket! My tools!
My new tango shoes,
Are gonna help me dance away from you!
My new tango shoes!

Dana sat on her bed, and kicked off her sneakers. She buckled her shiny black shoes on, and smiled, standing. She tapped her feet a little, then frowned at the plush carpeting she so loved on cold mornings. She hurried into the hall, and tapped her toes. She giggled a little. The phone rang, and she clacked down the hall to get it, grinning madly.

"Hey Max." she said, glancing at the call display as she raised the phone. "Hey Dana. I was just gonna leave you a message. I thought you were on a date with Terry." the black girl stated. "I was. Stupid Mr. Wayne called again. When did my boyfriend turn into some old guy's butler?" she asked. "He's an assistant, you know that. So, what's up?" she asked. "I bought myself some new shoes. And I'm thinking about taking some Dance lessons." she added.

Like Cinderella, I am transformed.
Suddenly I'm taller
You're smaller
I am reborn!

"You? Dance lessons?" Max asked skeptically. "Sure. You should come. I hear it's a great way to meet guys." she added. "Uh, thanks, but no. Aw crap...I got another call. I'll talk to you later, Dana." Max said. 'Sure. See ya Max." Dana stated, and hung up the phone. Then she picked up the phone book, and clacked into the kitchen, smiling slightly to herself.

With new courage,
I go downtown.
To find you sitting at a table,
Girls all around.
(and they see my...)

Dana held her duffel bag close to her side as she approached the Studio. Her first lesson. She looked around, and much to her surprise, saw Terry and Max walking down the street. Terry seemed rather distressed, and Max was rolling her eyes. Dana smirked, and went inside.

Dana blushed as she was put into a couple with a handsome young man, the same age as her. He smiled slightly. "Don't worry. I won't step on your shoes." he promised. "Ah...I was more worried about stepping on yours. I'm Dana." she said. "Caleb. My mom's the instructor." he added. "Really? Then you must be good." she replied. "Best in the class." he replied. She grinned. "Lucky me." They watched his mother and her partner demonstrate, then he offered her his hand. She took it, and he spun her onto the dance floor, grinning.

My new tango shoes,
They are my treasure! They are so cool!
My new tango shoes,
They are my ticket! My tools!
My new tango shoes,
Are gonna help me dance away from you!
My new tango shoes!

Dana sashayed down the hall and grabbed the phone. "This is Dana." she said, filing her red painted nails. "Hey Dana. It's Max." the girl said. "Hey Max. You got a date for the dance?" she asked. "Yeah...Terry asked me. He said that you turned him down." she said solemnly. Dana sighed. 'Max...I just...I'm tired of Terry never spending time with me....he's always running off to Wayne's place." she stated. "But he's working! Bruce really needs Terry's help." Max said. "Hey, if you're so understanding, you date him. I'm just sick of it. I really like Terry, Max. But I have needs too." she said firmly. 'Alright...I'll see you tomorrow at the dance." Max stated. "Bye Max." Dana said. "Bye Dana."

...see my sexy metamorphosis
Right before your angry eyes...
I stick a red rose in between my lips,
Turn on my heel,
Dance out of your life!

Terry tugged at his tie, and sighed. "I hate these things." he muttered. Max smirked. "Poor baby." she teased. Then she blinked. "Woah! Who is he?!" she wondered. Terry turned, and spotted Dana on the arm of a guy with blond hair. She held a red rose in one hand, and was dressed rather daring. Then she turned, and spotted him. She didn't smile, but said something to her date, and he nodded, heading towards the Deejay. She approached their table. "Hey Max. Great Dress. Hi Terry." she said, cool as a cucumber. "Who's the guy?" Max asked, grinning. "My date. Caleb. He's my dance partner from class." she stated.

"Class?' Terry asked blankly. Dana shook her head. "You mean you didn't even notice I've been taking ballroom dancing lessons for three months?" she asked. He blushed. "I've been...busy..." he mumbled, shooting a glare at Max. She tried to look innocent. Caleb suddenly appeared by her elbow. "Shall we, My lady?" he grinned. Dana grinned. 'Let's." she said, and they headed for the dance floor as the first strains of music began to play.

You told me you love me.
That was untrue.
Now that we're over,
This dance is for you.

Terry stared in shock as Dana and Caleb masterfully went through the steps of a rather passionate tango. Max covered her mouth with a slender hand to hide her grin. "You lost that one, Ter." she murmured. "I didn't even get a chance to compete..." he mumbled in reply. The whole gymnasium burst into applause as Caleb dipped Dana, and her hands dropped like wilted flowers to the floor. He gripped her back, and she had a leg wrapped around him. He pulled her up,and she kissed his cheek, before they bowed.

Dana and Caleb danced together the entire night, talking and laughing. As the dance drew to a close, they decided to leave early, but first, Dana stopped by Terry and Max's table. She stopped beside Terry, and pressed her rose into his hands. "Goodbye, Terry. I hope you find someone more tolerant than me." she stated, and kissed his cheek. Terry was unable to reply. Caleb shrugged, and followed her out of the dance.

Terry shook his head. Max patted his hand. "Don't worry Terry. Ya still got me and Bruce." she said, though that was kind of a cold comfort.

Caleb opened the door for Dana and she climbed into the car. He closed it, then hurried around, and climbed in himself. They listened to music and talked like old friends all the way back to Dana's. He walked her to the door, and kissed her goodnight. Dana smiled, blushing, and they agreed to see each other the next day. She watched from the window as he drove off, then sighed happily. Humming to herself, Dana danced off to her bedroom to get ready for bed. After she'd changed, she picked up her shiny black Tango shoes, and placed them reverently on a shelf in her closet. She giggled to herself, and went to bed.

My new tango shoes,
They are my treasure! They are so cool!
My new tango shoes,
They are my ticket! My tools!
My new tango shoes,
Are gonna help me dance away from you!
My new tango shoes!


BlackDinah 05-16-2008 04:08 AM

056. Breakfast - Terry & Matt McGinnis, Dana Tan, Melanie Walker (BB & JLU spoilers!) Part Three

Morning found Matt exhausted and sore. He'd fallen asleep at the mansion, instead of his small bachelor apartment. Dressed only in a pair of sweats, Matt made his way to the kitchen on a walk that seemed too long to even fathom.
"Terry?" he called, hearing someone in the kitchen. When he entered, it wasn't his brother, or his sister in law. It was a blond woman with pale eyes, a few strands of white beginning to show in her hair.
"Terry?'re not Terry." she said, surprised.
" Matt. Terry's my brother. Umm...who are you?" he asked. She smiled, and offered a hand.
"Melanie Walker. I worked for Mr. Wayne as a chef...I took a break after he passed away...but I'm back now." she shrugged.
"Terry's never mentioned you before..." Matt frowned, and then looked up as he heard footsteps behind him, too light to be Terry's...besides, Terry didn't make noise anymore. "Morning Matt. Morning Melanie." Dana yawned, dressed in a housecoat and her slippers.
"I see you've met Terry's bratty brother, Mel." Dana grinned.
"Just now. He says Terry doesn't talk about me." she sighed mournfully, and went back to putting groceries away. Dana grinned, and helped herself to a cup of coffee.

"There's lots Terry didn't talk about. Matt went out with him last night...his first time." she stated, sipping her drink black. Matt looked at her in alarm, and Melanie grinned.
"Well, that's different then." she stated, and held out a hand.
"Ten of Clubs, of the Royal Flush Gang." she stated.
"But...Ten's a criminal!" Matt protested.
"Was. I did a stint in Juvie too, remember, Twip?" Terry's voice said from behind him. Matt groaned, and sank onto a stool.

"Too much..." he sighed, and shook his head. Terry chuckled, and kissed Dana lightly.
"Hey Mel. We too early for breakfast just yet?" he asked.
"Of course you are. But there's tea and coffee already made." Melanie stated, and Terry poured a pot of pale green tea into a cup, sipping it. He poured a second, and held it out to Matt.
"Coffee, Ter." Matt groaned.
"New diet. You don't drink Coffee, you drink tea. Green Tea. It's good for the mind." his brother stated. Sighing, Matt took the cup, and sipped it, grimacing.
"Bleah...needs honey." he muttered, but didn't use any when his brother glared again.

"So now that you're Nightbird, I suppose you'll be living here?" Melanie asked.
"'s Nightwing, and I hadn't really planned on it." Matt returned.
"Why not? You'll be able to quit that job you hate so much...besides, as the second major shareholder in Wayne-Powers, I'm going to need your help in a lot more than just the Cave, Matt. I'm still technically the head of the Pharmaceuticals department, and my Head of Security is retiring next week and I have to replace him..." Terry trailed off, and gave his brother a measuring look.
"What?" Matt frowned.
"Travis is one of Paxton's little weasels...and I can't stand the man, but he's done the company no great harm. place someone I trust in his place...Someone with the vested interest in the success and security of our company...would be inarguable. Especially since YOU own more of the company than Paxton does." Matt shook his head.
"Too much, Terry. I'm not ready for that...and Nightwing. I don't have any degrees in business...I'm barely out of school as it is! And I took Criminology and Psychology, not security and administration." he said firmly. Then he glanced at Melanie, happily stacking shelves.
"Ms. Walker used to be in the security business...why not give her a promotion?" he asked. The whole room went silent, and Melanie blushed brightly.
"Matt..." Dana began, and Melanie shook her head.
"'s okay, Dana. Once a never forget the business." she stated. Then she pulled up a stool, looking at them all for a long moment.

"The truth is, Terry...I almost didn't come back this time." she said softly.
"Why?" Dana asked, shocked.
"Dana...oh sweetie, I love you, but you're kinda clueless." Melanie smiled tightly.
"I've always had feelings for Terry...gratitude for friendship and everything he's done for me, I guess...this was the only way I could be close to him...was to be here to help Bruce. But I love you guys so much...I dunno how I came back at all...with you guys moving in." she sighed.
"It's not the same here anyways...not without Bruce." she said softly. Dana smiled, and rose, putting her cup down. She hugged Melanie.
"Situation solved, Mel. You go work the security desk at WP...and I'll go back to making my husband eat my vile cooking." she said, kissing the crown of the blond's head. Matt rose, and stretched.
"Well, my work here is done. I'm gonna go soak out all these bruises, then hit the gym downstairs." he stated. Terry chuckled.
"Thanks, Twip...and I'll come down to give you a hand shortly." Matt sighed, muttering dark things about his brother as he walked away.

BlackDinah 05-16-2008 04:18 AM

o71. Broken - Kit Conn & Teen Titans (Teen Titans & Golden Age)

Kit woke slowly, to a dull ache in her leg and a fog in her brain.
“Ugh, who hit me with the bus?” she asked, then gave a jaw cracking yawn. “Robincycle, actually.” A voice said, and she looked up. Beast Boy and Cyborg were watching her curiously.
“Ah. Damn…you two are pretty cute when we’re not fighting.” She said, and gave a tired laugh.
“Flattery will get you nowhere, lady.” Cyborg stated.
“How about honesty?” she asked, and leaned her head back.

“Back when Terra and Slade were kicking your butts all over the place, and rocking the Tower something fierce, I managed to sneak in there. I’m not that good…with the suit, I’m damn good, but you’ve got crazy tech in this place. Anyways, the systems were all disabled when I got here. I…wasn’t looking to take the Red X suit…but…It was there. I used to be a thief…I’m trying to change my ways. I took it. Then when I realized what I had, I was impressed. I mean…” she trailed off, and laughed a little.

“I confess a bit of Hero Worship to the Boy Wonder. Our mentors used to fight back in the day, but I hit the scene at the END of Catman’s career…he’d left Gotham and the Bat behind by the time I showed up. I tell ya…there’s nothing more embarrassing than being the genius sidekick of a frigging moron.” She said bitterly, and turned her head, looking at them.
“I had to go after the Xenothium. The suit was low so I took a chance, and managed to nab it in the fracas with Dr. Chang. A tough piece of work that was…” she added, and grinned.
“He’s so fast…It was so hard to keep one step ahead of him! Then Chang zapped me. And he locked me up! I totally got my ass worked…but I was standing. I was even ahead of him before I got zapped! I was pretty proud.” She stated, smiling. But her face sobered.
“But Chang had all of you…and…I may have been a thief…but I was NEVER a murderer. So I went after him. And…It was incredible. A dream come true. And as much as I denied being a Hero…” she fell silent.
“What?” Beast Boy pressed. She looked at him, and smiled.
“It felt good. Really good. I liked it a lot.” She said softly, and looked away. “Then he took the damned belt, and I had to sneak in and steal it all over again.” She laughed softly.
“I’ll tell you more about me some other time, guys. I think whatever goodies you pumped me up with just kicked back in.” she yawned drowsily. Cyborg and Beast Boy looked at each other curiously as she fell asleep.
“Man, she’s a talker.” Cyborg stated.
“Cute though.” Beast Boy grinned.
“Very cute!” Cyborg grinned, and they left her to rest.

Raven read her book as Kit ate a bowl of soup, brought to her for lunch. “Raven…” she began, and Raven frowned at her.
“Um…Robin…he’s pretty mad, huh?” she asked softly.
“You broke into our tower at least four times, stole his suit, the belt, AND his bike. You made friends with him, got him to trust you in your civilian, then blew it by revealing yourself to be Red X. Yeah, I think he’s mad.” She said dryly.
“Would you…umm…tell him I’m sorry.” Kit sked, staring into the soup. Raven looked at her, and saw moisture shining in her eyes.
“And tell him…I’m not going to be a thief anymore. I’m giving the suit back. It’s his…I never should have taken it!” she said, and shook her head, blinking the tears away.

“Do you mean that?” Raven asked. Kit blushed.
“I…I guess I kind of wanted to be noticed…be remembered. Nobody remembers Kitten…and I’m almost as good as Robin is! I just wanted him to see me, I guess. But I want to be noticed because I’m a hero…not because I’m a thief. That’s… Kitten was a Thief. Red X was a Thief. I’m not either of those anymore.” She sighed.
“I guess…I’m just plain old Kit Conn now.” She sighed.

“Kit Conn was always good enough for me.” Robin stated, standing in the doorway. She blushed brightly, and Raven rose, taking the tray away when she pushed it to the side.
“I’m going to my room to read.” She stated, and left them alone.
“Hi.” Kit said shyly.
“Why didn’t you….why were we friends…if you were my enemy?” he asked. She stared at her hands.
“A girl’s gotta live…and Supervillainy’s a step up from Prostitution.” She said softly. “Blake’s a millionaire.” He stated.
“Blake’s a wreck. Even before Green Arrow whupped him. I haven’t seen him in ages…he ran out of money and disappeared into Africa, leaving me with all his problems. I…took the suit because I needed to be someone different. I… didn’t take it to hurt people.” She said, and finally looked at him.
“I missed you, Sweet Robin.” She said softly.

“It’s funny…As I left here after our fight…I wanted to go to your place…to tell you what had happened.” Robin stated, and crossed the floor. She sat up, and slid her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest.
“I’m sorry, Robin…I just want to be good.” She murmured against his uniform. Robin put his arms around her.
“Kit…I think you’ll be great…just…not as Red X.” he said firmly. Then he smiled. “Besides…Super chick in Drag?” he teased. She blushed brightly.
“Hey, makes one hell of a secret identity, doesn’t it?” she asked, laughing. He smiled, and brushed a copper curl off her forehead with a gloved hand.
“Yeah, It certainly does. Get some rest.” He advised. Kit gave a small nod, and closed her eyes as he left.

“So, Robin…what’s going on with your girlfriend?” Cyborg asked. Robin looked up. “Kit’s not my girlfriend.” He stated, and he looked at Starfire, who looked uncomfortable.
“She’s just….She was just a friend. I don’t know what’s going on there anymore.” He shrugged, and went back to the part he was working on.
“Robin, She’s obviously a security risk. She’s broken into the tower several times…with and without the suit’s Xenothium Core.” Raven pointed out flatly. “She is also, what I think is called…False.” Starfire offered tentatively.
“If you don’t want her, can I keep her?” Beast Boy asked. Robin rose, slapping his pliers onto the workbench.
“ENOUGH!” He growled.
“I will decide what will be done I just need…time to think.” He said through gritted teeth.

“So…I don’t get a say in my own fate, boy wonder?” A voice asked, and the Titans whirled. Kit was standing in the hall, her weight off the formerly broken leg. She wore only a pair of boy cut shorts and her sports bra.
“Kit!” Robin blurted. She smiled, leaning against the wall.
“I usually spend like..three weeks in bed after a fight with you…but…Man, that fast healing really tires a gal out, Raven.” She stated, and When she started to slide down the wall, Beast Boy helped her stand upright.
“Exhausted, and you STILL managed to bust out of a level two containment room?” Cyborg shook his head.
"Hey…I got a rep to maintain.” She stated, and looked at each of them.
“I came here to tell you all…I’m NOT your enemy. And I’m NOT a thief…not anymore. I haven’t stolen anything but the Robincycle in months. Actually…other than the Xenothium, and the power core, I haven’t stolen anything…not in a long time. I just…I want to help.” She stated, and drew herself up.

“You were right, Robin…We could do a lot of Good.” She said solemnly.
“Kit…I know you’re skilled…but…I don’t trust you anymore.” Robin stated. Kit gave a trembling smile, and bowed her head.
“Ouch. Yeah. Okay. I deserved that.” She said softly, and turned, limping down the hall with what was left of her dignity.
“That was…not nice, Robin.” Starfire said, frowning.
“What do you guys WANT me to say to her?!” he demanded.
“How about…apology accepted?” Raven asked, then sighed, and pushed her hood back.

“Look…you all remember when we first met? Starfire, rampaging around, trashing the town? She wasn’t a threat…she was just scared. And we weren’t a team…we were just a bunch of people…looking for a place to belong.” She sighed.
“So?” Cyborg asked.
“Cyborg, you told me back then, that it didn’t matter if I fit in. None of us do. So Kit’s a Thief. An EX- Thief. She’s voluntarily turning over a new leaf. I don’t detect anything malevolent in her purpose…I think…Kit just wants to belong somewhere. I know what that feels like.” Raven finished, then blushed, because they were all staring at her.
“Maybe you’re right, Raven…Remember Terra?” Beast Boy asked, and the others turned to him, surprised.
“Terra sacrificed herself for all of us…she earned redemption.” Robin stated firmly. “So…Kit doesn’t get the same chance to prove herself?” Starfire asked, confused. Robin swallowed.
“You’re right, Guys…So…all in favor of letting Kit have a second chance?” he asked. Slowly, they all raised their hands. Robin smiled.
“I’ll…go tell her.”

“Kit!” Robin called, and she looked up. She was perched, costume-less, on his bike.
“I thought you weren’t stealing anymore?” he asked.
“Gotta get out of your house somehow…and my ankle’s not up to the swim, thanks. I figure, you know where I live…you can come get it later.” She shrugged, not looking at him.
“Kit…get off the bike.” He said firmly. She sighed, and slid off the seat, finally looking at him.
“Can you at least drop me off then?” she asked.
“I can do one better.” He stated, and crossed the floor.
“I can offer you a place on this team.” He stated, and she jerked her head up, startled.
“What?” she asked, confused.

“If you truly want to be a hero…I shouldn’t stop you…I should help you. So…I’ll help you come up with a new Identity…Red X needs to be retired.” He chuckled. “You think Starfire will get mad If I kiss you?” she smiled teasingly.
“Probably.” He stated.
“I’ll take a hug then.” She said, and threw her arms around his neck, giving him a peck on the cheek.
“You can tell her I STOLE the kiss.” She laughed, and he chuckled, returning the hug.

BlackDinah 05-16-2008 04:23 AM

003. Ends - The End (The Endless & OC)

He walks through a garden filled with mighty statues. He navigates with familiarity, for he is blind. And though he has no sight, he reads from a great book, chained to his wrist. He follows a path worn by ages, sightlessly observing fate as it winds its way inexorably towards the end of time. Each word spoken is written there and read by him. Nothing is hidden from him. He knows everything, past...present...and future. But the things he reads in the pages of his book still move him. And on this day, a page halts him in his tracks. He stops, and stares for what might have been only a moment, a brief hesitation...but to him, it is nearly eternity. And then, with sudden vigor, he resumes motion, striding towards a gallery with seven large frames.

One frame holds a mirror, and it holds his own reflection. The other six hold the images of his sisters and brothers, as they wish to be seen. In his realm, in the realm of the Endless, wish and reality are seldom different. One of these portraits is hung with a large sheet, to hide its image. He smiles, the tiniest of smiles, and tears the sheet down with one hand. Behind it is a tall red haired man with a slight beard, and green eyes. He is frowning, as is oft his way. Only one of their siblings brings him joy, and that is the youngest. She was Delight, but now, after madness has taken much of that away, she is called Delirium. He steps back from the portrait, and summons them all to his garden. When he calls, as eldest, they all come. Even Destruction, who has long turned his back on his family. Destiny returns his sightless eyes to the pages of the book, and watches his siblings as they approach.

Death, the one he is closest to, arrives first. "You call loudly brother. Almost a shout." She states, stepping from the painting. "There is great need for expediency." Destiny replies as Despair oozes forth from he frame. "I am busy making people miserable, Brother." She says, scowling. "They can wait." Death grins at him. Desire, twin to Despair, arrives next. "Ah, sister/brother Desire. Welcome." Destiny says, bowing his head slightly. Desire laughs, and it rubs against the room like velvet, soft and warm. "Brother, you call?" Dream says, stepping forth, swathed in black clothes. "Did you bring Matthew?" Destiny asks. "I shall." Dream states, and steps back through his portrait just as Delirium steps out of hers. She looks around, confusion in her eyes. "I dOn't See wHaT aLl the FusS iS aboUt..."she begins, and Dream returns with the Raven called Matthew. "WhaT a pRetTy BirDie..." she says. Matthew blinks at her. "Thanks. You're pretty cute yourself, princess." he says gently. "Call her Delirium, Bird...Or you may confuse her." A voice rumbles, and they all look towards the last of their number. Destruction, the red haired man, stands before his portrait, looking no more impressed than usual. "You demanded my presence, Destiny. Now speak, that I may leave once more." he rumbles. Despair snickers. "He's missing his favorite show." she throws out, and he glares balefully at her. "Come." Destiny says, and leads them to the round stone table. They all sit, and he lays his book on the table. He turns it, and shows them the facing pages.

"It's a girl. She's pretty. Not as pretty as me, but I could make men want her like no other." Desire comments, gazing at the young woman. "I liKe HeR...WhAt's hEr NaMe?" Delirium asks. "To those who will be her friends, she is called Hope. She will have many names before I close my pages." Destiny turns sightless eyes on his family, meeting each gaze in turn. "We will call her 'Daughter'. For she will be that...a child to each of carry our power. She will stand behind me, as Death collects my soul at The End of Time. But her beginning must be now, in these quiet days. We will create" Destiny states. "How?" Despair asks. "Death can give no life, and I am barren." she reminds them. "I am both and neither." Desire shrugs its shoulders. "I aLwaYs wAntEd tO be A moMmY." Delirium sighs happily, tracing a finger over the curve of the jaw in the picture. "From each of us we must give her a gift, and a piece of our power. Place it on the table before us all." Destiny commands, and one by one, the others obey their brother.

Delirium is the first, and she holds out her hands. A butterfly lands on the table, along with a sphere of rainbow colored light. "I giVe CuRioUsiTy. AnD bUtterFlies. I liKe BeiNg A bUttErFly." she says solemnly. "Curiousity and Butterflies." Dream smiles, and Destruction ruffles his sister's hair fondly. "I give emotions. All of them, hers, and everyone else's. She will learn to keep them out, but the strong ones...they'll get through. She can send them out, or take them in." Despair states, and places a mud colored ball of power on the table. "Your gift, sister?" Desire asks. Desire scowls, and places a second item, a crystal in the shape of a tear on the table. "Widow's Tears. They can heal all wounds. Not my specialty, I know...but she'll despair when she runs out one day." Despair sneers. "You are a horrible creature, Despair. Not that I haven't been aware of this for eons." Dream says quietly, and places his gifts on the table.

"Of myself I give the doorway to the dream realms. She may walk there as none but I ever have." he states. Then he holds his hand up, and Matthew jumps from his shoulder to his wrist. "My gift is Matthew, to guide her and be her friend. This is not presumptuous of me?" he asks the raven. Matthew gives a hoarse laugh. "I could stand to stretch my wings, Dream King. I will take good care of her." he promises, and stands on the table with the Widow's Tear and the Butterfly. The Butterfly flutters up to sit on his head. "Sister/brother, what is your gift?" Dream asks. Desire laughs. "Why of myself I give Beauty." It states, and places a rosy globe of light on the table. "And how better to see that the soul matches the body than with a Mirror of True Beauty?" It adds, placing a polished round mirror on the table. Curious, Matthew looks within, and sees the face of a man gazing back. He gives a harsh laugh. "If only." he states bitterly, and Despair laughs as well, though for different reasons. "I give the child her Soul." Death states, placing a white sphere on the table. "And my promise that I will not collect it until after I have collected yours Brother Destiny. As for my gift to her...She may use this to buy a life from me. I will spare a mortal for her, if she loves them truly." Death states, placing her Ankh pendant on the table beside the Mirror of True Beauty. "WhAt wiLl yOu giVe hEr, DeStrUctiOn?" Delirium asks. He smiles slightly.

"I give the Elements. For creation or destructions, she may bend the forces of nature to her will." he states, placing a fiery orb on the table. Matthew shies away from it. "And this." He adds, holding out his hands. After a second, power coalesces, and a mighty sword appears in his hands. He lays it on the table. "This is the Sword I gave to Michael, back in the day." he pats it wistfully. Having each given a gift and a part of their power, the siblings turned to the eldest. "What will you give her, Destiny?" Death asks. "She will be curious, so I will not give her great knowledge. She has already been given life exceeding my own. I will give her ten seconds of the future, that she might foresee any immediate dangers to herself. That is the part of my power I pass to her." he states. Then he gazes down at the face on the pages of the book. "What gift do you give?" Destruction asks softly. Destiny continues to stare at the image, and slowly, he smiles. "I have little of value but the book of fates, and that I cannot give. I will give her this." he states, and removes his Grey cloak, worn over his Grey robes. "I give her my cloak...that she might always feel the warmth of her family about her...and that when she wishes to go unseen, she shall." he states.

The seven gifts sit on the table, with seven spheres of power. Destiny collects the spheres, and holds them out to the middle brother, Destruction. "You are a creator, and a destroyer. Destroy these spheres, and create Hope, Brother." Destiny states. Solemnly, Destruction takes them in his hands. Then he smiles at Delirium. "Want to help?" he asks. She nods, clapping her hands, and they step apart, beginning to juggle. Both close their eyes, concentrating as they toss the powers back and forth. Curiousity, Empathy, Dream walking, Beauty, Spirit, Elementalism, and Precognition, moving in shimmering flickering arcs of light. And then, the middle and youngest of the eldest drop their hands, and the orbs fall together on the floor, with a sound like the shattering of glass. A great flash of light, and all but Destiny shield their eyes. Then the light fades.

"Hello, child." Destiny says solemnly. The curled form on the floor unfolds, and rises, bare. Dream takes the cloak from the table, and gently drapes it around her shoulders. "Thank you, Father Dream." she smiles, and her voice is sweet and pitched low. Her eyes, like Delirium's, are mismatched, with one the color of a cat's gold, the other the silver grey of a clouded sky. "Have you a name, child?" Despair demands. "Mother Despair, I am called Hope...but my name is The End." she smiles. "The has a ring to it." Death smiles. The red haired girl returns the smile with one of her own.

BlackDinah 05-16-2008 04:28 AM

087. Life - Redemption (Melanie Walker/Ten) - Part Two

“Melanie?” Terry called, tossing his bag on the couch. She stuck her head out of the kitchen. “In here. I made dinner.” She stated. He stared at her in surprise, then entered the room. “It smells good!” he stated. Matt grinned at him. “Dude, she’s a way better babysitter than Dana. Dana just gives me cereal when I’m hungry.” He stated. “Don’t complain, or I’ll send you to Max’s house.” He said, and Matt shuddered. “So not Shway.” The boy stated, and hopped out of his chair, wandering away. “How was school?” Melanie asked, stirring the pot on the stove. “Same as usual. I have good news though.” He grinned. “Oh?” she asked. “Yeah…I think I found you a job.” He stated. She turned, gaping. “Already? Terry, who did you find that would hire a Criminal?” she said the last word softly, glancing at the door Matt had left through. He smiled.

“Relax. It’s the same guy who hired THIS criminal after a stint in Juvie.” Terry stated. She raised a brow. “That’s a story I want told at some point, McGinnis.” She said firmly, then gestured for him to continue with one hand. “Alright, here’s the thing. My boss is Bruce Wayne, of Wayne Powers. He’s old, but he’s still all there, he’s just not as fast as he used to be. I’m his assistant. But…I can’t really do it all on my own. The day to day stuff…cleaning, cooking, all that stuff. Because of school, I’m not available all the time. He suggested that if YOU wanted the job, he would take you on…and the best part is…there’s quarters at the Mansion…a whole FLOOR you could call home. He wouldn’t bother you for anything but food…you’ll hardly even see the old guy. What do you think?” he asked, grinning.

“A place to live, AND a job? Do you think Dana would be mad if I kissed you?” she grinned. “Probably.” He replied with a laugh. Melanie leaned forwards, and kissed his cheek. “Too bad for her. You can tell Mr. Wayne that I would be THRILLED.” She stated. Terry nodded. “Great. I’ll take you over there tonight after mom gets home.” He stated. She nodded. “Okay.” She said, then grinned. “Now go do your homework; dinner will be ready in a little while.” She lectured, pointing to the door with her spoon. “Oh yeah, you’ll get along with mom just fine.” He said dryly, but left the kitchen anyways.

“Easy Ace…Melanie’s a friend.” Terry soothed the Doberman as they passed through the gates. “Does he bite?” she asked. “Not unless he’s told.” Terry grinned, and they walked up the long drive. Terry placed his palm on a reader at the door, and the doors opened automatically for him. “I’ll get you keyed into the system.” He added, then hesitated. “Melanie…I trust you…but this man is my friend…since Dad was killed…Bruce has been like a father to me…if you need anything, just ask…this isn’t the kind of man you want to steal from.” He added softly. Melanie’s jaw clenched, then she sighed. “Terry…I don’t want to steal from anyone anymore.” She sighed. Terry smiled. “I hoped you’d say that.” He stated, and led her into the house, Ace trotting along at his heels.

“And this is where you’ll stay.” Terry stated, stopping at the door. He opened it, letting Melanie in before him. “It’s…dusty.” She said after a moment. “That’s because no one has lived here since my manservant Alfred Pennyworth died…almost twenty years ago now.” Said a gravelly voice. Melanie turned, surprised, to find Bruce Wayne on the landing behind Terry.
“Mr. Wayne…I just want to thank you for this opportunity. I won’t let you down.” She said firmly, and offered her hand. Bruce took it.

“I know very well who you were, young lady…but I value Terry’s opinion of people…and I think you truly wish to redeem yourself. I’ll give you a few days to familiarize yourself with the house. I maintain accounts at a number of stores, and the food is shipped directly to the mansion. I leave the choice of menus to you, though I am partial to light foods in my old age. Nothing too rich, please. The cleaning and maintainance can be done whenever you wish, and if you need time off for personal reasons, just let me or Terry know. As long as meals are served three times a day, generally eight AM, one PM, and Seven PM, I doubt I’ll ask much of you. I have Terry to annoy.” He chuckled, and Melanie smiled. “Now, Terry…I believe I have some tasks for you, so let us leave Melanie to get settled in.” he stated, and put a hand on Terry’s shoulder. “I’ll be down in a moment.” Terry stated. Bruce nodded, and headed back to the elevator.

“He’s…nice. I think.” Melanie stated softly. “He’s a little scary when he wants to be. He’s very intense.” Terry agreed. Then he gave Melanie a hug. “If you need anything, call my cel.” He stated, and gave her a small card, several numbers on it. “There’s also my home number, the mansion number, and the number for Bruce’s car. Try my cel first though.” He added. “Okay. Go on. Boss man has Tasks.” She stated, and kissed his cheek again. “Thanks, Terry. For all of this.” She said. Terry nodded, and left, closing the door behind him.

BlackDinah 05-16-2008 04:33 AM

030. Death - Death of the Endless

I sit in the hospital, and I remember Death.


The first time I saw Death, I was six, seated front row at Haly's circus. Just me and my dad. I remembered watching the boy in the acrobat family, swinging high in the air, grabbing the trapeze bar as it swung within his reach, perfect and flawless. I remembered thinking I wanted to try to fly like he did. He flew into the arms of his parents, and we all cheered. It was great. Really great.

Then they lowered the net. He swung out on the bar, and he did a real fancy maneouver, and reached for the bar. But it wasn't there. The bar didn't swing far enough. The flawless boy fell. I covered my eyes and screamed, and the crowd gasped. I opened them. I had to know if the flying boy had grown wings, or if he had hit the ground.

I looked out at the floor, and saw not the boy, but a teenage girl. She looked about my sister's age, sixteen or so. She was pretty, but very pale. Her hair was black, like her clothes, and she had a little curlicue in black under one eye. It looked like the masks I had seen in the museum trip. The necklace she wore did too. She smiled, and pointed up. I looked up. The boy still flew.

He held a cord, and dangled from it above the girl. Slowly, he slid down it. His parents slid down a long ladder, and joined him. Together, they pu thteir arms around him, and held their free hands up proudly. The girl in the centre ring applauded with the crowd, then touched his parents on the shoulders. For a moment, I saw double. The parents, the Flying Graysons, looked at her, surprised. She drew them away from their son, and they came reluctantly. And yet, they stood there, waving to the crowd. I was trying to clap, but my hands shook, so I balled them up in my lap, pressing my knuckles into my knees.

Across from me, I saw a lady in a pink dress, and a man I recognized from TV. He was watching hte boy. He looked impressed. I was impressed too. Then, two claps of thunder echoed in the big top. The grown up Flying Graysons fell, brains and blood spattering their son. The two who stood with the pale girl looked sad. His mother wanted to comfort him, but instead, the girl shook her head, and they faded away. Their souls faded away. I knew then who she was, as people ran screaming from the Big Top. She was Death. One of the circus performers, I thought maybe it was the pretty lady who rode the elephant, ran towards the boy who could fly. He stared down at his parents in shock and fear, and did not look away. I saw them too, but I just remember staring at his face. His grief was plain, and I felt my insides tighten, and my dad covered my eyes with his hand.

"Don't look, baby." he whispered, and pulled me into his arms, trying to protect me. I turned my head at the last moment, and I saw the boy. He was held by the woman who rode elephants, but like me, he looked around. Our eyes met, and I wanted to tell him it hadn't hurt. They hadn't felt the pain. Those things on the ground were just vessels. THe stuff that was his parents, what had filled those vessels, was at peace. I wanted to tell him everything would be okay. But my dad covered my face again, and when I could see once more, Dad was carrying me out to the limousine, and I didn't see the boy who could fly again.


When I was ten, I saw Her again. The girl I knew was Death. I was standing in front of the shopping mall. It was cold, but I was christmas shopping. I was waiting for my dad. He was buying me a present, something special he wanted to get before it was too late. Watching her, I stamped my feet and rubbed my arms, hugging myself in my warm coat. She smiled at me across the street, and waved. I waved back, tentatively. She winked at me. I gave a trembling smile. She knew I could see Her. I thought it was wierd, that I could see her, but nobody else could. Then she stepped into the crowd, and touched the shoulder of an old woman, huddled in her coat. She gestured across the street, and the spirit of the old woman nodded, smiling. Death and the old lady crossed the street, and stepped onto the curb in front of me. I looked past them, and watched the rude man bump the old woman. Her empty body cried out, and stumbled, slipping off the curb. Her frail old head hit the ground, and cracked with a sicknening sound. She was dead. I looked at Death and the old lady. They were stepping up the stairs, right in front of me. I smiled at the old woman. "Merry christmas, Ma'am." I said politely. She patted my head. "Such a kind child. Merry christmas." she said. The old lady began to fade. I looked at Death. She looked at me, and ruffled my hair. I almost thought it was fondly. Then she was gone, and my father came out. He took one look at the people trying to revive the old dead woman, and swept me away, telling me not to look.


I was twelve when the speeding truck hit my friend Alex. But I did not see Death. I was at home, with a terrible fever. I wasn't there to watch Alex die. But when my dad came in to tell me, I just nodded. I was so very tired, and there she was, standing behind him. She smiled, almost apologetically. When my dad left, she came into my room, and sat beside my bed. "Is it my turn too?" I whispered then, and she shook her head. "No. Alex will come back as someone who leads a happy life though. He asked me to say goodbye to you for him." she stated. I smiled at her. "Thanks. Can I ask you another question?" I say. She nods, chin propped in her hands. "How come I see you?" I asked. She smiled. "Because you're special. When you get a little older, I'll introduce you to some of my bothers and sisters. You'll be able to see them too." she stated. "What makes me so special? I didn't want to see the Flying Boy's parents die. Or the old lady at the shopping mall." I state, and tears prick my eyes. She smoothed my red hair off my face. "I know. But there's a reason for everything. One day, perhaps you'll meet my brother Destiny. He knows all about it." she states. Death bent at the waist, and kissed my forehead. "Sleep tight, hon." she said, and vanished. I did not see her again until just recently.


I see her a lot since I started working at St. Luke's Hospital, in San Francisco. Sometimes I'm with them, waiting while they die. Other times, I see her in the halls. We chat the odd time. Today, she sat with me at the side of old Mr. Dormeins while I held his hand. "Tell me something, Kid." she smiles crookedly at me. I think it's a pretty smile. "Sure." I say. When we're together, it's like she's a friend from my childhood. We visit, talk, even laugh sometimes. "What are you doing here?" she asks me. I stare at her. "I'm..." I begin, then fall silent. "Actually, I have no idea why I'm here. People dying all around me, and I always know. Because I see you. When I know a patient is dying, I sit with them, and wait for you to come. Maybe I come here to see you, Death. Maybe I come here so that they don't all have to see you alone." I tell her. "That's sweet. But aren't you afraid of me?" she asks. "Not really. Should I be?" I ask, and she laughs.

"Not really." she replies, and takes Mr. Dormien's hand, helping him out of his body. He kisses my cheek on his way by, and his spirit feels warm, while his physical hand chills in my own already. "Bye." I say, and he smiles. "Thank you, dear." he murmurs, and Death winks at me.

"See you round, Kid." she says, and I smile. They leave, and I sit for a while longer, just holding his hand before I call for the nurses.

BlackDinah 05-17-2008 06:23 AM

084. He - Kit Conn & Teen Titans - Part five

“Has anyone seen Robin?” Starfire asked. “He’s in the lab with Kit.” Cyborg stated. “Oh…” Starfire sighed, and wandered out of the room. She headed down the corridor to Robin’s lab, unsure of what she was feeling. In Tokyo, they had kissed, and he had held her hand. She had liked it a lot. She wondered if Kit would like it too. It made her eyes glow at the thought, and she shook her head. “I trust Robin.” She said firmly to herself. Then she sighed. “But I do NOT trust the Kit.” She admitted, and flew down the hall towards Robin’s Lab.

She stopped at the door, and opened it a crack, peering in. Kit stood in the middle of the room, wearing only a tight black bodysuit. Robin’s cape lay across a chair. “Quit peeking in to see if we’re being naughty, and tell me if this thing makes my butt look big.” Kit stated, looking in the mirror. Starfire blushed, and opened the door. “I did not wish to disturb.” She said, and Kit smiled. “You’re not. Robin and I are trying to work out a new identity for me. I’ll sort of miss Red X, but…That’s behind me.” She said firmly. “The Xenothium is just too unstable, Kit. I won’t take the risk any longer.” Robin stated, coming out of a storage room with a large case.

“That’s sweet. But you know, I’ve done a LOT to improve the suit while I’ve had it, Robin. I’m no slouch in the geek department. Why do you think Blake used me? He needed someone who was actually GOOD at stealing stuff and breaking in.” she snorted. “You should not be proud of doing bad things.” Starfire lectured. Kit laughed. “I’m still kind of proud that I kicked Titan Ass a couple of times.” She admitted. “You didn’t Kick our Asses. If I recall, we beat you!” Robin grinned. “Okay…yeah. But I TOTALLY kicked your butts that time that I stole the Xenothium Scanner!” she insisted. “I…yeah. Okay, that time you won.” He conceded. “HA!” she laughed, and put her hands on her hips. “What will you call yourself, if not Red X, Kit?” Starfire asked.

“Well, Robin says some idiot Bogarted my name ‘Kitten’, and Red X is in retirement…So…I’m still thinking.” She admitted. “Have you thought of calling yourself ‘Ginger’?” Starfire asked. Robin raised a brow. “Ginger? It hasn’t been taken, so far as I know.” Kit mulled it over. “It’s pretty…but I dunno what to do for a costume…or gizmos…I’m gonna miss my toys. Especially the invisibility and teleportation…” she sighed. “Invisibility?!” Robin yelped. She blinked. “Sure. How the hell else do you think I got away from you?” she laughed.

“You..but…I never used Invisibility!” he protested. She smiled. “I told you I was smart, Rob, but you didn’t believe me.” She chided. He sighed. “Man, I knew Xenothium had potential…but…The ore is just too unstable! You could have killed yourself, Kit!” he lectured. Kit sighed, and crossed the room, tweaking his nose. “Same for YOU, birdboy. Now, who do I have to ask to find out if my butt looks big in this body suit?” she asked, and turned away from him, wiggling her rear a little. He looked down, blushed, and looked away. Kit winked at Starfire. “Booty Gets them every time.” She joked, and Starfire gave up. She laughed. “Be welcome in our home, friend Kit!” she said, and hugged her exhuberantly. “Hey, girl! That’s friend Ginger to you!” Kit returned.

Starfire was content to let Kit and Robin work. At times, Cyborg assisted them. Sometimes, Beast Boy would annoy them. Raven did not disturb them, unless there was a mission. There were several, and Kit was itching to go out and ‘Play’, as she termed it. Her cavalier attitude towards combat was half the reason Robin kept her off the field. It was developing into tension, despite their friendships.

“I just want to let loose some of this energy!” Kit protested. “Go spar with BB.” Robin sighed. “Sparring isn’t the same. I don’t want to hurt Beast Boy.” She snapped, hands on her hips. “Then spar Starfire!” he snapped back, and she threw her hands up in defeat. “Oh my god, You’re such a Stick in the MUD.” She groaned, and turned her back to him. “I don’t want you out there until I know you take this stuff seriously, Kit!” Robin said, for what felt like the hundredth time. “I DO take it seriously, Robin. More seriously than you can imagine.” She laughed darkly.

“Kit, you were a sneak thief. A very good one, but you haven’t done combat like this…with a team.” He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “That’s true…I have never worked with Heroes before. But Villains come in teams, too. Or rather…Gangs. And I used to run with one.” She stated, and turned on him. “Is THAT in your files, Robin?” she asked coldly. “I…no. That’s not in my files. I have nothing on you before Thomas Blake took you in and taught you to be a criminal.” He returned hotly. Kit laughed. “Shows what you know! I was ALWAYS a thief. Except I stole to eat, when I was a little girl. When I was ten, I had a pimp. He would let pervs touch me in back alleys for five bucks a feel. When I was twelve, he let them do more.” She said coldly. Robin’s jaw hung a little. She turned away.

“And when I was Thirteen, Thomas Blake rescued me, nearly drowned and beaten half to death, out of the Gotham River.” She said softly. “Kit…I’m sorry…” Robin began, and she shook her head. “Batman never saved ME, Robin. Why do you think I wasn’t a Hero? Back then…I thought Heroes couldn’t do SHIT. It was every girl for herself…I was just looking out for number one.” She sighed, and turned, walking out the door. Robin leapt over the work bench. “KIT!” he called, sliding into the hall and lurching to a halt. Kit was gone.

“Titans, we need to find Kit!” Robin stated, bursting into the Quad. “Where did she go?” Starfire frowned. “You two had an argument…I sensed anger…then pain. Some considerable Guilt, as well. Just what did you do, Robin?” Raven asked, putting her book down. “I…I told her she wasn’t ready for the field. I didn’t know…I didn’t know what her life was really like…before this. She told me. It was…a LOT worse than mine.” He said quietly. “More like Mine?” Cyborg asked. “No…more like yours, Starfire. Only…if it was on the streets of Gotham instead of in space during a war.” Robin stated. Raven paled. “I’ve BEEN on the streets in Gotham…that is a bad place to be.” She stated.

“We HAVE to find her!” Robin stated, slamming his fist down on one of the communication Consoles. “What’s up, Titans?” a casual voice asked. “Nothing, Speedy. Hit the button by accident.” Robin said. “Accident? YOU? Something’s going on, man. I can hear it in your voice.” The East Coast Titan said firmly. “I…a friend. A potential Titan. She’s gone missing.” He sighed. “You try HER communicator?” Speedy asked. Starfire flipped hers open, and began to try for Kit. After a minute, she shook her head. Cyborg searched for it with his scanners. “It says its in her room…that means she left it behind.” He stated. ‘And she’s still got the X Bike. Somewhere in the city.” Beast Boy threw in. “Sounds like this Kit could be anywhere. You want a hand?” Speedy offered. “No. I’ll find her myself!” Robin snarled, and turned, stalking out of the room.

After a moment, Speedy’s voice came through the speakers again. “Guys…Me and Mas Y Menos. We’re on the way. Should be there in five or ten minutes. Speedy Out.” He said, and Starfire smiled. “The Titans East are good friends to Robin…even when he does not wish for it.” She stated. “That’s when friends are the best thing of all.” Raven stated. “Then as Kit’s friends…and Robin’s…we’d better get going.” Cyborg stated. “You guys go ahead. I’ll wait for the Titans East to show.” Raven stated. “I’ll do an aerial Sweep. Wanna do a crossover pattern, Star?” Beast Boy asked. “Yes.” She nodded. “I’ll take the T-Car.” Cyborg stated, and they hurried out, leaving Raven to begin a search of her own.

BlackDinah 05-18-2008 03:38 AM

089. Work - Batman Beyond - Part five.

He gave up his apartment to Melanie Walker and moved into the mansion after the first month. The commute was easier on them both. By Day, Terry worked at Wayne-Powers, setting up the new pharmaceutical research division. Paxton Powers, well into his forties, ambled after his new 'bosses', the McGinnis brothers, informing them of how much Bruce depended on him, and how valuable he could be. Finally, Matt told his newly appointed secretary that if he could even SMELL Paxton outside his office, she had permission to shoot the man. An attractive blond woman in her late forties, she found the prospect quite amusing. Melanie sitll brought lunch for him and Terry, telling them it was simply a habit she hadn't broken quite yet. By the third month, Matt felt that he was ready to fly solo for once.

"You're not ready Matt." Terry said firmly. "Why not?" he demanded of his brother. "We can cover more ground apart, Ter. And I can still put you on the mats every couple of rounds. Besides...this thing with the Tees..." Matt frowned, and sat in a second chair that had been placed in front of the crays, next to Terry's chair. Bruce's old chair. "I still haven't figured out who they're working for. But we've caught six gangs; two running slappers, one with crank, two with stolen merchandise, and a gang with crates of experimental Lexcorp weaponry." He leaned back in his seat. "Makes me think there's something bigger going on...that group with crank was selling to Jokerz...and the ones with Weapons...Lexcorp security must be slacking." he frowned. Behind him, Terry didn't smile proudly, but he wanted to. "Fine. I'll do patrol...I want you on the Tees until we crack them, Matt." he stated, and reached behind his head, pulling his cowl on. "Don't take too long." he added, and turned, hopping into the jet. Matt watched his brother go, then placed his black mask over his eyes. "Car? Or Bike?" he wondered, glancing between them two. With a grin that could only be called eager, Nightwing took the batcycle for a drive into town.

BlackDinah 06-10-2008 08:56 AM

090. Home - Untitled Countdown Drabble (Challengers/Monitors/52 - SPOILERS)

When the multiverse went to hell, there was left behind only fifty two universes. Fifty two earths. Fifty two worlds, separated by the Source Wall and the Anti-life equation. Only one world contains beings that have any chance of understanding what happened. Four of them, though their allies are countless in number, and unrivalled in their strength and determination. They call them the "Challengers", and they call Earth-1 their home. However...they monitor the Monitors, who monitor the multiverse. In their search for one of their number, they went to many of the fifty two earths. But there was one they never got to. One that nothing ever got to. If one were to think of the multiverse as pearls on a string, and you held it from one end, the Challengers are from the first blue and white pearl on the strand. The Unscathed Earth was the last in the string of dimensional pearls. Earth-52. Untouched by the Anti-monitor. Untouched by Alexander Luthor. Untouched by the many Monitors, but for one. The One monitor meant to oversee it's functions.

This monitor, like his earth, was unlike his breathren. He did not overly concern himself with the source wall, and the beating it took in the final crisis. He merely observed that his world, though mortals suffered and died, they experienced peace and joy as well. This was a world that Superman Prime had sought. To himself, as the concept of individuality took hold for this monitor, he called it simply, 'Ordinary Earth' and thought this a good name for it.

On this earth, everyone was ordinary; even those who wished to be more than that. There were no Supermen or Batmen. No Amazons or New Gods. No Challengers. It was a world where Bruce Wayne's parents died, and he went to therapy. He made many mistakes, and ended up a modest man making a modest living. Martha and Johnathan Kent never had children. No babies in space ships were left in their cornfields. And there was no Diana Prince, of any kind, crafted by clay or otherwise. Ray Palmer was just a physicist, working at an Ivy League College. The black cancer of Gotham was never built, nor her shining sister Metropolis. New York stands alone on the east coast. Lex Luthor was never president, and sports a full head of red hair. And a very bad man called Jack Napier is still serving life behind bars in Sing-Sing.

Ordinary Earth was extraordinary in it's lack of dimensional travel, metahuman incidents, and costumed vigilantes. Crimes were committed by ordinary people who were ordinary crazy. The only thing it's Monitor saw in the world to make it stand out was it's people's never ending hope. They believed in something more, generally, though not every mortal could say what it was. Just...more. Something else. Aliens, Gods, what have you. To the one who was More for their world, it made him a little proud. Like they could sense his fondness for them. He called himself, like they did, simply 'Lord'. "Oh Lord," they would say, and he would smile. He did not think himself their god. He thought their God an unfavorable being, who rarely answered, and when he did it was with subtlty and a perverse humor. Lord entertained himself by eating popcorn and observing his charge from the comfort of the Monitor's dimensional home. That is, he did, until the Challengers came to visit.

"Just making the rounds." The Atom said, and Lord sighed. "If you must. But it's hardly worth your time. I find it amusing, but you have fifty one other worlds to make sure nobody has crossed into. This one's untouched." he stated, and gestured to the screen. Forager leaned over Lord's shoulder. "Show me their counterparts." she said. Lord sighed, and pressed a button. Ray Palmer appeared. "Ah. A scientist. Chip of the old atom." Ray grinned. "Yes, but he's nothing like you." Lord shrugged, and leaned back again. "What about the rest of us?" Kyle Rayner asked, and Lord pressed another. A younger Kyle Rayner sat in a basement beside a red haired girl, playing video games and laughing. "There is no Donna Troy. Since there are no Amazons, there is no Donna. I say again...this world is ordinary. There is nothing remarkable about it at all. No one can fly, or shoot lasers from their eyes." Lord sighed, and leaned back, popping a bit of popcorn in his mouth. "Compared to the other fifty one worlds my brethren monitor...this one is almost simplistically boring." he sighed, pleased by that thought. "There are no Gods or Metahumans?" Forager asked curiously. "None so far." Lord stated. "Good. Let's keep it that way. At least somewhere, I'd like to think I have a normal life." The Atom sighed, and turned on his heel, walking away. Lord shrugged, and slowly, Forager and Donna followed. Kyle Rayner hesitated. "What's her name?" he asked softly. Lord blinked slowly, then smiled. "Alexandra DeWitt. But you knew that, Green Lantern." he said gently. "Yeah...I did." he smiled, and turned, walking after his fellow Challengers.

BlackDinah 06-11-2008 12:02 AM

075. Shade - Kit Conn & Teen Titans ( Part 5)

“Yo, Titans?!” Speedy called, as he and the twins walked down the halls. “In here, Speedy.” Raven said, not opening her eyes. “Just you, Rave?” Speedy asked. “Yeah. Beast Boy and Starfire are doing an Aerial Sweep, Robin stormed out, and Cyborg’s sweeping the streets with the T-Car. Mas Y Menos, why don’t you go help him?” she said. “Si!” they chorused, and vanished. “Where do you want me?” Speedy asked. “With me. We’re going…to a club.” She stated. “A…this really isn’t the best time for a date, is it?” he asked. “Kit’s in the club.” She sighed. “I…then why didn’t you tell Robin?” Speedy frowned. “Because Robin doesn’t fit in there. It’s a club for…people with alternative lifestyles.” She grimaced. “It’s…a gay club?” Speedy asked. “No…it’s an Underground club. And…I know, Speedy.” She said softly. He swallowed. “I don’t’ know what you’re talking about.” He said coldly. “I know…that before you hooked up with us…After you joined Green Arrow…you were doing drugs.” She said softly. “That’s none of your business!” he snarled. “I need your help, Speedy. Kit’s a friend…and she comes from…a very dark place. A place that Robin doesn’t understand. Not the way you and I do. WE have to bring her home.” Raven said firmly. Speedy swallowed, then gave a slight nod. “You guys got something I can change into?” he asked. “Yeah…we have a whole wardrobe of crap the guys use for disguises.” She stated, and floated out of the room. Speedy followed.

Kit took a long pull off the bottle. One of her favorite things about this club was the fiercely illegal nature of it. They sold drugs, there was strippers, they sold booze, and they never checked ID unless you looked like a cop. She moved onto the dance floor, bottle in one hand, and closed her eyes, beginning to lose herself in the music. People moved around her, brushed against her, and she ignored it. Kit had learned to ignore it long ago. To go somewhere else. But as she danced, a hand brushed her lower back. It moved slowly, deliberately, drawing an X on the base of her spine. Kit opened her eyes, and smiled lazily, using the arm that held the bottle to tug the stranger closer. He was also a redhead, with matching green eyes. “You look like me!” she said, and he grinned. “You look like my X.” he replied. She moved quickly, her hand a flash, and a small X shaped red shuriken was against his throat. “Did Robin send you?” she demanded. “No. I asked him to help.” Raven’s voice, though not raised, reached Kit anyways. “You shouldn’t bring these shiny pennies down here, Raven…they’ll get dirty, like me.” She stated. The young man with the green eyes gave her a tight smile. “I’m already Dirty.” He stated, and pushed back his sleeve. Even in the flashing dancing lights, she could see a faint trail of pinpricks. “A hero who Uses?” she asked, and he tightened his grip around her waist. “You don’t tell Robin I’m a Heroin Junkie…and I won’t tell him We found you half cut in an Underground Club.” He said. “I don’t want to go back…not yet.” She said, and started to pull away. “Go back to wherever you came from, Speedy.” She told him, and he caught her wrist. He leaned close to her ear, and whispered in it. “My name is Roy. Roy Harper.” He said, and she pulled away, looking at him for a long moment. “Raven…thank you for being worried. Tell Robin…Tell him I’ll come home…and…I forgive him for being a stick in the mud.” She stgated. “You’ll be alright?” Raven asked. “Yeah…oh…and can you tell him…I’m sorry I was mean?” Kit asked. “I’ll tell him.”She promised. Kit pulled away from Roy, and Kissed her cheek. “It’s nice…to see some shadows in all that light. Makes me feel a little more at home in that big shiny tower, knowing you’re just down the hall.” She said solemnly. Raven smiled. “Me too.” she said, and left the club behind, calling the other Titans off their futile search.

“Umm…I’m back!” Kit called hesitantly into the tower. “Kit!” Starfire squealed, and the impact nearly sent the girl reeling. “We were very worried! You should not have left your communicator behind!” she added, and placed the item firmly into Kit’s hand. “I’m sorry, Star. I won’t do it again.” She promised, kissing the alien princess on the cheek. “Thanks for worrying.” She added. “I was not the only friend worried about you.” Starfire said solemnly, and Kit looked past her. Standing behind her, were the titans. Robin approached. “I’m sorry Kit.” He said. “Me too, Robin.” She replied, and threw her arms around him, giving him a firm hug. When she pulled away, she gripped him by the shoulders. “I’m ready, Robin. I don’t think I’ve every been more ready in my life.” She said softly. “I know. I can see it in your eyes.” She smiled, and turned. “Titans…meet your new teammate…Ginger.” He stated. Cyborg grinned. “Booya, girl! Welcome to the team!” he said, and gave her a crushing hug. Beast boy leaped to her shoulder as a kitten, and snuggled against her cheek, before jumping down. “Now we’re even numbers…no one has to go searching alone now.” He added. “That’s a good point.” Kit smiled. Then she slid her arm through Raven’s. “You can be my partner.” She grinned, and Raven colored slightly. “Why her?” Beast Boy pouted. “Because…we both like dark colors.” She said, and tweaked his nose.

Ginger slipped out of the shadows, dressed in what could have been Red X’s suit, minus the helm. She sported a black Domino mask like Robin’s, and a long dagger strapped to each thigh. A belt slung around her hips held a variety of gizmos, also courtesy of Robin, with a little redesigning. Beside her, Raven materialized out of the shadows they had moved through. “You’re the first titan not to act different after teleporting with me.” Raven said softly. Ginger looked at her. “Your powers frighten them because they have such light in them…I’m mostly shadows these days.” She said, then smiled, and slung an arm around the grimmest of the titans. “You titans are my lights.” She added, and kissed Raven’s cheek lightly before letting her go. Raven blushed, and tugged up her hood to hide it, following Ginger down the hall.

BlackDinah 06-11-2008 03:59 AM

001. Beginnings - Kit Conn & Teen Titans (Part Six)

“What are we looking for again?” she asked. “Any sign that Killer Moth and his daughter aren’t up to their old tricks again.” Raven replied, scrutinizing the lab equipment. Ginger snorted lightly. “Oh Robin…sending me out for the bimbo hack that stole my name? How Cliché...” she laughed, and Raven smirked. “Defeating your past?” she asked. “Apparently.” Ginger said dryly. Then she swore, and flipped open her titans communicator. “Speedy? This isn’t the best time…I’m infiltrating a lair.” She said softly. “Ooh, sorry. Call me later?” he asked, and she nodded. “Later.” She said, and flipped it closed. “Break a date, did we?” Raven teased. “Hey, it takes effort to make long distance relationships work. He offered me a place with Titans East…but I’ll cut my teeth here with you and Rob before I head east to be Speedy’s Squeeze Toy.” She insisted. “You’re more than a Squeeze Toy to us.” Raven insisted. “Awww…you say the sweetest things.” Ginger teased, and Raven blushed again. “Come on.” Ginger said, and Raven followed her out of the lab quietly.

“What is THAT?” Raven whispered, and Ginger poked it with one of her long blades. “It’s…umm..I don’t know. Organic. Creepily so.” She added, grimacing. “Can you get a sample of it?” Raven murmured. Ginger flicked her wrist, and claws appeared on the ends of her fingertips. Gingerly, she tore a small bit of the chtinous exterior away, and slipped it into a glass tube, which went in her belt. “Rob can play with this when we get home. I’m more tech oriented than chemistry oriented.” She admitted, and rose, gesturing with her clawed hand. “Looks like a new batch of moths…so…Killer Moth and the Bitch are active, yes?” she asked. “I’d say that’s confirmed. We should head back and see what he has to say.” Raven nodded. “Okay. Take us away, darling.” Ginger smiled, and slung an arm around Raven’s shoulders. Raven smiled, and the portal spiraled open admitting them to the darkness far deeper than that of the lab.

“Here’s your sample, Robin.” Kit stated, tossing him the glass tube even as she removed her mask. He caught it, and grimaced. “Ugh. Moths.” He sighed, and put it in his own belt. “So, any activity?” he asked. “No combat, but I had sneaky-time fun. There was a whole bunch of those cocoon thingys though. Could be trouble in a few days.” Kit sighed, and flicked open her communicator. “Who are you calling? We’re all here.” He said, confused. “Oh, Speedy called me. I’m just calling him back.” She said innocently. He sighed. “Those aren’t exactly for social calls, Kit.” He chided. She smiled slightly. “Yes…but I don’t have a phone, Speedy doesn’t carry a cel either, and I have been here two weeks and haven’t found the fucking land line. So I use the Com or YOU get to call my boyfriend and tell him we can’t talk.” She said, and offered her TComm to him. Robin opened his mouth, then sighed. “We don’t actually have a land line.” He admitted, and waved his hand. Kit grinned, and leaned in, smooching his cheek with her red lipstick. “You’re a sweetie.” She said, and pressed the button on the com. As he scrubbed furiously at the lipstick mark behind her, Kit smiled. “Hey Speedy. Yeah, I’m at the tower.” She said, flopping back on the couch with a smile to talk.

Speedy grinned at his TComm. “So he’s starting you off easy, huh? Recon with Rave?” he asked. “Yup. I’ll get to play with the big boys eventually.” Kit’s tiny image shrugged. “You know…if you came out here, You could play with the big boys now.” He offered. In passing, Aqualad made the contents of his glass jump into his lap. “Speedy likes to think he runs this team.” He said with a frown. Speedy glared at him. “So does Aqualad.” He glared. Kit giggled. “Hi Aqualad. I’m Ginger.” She said. “Speedy’s been telling us a little about you, Ginger. He said you were going to come out for a visit eventually.” Aqualad added, leaning over Speedy’s shoulder. “Yeah, after I’m a bit more settled out here. But if you feel like coming by to visit us in our big old ‘T’, I’m sure Robbie-Poo won’t object!” she grinned, and Aqualad laughed as Robin’s voice spluttered in the background. “Ah, you heard about Kitten, huh?” he asked. “Yeah. Kitten was my old name, with my last partner. Starfire called me Ginger.” She said, tugging her red locks. “Oh? Who did you used to work with?” Aqualad asked, surprised. “Catman. He was a hack. And a Thief. Then I was Red X for a while, but I didn’t want to be anyone’s enemy anymore…so Robin generously offered me a chance to join the Titans.” Kit explained. “I…oh. Uh.” He managed, and she grinned. “A chance my Speedy Sweetie helped me not royally screw up, which is how we met.” She added, and Speedy blushed. “Awww…he’s so cute when he blushes.” She teased. Aqualad laughed, and Speedy went redder. “Alright, I’ll leave you two alone. Have fun, Sweetie.” He said, and tossled Speedy’s short red hair. “Oh, I am so putting mud in your tank, Fishboy!” Speedy growled. Kit laughed.

“Ahh…now he’s gonna call me Sweetie. That’s gross!” Roy protested, making Kit laugh. Robin watched her tease his friends, and smiled slightly. When Starfire’s hand touched his shoulder, he looked at her. “Hey.” He smiled. “Kit’s mission was successful?” she asked. “Yes. Killer Moth should be annoying us in three to five days.” He stated, and remembered the sample in his belt. “I should get to the lab and test the sample she brought me…” he began, and saw Starfire’s face fall a little. He caught her hand on his shoulder, and tugged her close. “But do you want to go see a movie first?” he offered. Starfire’s face lit up, and she threw her arms around his neck. “Yes please! I would very much like to see the movie!” she said happily. Robin grinned, and glanced at Kit. She was looking at him with a grin, and tossed him a wink. He laughed, and he and Starfire left the room, his arm around her slender waist.

“Rob and Star are going to a movie.” She reported to Roy. He smiled slightly. “Wish I could take you out.” He pouted. She sighed. “I know…I’m really glad you offered Titans East to me, Roy…but I just feel like…I really screwed things up with Robin, you know?” she asked softly, lying on her tummy and setting the com on the couch. He got an impressive view of her cleavage, which was rarely present, due to her boyish gymnast’s figure. “What do you mean? I thought you and the Boy Wonder made up?” he asked, frowning. “We did…I just…I broke trust, Roy. You understand, don’t you? To break trust with someone like Robin…someone who lives by a moral code I can only dream of living up to…I might as well have stabbed him…it did the same damage.” Kit stated. “Robin’s a pretty forgiving guy. But we can make this work long distance. Mas Y Menos already offered to Run us back and forth. They don’t mind at all…besides…they think you’re pretty, and they LOVE to visit Starfire.” He grinned. She smiled. “You think they’d run you here tonight?” she asked, half shyly, half sly. Roy smiled. “Baby, I’ll be there in ten minutes…think we can make it to the movies on time?” he asked. “We’ll catch a late show.” She smirked, and he chuckled. “On my way.” He said, and they hung up. Kit flipped off the couch, and dashed to her room. Raven stared at her from the hall, bewildered slightly, then followed.

“Roy’s coming over! We’re gonna hang for a while, then catch a late show.” Kit stated, fixing her hair and tidying her room up a bit. “How is he getting here from Steel City?” Raven asked. “Mas Y Menos said they’d run him down here. They’ll pick him up tomorrow.” She added. “Oh. Umm…so you and Speedy…you’re gonna make a go of it?” Raven asked. Kit flicked her sheets as she made the bed, smiling. “It’s funny…because in some ways, Robin and Roy are a lot alike. But at the same time…Roy is so different from Rob. He’s…funnier, sometimes. Darker, and yet, more gentle for it. He just…understands me, in a way nobody else but you does.” Kit said solemnly. Raven blushed brightly. “Now you’re just saying things to be nice.” She denied. Kit smoothed the sheets, and crossed the room, gripping Raven by the shoulders.

“Rave…you’re the only person in the whole tower I can be myself with aside from him. You and Roy…I don’t have to hide from you, Rave. I’ve been hiding for so long…that means the world to me, hon.” She murmured, and leaned forwards, kissing Raven lightly. Raven blushed. “I…” she began, and Kit smiled. “Don’t get too flustered, Rave…I generally prefer boys over girls…unless a lady strikes my fancy.” She added teasingly. Raven punched her lightly in the arm. “Jerk.” She said fondly, and followed Ginger as the proximity alert began to go off, heralding the arrivals of Roy and the speedster twins.

“Hey Mas! Hey Menos!” Ginger greeted, giving each a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for running him out here all the time. I really appreciate it.” She smiled at them. They blushed brightly, saying ‘No Problemo’, before dashing away until called for the trip home. Kit slid her arms around Roy’s neck, and kissed him firmly. “And Hello to you, Sweetie.” She teased, making him give a sigh of sufferance. “You kill me, woman.” He said wanly, and then swept her off her feet, tossing her onto the couch. He hopped over the back, one arm around her shoulders. “Hey Raven. What’s up?” he asked. “Nothing, aside from your hormones, you two.” She said dryly. “Awww…I can’t help it. You have such great legs, Raven!” Kit protested, making her blush and slip through a portal out of the room. Roy looked at Kit, and laughed, pulling her into a hug. “You’re hilarious!” he cheered, and she kissed him firmly. “You know what’s even funnier?” she asked. “What?” he smiled. “Your boss kicked my last boss’s ass all over the boards.” She stated, and moved to straddle his lap. “Who was your last boss?” Roy asked curiously. “Catman. I used to be Kitten.” She stated. He stared at her. “Kitten…oh my god, we fought once! As like…you were a bad guy!” he protested, hands on her hips. “Bad girl, actually.” She smiled, then slowly it faded. “Roy…it’s not a big deal. Blake needed his ass kicked…and…I needed to get a real life. A good life. Green Arrow gave both of us what we needed.” She said softly. Roy stared at her for a long moment, then kissed her softly. “I think I might be falling for you.” he smiled. Kit blushed. “Aw Shucks…now you made me blush.” She said coyly, returning his kiss. “Lady, I am gonna do so much more than make you blush.” He chuckled against her mouth, and Kit giggled a little.

BlackDinah 06-11-2008 04:24 AM

060. Drink - Harvey Bullock (Prompted by the DC Fic Generator -A character who is a police officer/ has his food stolen)

"Uncle Harvey!!" the sweet voice makes Harvey Bullock choke on his donut. He's still coughing when a girl of about sixteen slams into his back, hugging him around his wide shoulders. The impact forces the donut out of his mouth, and onto his desktop. He ignores it, and grasps the arm, pulling the girl off his back.

"Jeez, Amy! What are you doin' here? Where's yer ma?" Harvey asks his niece. She shrugs, and sits down on the chair beside his desk. He thinks about how many psychos and thugs have sat in that chair, how many lawyers and dirty cops, and he realizes that she's the first innocent person to sit there since he got his badge. "Ma had some crap to do. She told me to wait here. She was gonna drop me at the library, but I haven't seen you in so long...'cept on TV. I see you on TV all the time, Uncle Harvey." she grins sweetly. Harvey sighs. "Yeah. I bet I look ten pounds heavier, too." he jokes, and she laughs. "Donut, kid?" he asks. She takes one, munching on it thoughtfully. She swallows, and looks around. "Hey Uncle Harvey...what would you say if I wanted to be a cop?" she asked.

"A cop? Amy, baby, you ain't got the disposition for bein' a cop. Take after someone else in the family, huh?" Harvey winces. Montoya walks by, and smiles at Amy. Amy smiles back. "I don't have the disposition to be a crack head like daddy or a whore like mom, either." she says, never losing that sweet smile. Harvey stares at her in shock. "Amy..." he begins, and she chews her donut. "You thought I didn't know about my dad? That's real sweet of you, Uncle Harvey. I found out years ago. I've known how mum pays the bills for ages. I thought about picking pockets, or B&E's, but I didn't want to do that. I delivered papers when I was eleven...gave her my pay. Ran errands for an old lady when I was twelve on top of that. Washed cars during summers til I was fourteen. When I turned fifteen, I got a job at a Burger World, slinging hamburgers. Always...gave mum my pay. It helped. She doesn't have to whore as much...she gets better clients." Amy shrugs, and finishes the last of her donut. She licks her fingers absently, watching Montoya walk through the station.

"Detective Montoya's really pretty." she states. Harvey stares at his niece, like she's grown a second head. "Amy...?" He says, and she looks at him, the smile gone. "Uncle Harvey...I don't want to have to take my kid's paychecks to make ends meet. I know there's lots of dirty cops in Gotham. Most all of them... 'cept you and Montoya, and the Commissioner. That's why we have Batman and Robin. We shouldn't need them, Uncle Harvey. Good cops should be enough. But there aren't enough... for Gotham... there won't ever be enough." she sighs softly. "What makes you think you can do it, baby?" Harvey asks, leaning back in his chair. "I dunno. But...I want to help. I want to be a good person. I want to protect people." Amy states. She runs a hand through her short blonde hair.

"I...I got in a fight at school last week." she admits. "A fight?! Were you hurt?" Harvey yelps, leaning forwards. "Nope. I was crazy, Uncle Harvey. This boy at school, Kevin. He was picking on Marge, this really shy sort of nerdy girl. I think she's nice, but nobody thinks she's cool enough to hang out with. They make fun of her...but I never do. I don't make fun of anybody." she says, then waves the comment away. Harvey is proud of the girl anyways. He thinks of his sister, Amy's mother, and how he's tried to help her over the years. How Amy's father took what he gave her and turned it into coke and snorted it all away. Amy continues her story.

"Anyways, so Kevin was picking on Marge. She starts crying, and begs him to leave her alone. He just laughed at her, Uncle Harvey. He laughed! Called her a piece of shit, a pathetic loser. Then...he...he slapped her. Knocked poor Marge flat on her butt. She stopped crying, and just looked around. He kicked her in the gut, and she fell over, on her side, you know? Just holding her stomach, and trying not to barf. And she looked at us...all of us, standing in the hall. She...She said 'help', but nobody moved. Nobody stopped Kevin when he kicked her again. Not even me." Amy states, looking ashamed. "Amy-" Harvey begins, but she cuts him off. "Let me finish, Uncle Harvey. I didn't stop that kick. But I didn't even know I could do it when I kicked him in the side of the head. Too many news reels of Batman and Robin maybe. I used to practice those moves when I was little; when it was the first Robin. I thought he was cute. Dashing, you know?"

Amy waves her childhood crush away, and picks up her uncle's coffee. She sips it, grimaces, but holds it anyways. "What happened after you kicked Kevin?" Harvey asks carefully. Amy blinks owlishly at him. "Nothing. Kevin just...dropped. Like a stone. It was over in a second. As soon as he hit the ground, people started to make a big deal. 'Oh my god, Amy kicked Kevin in the head, did you see?'" she parrots, sneering. And then another mimicry, "All over fat little Margie. Who cares about her, she's a loser! Kevin, now he's a football star! He's the quarterback! Blah blah blah." Amy rolls her eyes, and drinks again from the cup. Harvey stares at her in shock. "Wait a second. Are you saying you pulled a one kick wonder on the city's star high school quarterback? Knocked him clean out?" Harvey asks. "Sure. What's the big deal? He's a jerk, Uncle Harvey." Amy shrugs. Harvey shakes his head. "Montoya!!" He bellows.

Rene Montoya looks at the pretty girl seated beside her fat partner. "Bullock?" she says questioningly. "Montoya, my niece, Amy. Amy, tell Montoya what you told me." Harvey says. "All of it?" the girl asks dubiously. "Just the part about Kevin Thompson." he tells her. Amy looks up at her, a little awed. "Umm...Kevin Thompson, the school quarterback, he was picking on this girl, Marge. He slapped her, and she fell, then he kicked her, and she asked for someone to help her. I didn't stop the next kick, but when I got to them, I just...sort of did the first thing that popped into my head. I...Umm...." Amy looks at her Uncle, and he nods. "Go on, Baby." he tells her. "I kicked him in the head. Knocked him right out. No permanent damage!" she adds at Rene's surprised look. "With one kick, Amy?" Rene asks. Amy nods. "She wants to be a cop, Montoya. Like her Uncle. A good clean cop." Harvey grins at her. Rene smiles.

"We could use a few more kids with your enthusiasm, Amy." she states. Then she looks at Harvey. "Bullock, forget it." she states flatly. "What?" Amy asks. "The Junior Police Squad. They give out parking tickets and answer phones." Harvey states. "They ALSO got disbanded because of the Boy Wonder. And Supergirl. And Superboy. And Speedy. The Commissioner felt that the GJPS was too close to sanctioned sidekicks." Rene states. Amy slumps. "Oh. 'Cuz it would have been totally cool to be your guys' assistant." she sighs.

"Sorry, Amy. But your heart's in the right place. Tell you what. Get into some martial arts classes, do a lot of training. Practice that kick on a punching bag. When you turn eighteen, I'll personally recommend you to the Academy in Metropolis." Rene promises. Amy rises, and smiles. "That's a great offer, but I'll have to pass. I can't afford classes." she states. "Ohh..." Rene says, and the girl hugs Harvey. "See ya, Uncle Harvey. Ma's here." she states, and dashes off. Harvey looks, and sees the slightly rumpled red dress and slightly mussed curls of his younger sister. "I didn't know you had a sister, Harvey." Rene states, looking at the woman. "I barely do. I haven't busted them yet because they're family, Rene. Do me a favor...pretend you never saw her." he states, and reaches for a donut, but sees they're all gone. Instead, Harvey picks up his cup, and sighs when he realizes that Amy drank it all. "I needed to go on a diet anyways..."

BlackDinah 06-12-2008 06:21 PM

011. Red - Jason Todd (Post Countdown Spoilers!)

In the grimmest city on the east coast, Jason Todd stood on a rooftop.

He was not alone. At least, he wasn't a few minutes ago. Behind him lies the body of a man who had just imparted some knowledge to him. Knowledge he needed to once again own the underworld of Gotham. But still, something ate at him from within, despite having simply returned to the job he'd left half done before the crisis. Fifty worlds away, he had met a man he'd once loved like a father. And unlike the original...this one had believed in him. Avenged him. Then he had died in front of him, leaving Jason once more in a state he was more and more accustomed to each day.


But the real deal was in the same city. Flying his banner in the sky, rescuing innocents and punishing evil doers. He and his pair of dark haired helpers, Nightwing and Robin.

"Fighting the good fight." Jason sighed, and turned back to the corpse behind him.

"Well, you weren't much help, but you alleviated my boredom for about twenty minutes. Thanks." he stated, and wiped his blade clean. He stared at it for a moment, then sighed. He missed his Kris. He'd left it buried in Bob's skull, of course, and hadn't gotten it back. Folding the blade back, he slipped it into the leather case at his hip, and rose.

For the briefest instant, he remembered what it was like to soar across the city on a decel cable, and chided himself for ditching Red Robin's utility belt. He should have kept it. A final gift from Batman 51.

Without it, suddenly, he felt more alone than he had ten minutes ago.

BlackDinah 06-12-2008 06:25 PM

059. Food - Pied Piper (Post Countdown Spoilers)

Within the depths of Gotham, Hartley Rathaway was not alone. He stood on a corner playing a pipe. Every couple of minutes, somebody tossed in some change. Sometimes it was bills. It wasn't enough that anyone would be strapped, but his tune subtly encouraged the odd well dressed passerby to slip the Pied Piper a few dollars or some loose change.

It would buy him dinner, and maybe even a place to sleep for the night. At least until he could find a permanent place to stay. He'd contemplated going to see Penguin again, but after what had happened when he and Trickster were there-- He shied away from thought of James Jesse, who's bones surely lay bleached and bare somewhere near the Mexican border crossing.

Minus one hand, which was likely destroyed when Apokalips and New Genesis became one planet.

One EMPTY planet.

Hartley's tune faltered when he noticed that someone was standing in front of him. He lowered his pipe, and looked up, starting at the shoes, until he reached the face.

*Girl shoes. Girl jeans. Girl parts. More girl parts under a girl shirt. Well, she's smiling, that's good....Hey, is that pie?* he wondered abstractly, seeing something she was holding out in each hand. One hand held a plate with a fork, the other a cup of coffee.

"Honey, you've been out here all night, and you look like hell. Thought I'd skip the change and donate a bit of sustenance." she offered. He smiled, and stuck the pipe through his belt.

"Miss, you're an angel." he stated, and accepted both. Then he glanced around for a place to put the cup so he could eat said pie. She laughed, and took them back.

"Tell you what, my musical friend. Pick up your hat for a little while, and come inside. Gotham's a frigid bitch at night, and it would be a shame to let this pie get cold. You can play as long as you like out here, but at least warm your hands a little." she added. Then she raised a brow.

"And maybe a wash wouldn't be out of order." she added, and he blushed. From what he could see, she was pretty enough, and he knew even without his glasses, he was filthy.

"Did I say Angel? I meant Pie Weilding, Wash Offering Angel." he laughed, and she directed him inside with a jerk of her head. Hartley picked up his cloak, bundled to make a bowl, and followed her inside.

Nice to have some company, huh? Too bad she's not some stud muffin you can call your own.
A voice that sounded a lot like James teased. Hartley almost replied aloud, then bit it back, smiling at the girl as he went inside.

All times are GMT. The time now is 09:15 AM.