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Insert_Witty_Username 11-05-2011 11:07 AM

Insert Witty Halloween Title (Hangout and freebies~)
I really am so painfully witty, am I not? Please, who am I kidding? Come gather to have a natter and maybe get a freebie. I don't bite! Unless you're made of sweets, in which case i might a little XD

Ling 11-05-2011 12:29 PM

Aww how cute you're cosplaying as a my little pony creature like thing.

Insert_Witty_Username 11-05-2011 03:45 PM

Hah, yes, this is my attempt at a Fluttershy cosplay CX

SesshysMiko 11-05-2011 03:50 PM

Not sure what a natter is, but I'll come chat if it's alright x3

Razak 11-05-2011 04:14 PM

I think it's a wonderful fluttershy cosplay! I'll stay and chat as well. So how is everyone?

Cinderella 11-05-2011 05:19 PM

Hello there!
It's a shame everyone seems to be offline right now, I thought I'd join a tiny hangout so I wouldn't be completely intimidated.

SesshysMiko 11-05-2011 06:20 PM

@Cinderella: I like your name :)

And I love your avatar Razak <3

I'm trying to write the story thing for the challenge but I keep getting distracted lol

Insert_Witty_Username 11-05-2011 06:24 PM

@SesshysMiko - A natter is a chat XD And I love your avi *o*
@Razak - Thank you CX
@Cinderella - I would have been online, but I only just got the e-mail that people had posted here just now >.>

Clair Voyant 11-05-2011 06:30 PM

hello! Mind if I stop in and chat?

SesshysMiko 11-05-2011 06:30 PM

@Witty: Cool :P Sounds like something my Scottish friend would say XD Thank you! ^^ I like yours too (cept I no like pink) but it's a very good cosplay :) And I've really been wanting to watch the show lately xD

Hey Clair.

Insert_Witty_Username 11-05-2011 06:31 PM

@SesshysMiko - It is a very British thing to say (I myself being British) And thank you!

@Clair Voyant - I don't mind at all :D

SesshysMiko 11-05-2011 06:33 PM

@Witty: Ah, I knew it was something to do with the UK :P

Insert_Witty_Username 11-05-2011 06:35 PM

@Sesshys - I need to stop using English slang on the internet, I confuse too many people with it XD

Clair Voyant 11-05-2011 06:37 PM

Hey, Sesshy! :hug:

SesshysMiko 11-05-2011 06:37 PM

@Witty: Haha but it's awesome! And I like learning new slang words, but then I'm somewhat obsessed with how people talk in the UK xD

How are you Clair? :)

Clair Voyant 11-05-2011 06:38 PM

I'm doing great. :D Just got back from a school orientation.
Can't wait to transfer there. :boogie:

How are you?

Insert_Witty_Username 11-05-2011 06:39 PM

@Sesshy - I find that common with a lot of people O.o I always find it strange how a lot of my American friends find English accents really attractive. Can never figure out why meself :'D

SesshysMiko 11-05-2011 06:43 PM

@Clair: I saw that post on Facebook, when are you transferring?

I'm freaking wonderful. Like...the happiest I've been in a long time lol -floats on a cloud-

@Witty: I'm obsessed with all accents...xD I think one of my favorite is either Italian or German. German probably because German guys are hot. o-o But anyways XD

Insert_Witty_Username 11-05-2011 06:47 PM

@Sesshy - I'm a big fan of accents, I can pull off quite a few. My favourites would have to be French and Spanish though CX

SesshysMiko 11-05-2011 06:49 PM

@Witty: I like French accents. I sound stupid when talking French, I have a southern accent :(

Insert_Witty_Username 11-05-2011 06:55 PM

@Sesshy - I've had 5 years of French lessons, so had plenty of time to practice my accent.

SesshysMiko 11-05-2011 06:58 PM

@Witty: I only got to go through one class and part of another :/ I learned a good bit of it, but I didn't speak it enough to get the accent downpat. D;

Insert_Witty_Username 11-05-2011 07:04 PM

@Sesshy- I don't have much of an accent myself, very plain, so I find it easy to pick up other accents (which is rather annoying sometimes, I often come out of college with a different accent to the one I went in with ^^; )

Cinderella 11-05-2011 07:08 PM

@Sesshy: Thanks!
I actually picked it 'cause I played Cinderella in the musical Into the Woods. ^^

So we're talking about accents now?
Cool! :)
I love British accents, myself.

SesshysMiko 11-05-2011 07:09 PM

@Witty: Haha interesting o-o Sometimes I find myself talking in a different accent, it's so weird xD

@Cinderella: That's cool, I've never heard of Into the Woods :x

Anyways, I need to get off here to minimize distractions. Got work to do D; Toodles ya'll!

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